So Devin, who exactly are you?


My Philosiphy
Who Am I?
Girlfriend You Ask?
Devin on Trends
Devin on Sex
Ignorance Is Bliss



          Who am I? Well I'm not about to tell you the 900 volume chronicles of my life, however I will give you some decent flavor.

I'm a Junior at Dillard University majoring in Theatre Arts. I'm gonna be a star one day and produce my own films. What kind of films? I want to create films that will provoke the thoughts that lay way WAAAAYYY deep down in the pits of our souls. The questions twist in our guts and rot away in our mouths before we get a chance to ask them. Those are things we need to consider as a people if we expect to get anywhere as a whole. As an artist, my objective is to give it to you raw. (Get your mind out the gutter lol.)

"What about hobbies Devin? What do you like to do?"

Breakdance. Been doing it for about 5 years now. It's my second love only to God. Breakin has kept me out of a lot of trouble and has given me something to strive for. I'm always getting better and it allows me to test my own limits and see how far my body can really go in dancing. I'm interested in all different types of dance though. Latin, Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop, etc. I want to become well versed in all those forms to enhance my skill all around. It never hurts to have variety in your bag of tricks.

I also enjoy cartoons, reading, going to coffee houses, meeting new people and talking on the phone. (With intelligent folks)



Home | My Philosiphy | Who Am I? | Girlfriend You Ask? | Photos | Devin on Trends | Devin on Sex | Ignorance Is Bliss | Bye-Bye!

This site was last updated 02/10/04