XWF 1998-2011

"Xtreme Mania VI" -

-------------- 'Xtreme Mania 6' card- LIVE! from the ANZ Stadium Sydney in beautiful Sydney, Australia in front of a record-breaking sold out crowd of 125,632 people on May 29th, 2011

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PART 1 --

We open up Xtreme Mania 6 in a garage scene. Where Mitch Keller is backstage, and who happens to be walking towards the entrance area? None other than the XWF World Heavyweight Champion himself, Carlos Shotgun. He has the XWF World Title draped over his left shoulder, and a duffle bag slung over his right shoulder. He has on some fancy hat, and a white tshirt. He looks calm and collective as he gets approached and interviewed by Mitch Keller.

Mitch Keller: Can you tell me how you feel tonight Carlos? Because, you look great ...

Carlos Shotgun: I'm just ready to remind these people who I am, and put on the Main Event of a lifetime here tonight! But, most importantly I have come to dispose of Mark Adkins. To end "TV_MA" for good! I have always had a distain for Mark Adkins, and it's quite obvious it ends tonight!

What about the fact that some people think this '3 Stages of Death' match that you suggested.. is just ludacris for our main event here tonight .... how do you feel about that?

So maybe it was a crazy idea. So what? Me, and Mark aren't the most sane people if you know what I mean? Have you seen what we been through? From last year.. all the way up until now ... hell, did you see the hell we've put each other through over our careers? Mark Adkins doesn't like me, and I don't like him. But, the fact remains .. that while this idea.... while the stipulations might confuse some. To me! It's all about proving a point. In that Standard Match ... on stage 1 ... I will show him who the better man is. STRAIGHT UP! On the 2nd stage .. I might end it all for good in a pinning-contest, and I plan on doing that! If Mark Adkins wants to try to go 3 Stages of Death with me ... so be it! But, he won't walk out of that 3rd, and final stage as the winner. He won't survive that ANYTHING GOES Ironman match that I have planned for him! No, instead ... he will taste defeat at my hands... once again.

Carlos, what abou -

"Thank you very much."

Carlos Shotgun walks away, and the crowd is stirring here in Sydney, Australia for this once in a lifetime event known as "XTREME MANIA 6".

------- -- ------

Back at ringside James Shaw, and Alex "Cool" Beans are standing by.

Alex "Cool" Beans: Hey! I'm Alex COOL Beans, and this is James Shaw...

James Shaw: Hello, everyone... tonight .. we got quite the showcase for you. 8 classic battles scheduled throughout the night, and oh .. don't forget ... 5 new inductees in the 2011 class of the XWF Hall of Fame. It'll bring out grand total of XWF Hall of Famers to 31 inductees.... and that includes tonight's inductee... the FIRST WOMAN ever inducted in the XWF, and widely regarded as the best Women's Champion of all-time .. that title retired back in 2002 .... she goes by the name of 'Jessy'.

Jessy was amazing from what I could understand ...

Yes, quite the competitor ..

And not too bad looking on the eyes either ....

Anyway, we will get to our XWF Hall of Fame ceremony .. with 2008 & 2009 XWF Hall of Fame inductees on hand, .. and we will also get to that XWF Main Event.. that '3 Stages of Death showdown, and .. not to mention.. the Last Man Standing match .. this has the XWF's rumors circling ... including Mitch Keller just announcing to us... that Joey Kincaid tried to conjure up a plan to get in to the ANZ Stadium Sydney here tonight. But, XWF officials, and security would not allow that. He will NOT be getting in the building tonight, and well ... before we get to the official action ... lets take you back ..... there was a match earlier in the night between newcomers "Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton.. Lets take you first to that taping of that match, and then we will get directly to the action here ... in Sydney, Australia ... for "XTREME MANIA 6"!!!

--- - -- ------

We then cut to a quick clip of "Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton in a Dark Match that just took place minutes ago.

"Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Dark Match -

These 2 men battle it out in the ring in front of this Sydney, Australia crowd. They get them pumped up! They remind the fans why they are here in the first place. Great XWF action! Debuting for the first time in the XWF these newcomers give it to each other. They pummel on each other a bit, and a few glimpses of their athleticism is shown. They both show bright spots in this contest.

The crowd responds well for both men surprisingly. As they carry each other to a great match. It really catches the XWF fans off guard, and people are really excited for these 2! It looks like Justice Legal might put Cliff Saxton away. But, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton fights back awhile, and even takes the match outside. "Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal slips up a bit, and Cliff Saxton almost gets a near fall!

Just when you think that Cliff Saxton might take control of this dark match. He is about to put Justice Legal away. However, the "Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal wiggles out of Cliff Saxton's trademark move known as the "Cliff Hanger", and manages to work him in to his finisher (which is a version of the jackhammer) known as the "Justice Hammer"!!!

He lays "Dangerous Cliff Saxton down with authority, and hooks his leg for the 1, 2, 3! The fans celebrate, and join in applauding "Insane Homicidal" Justice Legal in his first XWF victory! A clean pinfall over another newcomer named, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton. Both put on a nice display for this Xtreme Mania 6 dark match, and now it's time to get to the festivities. The XWF party itself, "Xtreme Mania VI". Where fireworks are going off everywhere, and pyros explode throughout the stadium. Hyping the crowd some more for this once in a lifetime encounter.

- -- - -- -------

We open up with another beautiful outside look. Followed by a run down of the upcoming 'Xtreme Mania 6' card.

XWF World Title Main Event --

Carlos Shotgun (c) vs. "TV_MA" - '3 Stages of Death' match

Chris Falkenyork vs. "The Original" - Last Man Standing match


Xavier Phoenix vs. William Knighthawk - Xtreme Rules match (no interference allowed)

XWF Hall of Fame ceremony

Jon "The Man" Hampton vs. Shiru Vanchiez - Xtreme Rules match


Rage vs. Crimson Tide - Life - or - Death match

Gigantis vs. "The Game" - Standard match

J Wilk vs. Tyroneus Del Rio - Standard match


XWF Undisputed Tag Team Championship GAUNTLET -- Guerillas vs. Wreckin' Crew vs. Re-Arrangers vs. Mystery Tag Team

Then we we cut to an "Xtreme Mania 6" video package LIVE! from Sydney, Australia at the ANZ Stadium Sydney... the site of the 2000 Olympics.. which is now playing home to "Xtreme Mania 6" ..

-- - ------- --

We cut back inside the ANZ Stadium we our met with GM, Shawn Taylor in the center of the ring, and he enjoys a great mixed reaction from this hostile crowd.

GM, Shawn Taylor: LADIES, and GENTLEMEN!! As the new GENERAL MANAGER of the XWF.... well ... I simply say to you .... .. all you people in Sydney, Australia here tonight .. in a record sold out crowd .... of over 125,000 people .... and to the rest of the XWF world who is watching this moment right now ....... here at XTREME MANIA 6 .... well, I simply say to you all.... THE TIME HAS COME!!

The crowd responds with lots, and lots of cheers!! They are all real excited to be here tonight, and you could be sure that the boys, and girlies at home just POPPED for the XWF as well!!!

The XWF is heading in to a new year, and with it .. a new general manager, and new talent on the roster.. it's sure to be a great season for the XWF this coming summer!! ..... But, first it's time to find out who will be reigning as your NEW undisputed XWF Tag Team Champions!!! First, let me introduce the team of Midnight Star, and The Phan .. they are the legendary .. 2009 XWF Hall of Famers .... the GUERILLAS!!!

Out comes the Guerillas to their bizarre music, and they receive a nice ovation from the crowd. They make their way inside the ring, and they look ready to do battle. Especially, Midnight Star who just made his professional return back to the XWF in last year's Xtreme Mania tag team title ladder match.. .. after a 6-year absence..

It appears that Midnight Star is celebrating this moment with the fans. Before he gets set in the ring, and ready to do battle with whoever comes out next to start off this Undisputed Tag Team Championship GAUNTLET match!!

Danielle Worley: And their opponents... the 2nd team in this XWF Tag Team Championship Gauntlet..... the team of Flip Johnson, and Brutality ... the WRECKIN' CREW!!!

The Wreckin' Crew explodes on to the scene, and the XWF fans respond with lots of heat for these 2 men. Though some might respect their work in the ring, they are just not received well in most areas around the world.

Well, I was excited to hear Danielle Worley announce those 2 competitors... good to hear her voice... she did real well earlier in that National Anthem she performed.....

Helluva job. We all know, and respect Danielle Worley as one of the best in this buisness. She has been announcing XWF matches since 2004, and she's done a terrific job up until this point.

Check out Flip Johnson in there! He looks ready!

The Wreckin' Crew is here guided by Flip Johnson.

Brutality hops in the ring, and looks pumped as well!!

These are 2 former XWF World Tag Team Champions out here! I mean, .. look at The Guerillas storied past. Many, many times they have held those XWF Tag Team Titles.. and they got close last year in the XWF Tag Team Title Ladder Match that we showcased... but, The Guerillas return was spoiled, and ruined completely by the Wreckin' Crew who sent them flying through this very commentator's table last year!

Well, I don't know if it was 'this' table..

Well, you get my point. These 2 Tag Teams have had bad blood all along, and the Wreckin' Crew feels robbed of their glory .. after they won the belts in a similiar Tag Team Title Ladder Match back in 2006! It was the last Showdown! that ever aired in that Fran Lazartic era.... it was the end of an era, and they faded out in to the sunset with the Tag Team belts.. but, no where to defend them! When the XWF returned. Well, they weren't invited, and so they took it upon themselves to destroy the Guerillas hopes last year at "Xtreme Mania: Decade" .. one of the biggest cards in our existence..

It certainly was. It was our debut!

That's right.. Alex "Cool" Beans, and James Shaw were introduced to the world... now, this year.. we have new competition arriving, and they will be introducing themselves here tonight! Am I right James Shaw?

You got that right! But, first ... this XWF Tag Team Championship GAUNTLET opens up our card here tonight at "Xtreme Mania 6"... LIVE! from Sydney, Australia .... here we go!!....

The Wreckin' Crew vs. The Guerillas vs. Dark Stranger & Ryan Ryder vs. A Mystery Team (???) - in an XWF Tag Team Championship GAUNTLET. -- The winning team who outlasts the other 4 teams will become the new XWF Undisputed Tag Team Champions!!! (by order of GM, Shawn Taylor) -

The bell sounds, and this Tag Team Championship Gauntlet is underway!

Who do you think is going to win it?

Well, that's unfair.. because, I don't know who one of the team is. But, if I were to guess... off sheer strength alone. My guess is the Wreckin' Crew. But, I want to hold my tongue until I see this "Mystery Tag Team".

Flip Johnson, and The Phan lock up in the middle of the ring, and The Phan begins pushing Flip Johnson in to the corner.

Well, if I were to take my own educated guess.. I'd have to go with The Guerillas. Based off their past success! They are multiple-time XWF Tag Team Champions! They've done it all here in the XWF, and this is just another notch on the belts..

You're kidding me! No way they win ..... you're better off going with the Mystery Tag Team you idiot!

Hey, bite your tongue! Tonight.. new Tag Team Champions will be crowned.. due to the order.. of our new General Manager, and a 2008 XWF Hall of Famer.. SHAWN TAYLOR!!

Yeah, not only did Shawn Taylor get inducted in the 2008 Hall of Fame class... that only saw 6 men inducted at the time. I mean, it was only the 2nd group of inductees.. dating back to 2005 when the 'original 7' men were inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame! Such legends as Number 8, Sam Hill, and John Studd. Not to mention our current XWF World Champion, Carlos Shotgun!!

The Phan bodyslams Flip Johnson in the ring, and drops a big leg across his throat!!! He goes for the pin.... 1, .... 2, .... kick out!!

Near fall there in the ring early on for The Guerillas!

As I was saying ... Shawn Taylor did a lot in the XWF over his career. When it first started in early 2002. But, it was the FANS themselves that VOTED HIM IN the XWF Hall of Fame in 2008. He was the only person ever voted in by the XWF fans, and that had to be quite the honor for him! Not to mention .. he got to announce the fans 2nd pick to be inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame... 1 of the 5 inductees in THIS YEAR'S 2011 class of the HALL of FAME... a woman by the name of 'Jessy'. She will be the 31st XWF Hall of Fame member inducted .. with our company dating back to 1998. She is the only woman inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame, and she is regarded as the greatest Women's Champion ever! She will get her due here tonight.. all thanks to GM, Shawn Taylor, and the XWF fans!!

Oh, isn't that special... ?

The Phan has got Flip Johnson in an arm bar in the ring, and he brings him over to his corner, tagging in his partner Midnight Star. That's when Midnight Star climbs to the top turnbuckle from the outside apron, and drops a vicious Tomahawk Smash on to Flip Johnson's shoulder!! Flip hollers out in pain, and Midnight Star puts another boot to his mid-section before The Phan releases the hold, and exits the ring.

Great teamwork over there by The Guerillas if I could say so myself!

Midnight Star backs Flip Johnson in to the corner, and sends him flying in to the opposite corner. Flip's back smacks the turnbuckle, and Midnight Star rushes in for a move-- but, Flip Johnson gets a BOOT up in his grill!! That hard boot shot stops Midnight Star in his tracks, and Flip Johnson reaches back to tag in Brutality. That's when Brutality comes in, and gives Midnight Star one of the most powerful Sidewalk Slams we have ever seen!! Simply lays Midnight Star out flat, and quickly covers a leg.

1, ...., 2...., The Phan breaks it up with a boot to the back of Brutality's head.

Uh oh. You don't want to make "Brute" mad!

Brutality rushes over, and knocks The Phan off the apron as he's just stepping back to the outside. The Phan goes falling to the outside mat, and even bashes in to the large outside barrier that surrounds the ring!! Brutality then turns, and faces Midnight Star. He gets in 3-point stance, and he looks ready to charge. Soon as Midnight Star gets up Brutality rushes in, and NAILS him with a crucial SPEAR TACKLE!!!

That had to knock the LIFE out of him!!

You sure about your pick now dummy?

Brutality looks up at Flip Johnson's smiling face, and he can't help but tag him in. Brutality lifts Midnight Stars lifeless body off the ground, and holds him up in the middle of the ring. Flip Johnson takes his time. Bouncing off the ropes, and coming in CLOTHESLINING THE HELL out of Midnight Star! Midnight Star folds up on the canvas, and Flip Johnson gets over there to curl him up for the pin...

....1 .....

The Phan gets back up on the apron but Brutality knocks him off!

....2 .....

..... Brutality celebrates in the ring as the referee slams his palm to the canvas for the ..


They've done it. They've done it! They eliminated your boys, and they are going on to the next round of this Gauntlet. The Wreckin' Crew is as ready as anybody .. send out the next team... send out Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder..... send out the Mystery Tag Team!! It doesn't really matter. The Wreckin' Crew are about to regain what is rightfully theirs!! The Tag Tem Belts they never really lossed....

Oh, would you pipe down! I want to hear who Danielle Worley is going to announce next.....

And now... for the next team taking place in this Tag Team Championship Gauntlet ..... it's the team of Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder.... the ReArrangers!!!!

Oh, give me a break!

Yes, the ReArrangers, and you better start getting use to it Alex...

Hey, I don't have to get use to anything. I'm a made man. I have my own opinions. That's what makes me the cooler commentator, and you a numbskull!

The ReArrangers come out to a somewhat decent ovation from the crowd! They seem to be responding to them well as a Tag Team, and they are excited here in Sydney, Australia to see what these guys can do. I'm sure the rest of the XWF universe is tuned in as well. As they make their way down the very large entrance ramp, and get ready to grace this ring for "Xtreme Mania 6".

Ryan Ryder, and the ReArrangers are here!

Look at that look in Ryan Ryder's eyes. He looks unsure of himself! I know it.

Just then as Ryan Ryder is jawing with fans on the outside. It's Dark Stranger who steps up on the outside apron, and glances back at the very huge titan tron that's out in the distance now. The lights dim red, and fireballs shoot up from the 4 posts of the ring as well as the ramp lights up with complete fire!!

Oh, it's clear.. Dark Stranger has just arrived! The ReArrangers are here folks!!!

Lets see if they can last longer than The Guerillas just did. My guess is the Wreckin' Crew is about to eat them alive!! They have experience.. and the ReArrangers don't. They have talent, and these guys lack it. Tonight! It's going to be the Wreckin' Crew night.. I don't care who the Mystery Tag Team is.

Oh, yeah, and you think they'll get past these guys here?? You think they can beat the ReArrangers straight up?

Straight up?? Straight up!?! You're DAMN right they can, and they will here tonight! The Wreckin' Crew is going on to face that Mystery Tag Team, and they will expose them frauds for what they really are.. "no competition"... because, when it comes to the Wreckin' Crew.. they can't be stopped!! Look at what they are about to do to your precious ReArrangers....

Brutality, and Flip Johnson decide that Brutality should start it off, and that means that Ryan Ryder has decided Dark Stranger should start it off for them.

So, here we go! One of these Tag Teams is about to be one step closer to becoming the XWF undisputed Tag Team Champions!!

This is exciting!!

It's "Xtreme Mania 6" what do you expect??

Those 2 big men lock up in the middle of the ring. Neither giving way to the other. Dark Stranger starts pushing Brutality back, and then he receives a knee to the mid-section from Brutality! Dark Stranger tries to hold him off. But, Brutality just starts attacking with overhands, and eventually backs Dark Stranger up in to the ropes. Brutality irish whips him across the ring, and Dark Stranger manages to duck a clothesline. When he bounces back he is met with a Flying Shoulder Block from Brutality however!! That shot takes Dark Stranger down, and Brutality goes to tag in Flip Johnson. Right away Flip doesn't waste time, and starts stomping away on Dark Stranger. He gets down on the mat, and gets in his face. He straddles him, and starts whailing on Dark Stranger's face. Punch, after punch just digging in to Dark Stranger's skull. He goes to get in his face again. But, this time-- Dark Stranger grabs him by the throat, and Flip Johnson rakes Dark Stranger's eyes before he could mount any kind of offense. Flip Johnson backs up, grasping his neck, and tags in Brutality.

Flip Johnson a little scared of Dark Stranger is he?

I don't know about all that ...

Brutality drops a knee on Dark Stranger's skull, and another knee! He drops a 3rd knee on his skull, and then scoops Dark Stranger up for a hard Body Slam!! Brutality yells out at Dark Stranger and backs up to the ropes. He comes rushing in, and drops a 4th knee to Dark Stranger's skull. He goes for a pin, ... ,1....., ..2....., kick out!! Brutality looks mad, and he wraps Dark Stranger up in a headlock on the mat. The crowd starts getting in to it, and they start their first clap of the day!! They are clapping in unison, and trying to fire up Dark Stranger to make that hot tag. But, Brutality just wears on the youngster, and keeps him trapped on that headlock on the mat. Suddenly, Dark Stranger starts to work his way out of the move. He gets to a knee, and then throws an elbow at Brutality's mid-section. The crowd is clapping louder now!! Dark Stranger throws another elbow in to his gut, and manages to break away. Dark Stranger goes to bounce off the ropes, and comes back -- taking Brutality down with a Clothesline! He reaches over, and tags in Ryan Ryder. Who comes in, and puts the boots to Brutality right away. He then spins out of it, and clocks Flip Johnson on the outside apron! Flip falls back, and quickly stands back up on the apron-- trying to get in, and arguing with the refeer. Ryan Ryder goes to work. Kicking Brutality as he is trying to get up. But, by the 3rd kick-- Brutality grabs his foot. Catches him off guard, and plants him with a Clothesline of his own!!

Sheer strength! Almost taking Ryan Ryder's head off, and quickly changing the pace of this match.

Flip Johnson wants tagged in, and he gets his wish. He quickly comes in the ring, and kicks Ryan Ryder on the back as he's getting off the ground. Flip Johnson then sort of tackles him from behind, and throws him in a real deadly Camel's Clutch! He just pulls back, wrenching on Ryan Ryder, and working him over on the canvas.

That's how you get it done! That's how you do it! How you make an impact, and become a team like the Wreckin' Crew. In order to be a great Tag Team you need 2 men with initiative, and these guys have that! The Wreckin' Crew was built for these type of matches. Especially where the odds are stacked against them in a Gauntlet-like atmosphere. Who has put themselves through more damage before, and came out victorious on the other end? The Wreckin' Crew is the real deal, and they got it all as far as being a leading Tag Team goes!!

Well, we'll see. Still a lot of match to be faught here... in our OPENING CONTEST for the XWF Tag Team Titles! It's the first ever.. Tag Team Championship Gauntlet, and it's taking place here... at "Xtreme Mania 6" .. of course..

Flip Johnson wears on Ryan Ryder some more. But, after he won't submit. Then Flip Johnson takes to climbing the 2nd turnbuckle, and dropping an elbow on his skull. He covers Ryan Ryder up for the ... 1, ...., ...2...,..... kick out! Needless to say Flip Johnson is upset with the ref, and he lets him know it! He goes to tag in Brutality. But, with a last act of desperation-- Ryan Ryder reaches out, and tags in Dark Stranger. That's when Dark Stranger begins clearing house! First with an uppercut to Brutality. Then a big boot to Flip Johnson to knock him out the ring. Finally he clotheslines Brutality up, and over the top rope!! Brutality spills to the outside, and the crowd is livid right now!! They are loving this moment, and Ryan Ryder stands side-by-side with Dark Stranger. For the first time they really feel like the ReArrangers are coming together! Ryan Ryder goes back to the outside apron, and Dark Stranger waits in the middle of that ring. While the Wreckin' Crew regroups outside. They talk their strategy over, and Brutality steps back inside the ring. He eyes Dark Stranger across the ring, and Dark Stranger yells back to Brutality that "YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!"

Uh oh! Did you hear what he just said? That's not going to sit well with Brutality!

I don't think he has a choice in the matter....

Brutality rushes in for a spare tackle. But, Dark Stranger steps aside, and Brutality catches himself on the ropes before his shoulder rams the post. He turns around to face Dark Stranger, and ducks a big right hand. He gets behind Dark Stranger, and plants him with a Backbreaker in the middle of the ring!! Brutality pops back up, and celebrates. Taunting Ryan Ryder, and Dark Stranger while the fans of the XWF give him ton of heat here tonight in Sydney. He smiles to himself, and goes to tag in Flip Johnson again.

What do you think? What's going to happen now to Dark Stranger, and the ReArrangers? Bad news! That's what I say ..

In the ring Flip Johnson slaps the back of Dark Stranger's head, and slaps it again! He picks him up, and goes for a standing Sleeperhold! He's got it locked in good, and Dark Stranger falls to a knee. The referee goes to check on his friend hand, and Dark Stranger manages to keep it lifted on the first try!! He punches back at Flip Johnson, and forces him to break the hold. Dark Stranger takes off the ropes, and bounces back. Flip Johnson goes for an Over the Body backflip.. but, Dark Stranger kicks him in the chops as he goes to bend down!! Dark Stranger then kicks him in the gut as he straightens up. Flip Johnson bends over again but this time in pain. Dark Stranger lifts Flip Johnson up, and turns him over.. to set him up for a Tombstone Piledriver. But, Flip Johnson wraps his legs around Dark Stranger's head, and reverses it in to a pinning combination of some sort,

.....1. ... .....

. ....2... .. ...

... kick out!

Dark Stranger stays alive, and Flip Johnson can't believe it!! Though he almost was ended with that Tombstone attempt ...

Flip Johnson quickly reaches over and tags Brutality. While, Dark Stranger leaps out, and tags in Ryan Ryder as well. Those 2 fresh bodies meet in the center of the ring, and they start throwing fists at each other!! The crowd is going nuts, and these 2 men starts exchaning shots. Brutality manages to work Ryan Ryder back in to the corner with stronger right hands. But, Ryan Ryder kicks him in the gut. Hops up on the top turnbuckle, and goes for a flying Fameasser!! But, Brutality lifts his head up, and moves back just in time! Ryan Ryder misses him with that move, and Brutality instead scoops Ryan Ryder up. Walks him over to the turnbuckle, and gives him a Gorilla Press Slam face-first in to the turnbuckle!! Ryan Ryder bounces around the ring, and Brutality smiles right at Dark Stranger. That prompts Dark Stranger to try to get in the ring. While, the referees steps in, and holds him back. Here comes 2 men from the crowd wearing WWG shirts!!

Oh no! Here comes those WWG invaders again!! It's Alex Anders, and Nick Zander!!! What BUISNESS do they have out here!??

As Ryan Ryder crawls helplessly to Brutality's feet. Brutality goes to lift him up for a Powerbomb. But, Nick Zander fights off Flip Johnson on the outside while Alex Anders drills Brutality with a steel chair shot across the back!! Throughout the chaos. There's nothing the referee can see, or hear-- as he's arguing with Dark Stranger. Alex Anders hops out of the ring, and those 2 men wearing WWG shirts unite on the outside. Laying the Wreckin' Crew out from behind!! Ryan Ryder crawls backwards, and extends his hand. He tags in Dark Stranger, and the referee allows the tag to be made!! Dark Stranger doesn't hesitate, and walks over. Lifting Brutality up, and planting him with a Tombstone Piledriver!! For the easy ...1......, ...2......., .......3!

Can you believe it?!?

Robbery. High way robbery! And these fans are actually cheering this mess....

The crowd is going bizerk. Lot of mixed emotions in the ANZ Stadium Sydney right now. But, that's when GM, Shawn Taylor steps out on the top of the ramp to explain what is happening with these 'WWG' invaders.

GM, Shawn Taylor: Let me explain. You see! I saw talent, and I went for it ..... these guys might have invaded XWF property unbeknownst to us. But, that's even more reason to give them a fair chance. So, tonight.... for this XWF Tag Team Championship Gauntlet... I'd like you to meet the "Mystery Tag Team"... well, it's not much of a mystery anymore. The team of ALEX ANDERS, and NICK ZANDER!! Lets go ref.. keep this Gauntlet rolling ....

So, that's it for the Wreckin' Crew. They get attacked from behind, and these WWG invaders get the best of them! Not only that .. they are one step away from becoming the new Tag Team Champions! I can't believe it .... I can't believe the XWF would allow this mockery to take place...

Well, you got to hand it to our new General Manager, Shawn Taylor! He's got balls. He's got style. He's got class. He's got it all. He's a genius! And this move.. is pure genius ... he signed the WWG invaders off the street, and pretty much hand picked them to be our new Tag Team Champions! What else more can you say? I told you the ReArranger's weren't going to do it! That they couldn't get it done, and now watch ..... Alex Anders, and Nick Zander are about to make names for themselves!!

The Wreckin' Crew is escorted back to the locker room by XWF officials, and they don't like it one bit. They are very upset at what just transpired a moment ago. But, this Gauntlet match continues, and the next team that wins becomes the new undisputed XWF Tag Team Champions.

There's no need to introduce these guys.. they just introduced themselves, and with the help of our GM, Shawn Taylor!! No WONDER he booked the match this way .. he wanted them to win all along I bet....

One could only hope. We're living the dream, .. that he created for us! Shawn Taylor put this opening match together.. and it's ingenius so far!!

Nick Zander talks it over with his friend, and he decides he wants to start this off for his team. Dark Stranger double-checks, and makes sure Ryan Ryder is ready to start this off! He nods his head, and says he is. The referee calls for these final 2 teams to do battle, and the winners will become the new Tag Team Champions!! Zander, and Ryder lock it up in the middle of the ring. Ryan Ryder places Nick Zander in a sideheadlock-- but, he pushes him off towards the ropes... Ryder bounces back, and walks in to a solid Dropkick that sends him flying backwards, and rolling out of the ring. Ryan Ryder collapses to the outside mat, and regains his composure as the referee begins the standard 10-count ..... .. he reaches 7 before Ryan Ryder rolls back in, and gets the boots put to him by Nick Zander!!!

Nick Zander on the offensive now, and this "Mystery Tag Team" showing their true colors already!

Zander, and Anders.. got quite a nice ring to it .. .. and I could see them walking out as GM, Shawn Taylor's handpicked tag team of the future. I really can!

Zander works on Ryan Ryder some more, and tags in his partner Alex Anders. The crowd starts booing tremendously for these WWG invaders. Nick Zander tossed off his t-shirt moments ago. But, Alex Anders t-shirt clearly still reads: 'WWG' in big bold letters, and this crowd is letting him have it. Anders sizes Ryan Ryder up, and nails him with a boot to the jaw. He then gets behind Ryan Ryder, and stretches him out. Using his arms as pressure to pry his knee right in to his back!! Alex Anders doing work on Ryan Ryder right now, and the crowd is not liking this. They start clapping for Ryan Ryder to get back in this match. He tries to fight his way out of it, and both men to their feet now. But, Alex Anders stalls Ryan Ryder with a kick to the gut, .. he goes to the ropes, and bounces back for a Booker-T like Scissors Kick!! But, Ryan Ryder steps aside just in time, and lunges for the tag! Dark Stranger comes in, and cleans house once again! Dropping Alex Anders with a stiff clothesline. Nick Zander attacks, and he receives a Body Slam for his troubles. Alex Anders gets back up, and Dark Stranger wraps his hand around his throat. But, Nick Zander rushes back in, and Dark Stranger manages to somehow get his other free hand wrapped around Nick Zander's neck!!

He has both these WWG invaders right where he wants them!

But, Alex Anders kicks him in the gut, and Nick Zander rakes the eyes of Dark Stranger. They go to work on him in the corner. Until Ryan Ryder manages to tackle Nick Zander out of the ring, and the referee's attention is distracted for one moment. As the Wreckin' Crew rush in from out of nowhere.

What are they doing back out here???

Brutality gets up on the apron, and argues with the ref. While Flip Johnson sneaks in the ring. It looks like Alex Anders is about to do a Scissors Kick to Dark Stranger this time! But, Flip Johnson taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around Flip gives him the middle finger, kicks him in the gut, and hits him with the LIGHTS OUT!!! That finishing 'Stunner' knocks Alex Anders around the ring, and allows Dark Stranger to make his move. He snatches Alex Anders off the canvas, and then as the referee turns back to the action.. he witnesses Dark Stranger planting Alex Anders with a sickenin' TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!

This could do it!

..... ... 1. ... ..

. . .. .. .. 2 . .. . . ..

... .... ... 3!

I can NOT believe it!

Believe it! The ReArrangers are the new undisputed XWF Tag Team Champions!! Unbelievable!! The Wreckin' Crew comes back to their rescue... and costs those WWG invaders their opportunity. Much like they did to them just moments ago!

Poetic justice my good sir! Even though you were right about your prediction .... it doesn't matter one bit. The right team deserved to win.. in this sense-- it was the team of Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder this time!! The ReArrangers have done it. They stunned the wrestling world, and these people in Sydney, Australia .. and around the globe-- these XWF fans are marking out for these 2 men right now!! The new TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS..

We watch as the new Tag Champs the ReArrangers celebrate up the ramp with the belts... after The Mystery Team of Alex Anders, and Nick Zander from 'WWG' tried to cheat themselves to victory. But, couldn't get the job done due to the fact that the Wreckin' Crew would have the last word!! It appears that that tag team division is just heating up, and there is more XWF action on the way. For now here is an outside look of the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia.

-------------- ------ ---

Backstage, J Wilk is speaking with Jon Hampton privately before his upcoming match here tonight.

The cameras cut away from J Wilk, and Jon Hampton. This time backstage we have Crimson Tide standing by with who appears to be Flo Stanley, and speaks about his career ending tonight.

Crimson Tide: How do I feel about my career ending tonight? Well, I said all that needed to be said this past week. I said all I needed to say leading up to this match with Rage. He knows what's at stake! He knows the bizarre stipulations. It's up to us to go out there, and execute the match of our lives. On top of that! We must bring all we've got to the table .... .. that's why this match is so important. Win-Or-Lose it ends tonight Flo Stanley! Remember that. Win-Or-Lose... Life-Or-Death match! We will sacrafice nothing ... but, on our bodies, ... and we will leave it all out there in the ring tonight!! That's one thing you could count on. When it comes to me, and Rage. I'm a 2009 XWF Hall of Famer, and in just a few moments.. following our matchup.... he will be rightfully inducted with the 2011 XWF Hall of Fame class!! What an honor for the big guy. He's been like a big kid brother to me his whole career. I have always been older, and much wiser.... but, he came in to his own. He's a monster. A freak of nature, and I know he doesn't have anything else left to say either. Oh yes, there will be hell on earth tonight. But, for whom does the bell tole? You don't have to wait much longer ... in just a few minutes.... after all is said, and done. We will find out. The XWF world will grow to understand what I meant. What I've been saying all along for the last 13 years here, and over my entire 15 year wrestling career..... . they will finally realize what it means.. when I say that most famous catch phrase of all ..... and that is ... "SIMPLY EXECUTED!!"

Crimson Tide brushes past Flo Stanley, and gets ready for his match getting ready to take place later on tonight against Rage.

Back at ringside the commentators prep you for the next matchup.

Lets take you back to a little earlier today. As the fans, and superstars were getting ready for some Xtreme Mania action! Well, it was Tyroneus Del Rio.. strangely enough... out, and about the crowd. He was greeting fans, and looked to be in great spirits tonight! As he preps for his XWF debut here tonight in Sydney, Australia! Check him out with the fans there Alex "Cool" Beans...

Yeah, that was earlier today. Like you said. Tyroneus Del Rio being one of the few superstars on the XWF roster who was willing to communicate with the fans, and let him know our appreciation for their loyalty to the XWF product over the years. The XWF brand is certainly making it's mark felt here tonight ...

----- -- - -- ------

Now we're back with you at ringside.. speaking of Tyroneus Del Rio... here he comes....

Here comes the older brother of Alberto! Look at him. Look at this new comer... Tyroneus Del Rio in his fancy expensive car!

J Wilk vs. Tyroneus Del Rio - Standard match -

J Wilk is already standing inside the ring waiting for his opponent. The audience has mixed reactions of course for this one. They aren't sure who to cheer, or boo in this matchup. They seem to just be sitting back, and taking it all in. As Tyroneus Del Rio makes his way down to ringside, and finally gets in the ring. He gets face-to-face with J Wilk, and those 2 exchange some 'not-kind' words to each other. They back up a moment, and wait for the referee to call for the bell. The bell sounds, and this match is underway!!

Remember it is a Standard Matchup, and could end in pinfall, submission, countout, or via disqualification!

Yeah, you will notice throughout the night that some of these matches have some weird circumstances, and stipulations surrounding their respected matchups. However, .. some of these matches are just standard rules, or xtreme rules matches. In this case.. they can be disqualified if they use weapons, or do anything of that sort!

Correct! Now, Del Rio is backing J Wilk in to the corner. Just shoving him in there, and unloading with a vicious chop!!

WOOOOO! The crowd marks out hard for that chop. As Tyroneus Del Rio begins going to work on J Wilk, and tosses him head over hills to the canvas!! Tyroneus mocks J Wilk, and the fans are growing to hate this guy already. He acts cocky, and arrogant as he lays a boot across his chin. Tyrneous stretches his arms out towards the fans, and some actually cheer for him! Others though, and the majority of the crowd however boos his antics. As he goes to lift J Wilk off the ground by his hair, and J Wilk turns it in to a quick rollup pin!!

... ....1 .. .....

. . . ...2. .. . .

. .. kickout!

Almost caught him off guard there!


Soon as the hold is broken. Del Rio rises to his feet, and quickly strikes J Wilk with a kick to the ribs while he is getting up off the ground! He kicks him with another hard shot to the ribs. The fans don't know how to respond to this man yet. As he lifts J Wilk off the ground for a High Angled Suplex!! He sends J Wilk crashing to the canvas below, and doesn't stop there. A few knee drops, and a standard elbow drop to his skull. Now, Tyroneus Del Rio goes for his 1st cover in his XWF career, ...

....... . ..1.. .. . ..

. . . .. .. 2. .. . . ...

.. kick out!

Too early if you ask me.

Tyroneus doesn't waste anymore time, and goes back to work on J Wilk. First with a headlock, and as J Wilk is getting to his feet. Tyroneus steps through, and makes it a brilliant Headlock takedown!! He spins J Wilk to the canvas, and continues to apply pressure. Wearing J Wilk down, and 'putting him to sleep' with that deadly submission maneuver. Tyroneus Del Rio then releases the hold. Stands back up, and starts stomping away on J Wilk's skull! He yells something to the crowd! Some respond with loud cheers! While others give him a ton of heat. He smiles to himself, and approaches J Wilk. But, J Wilk catches him with a punch to the gut. Followed by an uppercut! J Wilk then places Tyroneus Del Rio in an Armbar, and makes it an Armbar takedown!! He wrenches back at that arm. J Wilk is about to turn it in to a Lebell Lock but Tyroneus Del Rio fights out of it! Hard punches to J Wilk's skull, and he finally releases the hold. They both back up to opposite ends of the ring. J Wilk rushes in, and goes for a dropkick-- but, Tyroneus Del Rio side-swipes him! J Wilk goes falling hard to the canvas, and Tyrneous Del Rio waste no time. He turns him over for a Boston Crab, and begins wearing on the newcomer.

Both these men in their single's debut. Both of them giving it their all!!

The referee checks on J Wilk but he refuses to quit. Instead, J Wilk crawls for the ropes, and gets there!! The referee orders that Tyroneus release the hold, and he does. Much to the shagrin of the crowd. Tyroneus Del Rio vows to put him away right here. But, as he goes in to grab him-- J Wilk grabs him by the head, and tosses Del Rio out of the ring! Tyroneus goes face first through the ropes, and down to the outside mat! Tyroneus rolls around in pain, holding his head, and J Wilk tries to recover from his injuries.

Who's going to win this matchup? The first single's match of Xtreme Mania 6....

Beats me. Both men looking good so far. It's going to be a close one!

The fight ensues on the outside. As J Wilk tries to run him down. But, Tyroneus Del Rio reverses it, and sends J Wilk back-first in to the outside barrier wall!! Tyroneus Del Rio says something to the fans before he starts whailing on J Wilk's face!! He beats J Wilk down, and J Wilk fights back with a kick to the gut. He then scratches Tyroneus Del Rio's eyes, and he can't see. J Wilk gathers his energy, and rushes in at Del Rio. But, he moves just in time, and J Wilk's shoulder cracks that ring post-- as Del Rio uses his momentum to send him straight in to that steel post!!

What awareness by Tyroneus Del Rio!

He then grabs J Wilk, and rolls him in the ring. He slides in the ring behind him, and stalks his prey. J Wilk is grasping his shoulder, and trying to get to a knee. As he turns around Tyroneus Del Rio ducks a hard left hand, and manages to wrangle his way around to J Wilk's injured shoulder. He hits it one time with a tomahawk chop to the right shoulder! Followed by a quick roll in to a beautiful Crossarm Bar!!! He's wearing J Wilk down! Just wrenching back at that arm, and putting pressure on that injured shoulder!!

This could be it right here!!

Just then. Not a second later. J Wilk finally taps out, and this match is officially over already. Danielle Worley announces the official winner of this matchup.

The winner of this match... as a result of a SUBMISSION .... he is ... Tyroneus .. Del Rioooo!!

The crowd isn't sure if they like that or not. But, they applaud him anyways! As the winner Tyroneus Del Rio makes his way back up that long ramp, and we cut to the backstage area.

- - - ----- -- ----

After Tyroneus Del Rio forces J Wilk to submit to that deadly Crossarm Bar... we cut backstage where Jon Hampton looks disappointed.

Suddenly, Shiru Vanchiez walks in view, and says "don't be alarmed."

Then Jon "The Man" Hampton, and Shiru Vanchiez get face-to-face for the first time in years. They have spoken recently. They even shared a gaze, a stare-down of sorts at Showdown! a few weeks back to hype this Xtreme Mania encounter. Now, the Sydney, Australia crowd grows restless as they share a few words.

Shiru Vanchiez: Tonight Jon. I just want you to know.. deep down. That I know. That you know. That it is nothing personal. It's all buisness! But, on a personal note .. I was glad that you decided to have this match. Honoring our friendship, and our past succes here in the XWF.. for one big blow off match tonight!!

Jon "The Man" Hampton: Well, Shiru ... I knew you would feel comfortable squaring off in an XWF ring 1-on-1 with me.. especially if that meant at Xtreme Mania 6! How much bigger could it get my ol' friend? Well, tonight .. we make history. Because, we are going to show these people how it's done here.

And I hope you don't take it personally.. when I say... I am the Reason Fear is Experienced!

As long as you don't mind me calling myself "The Ultimate One", and "The Chosen One" ...... Jon "The Man" Hampton!

Oh no brother. It was WHO you were BORN to be. Tonight! Bring your A-game, and I'll bring mine!

They exchange a look, and nod as the scene trails off.

We then cut to Gigantis standing by with William Knighthawk, and the 7'5 monster looks ready to do work here tonight!

Gigantis: Tonight. I am going to win. I am going to beat "The Game" to within an inch of his life! I feel good going in to this match ... I could feel it ..... I really can William. I feel confident as ever.

William Knighthawk: Me too, me too.

"The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk glances at his large friend Gigantis, and lets it be known that tonight is huge for both of them.

"The Game" is standing by with Bob Levy ready to make his way to the ring for our next matchup. A standard match scheduled against Gigantis.

"The Game": You know. I'm getting sick and tired of people doubting The Game. Questiong my name, and my actions! Tonight... at "Xtreme Mania 6".. I am here to end all the talking! To prove my point once, and for all. Maybe I didn't get done at Xtreme Battle Zone! Maybe Carlos Shotgun got the best of me then. But, tonight.. I am here to even the score. To prove that that was a fluke. Just me getting off on the 'wrong foot'. However, tonight... I make a turn for the better. I plant my feet in the ground, and I use Gigantis as a stepping stone to the top of the XWF! They wanted me to make a name for myself. They wanted me to show them what I'm capable of. What better way... ? What better way.. than calling out the biggest man on the roster. Gigantis! This might be your first time in XWF action! But, I have already been there, and I have already gotten my taste of defeat. I won't lose again. I refuse to be taken out here tonight! So, what I'm about to do Bob Levy .. what about to do here in Sydney, Australia ... at "Xtreme Mania 6".... I will prevail tonight come hell, or high water. Look at me Gigantis!! I guarantee it.

"The Game" starts making his way towards the entrance curtain, and gets ready for his theme music to hit.

--- -- - - -- - - -- ---

PART 2 --

Back at ringside, and our commentators are standing by to speak about our next upcoming contest.

Well, one man .. comes out.... issues a challenge ... that man being "The Game". He wanted a single's match here at Xtreme Mania, and he got his wish! So, tonight ....

Well, first let me tell you about the man who answered his challenge ... he is also the guy who helped rid the XWF of those lousy invaders back at Xtreme Battle Zone... he's also the largest man in XWF history weighing in at over 500 pounds, and standing at an enormous 7'5'' tall .... he goes by the name of Gigantis!

The name suits him.

I don't think they could make a suit big enough James Shaw..

Tonight, it's not about that. It's about them making their single's debut ... on the biggest stage there is.

Wow, when you say it like that.... "The Game" vs. Gigantis at Xtreme Mania 6 just seems fitting somehow. Lets bring you to the ring now with Danielle Worley to announce these 2 for this standard XWF matchup...

Ladies, and gentlemen .. please, welcome first....... .. he is .... "THE GAME"!!!

He comes out hyped as ever. Green lights flashing everywhere. The lights dimmed low, and high energy throughout the building. When "The Game" steps through the curtains he captivates the crowd, and leads the charge towards that ring. His theme music takes over the XWF audience, and has people glued to their seats for this next encounter. "The Game" sprays up water as the spotlight hits him on the outside apron!! He then makes his way in the ring, and awaits Danielle Worley's next introduction.

He is one of the newly signed XWF superstars of the 2011 season .... he goes by the name of ... GIGANTIS!!!!!

Out comes the large 7'5'' man to some wild music, and the fans of the XWF seem to love this guy as well! Sydney, Australia finally seems to be heating up, and the anticipation for this next match has got their mouths watering. Gigantis takes his time getting to the ring, and stands inside tearing off his robe to expose his freakish nature. He stands there tall, and proud. "The Game" has already tore off his trademark t-shirt, and now he gets face-to-face with the behemoth.

Classic staredown before the bell if you ask me!

Indeed. This is about to be a Showdown! of sorts. Hell, they signed this match a couple weeks back at Showdown!, and now we're finally here at "Xtreme Mania 6" to witness this massive encounter.

"The Game" vs. Gigantis - Standard match -

They jaw for a minute longer. As "The Game" points out at all the fans, and back up at the large monster's grill. He points out what is about to happen. He yells at Gigantis that this is his fate!! "The Game" points his finger deep in Gigantis' chest, and then up at his chin. He finally slaps the beast across the face! The XWF fans are shocked in Sydney, Australia. This ANZ Stadium is simply rockin' right now!! The XWF fans are off the wall, and out of their seats for sure on this one!! There is a standing room only around the ramp, and ring area.. and this fans are jumping up, and down like it's some sort of soccer extravaganza! They are very excited to see this match up about to take place. Gigantis grabs "The Game" by the face, and simply shoves him backwards. But, "The Game" only budges a few feet. He comes back in, and puts his finger back in Gigantis' chin again. He dares him to try that again!

Oh, he's asking for it now James Shaw!

But, is "The Game" ready for this type of opponent. Can anybody prepare for Gigantis?!??

The Game catches an overhand chop to the neck, and then another hard openhand chop to the chest, and that knocks The Game to one knee. The referee warns Gigantis that those are illegal chops, and to let off of him with the openhand hits. The Game sees his opportunity, and strikes with a kick to the knee. Then another kick to the knee. Gigantis sort of buckles, and grabs the top rope for leverage. The Game pops him hard in the mid-section. Another sharp uppercut to his ribcage! He is beating on the giant's mid-section, and wearing him down.

That's how you got to do it!! If you're going to beat him. You need to CHOP that TREE down!! They say.. "the bigger they are.. the harder they fall..." Well, that's exactly what The Game has got to do tonight! Chop him down to size. Bit-by-bit. Piece-by-piece!

Gigantis grabs The Game's face, and this time tosses him head-over-hills. The Game rolls back to the ropes, and gets to one knee. He looks pissed. He looks beyond furious. He asks Gigantis if he really wants this?!? The Game rushes in, and Gigantis simply grabs him- tossing him right in to the corner, and begins working The Game over. He puts stiff shots to his face. Inside knee shots to his chest, and just pounds on The Game in the corner. He chops him with an openhand right again!! The referee warns him once more, and The Game sense his moment again. He goes for a kick. But, Gigantis catches his foot, and shoves The Game back in the corner. He lays a solid elbow to The Game's face. And another disgusting elbow across his jaw! He almost knocks The Game's nose off with that shot!

What's with your boy and the openhand shots? He needs to play by the rules over here...

What are you talking about?

The Game tries to fight his way out of the corner. But, Gigantis grabs with both hands wrapped around The Game's throat he lifts him up, and places him on the top turnbuckle. He slaps The Game across the face, and the crowd responds with a loud pop for Gigantis!! They are excited to see this beast take this match over. The Game though stalls Gigantis with a kick to the chest, another kick to the face, and finally follows that up by grabbing Gigantis by the head-- spinning down to the ground for a devestating Top Rope DDT!!!

Only against Gigantis can you see that massive of a DDT of the top rope like that!!

Only a man as powerful as "The Game" could pull it off.. and he's going for his 1st official cover of his career.... after taking Gigantis down for the 1st time tonight!!

I can't believe he got the beast off his feet, and with such authority.

"The Game" covers Gigantis up for the ... ...1,......., ....2., ..... kick out!

Close. But, you got to remember that Gigantis can not only dish out pain- he can take it too!

He better be able too going up against "The Game" right now.

The Game looks at the ref in disbelief a moment and then grabs by Gigantis by the hair. He starts lifting the 7'5'' monster up, and Gigantis instead delivers a shot to his stomach! Another chop to The Game's stomach. The Game starts him with a hard right fist to his skull, and another hard right hand! He rubs his knee against Gigantis' face, and then gives him a solid boot across the chops! The Game walks backwards towards the ropes, and rushes in drilling Gigantis with a big knee shot across the face, and that takes him back down to the mat. Gigantis unable to sustain the barrage of attacks from one knee. "The Game" nows makes his way over to the nearest corner, and sets up on the 2nd apron. he looks like he wants to drop a knee shot on Gigantis. But, as he to leap off the turnbuckle- Gigantis gets a big boot up in his grill!! "The Game" bounces back in to the ropes, and decides to roll to the outside apron.

What a shot The Game took there!! From the big boot of Gigantis!

That's when Gigantis starts to recover, and makes his way over towards "The Game". He bends over the ropes, and grabs him by the hair. But, "The Game" leaps backwards off the apron with Gigantis' head, and sends his neck snapping over that top rope!! Gigantis stumbles backwards, and "The Game" quickly rolls in the ring. When Gigantis turns around The Game drills him with a High Knee shot to the face!! "The Game" then gets the crowd riled up! As he waits for Gigantis to get off the mat. When he does he goes for a Sidewalk Slam-- but, Gigantis blocks it, and instead grabs The Game for a brutal HEADBUTT!! The Game stumbles backward, and Gigantis comes in for a big boot across The Game's face!! The Game falls to the mat, and this time when he rolls to the outside apron he actually spills to the mat below. He tries recovering on the outside as the referee controls Gigantis, and begins a standard 10-count ...

Well, it appears "The Game" is giving it all he has against Gigantis tonight. But, the man is so large, and definitely in charge in this one!

It's early still James Shaw. You forget! That "The Game" is built to go the distance... his main quality might be his endurance... So, I'm not sure this one is out of his reach just yet.

The Game scrambles on the outside. Getting to his feet on the 3-count, and walking around near the outside barrier wall. He soaks up the crowd nearby in the front row for this XWF event! He seems real fired up now, and the crowd lets him hear it!! They boo him, and give him tons of heat as he eyes down Gigantis in the ring!! At the 6-count that's when The Game rolls in the ring, and receives a chop to the back for his troubles! Gigantis goes to drop an elbow on him but The Game moves just in time!! He quickly snatches Gigantis up by the leg, and drags him to the center of the ring. He drops an elbow across Gigantis leg!! He still got ahold of his foot, and he drops ANOTHER elbow across Gigantis thigh!! He is taking it to the big man, and destroying his leg right now!

You got to break him up from the inside, and that's exactly what he's doing! First it was his ribcage, and now it's right around that kneecap where he's doing his most damage!!

Certainly he had a strategy going through his mind coming in to this one.

"The Game" backs up the ropes, and comes in dropping a straight knee across his forehead!! He then starts strangling with his barehands, and the referee is forced to break it up. He goes in to strangle him again, and the referee breaks it up once more. He warns him this is a Standard Match with normal rules!

Well, now The Game taking it a little too far...

Well, if that's what you got to do to get it done! That's what you got to do! I mean, the man is 7 foot 5 inches tall.. What would you like The Game to do? Play paddy cake with him?

Give me a break!

The Game backs up, and comes storming in to drop another knee on Gigantis' forehead-- but, he rolls out of the way this time, and he catches a stiff canvas. The Game rolls around in pain holding his knee now. Gigantis manages to work himself back to his feet, and goes right after The Game. He scares him all the way back in to the corner. But, The Game throws a kick at his shins, and it has no effect on the giant. He quickly uses the turnbuckle to stand to his feet, and throws a kick up at Gigantis' face. But, this time the giant graps his foot, pulls The Game in, and plants him with a Belly-to-Back Suplex!! The Game splatters across the canvas, and rolls to the outside. The XWF crowd roads in excitement!!!

They are loving this Xtreme Mania action right now.

The Game getting outmatched right now. Purely by the size alone of Gigantis. However, he's been trading some tough shots with him. This could go either way at this point...

Gigantis walks over to the ropes, and leans over. This time-- The Game grabs his feet, and trips the giant up. The Game pulls the giant's leg as much as he can towards the outside apron. But, Gigantis tries fighting him off. However, The Game gets enough of his leg out there to drop an elbow on it, and then another sharp elbow to the lower leg of Gigantis. That's when "The Game" gets up on the apron, and signals to the XWF fans before dropping a knee right on to Gigantis' leg!! The XWF fans actually mark out for that one, and he rolls back in the ring. Starts digging in to the giant's skull, and drilling him with hard right fists. The referee warns him about open fists to the face. The Game goes to the ropes, and comes back dropping another knee shot across Gigantis' forehead!! "The Game" stands up, and flexes for the crowd. He poses, and gets ready to do his finishing maneuver perhaps. He starts setting Gigantis up for the Pedigree. But, Gigantis fights out of it, and grabs The Game's legs. He trips him up, and goes for another elbow drop. But, The Game rolls out the way. Gigantis misses with that elbow! The Game stands to his feet, and as Gigantis is getting to a knee that's when The Game rushing in kicking him across the chest!! Gigantis feels that one, and falls to the canvas hard.

Look at what he's doing out there!! Look at him dismantle that giant.

The Game stands over him, and decides to lift him up off the ground. The Game is going to try a Suplex here!! But, Gigantis blocks it, and instead lifts The Game off the ground-- delivering a Face Buster!! He drops The Game straight on his face, and he makes the cover in the center of the ring now...

". . .. ... .... .1. .. . . .....

... . .... ... 2. .. .........

.. .. .

.. . ... .

.. kick out!"

I thought that was almost it!

Not in the slightest James Shaw! Not yet ..

The Game looks out of it, and Gigantis gets to his feet. He signals to the crowd that he is going for a Chokeslam!! He roars, and they yell back!! The XWF crowd in Sydney, Australia are on their feet once again, and they are ready to see The Game perish before their eyes. Gigantis gets ready to set him up for this Chokeslam. But, The Game catches him with an uppercut off guard, and manages to wrap his arm around his head. He goes for a Swinging DDT. But, he can't get Gigantis down. Instead, Gigantis fights out of it, and hits The Game across the chest with a big time Back Hand!! He knocks The Game to the ropes, and The Game bounces back- ducking a right hand. The Game rushes to the ropes- bouncing back in, and tries going for a Harley Race Knee Shot. But, Gigantis stalls him, and drops him with a pure Headbutt! The Game falls to the mat, and gets back up. Ducking another right hand from Gigantis, and getting right behind him. He plants Gigantis with a Backbreaker!! The Game goesn't wait, and goes off the ropes-- dropping a knee shot across his skull once more! The Game makes his cover now ....

". . .. . .. ... 1...... . ... .

.. .. .. .. ..... .2. ... .. ....

. .. . kick out!"

"The Game" can't get it done!

Maybe he should try harder!! Maybe he could dig down deep, and pull this one out. All he needs to do is hit a Pedigree, and it's over!

Are you SURE ABOUT that? Are you SURE about that "Cool" Beans? You think he's got it all wrapped up if he could just so happen to actually set him up for a Pedigree?

It's possible!

The Game throws Gigantis in a headlock, and wears him down. He rages his head side-to-side, and drains out Gigantis as much as he can. The Game then looks out at the crowd in the ANZ Stadium, and he poses once more for these XWF fans!! He soaks in his Xtreme Mania moment, and makes his way up to the 2nd turnbuckle. This time he drops a straight knee down on Gigantis' head, and then starts strangling him for a minute on the canvas!! The referee quickly breaks it up, and The Game looks around nervously. He climbs up on the 2nd turnbuckle, and Gigantis slowly gets to one knee. The Game then decides to go up to the top turnbuckle, and Gigantis is getting to his feet now. When he turns around The Game goes for an Axe Handle Smash! But, Gigantis catches him, and gets him the most ruthless Over-the-Head Belly-to-Belly Suplex!!!!! The Game goes spilling out of the ring after flying across the canvas.

Wow! I've never seen that before.

Really James Shaw? Then you are the only idiot who's never seen someone do a Belly-to-Back Suplex before!! And you call yourself a Play-by-Play Analyst? You are a disgrace.

Of course, I see belly-to-back suplexes. I see them all the time! Just not one where the man nearly flies out of the damn ring.. from alll the wayy across the other side of the ring!!

Well, you make a point.

Would you ...!?

The Game is still on the outside, and the referee has already reached a 5-count ... he counts him off on the outside ... .6..... ..... .. .7.... . . ... The Game's face pops up, and Gigantis stands back. He's not falling for that this time. The Game rolls in on '8', and locks eyes with Gigantis from across the ring.

This Showdown! is about to go down.. just moments after we thought it was just getting started... no, back to square one. Who will win this match??

My money is still on The Game!

The Game rushes in, and ducks a big right hand. He then ducks a boot shot from Gigantis, and The Game goes for another Sidewalk Slam. But, Gigantis won't allow it. Instead Gigantis places both of his hands around The Game's head in sort of a vice grip, and holds him up a foot off the canvas. He walks him backwards towards the corner, and the crowd marks out for this moment!! As Gigantis plops The Game in the corner. He starts unloading inside elbow shots, and stiff hard knee shots across The Game's chest, and mid-section. He is working The Game down until he is using the ropes as leverage to stay up, and then finally a crucial inside knee shot to the head takes The Game down to canvas. He is slouching up against the bottom turnbuckle, and his arms spread out across the ropes. Gigantis backs up, and raises his high hand in the air. The Game wastes no time, and rushes in-- deliverying a High Knee shot to his back -- this causes Gigantis to stumble in to the referee.

Oh no! That giant knocks the referee down to the mat, and he looks hurt.

"The Game" rolls out of the ring, and looks underneath for something. The XWF fans are mixing it up at ringside, and the whole crowd is growing antzy right now. Gigantis is trying to tend to the referee, and help him off the canvas. When suddenly the crowd goes crazy as The Game gets in the ring with a Sledgehammer. He waits for Gigantis to turn around, and The Game holds the sledgehammer like a battering ram-- slamming the steel part of the sledgehammer right in to his groin!!

Oh! Low blow! LOW BLOW with that deadly Sledgehammer! That's not legal Beans.. me, and you both know that's not legal!!

The Game holds the Sledgehammer close to his face, and taunts the fans a moment with it. The referee is starting to 'come to', and The Game tosses the sledgehammer out of the ring. The Game walks over to Gigantis, and lifts his head up off the ground. The Game then signals to the XWF crowd it's over. Before he sets Gigantis up for it, and PLANTS him with a dynamic PEDIGREE!!!

He puts the finishing touch on him ....

The referee crawls over to make the count..... .

Not like this. Not like this damnit!

".. .. . . ..... .1. .. . . . ......

.. . . ... .. . ..2 .. . . . ... .

. .. ...

. . .. ... 3!"

That's it! That's all she wrote.

Incredible. I can't believe "The Game" just got away with that. Pulling out that sledgehammer, and using it to his advantage.

And what's wrong with that??!?

It wasn't an Xtreme Rules match you dummy. It was a Standard Rules match, and he clearly broke the rules there. But, he gets away with one tonight, and he escapes with a victory ..

That's the name of the game James Shaw. Find a way to get the "W", and The Game just did that!! Not only that.. his Xtreme Mania record now shows 1-0, and he's heading off to a great start for the summer of 2011.

Well, if that's what it takes to win. But, if that's the example you want people setting for our company. For our brand. For the letters we stand for. The "XWF" is about more than the "W" my friend. Sometimes it's about more than that!

Well, what did "The Game" want? To make a name for himself, and he DID JUST THAT. Look- we are sitting here talking about him right now, and like it or not ... he guaranteed victory, and he didn't disappoint in my book! When's the last person who guaranteed ANYTHING and followed thru with it? "The Game" did just that... get use to it ..

Yada, yada, yada.

The Game celebrates in the ring for a moment. As Danielle Worley announces the winner, and Gigantis begins to stir on that canvas. "The Game" decides to exit the ring, and heads back up the ramp with a smile on his face the whole time.

The winner of this match .... by a result of a pinfall...... .. he is .... "The Game"!!!!

The crowd doesn't like this outcome one bit, and they let "The Game" have it as he exits backwards up the ramp to his loud theme music. He got the support of many XWF followers throughout the world. But, here tonight in Sydney, Australia they are no fans of his in the ANZ Stadium.

What a great match James Shaw! GREAT match.

-- ---- -- ----- ----- -

Backstage, Chris Falkenyork is showing up in that same garage that Mitch Keller was standing by with Carlos Shotgun. Now, the former XWF World Champion is standing there in his leather jacket, and a duffel bag of his own hanging over his shoulder.

Mitch Keller: Falkenyork! I'd just like to ask you a few questions real quick. Earlier today Joey Kincaid tried to get passed Security--

Chris Falkenyork: No he didn't.

Yes, that's the word going around...

Look at me Mitch! Do I look like a full blown idiot to you? Do I look like I don't have all the answers? I mean, sure.. I don't. Sometimes I don't have it all figured out. When it comes to the XWF as of late. When it comes to that snot nose President, and Owner of our's. Well, you got to pardon me for saying but .... it's all a bunch of bullshit! Quite frankly. I can't stand none of it. I am about fed up with this place, and fact.. I'm beyond that at this point. There's no repairing this relationship. So, what? The Original wants to take my undefeated streak away from me at Xtreme Mania? What? You think I would lay down, and make my record 4-1.. when everyone, and their mother knows I'm about to be 5-0. This match has nothing to do with The Original. Besides that he's lacing them up, and he's trying his damn hardest to ruin something I took half a decade to build. Well, while I was reigning the greatest XWF World Champion of all-time. Well, .. he was reliving his one-month-run as a 1-time XWF World Champion back in 2001! Nothing to be proud of folks. Time to realize that your dream is over, and wake up... to the reality of going up against the best this buisness has to offer. I'm ashamed. It sucks! To have to waste my career. My name, and my legacy lives on .. while The Original is trying to live off it. He is trying to feed off it! But, it all ends tonight... .. for sure it will... because, I will undoubtedly be the Last Man Standing! And with it - I will bring down the XWF walls brick by brick. So, they remember just who built this place in the first damn place!

So, you don't believe Kincaid will be here tonight, and you don't think it was him--

Cut the bullshit already! This is what I'm talking about Mitch. 'THIS.. is what .. I'M TALKING .. about'. You have got to put an end to this sherade! Tonight, I will get what is rightfully mine. A claim back of the power that has eluded me before. A share of the throne. Ruling atop of the XWF like only I know how. Forget everything that's been talked about. 5-0 at Xtreme Mania is all you need to know about me after tonight...

What about last year with Shotgun? You guys managed to work your ways in to the garage.. similiar to this at last year's Xtreme Mania ... in your "I Quit" match--

Which I won.


Fair, and square might I add. You know.. it doesn't matter. Will history repeat itself? Will me, and The Original end up back in this parking garage later tonight?? Well, --

Suddenly, The Original attacks Chris Falkenyork!! He drills him with a running forearm shot to the face, and then goes about grabbing Chris Falkenyork by the back of the head-- then slamming him face-first in to the hood of a Nissan Maxima!! Chris Falkenyork falls to the concrete, and The Original hovers above him a moment. He takes it all in, and then leans over telling Falkenyork,

"IT'S ON!"

The Original leaves the parking lot area, and Chris Falkenyork is left to recover by himself. The camera fades off on him rolling on the concrete holding his head in pain.

-- -- --- --- ------

We cut backstage where Rage is standing by with Flo Stanley.

Flo Stanley: Tonight, .. Rage ... in just a brief moment here. You will be going 1-on-1 with Crimson Tide for the last time ever. Win-Or-Lose he will retire tonight in your Life-Or-Death match. Do you have any plans for sticking around with the XWF through the summer of 2011, and what does your future hold?

Rage: Flo. No disrespect. But, what the hell in the world are you talking about? This night is about my induction in to the XWF Hall of Fame. To join the ranks of John Studd, Sam Hill, ... you know the time has come for me to get my recognition for all the hardwork I put in to this place over the years. What goes on after tonight isn't for me to say. I won't speculate on it. You might. But, know this... know in my heart of hearts. That facing off against Crimson Tide right now. Just a few minutes before I'm inducted in the same XWF Hall of Fame he got inducted to last year at "Xtreme Mania: Decade".... well.... it'll be an honor to chokeslam Crimson Tide straight to hell!!!

The scene fades out on a stunned Flo Stanley as Rage makes his way towards the entrance area.

-- ---- ----- ----- --

******Before the match believe it or not. There is a VIDEO PACKAGE put together to honor THEIR FEUD. To take an historic look back at Rage, and Crimson Tide. We see highlights of a feud that has stemmed back to 2002, and was partially relived in 2006, and again here in 2011.

These men have a lot of history together. More so than most. They are two of the greatest XWF superstars that have graced our squared-circle. They have countless acolades. Combining over 6 Tag Team Titles reigns between them, 3 Intercontiental Championship reigns, and 6 North American Title reigns combined .... the XWF World Title has eluded them both over the course of their long careers. Crimson Tide retiring tonight means the end of an era. It also means 15 years have just went by- 'just like that'. It seemed only yesterday to Crimson Tide he was getting his start in the buisness. It was 1996, and he was just a yougster. But, starting this buisness at 25 years old. Has left the 40 year old Crimson Tide begging for his final rest. Rage is the perfect counterpart. Though Crimson Tide speciality is turning off the lights at key moments, and doing his dirty work while it's pitch black. Rage on the otherhand loves to bring fire to life! He likes to bring 'hell on earth', and that has always been his motto. Tonight these 2 face off in a match with peculiar stipulations surrounding it. The first 5 minutes of this match both men will be blindfolded, and if they happen to survive those 5 minutes.. then they must remove their blindfolds, and the match continues as normal. Flaming Tables will be allowed if they get their hands on one of those, and this match must end in a pin-fall of all things. So, what will happen?? Crimson Tide the 1st man to sign a contract in his blood back in 1998 to join the XWF versus Rage who has run rampid over the XWF over the years, and causing destruction to anyone in his path. The cards would show a 5'11 hardcore, highflyer versus a 6'11 brutalizing, force of nature. When these 2 unorthadox styles collide. Who will come out the ultimate victor in this Life-Or-Death match?? We know for Crimson Tide it's the end of a long 15-year road.. 'Win-Or-Lose'. But, what is at stake for Rage on the night he gets inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame???******

Rage vs. Crimson Tide - This particular match could only end in a pinfall, and it'll also be Crimson Tide's last match in his 15 year career. 'Win-or-Lose'. Flaming Tables are allowed, and the first 5 minutes both men will be blindfolded. 'Life-or-Death'!!

Introducing first..... he is the monster known simply as "RAGE"!!!

The stadium gets pitch black, and the entire Sydney, Australia crowd is holding up lighters for this one. The crowd is buzzing at this very moment, and it finally feels like a real 'Xtreme Mania' moment is about to happen.

Here we are at "Xtreme Mania 6" where the entire crowd LIVE! here in the ANZ Stadium, and the people all around the world are getting ready for something extraordinary. Something beyond the norm. To XWF Hall of Fame legends squaring off the for the last time officially. 'Win-OR-Lose' for Crimson Tide, and he is done. For Rage .. will he make his promise, and Chokeslam Crimson Tide Straight to Hell here tonight??

One could only imagine.

FIRE, and EXPLOSIONS go off everywhere!!! The ramp lights up engulfed in a tunnel of flame. Here walks Rage through the flames bursting over the entrance ramp towards the ring. The XWF fans are livid!! Nobody is sitting down for this one. The crowd is marking out hard for Rage's sickening entrance, and twisted sense of style he has coming in to tonight's event. He enters the ring, and throws his arms down. Fire pours from the ceilings like it's raining lava.. it all somehow evaporates before it ruins the ring itself. But, Rage is standing in a ring full of fire at the moment, and the crowd is loving it!!!

Incredible. Simply incredible! What a sight here at Xtreme Mania 6!!

Suddenly, the flames all go out. Everywhere. It's like cold dark breeze just rolled through here, and the entire stadium goes pitch black. The crowd screams out in anticipation. There are Crimson Tide, and Rage marks here tonight EVERYWHERE in this ANZ Stadium. The first veteran encounter of the night, and it's going down like this. "Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson doesn't play this time. No music is played this time. Instead the lights turn back on, and Crimson Tide is in the ring. He is looking up at Rage, and Rage is smiling down at Crimson Tide. He has a hideous smile on his large face, and the referee approaches both men in the center of the ring. The crowd grows silent. But, they are biting their nails for this one already. Who's side are they on? Who are they rooting for?? Two XWF legends for the last time ever squaring off against each other. For Crimson Tide it is the end 'Win-or-Lose'.

THis is unreal James Shaw. Unreal!

I can feel it taking me over. This is quite the sight here tonight at Xtreme Mania 6. These two men are being instructed by the referee on the rules. They are handed their blindfolds, and the bell sounds for this one to get underway!

Immediately Crimson Tide skips to the right a bit, and starts clapping his hand!! He encourages the XWF crowd here in Sydney, Australia to clap with him, and they do!! Rage looks lost, and reaches his hand out to grab nothing but air. He takes another huge step forward, and throws a giant punch. But, misses because Crimson Tide is 3 feet to the right already. Crimson Tide turns back to where he was standing, and runs forward lunges for a Shoulder Block takedown-- FINDING his mark!! He explodes in to Rage's side, and knocks the big monster off his feet. Rage goes bouncing in to the ropes, and pulls himself up. He swipes for Crimson Tide. But, Crimson Tide is still on the ground crawling for where he thinks Rage is at.

Neither men could see a darn thing out there..

That's why it's called a blindfold. That's why this match was signed the way it was.. Crimson Tide has always been known for his mindgames, and you got to think he prepped for this match more than Rage. But, Rage is ready to give him hell though no doubt!

Crimson Tide crawls until he feels his shoe, and he quickly pulls Rage's feet from underneath him. He drags Rage to the center of the ring, and turns him over for a modified Texas Cloverleaf!! He is wearing on Rage, and the big man is hollering out in pain!! He is yelling for mercy, and Crimson Tide won't show him any. He wrenches back more on Rage's leg, and finally Rage manages to start punching his way out of it. Rage finally gets his legs untangled, and he crawls for the nearest ropes. Crimson Tide lays near the same spot, and lays motionless. The XWF crowd starts clapping as Rage pulls himself up on the 2nd rope, and then manages to lean in the corner for a moment.

How many minutes gone already for this? 2 minutes? These guys need to get these blindfolds off... Rage needs to show Crimson Tide who's boss!!

Oh does he now? Well Crimson Tide might just put him away with a pinfall here before these 5 minutes are even up. So, what good would that do Rage now to wait it out??

Rage just needs to stay in that corner, and let Crimson Tide come for him. Oh no, Rage! What are you doing?!

Rage is making his way back towards the middle of the ring. Moving like a slow zombie. Crimson Tide feels the vibrations of him walking, and slithers closer. Rage stomps around the ring, and throws his arms out. As to say "come here". He's trying to set someone up for a move, and little does he know that Crimson Tide is crawling right behind him. Rage is standing straight up unaware, and takes a step backward-- tripping back over Crimson Tide's body as he's down on all 4's behind him!! Rage goes tumbling over, and Crimson Tide finds him to cover him up for a pinning combination ...

"...... .. ..1. . . .. . ..

.. . ... . . .. .2. . . . . . .

. .. .. .. .

... Rage tosses Crimson Tide up off him!!"

Crimson Tide nearly flies out of the ring, and then quickly uses the ropes to pull himself up. Using the ropes to walk, and guide himself to the corner. Rage crawls for that spot he thinks he just tossed Crimson Tide. But, he's already gone. Rage swipes, and swipes at the ropes. Crimson Tide feels the ropes moving, and guides himself back down to where he was. Throwing a kick in that direction- that hits Rage's side, and a hard right hand that connects on Rage's shoulder as well. Rage throws a wild elbow back at Crimson Tide but it misses it's target. These blindfolds are really screwing Rage up here tonight.

Well, Crimson Tide definitely looks more sharper. But, this is his type of match. Like you eluded to before.. he's great in the dark. He's always been known for his evil tricks. But, tonight.. I think Rage still has the upperhand, and we are just 3 minutes in to this match. So, if he could hold out 2 more minutes he'll be fine.

Watch out Rage!

Crimson Tide manages to somehow pull Rage in off the ropes, and grabs his head for a Double Arm Hook DDT!! He plans Rage in the center of the ring, and crawls for his body. .. he hooks the leg, and the referee makes the count...

... .... .1. . . .. .

.. ...... .. ... 2. .. ....

... kick out!"

Another near fall for Crimson Tide there!

Uh oh! Looks like RAGE has had enough!!

Rage rips off his blindfold. Even though there's like over a minute to go. He sees Crimson Tide crawling away, and Rage laughs to himself. He stalks Crimson Tide as he pulls himself up in the corner. Rage stands back far in his own corner a moment, and soaks it up. The XWF fans start boo'ing, and Rage puts a finger to his lips telling the Sydney, Australia fans to 'Shhhh'. He then rushes clear across the ring to Splash poor Crimson Tide in the corner. But, Crimson Tide manages to step aside just in time, and Rage catches a face full of turnbuckle instead!! Crimson Tide reaches his hands out, and manages to get his arm around Rage's head again. This time he waves his free arm much like Jake "the Snake" Roberts would do. Before laying Rage out with a customary DDT!!

With such force!

The referee is trying to help Crimson Tide out of his blindfold. But, Crimson Tide thinks it's Rage at first, and tosses him out of the way. Rage rolls towards the outside apron, and Crimson Tide starts stalking nobody inparticular. Rage comes back in the ring, and walks up behind Crimson Tide. He spins him around, and rips the blindfold off of Crimson Tide's face. He grabs Crimson Tide by the throat, and looks him directly in the eyes. Rage says something along the lines like "this ends now!" He goes to Chokeslam him. But, Crimson Tide puts a thumb to his eye, and kicks him in the shin. Rage grabs him by the throat again however, and shoves him over the top rope. Rage stands back, and steps in the middle of that XWF ring. He lifts his hand up towards the skies, and the XWF crowd here tonight marks out hard for this monster of a man!! They love Rage, and they let him hear it. As he hops out of the ring, and starts making short work of Crimson Tide.

This is where Rage has always earned his paycheck.

Rage whips Crimson Tide back first in to that outside barrier. He then starts throwing inside elbows, and knees to Crimson Tide. He ends up busting Crimson Tide's lip wide open with a mean shot to the kisser! He then starts choking Crimson Tide out with his barehands, and works him down to the outside mat. He steps back a few feet, and Rage rushes in connecting with a boot square to Crimson Tide's jaw. Rage celebrates on the outside, and goes underneath the ring near the ramp. He pulls out a large wooden table, and he sets it up outside. He reaches underneath, and finds a gasoline tank. He pour gas all over the table. He eyes Crimson Tide down, and smiles. He rushes over, and plants another boot right to his chin!!

Rage is NOT taking it easy on him tonight!

Crimson Tide's face is all bloody, and Rage scoops him up off the mat. He places him over his shoulder, and carries Crimson Tide over to the outside post. He lifts him up, and tosses Crimson Tide face-first in to that steel post!! Crimson Tide's lifeless body crashes to the outside mat, and Rage just stomps away at him. Showing Crimson Tide absolutely no mercy here tonight at all.

Well, you expected this from Rage. This devilish streak. They both have it in 'em. Truth be told. They have both been known to do some sick, and twisted xtreme things over the years... but, as hardcore as wrestling could get. These 2 just make buisness personal. That's the thing! They take it to another level... even when it doesn't call for it, and that's a testament here tonight. For 2 XWF Hall of Fame legends! In my opinion. In my book. They've done it all.

Rage picks Crimson Tide's lifeless body off the outside mat, and literally just swings him chest first in to that outside steel post. Crimson Tide goes bouncing back in clear, and obvious pain. He is grasping his throat, and his chest. He is bleeding all over the place, and he is just wincing in pain on the ground there. The XWF fans near ringside get a good look at the slaughter at the hands of Rage. He yells something out at the crowd, and picks Crimson Tide up rolling him in to the ring. Rage then circles around back to that table, and he pulls out what the XWF fans have been waiting for. He pulls out some matches! He strikes a match up, and lights the whole matchbook on fire. He tosses it on that wooden table, and it sets ablaze. Crimson Tide is helpess in that ring over there, and Rage pulls himself up on the outside apron. He then gracefully steps over the top rope, and approaches Crimson Tide's bloody body in the center of that XWF squared-circle.

This is all about over. Crimson Tide don't have much fight left in him. Maybe years ago he did! But, right now.. he's just getting pulverized by Rage.

It's like Apollo Creed vs. The Russian ... SOMEONE needs to THROW IN the towel!

Rage eyes Crimson Tide down, and stares back at that flaming table over his shoulder. He tells Crimson Tide this is the end.

Crimson Tide lays back on the mat a bit. He's barely able to sit up on his 2 knees, and actually face Rage. His lifeless body is just swaying back, and fourth. Crimson Tide then gives a throat-slashing gesture, and Rage takes offense to it. He lifts Crimson Tide off the ground by his throat, and he turns him over. He plants him in the center of the ring with a Tombstone Piledriver!! He goes to fold Crimson Tide's arms up, and finish him off this year.

"...... ...1.. . .. .......

...... . but, Rage pulls himself up, and off of Crimson Tide. He stands to his own 2 feet, and he looks down at Crimson Tide. He looks back at that flaming table, and he scoops Crimson Tide's helpless body off the canvas.

No! What's he going to do. He doesn't have to do this! PIN him!! PIN the man!! He's already finished.. he's already helpless.... don't do it this way Rage! Damnit. NOT this WAY!!

Rage lays Crimson Tide over the top rope, and has him just hanging over it. As he steps to the outside, and then with one hand around Crimson Tide's throat- Rage is able to lift him up over the top rope, and sort of stand him up on the outside apron. He looks out at the XWF fans, and down at the flaming table. He pulls Crimson Tide in close. His facepaint all wore off. Blood trickling down his body.

He's going to Chokeslam him Straight to Hell! He's about to chokeslam Crimson Tide through that flaming table! DAMN HIM.

But, out of nowhere. Crimson Tide kicks him in the gut, and grabs the top of his head. Using his moment to toss him head-first off the apron, and crashing through that flaming table. Rage is sent through that burning hot table, and Crimson Tide barely hangs on to the ropes. He is still stuck on the outside apron, and just hanging on to the ropes for dare life. Rage is rolling around covered in burning pieces of wood from that table. He tries to regain his composure as the XWF crowd here in Sydney, Australia mark out for this great Xtreme Mania moment. "HOLYSHIT! HOLYSHIT! HOLYSHIT! HOLYSHIT!! HOLYSHIT!!! HOLYSHIT!! HOLYSHIT!!! HOLYSHIT!!!! HOLYSHIT!!!! HOLYSHIT!!! HOLYSHIT!! HOLYSHIT!!"

Crimson Tide pulls himself back in the ring, and crawls lifelessly towards the center of the ring. Where his previous puddle of blood has left a nice red stain on the canvas. Crimson Tide falls helplessly towards the mat, and Rage is trying to brush off that accident that just took place. He was caught off guard by Crimson Tide, and instead of sending him through that flaming table. Well, he paid the price, and took too long to capitalize.

Rage needed to play that smarter! He could have just put him away. He didn't have to make his point... not that way at least...

The XWF fans are on their feet, and you could hear a few chants break out in the crowd. First you hear "Lets go Rage!" then you hear "Lets go Tide!"... finally the entire ANZ Stadium picks up on this, and it's a mix right now. Half the stadium is chanting, "Lets go Rage!" ... the other half is chanting, "Lets go Tide!" .....

Have you ever heard anything like this before?

Not in the slightest.

Outside Rage is gaining his composure. Inside Crimson Tide is still sulking in the middle of the ring. As Rage is starting to crawl through the broken pieces of table, and the ash. He glances up in the ring, and notices Crimson Tide is getting back to his feet. In fact Crimson Tide backs up to the ropes, and comes rushing across the ring Flying out in a Suicide Dive through the middle rope, and colliding with Rage on the outside!! The XWF fans mark out hard, and both men lay helpess on the outside now. Pieces of broken table that was just set on fire lay around the ring, and Crimson Tide looks just as lost as Rage now. Both men squirum on the outside a bit, and Rage manages to find his leverage first. He uses the outside apron to pull himself up. Once he does he plants a boot shot across Crimson Tide's kisser as he begins crawling around. Rage plants another boot shoot on top of his skull! Crimson Tide isn't moving now, and Rage starts climbing up the outside steel post. He stands firm atop the corner now, and waits for Crimson Tide to start showing signs of life. Once Crimson Tide spins around Rage goes for an Extreme Lariat! But, Crimson Tide ducks just in time, and Rage goes crashing to the outside once more.

Last time Rage went crashing, and burning.. he actually caught on fire!! This time.. he risks his body, and Crimson Tide moves out the way just in time.

Crimson Tide rolls back in the ring, and tries to get his head straight. Rage crawls around for a moment in pain, and then gets real angry with the situation. He pulls himself up on the outside barrier, and yells to some fans that "the time has come!" He runs towards, and slides in the ring. Rage then backs Crimson Tide up on to the ropes, and lifts him to his feet. Crimson Tide spits blood in Rage's eyes, and Rage wipes the blood away for a second. Before he starts throwing square punches at Crimson Tide's face! Just unloading on him. Punch after punch. Crimson Tide tries to fall, and Rage gives him a sick uppercut to keep him on his feet!! Another hard uppercut almost takes Crimson Tide up over the top rope. He hangs there helplessly, and Rage puts Crimson Tide's head, and arms hanging over the top rope. He then stretches his legs back, and kicks Crimson Tide square in the inner thigh! He then PLANTS Crimson Tide with a Big Boot as he tries to regain his balance.

Crimson Tide just got LAID OUT!

Rage circles up around the ring, and is really fired up. He climbs the top turnbuckle, and awaits Crimson Tide who barely gets to a knee. Soon as Crimson Tide goes to stand to his feet however then Rage leaps off, and catches him this time with that Flying Clothesline from the top! He drills Crimson Tide, and takes him down hard. He covers him up for the pin ....

..... .. . .. .1. . .. .....

. .. . . .... . ... . 2....... ... ..

.. . .. . .. kick out!"

What about his plan to Chokeslam him Straight to Hell??

Maybe his plans got spoiled.

Rage rolls to his feet, and looks down at Crimson Tide. He throws his hand back over his shoulder, and he's signaling for it. This looks to be the end. As Crimson Tide is getting up he places his hand around his throat, and Rage mouths some words to him. Before going to lift him off the ground. However, Tide just kicks him in the groin, and plants him with a DDT out of nowhere!!

Out of nowhere!!

The crowd is back on their feet!! These XWF fans loving the action right now!!!

2 XWF Hall of Famers giving it their all... one will be inducted here tonight in just under an hour ...

Both men lay side-by-side in the middle of that blood stained XWF ring. Crimson Tide is completely out of it, and Rage has been worn down. They are giving it their all, and the people in the ANZ Stadium start jumping, stomping, hopping up, and down!! CAUSING A COMPLETE RUCKUS!!!! This Sydney, Australia crowd is on fire right now for these XWF Hall of Famers!!!!! They are loud as ever, and they aren't stopping!!

Both men still laying helpless, and who will be the first to act?

Crimson Tide pops up a little bit, and bobs around uncontrollably. Rage sits up out of nowhere, and this doesn't look good for Crimson Tide. That's when Rage stands to his feet, and goes to kick Crimson Tide as he's getting to a knee. But, Crimson Tide catches his foot-- spins Rage around, and drills him with a brilliant Enziguri out of nowhere!!

He really had to reach down for that one.

Crimson Tide pulling out all the stops. In this his LAST MATCH in his 15 year wrestling career.. 13 of those years coming from the XWF, and dating back until 1998!! He was the 1st man to sign a contract in his own blood back in 1998, and his blood stains this mat today ... he is going up top now... he IS CLIMBING UP TOP!!!

Is he going to go for that High Tide??!?

The XWF fans are on their feet!

Crimson Tide leaping off for the High Tide, and he GOT HIM!!!

He makes the cover on Rage now, .....

". . .. .. .. .. 1. ..... .. ... ..

.. .... . Crimson Tide lifts Rage's arm up, and breaks the hold on his own."

What's he doing here? Put him away Crimson Tide! You need to put Rage away while you can!!

Crimson Tide stands back to his feet, and slowly walks over to the nearest corner grasping his ribs. He climbs up top, and throws an 'X'-symbol in the air by crossing his arms. He leaps off for another HIGH TIDE on Rage, and it connects!! He goes to cover him again, and again before the referee can even count this time. He rolls off of Rage, and starts crawling for the corner. He pulls himself up barely able to even lift his own body weight. He raises his hands to the XWF fans in Sydney, Australia before mounting the top turnbuckle, and facing Rage. He puts his hands out to his side much like Macho Man Randy Savage, and the crowd marks out for him!! He then even does an Eddie Guerrero 'Latino Heat' shaking of his pecks, and he lets out a humorous smile as the fans applaud along with him! He LEAPS OFF for his 3rd High Tide on RAGE, and it connects!!!!

THIS has got to do it.

He covers him up, and the referee begins making the count.....

" . .... .. . .. 1. ..... ...

. . .. . . ... ..2. .. . . . .. . ..

.. .... kick out!"

I can't believe my eyes!!

Rage kicked out of a 3rd High Tide delivered by "The Crimson One" .. believe it!

The crowd is stirring now moreso than ever before, and Crimson Tide crawls with all his might over to the corner. This time he lifts himself up, and quickly hops up on the top turnbuckle. Giving no signal whatsover. He just leaps off for a 4th, and final HIGH TIDE!!!!

This has GOT to do it!

He hooks the leg on the XWF 2011 Hall of Fame inductee. Crimson Tide is looking to put away his long term friend, and rival Rage with this 3-count here,

". ..... .. . . ..1. .. ..... ..

. ...... .... ..2. . ..... ...

.. ....... . Rage grabs him by the throat, and lifts him off of him."

Look at this sheer strength!

He couldn't put him away with a 4th High Tide, and I am speechless.

Crimson Tide tries to fight it off. But, he can't. Crimson Tide manages to keep his hand around his throat, and drive him back in to the corner. He then lifts him up, and sits him on the top turnbuckle. He then picks him up high in the air, and Rage CHOKESLAMS Crimson Tide down to the canvas with authority!!

What a powerful Chokeslam that was! What velocity!!

He doesn't look done James Shaw.

Rage glares out disturbingly at all the XWF fans here in Sydney, Australia.

He then looks deep in to the nearest camera, and he looks demonic right now. Like a man possessed. The XWF fans here LIVE! in the ANZ Stadium are letting him have it!! They are cheering for him, and chanting his name. They are calling for a chokeslam. They want another Chokeslam!! Rage eyes Crimson Tide down, and lifts him up with one arm.

Look at that!

Rage says something to Crimson Tide, and then with that one hand wrapped around his throat still.. he picks Crimson Tide up off the canvas, and CHOKE SLAMS HIM STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!

He puts the exclimation point on that one!

Rage makes the cover on Crimson Tide,

"... ..... .. 1. .. ... .. .. ..

.. . ... ... .2. . .. . .. . .

.. .. . ..

... . . .3!"

That's it. It's all over for Crimson Tide! His career comes to an end here tonight, and Rage goes out succesful. With a huge victory on the night he is inducted in to the XWF Hall of Fame!!

What a match we just saw.

It was.

What a match we just witnessed!!! 2 of the XWF greats!! And I can't say enough about either man. They may never have won the XWF World Title. But, they both worked their tails off, and made the XWF what it is today. Beyond famous. Beyond fame, fortune, and glory. This company was built off their blood, sweat, and tears.. they've done it all, and they've done a lot of it together. Only fitting it ends this way for Crimson Tide, and Rage with the honors of delivering that last hellacious CHOKESLAM with fiery vengeance!!

Rage begins exiting to his well known theme music, and the crowd gives him a rising ovation! They are all on their feet, and supporting Rage's latest actions in this 'Life-Or-Death' matchup. He gave it all he had, and he destroyed Crimson Tide in the process. Danielle Worley announces the winner in the ring.

The winner ..... by pinfalll ...... RAGE!!!!!!

Crimson Tide wallows in self pity a moment, and then begs for a microphone from Danielle Worley. He stands back, and the fans give one last send off to Rage on the top of the ramp. Crimson Tide speaks now over the microphone, and the entire Sydney, Australia crowd grows quiet after that brutalizing 'Life-Or-Death' match.

You know!! RAGE is a helluva an opponent.. he beat my ass here tonight ... he handing me the beating of a life!!! I'm surprised I faught back. I surprised myself tonight!! I think ... I think I always overcame adversity ... with my size... with my lack of size, and athletic ability. I made up for in heart, and RAGE you got a BIG HEART pal!! You got a great Chokeslam too, and I'll be in the nearest Australian hospital soon enough ... it won't be the first time though ... and Rage I hope it's not the end of the road for you here tonight!! I know it was 'Win-Or-Lose' for me, and I'm a man of my word. But, Rage.. please promise me you continue on with your legacy! You still have unwritten chapters.... to my XWF fans... THANK YOU! Thank you for giving me this moment in time... it took 15 years for this to happen. For me to have the MATCH OF MY LIFE!! That was the greatest performance I ever put on... I don't care what anyone says!! It had it all, and if we only had more time.... but, we don't. THANK YOU ALL FOR WATCHING. Thank you so much Rage, and you deserve that Hall of Fame induction tonight! Moreso than anyone else in this company. I believe that! You were the BEST EVER in MY EYES!! I'm so thankful you let me just have that match...

The XWF fans are cheering. The faithful, and loyal fans of the XWF let Crimson Tide hear it!! A true living legend, and a man that will be sorely missed. He gives one last wave to the crowd. Who start a chant of "CRIMSON TIDE!" Before finishing off with this last bloody speech,

What else is there left to say? After 15 years. After 13 lucky years in the XWF. ... .My career has been... SIMPLY EXECUTED!

- --- --- -- - -------

We cut from that scene at ringside with a bloody Crimson Tide's last speech. Straight to William Knighthawk's locker room.

William Knighthawk: Hey, Gigantis! You alright big guy?

Gigantis: Yeah, I sure am. But, are you ready for tonight's big match??

Oh, I am..

..Xavier Phoenix walks by, and says to "The Dark Prince."

you better be ready! Because, tonight .. I'll be forcing you to look yourself in the mirror, and telling the world what you truly see. You know what I see? A "LOSER".

Xavier Phoenix smiles arrogantly at William Knighthawk, and walks away. Gigantis looks down at his buddy, and "The Dark Prince" William Knigthawk looks very upset to say the least.

We cut to "TV_MA" backstage, and he has Bob Levy at his side trying to ask questions. But, "TV_MA" takes over from here.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: OHH THERE'S GOING TO BE HELL TONIGHT!! If you thought Rage, and Tide spilled blood .. that'll be nothing compared to the shit stain I make Carlos tonight! When I wipe the mat with his corpse in this 3 Stages of Death match! Carlos might not make it out of the first 2 stages.. LETS GO!

The ReArrangers celebrate backstage. But, look who steps up it's The Wreckin' Crew, and they look like they want a match soon.

Brutality: You know it, and I know it Ryder.. that we should have won that match. If it wasn't for them lousy invaders. We would've got the job done!

Ryan Ryder: You know. Maybe you're right. But, we just did what we had to do to get the job done.

If you are so confident you are so damn good. Put them belts on the line. I mean, you have to defend them eventually. What's 2 weeks? That's a lifetime for some as a champion.

You want a match? Alright. You got it! The first Showdown! back on June 14th .. the MAIN EVENT of that Showdown! we will put our XWF Tag Team Titles on the line against you fellas. Just make sure you leave the excuses at home.

Don't worry Ryder. We got exactly what we wanted. Your BUTTS in the ring with us. ReArrangers versus the Wreckin' Crew straight up!

We'll see your asses in the Main Event of Showdown!

The Wreckin' Crew walks away, and the ReArrangers are stuck back to talk it over amongst themselves.

Back at ringside with the commentators, and they are speaking about the latest occurence.

Fresh off their XWF Undisputed Tag Team Championship GAUNTLET victory, and they are already ready to defend their Tag Team Titles. On top of that. Ryan Ryder was not fired.

They know, and we know.. who should have won that match. ReArrangers agree, and it's on.. it'll be the first main event on June 14th, 2011 of Showdown! Tag Team Titles on the line ... the team of Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder form to make the ReArrangers defending their belts for the 1st time against The Wreckin' Crew on June 14th.. in Daytona, Florida .. for the Showdown! return of the summer.....

Up next we got Jon "The Man" Hampton vs. Shiru Vanchiez, the Hall of Fame ceremony, and much much more... stay with us ....

--- -- - - -- - - -- ---


-------- --- --- - -

PART 3 --

******VIDEO PACKAGE is shown for this match between Jon Hampton vs. Shiru Vanchiez.

They have known each other for years, and even went to school together. They came to the XWF with the same recommendation, and have always been a part of the XWF family. Though they've both had similar success. It appears that while Shiru got off to a better start in his career. It was Jon Hampton who cruised through the Summer of 2008, and found himself Main Eventing as the Challenger in last year's Xtreme Mania event. He wasn't able to capture the XWF World Title for the 1st time in his career. But, he made a name for himself amongst XWF crowds. Shiru tried to come back hard at last fall's King Of Xtreme pay per view. However, he wasn't able to escape with the tournament victory, and Jon Hampton had since found himself hitting a rough patch as of late. Both men have been on losing streaks the last couple of pay per views, and they look to turn it around tonight. Which of these 2 friends will stand out from the other?? How exactly will this match go down?? Two men from the 2005-2006 era have decided to lock it up here tonight in 2011 for "Xtreme Mania 6". It is about to play out in front of the Sydney, Australia crowd.******

We cut to ringside where Danielle Worley is standing in the ring, and set to introduce the next "Xtreme Mania 6" matchup.

Jon "The Man" Hampton vs. Shiru Vanchiez - Xtreme Rules match

Introducing first .... he is ... Jon "The Man" Hampton!!

Out comes Jon Hampton to a chorus of boos from the crowd. The people of Sydney, Australia, and most XWF fans around the world don't seem to like this guy. He makes his way down the ramp.

Here he comes "The Ultimate One", "The Chosen One" .. Jon "The Man" Hampton! look at him!!

Yeah, I see him.

Last year he was Main Eventing "Xtreme Mania: Decade".. how do you think he feels about this match scheduled for him tonight here at "Xtreme Mania 6"??

Well, he oughta be honored. He oughta be pleased. Since he is the one that asked for this match. He gets to go up against his old friend, and they have an opportunity to put on quite a display here tonight. In front of this record-breaking soldout crowd of 125,632 people .. right here in the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia ... LIVE! on pay per view across the world for all these loyal XWF fans to witness! This is his time. This is their time!

And up next.... he is .... Shiru Vanchiez!!!

His theme music hits, and it mellows out the crowd. They start cheering for Shiru Vanchiez, and anticipate his enterance. As he explodes out behind the curtains, and starts sprinting towards the ring in his white karate pants. He slides in the ring, and gets eye-to-eye with Jon Hampton. They share a quick staredown, and then Shiru goes to pose on the turnbuckles for his fans. Jon Hampton looses himself up on the ropes, and stretches out a bit. As this XWF crowd starts dying now, and you still hear lot of support for Shiru Vanchiez.

You know that Shiru Vanchiez was one of the best Dual Champions of all time??

This isn't 2005, or 2006 anymore Shaw! This is 2011, and he's far behind... if he wants to be a big part of this company. It's time for Shiru Vanchiez to step it up! If he ever wanted to be a Hall of Famer, or a legend in his own right... he has some ways to go. He's done a lot here in the XWF, and he's always been about helping this company out. But, our brand is very recognizable these days, and he needs to stay on top of his game!

Shiru's a great young talent.

Yeah, but he needs to buckle down, and get serious! He could either become one of the best ever, or fade out in to the sunset. The choice is his! Tonight... he's about to go 1-on-1 with an old friend of his. This match will be a good one! "The Ultimate One" Jon Hampton vs. Shiru Vanchiez .... .. you could feel the tension in the air.

The bell sounds, and both men circle each other up a moment. They quickly shake hands in the center of the ring, and circle up some more. They finally lock up in the center of the ring, and Jon Hampton starts forcing Shiru Vanchiez back. But, Shiru manages to spin out of it, and deliver a nice Hip Toss to Hampton!! That's when Hampton pops back up, and shakes it off. They lock up again, and this time Hampton works his way behind Shiru. However, Shiru is able to counter, and get behind him. Planting Jon Hampton with a standing back breaker, that he turns in to an awesome pinning-combination.

He's got Hampton's shoulder on the mat .... .1 .. . . .. . 2. ... . . kick out! Close one there for Jon Hampton.

Shiru Vanchiez is going to look to put this one away early. He's in there working with his friend, and even though it's all buisness... he doesn't want to hurt, or injure Jon in any way. He's known to bust out these weird pinning predictaments. If he stays on Jon Hampton-- no doubt Shiru Vanchiez will escape with a win here tonight.

I don't know. Jon Hampton's a tough one.

They go to lock up again. But, another quick hip toss from Shiru, and he turns it in to an Arm Bar on the mat!! He begins wearing Hampton down, and the crowd is stomping around here in Sydney, Australia! They are fully behind Shiru, and they are letting him hear it here tonight!!!

Shiru pulls Hampton back to his feet now, and twists around with that arm now. He kicks Hampton in the shin, and then a swift left kick to the stomach! Hampton screams out in pain, and Shiru wrenches back on that arm bar some more. He applies pressure, and digs in to Jon Hampton's shoulder with that free hand now. Jon Hampton rolls through it, and is still trapped in that arm bar. He tries to turn it on Shiru, but he quickly jumps, and rolls through it himself. He eventually gets to his feet, and flips Jon Hampton down to the mat in somerasault fashion.

Drilling him with that Snapmare. He kicks him in the back of the spine, and runs towards the ropes.

Paying homage to Mr. Perfect we get a nice Flip over the top, and a Neck Snap delivered from Shiru Vanchiez!! The crowd pops out for him, and he poses for a second when he gets up. Shiru then kicks Jon Hampton across the chest, and makes the cover.

"...... .. ... 1.. . .. . . ..

. . . . .. . .2. . .. . .. ....

. .. kick out!"

Jon Hampton looking a little sluggish if I say so myself.

He's not getting it done at the moment. It's as simple as that.

You got a lot to say about him don't you?

I never liked the man.

Open up the flood gates.

I rather not at the moment.. get to this match. Where Shiru Vanchiez scoops, and bodyslams Jon "THE Man" Hampton to the mat. Dropping a nice leg on his throat, and now wearing him down with a sideheadlock on the canvas there... Shiru Vanchiez then ... taking quickly to the skies. He hops on the top turnbuckle, and soon as Jon Hampton gets up to turn around he is caught with a BEAUTIFUL Cross Body for the pin fall .. .. . . 1.. .. . . ..2 . . . .. NO! Kick out by Jon Hampton--

You know. I don't know why you don't like this guy.

Pay attention. I just said that .. it's as simple as that. I don't have nothing to say about the man. He was in the main event of last year's Xtreme Mania. This year.. he's got his buddy Shiru Vanchiez, and I don't know if either man took this seriously ...

Shiru Vanchiez scoop bodyslams him, and drops a leg across his throat again. He then turns him over on his stomach, and sets him up for an old school Surfboard! He holds Jon Hampton up for the crowd to see, and they cheer Shiru Vanchiez on. The referee asks if he wants to quit, and he doesn't. Shiru Vanchiez releases the hold, and steps to the outside apron.

Maybe it's "US"? That are not taking "THEM" serious enough ...

I take Shiru Vanchiez plenty serious .. his situation is different ... he was off since 2006 .. we call him up in 2010--

Shiru Vanchiez hops up on the top rope from the outside, and springs forward. Leaping on Jon Hampton in straddle-formation as he gets to his feet! Shiru Vanchiez POUNCES on Hampton, and gets right in to the pinning-combination. ... . ..1 .. . . .2. .. . . . kick out!

GREAT move by Shiru! .. He's unloading these high flying moves on 'em tonight ..

Listen, Shiru came out last year, and was suppose to fight in his "Shiru Vanchiez" Open Invitational match at KING OF XTREME... but, the man .. . "Zane Walker". The man who challenged him.. he never showed. Well, there were some circumstances surrounding the 1st round match with War Machine vs. Matt Sharper at King of Xtreme ...

I remember.

Shiru scoop slams Jon Hampton again, and takes off to the ropes. Bouncing back with a full flip, and laying a sickening right leg across his chest. Shiru makes the quick cover... . .1. .. . . .2 . . kick out!

Anyways, long story short.. Shiru Vanchiez gets to Round 2 of the King of Xtreme Tournament .. after never being in the thing originally. He loses to 2005 XWF Hall of Famer, Mars. Then he goes on to have a little fiasco take place on TV_MA's most famous show back on Showdown! .. a few months before Collision Course took place. Well, Shiru had no luck at Xtreme Battle Zone either, and a similar path has been taken by Jon Hampton. But, HE'S been around since the Summer of 2008 .. he left back in 2006 with the rest of them.. comes back in '08, and then in 2010 he is scheduled for the MAIN EVENT of "XTREME MANIA: DECADE" the biggest show of them all. 'ONE NIGHT ONLY'. He loses to Jesse Jones, and he never bounces back. Chance after chance. Hell, he was suppose to be "The Chosen One" .. but, he didn't get it done.

He's not getting it done against Shiru right now. As Shiru irish whips him to the corner, and comes in nailing him with a Spinning Heel Kick!!

Young Shiru has potential. I don't know about Jon "THE Man" Hampton. I'll tell ya what!

Just then, Hampton ducks a right hand by Shiru Vanchiez, and tosses him in the corner now. Jon Hampton unloads as man right, and left shots to the mid-section of Shiru Vanchiez as he can. He kicks him in the gut, and places him on the top turnbuckle. He is looking to go for a Superplex. But, Shiru Vanchiez kicks him in the head. Jon Hampton gets dazed, and turns the other way. Shiru hops on his shoulders from the back, and rolls thru out of nowhere for a quick pinfall on Hampton ..

" . .... .. ... .1. . . . .....

.. . .. . . . ..2 . .. ...... ..

. ..

... . kick out!"

Well, you might get your wish, and your boy might be put away here.

Jon Hampton starts crawling to the outside apron, and rolls out of the ring. Shiru Vanchiez stays back a moment, and lets the referee begin the 10-count while Hampton tries to recover. The referee shouts .. 3 .. . . . . . .. 4 . . . . . . . .. Jon Hampton starts walking backwards up the ramp .. .. . . . 5 . . . . .. and Shiru Vanchiez is shaking his head no.. he stands up, and tries to stop the official's count .... . 6!! . ..

What is he doing?


...... the referee reaches 7 ..... and Jon Hampton is now walking with straight up the aisle ... with his hand grasping the back of his head.... Shiru hops out of the ring and gives chase .... the Sydney, Australia crowd chants along with the referee for the ... 8 - count . . . . . . . Shiru grabs Jon Hampton by the back of the head, and rushes him alll the way .. all 20 feet back to the ring, and throws him in ... at the referee's 9 - count ... ...

Get in there Shiru!

Shiru slides in before the 10-count, and he backs Jon Hampton up in the corner. Hampton kicks him in the gut, and tosses him back in the corner. He goes to irish whip him across the ring. But, Shiru reverses it, and sends Jon Hampton back-first in to the corner! Shiru Vanchiez does a couple fancy flips, and samersaults on his way to trying to deliver an elbow to Jon Hampton's face. But, Hampton instead ducks under the top rope, and protects his head. Jon Hampton steps back through, and grabs Shiru Vanchiez by the back of the head. He walks him out 2 feet towards the center of the ring, and plants him with a Reverse DDT!! He rolls him up for the pinfall .. .. 1.. . .. . .2. .. . . . . kick out!

Not like that.

I was waiting for you to say something.

Jon Hampton picks Shiru up by the back of the head, and talks some mild trash to him. As he slaps him across the chops. Shiru fires back with two quick right kicks to the chest, and stomach area. Jon Hampton then punches Shiru in the gut with his left hand, and drops him with a BULLDOG out of nowhere!! The fans boo, and Hampton turns Shiru over for the pinfall...

" . .. .. . .1. .. . . . . . ..

. ... .....2. . .. . . .. .. ..

. .. .

.. kick out!"

You think that will work? Putting Shiru away like that?

How else he going to do it?? Listen , .. I don't see you out thee James Shaw busting YOUR hump. Here "I" am ... Mr. Alex "COOL" Beans .. being the Cooler Commentator .. the least you could do is pipe down about your man crush on Jon Hampton ... or .. get over yourself. You aren't out there! You aren't sacraficing your body for these XWF fans here in Sydney! Heck.. the people around the world.. Toronto, Canada.. Chicago, Illinois ... Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ... .. San Juan, Puerto Rico ... ..they all have their opinions, and we all know what that means?

They're all as***les ??

Ahh! JAMES SHAW. You can't say that ..

Thanks for clearing that up for me. As Jon Hampton lays out Shiru with a deadly Suplex, and then follows that up... with an Atomic Drop!! He goes for the pinfall. .. . . .1. ... . .2.. .. . . kick out by Shiru!

Don't forget about Dartmoor, England... or LEEDS, England for that matter .. hah hah hah. ..

LEEDS? What's that mean?? I know about Dartmoor.. But, who lives in Leeds??

Oh, you'll see.

Why you know all the inside information I don't lately? You knew about the WWG invaders, and what their names were.... now you got a lead I don't? What's the story? What's the deal??

You'll see James Shaw.

Jon Hampton goes for, and delivers a Piledriver! He doesn't go for the cover however. He goes up top, and signals for a Big Leg. He leaps off, and Shiru Vanchiez sits up just in time. Jon Hampton crashes the canvas below, and the crowd pops out!!! They love this change of momentum for Shiru Vanchiez. He starts getting to his feet now, and goes for a Spinning Heelkick, and drills Jon Hampton with that one. This could about do it, and Shiru goes for the pin

" ... . .. .. ....1.. . . .. . ..

.. . .. .. . .2.. . . . . . .. . ..

.. .. . . . .

. . . . . foot on the rope!"

I thought he had him there!!

Me too!

Jon Hampton rolls to the outside apron, and Shiru goes over to stop him this time. He reaches over the ropes, and pulls Jon Hampton up. Jon Hampton stalls him with a hard right hand, and leaps over top of Shiru Vanchiez for a Sunset Flip.. in to a roll up.. but, Shiru rolls backwards out of it, and comes through DRILLING Jon Hampton with a kick to the chest. Shiru then goes to the ropes, and comes in for a running Knee Shot.. but, Jon Hampton leans back far enough to duck it. Shiru goes to pick Jon Hampton up, and instead Hampton rolls him up in a pinning combination.

" . ... ..... . .1. . .. . . .. .

. . . . ..2. .. .... . ...

. .. . kick out!"

Almost ended there!

Shiru charges at Hampton, and he ducks pulling Shiru's feet from underneath him. He turns him over, and places Shiru Vanchiez in a Boston Crab but Shiru tries to kick his way out of it. Hampton instead stalls him with back kick to the side. He then flips Shiru over on his back, and keeps those legs hooked. He looks back over his shoulder, and Hampton then uses his momentum to SLING SHOT Shiru Vanchiez to the turnbuckle. But, Shiru leaps up, and catches himself on the 2nd turnbuckle. Jon Hampton sneaks behind him, and in RAZOR EDGE like fasion he LAYS OUT Shiru Vanchiez across the canvas. He crawls over to him in the center of the ring, and covers him up ...

" . .. . . . .. .1. . . . . . .. .

.. . . ... .2.. . . . . .. . ..

. . . . .. ... ...

. .. 3!"

Ahh man! Shiru tries to get it done, and somehow Jon Hampton scores a pinfall victory out of nowhere. I was NOT expecting that Shaw.

Well, Hampton catches Vanchiez off guard.. he allowed Shiru to make the first make, and Jon capitalizes... by pinning his longtime friend in the center of that XWF ring.

It was definitely a quality match here at "Xtreme Mania 6" .. though the crowd reaction would tell you otherwise.. .

Yeah, they are boo'ing. But, only because they don't like Hampton anymore than I do ...

You got that right. Jeez! Even in Sydney, Australia he's the enemy .. what's the deal with that James Shaw?

You tell me "COOL" Beans!!?!

-- -- ------- - ---- --

Chris Falkenyork is shown sitting in his dressing room just furiously staring off in space. The Original is nowhere to be found.

Carlos Shotgun is standing by with Flo Stanley now, and she just wants to reiterate what was asked earlier by Mitch Keller.

Flo: So, Carlos ... you are looking well tonight ...

Carlos Shotgun: Well, thank you darling .. it is Xtreme Mania 6 after all... I am the XWF World Heavyweight Champion only for the 2nd time in my career.. .. I am the MAIN EVENT for the evening.. why shouldn't I look well, and feel good tonight??

I-- uh.. .

See, that's the thing. People have all kinds of questions they want to ask. But, they don't really know what they want do they??? They don't know what they are searching for? What are they digging so deep for?? Mark Adkins digged a ditch for himself, .. and well ... I hope they can't smell him rotting from 2 feet under. Because, that's how deep I'm going to plant him. After this 3 Stages of Death match ... a foot for every stage he survives... because, I don't think we will need to go to the 3rd stage. But, if we do.. then I'll bury him 3 feet, and I'll just pray this stank doesn't reek the entire valley ..... .

So, you still believe your chances of winning tonight- -

Chances?!? 'Chances' of winning tonight?!!? What is that suppose to mean!?!? You think I'm really worried about what the outcome is going to be. I am the XWF World Heavyweight Champion yet again. Like I was only destined to be. To MAIN EVENT the biggest show of the year. Not Chris Falkenyork, not The Original, not anyone else.. me. Now, I know that a lot of people have their doubts about what took place at Xtreme Battle Zone. But, they should have no doubts in their minds... that what happend to Mark Adkins at my hands... not only at the end of our last pay per view.. but, also back at KOX. Back when we faced each other at King of Xtreme. He didn't get my wife!! He didn't get to put his filthy paws on her, and ruin our marriage. He didn't get a chance to ruin our lives like he wanted. He didn't get her as a ONE YEAR SLAVE. No, I got MY ONE FAVOR!! I did what I said I was going to do. What I came to do! I did it then .. I did at Xtreme Battle Zone, and I will do it tonight!! At "Xtreme Mania 6" .. quite possibly the biggest of them all, and now that I'm the MAIN EVENT.. I know that it has to be. I know that this record-sold out crowd came to only see ONE MAN. The one with the XWF Championship gold around his waist .... the most handsome man of them all... CARLOS A. SHOTGUN!! Well, call it what you will.. but, 3 Stages of Death will be ONE FOR THE RECORD BOOKS. It'll be something to remember for years to come. As I make a mockery out of Mark Adkins. As I make a point.. to destroy him, and humiliate him in front of his peers. In front of those XWF fans here in Sydney, Australia!!

You could hear the XWF fans, and Carlos Shotgun fans going crazy in that Sydney, Australia crowd. A lot of Elite followers in the area, and they are showing their full support for the champion tonight. Lots of cheers, and lots of boos!! It's a real loud mixed crowd.

It's not about what I could give them .. what I'm about to show them... it's more about what I'm going to do to you Mark! What I to do to you!! When I show you... who the real man between us is .... when I make my demonstration clear... 3 STAGES OF DEATH... meant the END OF MARK ADKINS, and TV_MA for good!! It marks the start of a new day. A brand new era in the XWF. With me, once again.... with CARLOS SHOTGUN to be the MAIN EVENT, and to carry this company on his back like I've done many times before. Well, hell.. it might even be a privilege to PUT MARK ADKINS in his PLACE. As for this strap right here. This XWF Championship gold belongs to me. I will be keeping this title here tonight. I will be walking away, and walking out of XTREME MANIA 6 as the XWF World Heavyweight Champion, and there's not a damn thing he could do about it!! I'd like to say .. that this conversation has been worth it to me... but, really Flo ... I got bigger things to handle ....

Carlos looks out in space a moment, and collects himself a second.

Shotgun maybe unsure of himself as he goes to walk away, and Flo of course tries to get one more word in. As she asks a question, and sticks the mic back in his direction.

Care to elaborate?

Yes, CAREERS will end here tonight .... and Mark Adkins will be one of them!!! "Thank You Very Much"

The crowd chants that famous catchphrase along with him as they cheer in anticipation of that great big main event of the evening. '3 Stages of Death' to be the headlining matchup for "Xtreme Mania 6".

-- ------ -- ---- ---

After that beautiful outdoor shot, and then we cut to ringside where James Shaw, and Alex "Cool" Beans quickly set up the XWF Hall of Fame ceremony getting prepared for the 5 inductees in the 2011 class.

Here we go! It's going down. 5 new inductees added to the 26 names already in the XWF Hall of Fame! We have over 10 XWF former World Champions, multiple tag team champions, 3 former XWF Presidents, and this year we add the only Woman inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame. .. as our members grows from 26 to 31 Hall of Famers.. .

Going to be a great ceremony James Shaw!

XWF Hall of Fame ceremony ..inducting the 5 new members in 2011 class ...---

We can't forget LAST YEAR'S Hall of Fame ... where there were parties going on all night long! Such celebrities as Reggie Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and other celebrities were on hand backstage during that Xtreme Mania event in 2010!

Including. And take a look at this! Snoop Dogg with our very own Carlos Shotgun!!>

Yeah, that's great Beans! This year we will have nominees from the 2008, and 2009 class induct these gentlemen, and uh the one lone lady .. for the class of 2011..

The crowd grows silent, and then our first inductee comes out to his old theme music. The people of Sydney, Australia, and the XWF diehard fans around the world just markd out hard for 9LP!!!!!!

What an ovation!! What a show of respect for 9LP here in the record-breaking soldout ANZ Stadium!!

He was actually a 2008 XWF Hall of Famer!

He bypasses the podium on top of the ramp, and heads for the ring. He gets on the mic to say a few quick words. Regarded as arguably the greatest XWF World Champion of all-time, and a 2008 XWF Hall of Fame inductee .... he says,

9LP: "Couple things.. I never been a punk, and I never been to Australia neither!

So, ... haha, ... I just want to thank all you for coming out! Thank you all who make this worth it. I want to thank the XWF, for everything they have done for me, and honoring me in this illustrious XWF Hall of Fame.. thank you for that, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the show! Xtreme Mania 6 ,.. this is what it's all about baby! GOD BLESS."

The XWF faithful give him the greatest standing ovation ever, and celebrate an incredible Xtreme Mania moment with one of the best XWF World Champions there ever was. But, as he makes his way back up the ramp to introduce, and induct our 1st new member in 2011 class of the XWF Hall of Fame... a odd theme music hits. It's that of SUB ZERO. And it seems to be getting a little bit colder in the stadium.

Hahahah. .. What is Sub Zero doing with his old wrestling attire on for James Shaw? He used to wear that same outfit to the ring..

I have no idea!!

He is a 2-time former North American Champion, and competed from 2000-2002. He is now the 27th member inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame, and the 1st member inducted in the class of 2011 ....

Sub Zero gets on the mic.

Sub Zero: Thank You all for coming! Thank you to the XWF brass for giving me this great honor! The 2011 class of the XWF Hall of Fame... I absolutely love it!! Thank you all ....

Out next comes the 2009 XWF Hall of Famer, and the man challenging for the XWF World Title tonight, "TV_MA" Mark Adkins. He steps to the podium to announce the 2nd inductee in the 2011 class of the HALL of FAME.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: So, he was a former Tag Team Champion, and he did a lot for the XWF when it was first getting off the ground. Always a true competitor! The 2nd member inducted in this 2011 class. .. He goes by the name of ASSASSIN!!!

Out walks some odd looking man.

And look at that! Wouldn't you know it. We've got Assassin in ring attire as well Alex. How bout that?

Yeah, what is his deal? What are these guys going to have a reunion match from 2001?? Heck no, ..maybe they just felt left out since Rage is already dressed, and ready to go at #3 for our 2011 XWF Hall of Fame inductees ... .. what's he already doing out here??

Before Assassin could accept his award, and give thanks to anybody. Here comes the 3rd member inducted in this 2011 class.. before he's even introduced to come out here..

Here he comes now! The most destructive force in XWF history!! RAGE!!!

Rage by passes Assassin, and sort of shoves him aside. Mark Adkins just gets out the way, and Rage snatches his XWF Hall of Fame plaque off the podium.

Rage goes to grab the award. But, first the person inducting him in the Hall of Fame. It's 2009 XWF Hall of Famer... "Suicide King" Steve Hardy!!!

The crowd absolutely pops like mad when "Suicide King" is announced!!!!!!

He strolls over to the podium, and he sort of puts his hands on Rage's bicep.

"Suicide King" Steve Hardy: Now... I know the XWF fans are excited to be here tonight!!!!!

Sydney, Australia pops some more!!!!!!

Yeah! They are excited to be here tonight, and I'm real excited to be here tonight ... so, I don't blame you Rage .. if you got a little excited. But, no need--

Suddenly- Rage grabs him by the throat, and CHOKE SLAMS the "Suicide King" off of the top of the ramp!! He goes smashing through equipment below, and sparks fly everywhere! Fans go nuts, and mark out hard for that "XWF Moment".

Udder chaos!!!!!!

That's was quite the damn chokeslam. Was that the Chokeslam from Hell? My goodness. Someone get Steve Hardy an ambulance for crying out loud!!!

Jeez. James Shaw. That was brutal.

Sure, was, and we still got 2 more people to induct here......

Suddenly, "Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam rocks throughout the ANZ Stadium, and who comes out but current XWF World Heavyweight Champion, and 2005 Hall of Famer, Carlos Shotgun.

What's he doing out here?? He's not a 2008, or 2009 Hall of Famer.. I thought the latest inductees from last year's Xtreme Mania were going to do this honor?

Well, maybe we couldn't find enough guys to round up.. all the ex-Presidents hate us ... there's 2 former tag teams that are on bad terms with us now.. Joey Kincaid, .. Xavier Summers.. these guys have some bizarre circumstances surrounding them. I suppose we could bring Chris Falkenyork out. But, he didn't look none to happy recently .. backstage there.... so, here's Carlos Shotgun an original member of the first 7 inductees in the XWF Hall of Fame back in 2005. What's wrong with that!?

Carlos Shotgun steps to the podium and simply states the following:

Someone give Rage his medicine yet today?? Okay. Well, anyway. And don't forget the 4th inductee for this year's class... he is "THE MASTER" Charles Chima ....

The Master doesn't have a speech. He celebrates down near the fans, and he flashes his new gold XWF Hall of Fame ring at the camera, and soaks up the moment with his people.

He was a former 5-time TV Champion, or something like that. Always wreckless, and always gave more than he had to give. In my eyes.. truly the epitome of what an XWF Hall of Famer is. Now, he is officially inducted in the 2011 class .. along with 3 others names just mentioned... making him the 30th XWF Hall of Famer ever inducted!!

Isn't that something.

We still got ONE MORE James Shaw. She's #31 inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame. The 5th, and final member of the 2011 class .... she's also .. the ONLY WOMAN. That's right .. the first, and only Woman inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame, and she is retired that XWF Women's Title back in 2002. Lets hear it now for the 1st Woman .. the one, and only ....

Here to announce the 5th, and final member inducted in the 2011 class... please, welcome former XWF World Champion, and Intercontiental Champion.. Kamakazee Ken!!

Out comes one of the first XWF World Champions in XWF history. Winning the belt in 1999, and again in 2000. He doesn't hesitate to get on the mic, and he even has a handheld camera in hand.

Kamakazee Ken: Tt's funny no one remembers me. They claim all the footage burned to the ground or something like that. But, to some fans I burned the memory of my actions in this ring ... in the back of their mind, and sometimes that speakers louder than words can! So, tonight.. you might not remember me, or any of my biggest moments. But, right now.. right nere... I'M GOING TO CAPTURE YOU ALL HERE IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, right now!!!

Kamakazee Ken got the camera on 'em, and smiles a bit. Having fun with it. The XWF crowd goes crazy, and the people of Sydney, Australia begin hopping up, and down!!! They are beyond estatic right now. They are living in the moment, and loving this XWF Hall of Fame ceremony.

"Last but not least. She is the 1st female superstar inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame, and the 5th, and final member of the class of 2011.... bringing our grand total to 31 XWF Hall of Fame members... congratulations to the greatest Women's Champion of all time. She retired the belt back in 2002! Ladies, and gentlemen .... put your hands together for ... JESSY!"

She also doesn't have much to say. She hugs a lot of fans at ringside, and just poses for the XWF fans who made the trip out to Sydney, Australia. She looks back and flashes a smile at the camera man. Waving to the XWF fans back at home. She appears very thankful for her hall of fame induction, and she is simply glowing tonight.

She is very stunning James Shaw! I mean, what a knock out..

And she wasn't too bad of a wrestler either.

Oh no! She was perrfect ...

If you would like to visit, and take a quick look at our new formulated 31 member XWF Hall of Fame-- CLICK HERE.

Suddenly, a new theme music hits, and no one is sure who it is. That's when somebody by the name of Caleb Cross comes to interrupt the festivities, and manages to try to ruin the XWF Hall of Fame ceremony, and official induction!

Caleb Cross: Be quiet folks, and listen up!!!

The XWF crowd gives him heat as Caleb plays the anti-veteran right now.

Yeah! I hate to ruin everybody's little party here. But, the XWF HALL OF FAME....... well, though I'd love to be there possibly one day. It has no buisness wasting time on THIS SHOW!! On THIS STAGE!! Take a LOOK AROUND!! Right now folks.. IT'S "XTREME MANIA 6"!!!! It is the BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR!! Some of you don't even deserve to be here ....

He's starts parading down the aisle. As fireworks, and other pyro displays start exploding off around the arena!!! Graffiti starts to follow in order to celebrate that XWF Hall of Fame ceremony that just took place, and Caleb Cross is still trying to speak over all this.

Listen to me people!! This XTREME MANIA 6 is really ABOUT ME!! It's about how I CAME OUT, and ISSUED A CHALLENGE ... not just to any man ... but, to "THEE" man .. you see... I overheard that Chris Falkenyork might be retiring tonight, and with it ... take his undefeated streak with him! Well, he has a long ways to go to even fulfill that prophesy tonight. But, I say. That he becomes a man, and he faces me at next year's.. XTREME MANIA!!!

Fans are booing the crap out of this guy, and he continues on.

LISTEN HERE!! I will make my statement tonight. In ONE YEAR'S time... after I destroy the competition in the XWF. After I work my way up the ladder.. I will talk Falkenyork out of his soon-to-be retirement, and I will challenge the longest reigning XWF World Champion of all-time ..... to a ONE-ON-ONE MATCH!!! Do you have the guts?? Do you have what it takes?!? Does anybody for that matter?? I will see you all soon enough ....

The crowd starts getting annoyed, and give him tons of heat as he makes his way back behind the curtains.

---- ------- - -- - -- --

Backstage now with Shawn Taylor, and newly signed L.E.E.D.S.

GM, Shawn Taylor: That. THAT'S how it's done! That's how it's done right there Leeds. That's how you get the job done ....

Justice Legal walks in, and interrupts this contract signing.

Justice Legal: What's next for me??

GM, Shawn Taylor looks shocked as he glances at Leeds, and back at Justice Legal.

Learn how to knock! How's that for something inventive?? You know what. You think you are so big, and bad? You think you are XWF material because of that Dark Match you had earlier tonight?? Well, Justice Legal.. you might have convinced these Australian people .... but, I'm no fool. To prove I'm not a fool. You will face L.E.E.D S on the first Showdown! back on June 14th, .. be ready!!

Justice Legal walks away, and Leeds shakes his head as he signs the contract on the desk.

We cut back to ringside for a moment.

By the way .. L.E.E.D.S is a new XWF signed wrestler by the name of Lethally Epic Evander Demarcus Stryker .. he's from LEEDS, England apparently .. don't ask? And Justice Legal's full name happens to be "Insane Homocidal" Justice Legal ...who came off a nice win over another nice newcomer "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton here tonight.. ... so, these 2 men getting a real chance in over a week here on Showdown! .. coming to you LIVE! from Daytona, Florida on June 14th....

It's going to be FUN James Shaw! I can't believe that Showdown! will be returning for 2 straight weeks. We will have an episode of Showdown! scheduled for June 14th, and another for June 21st ... so be ready fans, and superstars of the XWF!! The XWF will be going HBO After Dark in just over a week.. back-to-back weeks of the first official episodes of Showdown! .. the first ones.. since December 2006 if you could believe it...

That's right. XWF closed in 2006, and re-opened officially in the summer of 2008. Well, we've been running major PPVs since then, and nothing else but that really. Now, it's the first 2 official cards scheduled for Showdown! .. with actual matches... back-to-back weeks, and the Tag Team Titles are already on the line in the Main Event for this June 14th show ... and now Justice Legal vs. L.E.E.D.S ... what else is next for Showdown! .. what else is next for XTREME MANIA 6?!??

You ask some interesting questions James Shaw. But, up next.... 2 new comers square off in their much anticipated single's debut .. ... it'll be Xavier Phoenix vs. William Knighthawk .. in an Xtreme Rules match, and NO INTERFERENCE allowed.

-- -- - -- - --- ---

******We take you back with a VIDEO PACKAGE shown for these 2 men. It all started when they signed contracts with the XWF heading in to 2011. They got their first crack at XWF Championship gold in only their first "Xtreme Battle Zone" ever! While William Knighthawk put up a good fight. He ultimately was pinned in the end by the current XWF World Champion at the time, Chris Falkenyork. Meanwhile, it was Xavier Phoenix who was just one High Flying Finisher away from moving on to the last 2 men left in the Xtreme Battle Zone itself. However, it was 2 WWG invaders who ruined his opportunity, and both men feel spited by these group of invaders. It was Knighthawk who suggested they were 2 very similiar men, and Phoenix decided he was voice his opinion. Telling "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk that they were nothing alike, and they could settle their differences at "Xtreme Mania 6". So, for these 2 men it's their single's debut in the XWF, and also maybe their only chance to make some noise on the biggest stage of them all. Will these 2 find a way to pull out a 'Match of the Night' canidate?? Will these 'newcomers' live up to expecations?? And who will be the one who walks out victorious? In this 'Xtreme Rules' match where anything goes, and no interferences are allowed. It should be quite the interesting battle about to take place.******

Xavier Phoenix vs. William Knighthawk - Xtreme Rules match (No interferance allowed)

Danielle Worley is in the ring for our following matchup. Dead Skin Mask by Slayer plays over the arena as Knighthawk makes his way through the curtains. The crowd gives him a fair share of boos but there's cheers mixed in from the ones who respect what he's shown in the company thus far.

Making his way down the aisle from Dartmoor England. Tonight he weighs in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. "The Dark Prince" ...William Knighthawk!

William Knighthawk comes out to a nice ovation as Power by Kanye West cues up. He makes his way down towards the ring, and he could feel the energy generating from the XWF audience here in Sydney, Australia. Knighthawk gets in the ring, and poses a bit.

This is going to be a good match James Shaw!

That's when another familiar theme song hits over the loud speakers, and Xavier Phoenix makes his way out next as the crowd cheers him on.

And his opponent from New York City. He weighs in tonight at two hundred and twenty seven pounds. Here is Xavier Phoenix!

Phoenix enters the ring as Knighthawk stares him down. That's when Xavier Phoenix poses for the XWF fans!

Both men looking very focused right now.

Of course Shaw! Both of these guys want to leave a huge impression towards the entire XWF universe!

Tonight is the night to do that.

Knighthawk and Phoenix circle around each other jockeying for position. Knighthawk backs off a bit and stalls in the corner as the crowd lets him hear it.

Knighthawk the technical brawler while Phoenix is about using his educated feet to gain victory.

Isn't technical brawler an oxymoron? It's one or the other!

Well I think he's more of a catch as catch can type of wrestler. The type where you cannot underestimate his wrestling ability but he'll beat you up with punches and kicks at the same time.

Phoenix shoots for a single leg and Knighthawk drops down to one knee to block it. Knighthawk grabs a front facelock and Phoenix rolls through into a hammerlock. Xavier Phoenix wrenches in the hammerlock and knees William Knighthawk in the arm.

Phoenix taking things on the mat. Suprising that's his strategy at the time.

Phoenix pulls Knighthawk up by the hair and grabs a headlock. Knighthawk hits an elbow to the midsection twice and his a back suplex. Phoenix hits the canvas hard but maintains the hold. Knighthawk rolls him backwards for a pin. One count only as Phoenix rolls back over maintaining the headlock. Knighthawk rolls him into a pin again for another one count. Phoenix rolls back to his feet and Knighthawk slaps him in the face. Phoenix is stunned for a moment as Knighthawk hits a punch. Punch, punch, punch..Knighthawk with an irish whip..Phoenix counters and goes for a spinkick. Knighthawk ducks under and hits a clothesline. Knighthawk pins.


Knighthawk with a quick stiff clothesline for a two!

Phoenix almost had his night ended real quick!

Knighthawk picks up Phoenix and rakes the eyes. The referee starts shouting at him and Knighthawk yells back. Phoenix hits a backhand and goes for a front kick. Knighthawk ducks under. Knighthawk with a hand full of hair slams Phoenix down to the canvas. Knighthawk off the ropes hits a standing elbowdrop and pins.


Knighthawk hooks the leg but only gets a one count.

Phoenix is not done yet.

Yeah but extra kick outs expend energy and that's what Knighthawk was making him do.

Knighthawk to his feet backs up and bounces off the ropes. Phoenix recovers and legsweeps Knighthawk to the canvas. Knighthawk rolls out of the way of a standing moonsault and goes off the ropes again. Phoenix recovers off the miss and ducks a clothesline. Knighthawk turns around and takes a spinkick to the head! Knighthawk gets back up immediately looking pissed off. Knighthawk dares Phoenix to hit him again. Phoenix charges and Knighthawk throws him over the top rope. Phoenix grabs the top rope before flying out.

Phoenix just saved himself from a big time fall.

Phoenix skins the cat back in but gets caught in position for a tombstone. Knighthawk walks him to the middle of the ring and Phoenix continues to fight. Phoenix slides out and rolls around. Go behind and Knighthawk elbows to the head. Knighthawk gets a front facelook. Phoenix counters an attempted DDT with a Northern Lights Suplex pin.


Phoenix bodyslams Knighthawk and goes for a standing moonsault. Knighthawk gets the knees up. Phoenix lands on his feet and grabs Knighthawk's legs. Phoenix hits a slingshot into the turnbuckle and rolls Knighthawk into a pin.


Phoenix transitions into a headlock and hits a fisherman's suplex pin.




Phoenix with two quick pins and Knighthawk escapes both!!

Phoenix hits a martial arts kick to the midsection and a chop to the chest. Phoenix whips Knighthawk into the corner and charges. William Knighthawk gets the feet up and Xavier Phoenix counters that into a sitdown powerbomb! Phoenix shouts out to the crowd and climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Phoenix is looking to put this one away right now!

Knighthawk grabs a hold of the referee and shoots him towards the top rope. The ref catches the top rope and in the process ends up crotching Pheonix on the top turnbuckle. Knighthawk gets back up and meets climbs to the second turnbuckle. Knighthawk goes for a Superplex. Phoenix fights but Knighthawk lifts him. Delayed Superplex connects! Both men are on the mat as the referee looks on.

Beautiful superplex by Knighthawk to stop the momentum from Phoenix.

Phoenix was rolling there and Knighthawk ended that one.

The referee checks on and starts the count.


Phoenix gets back to his feet. Knighthawk on one knee looks up locks in the Inciser Claw!

Mandible Claw like maneuver! That's Knighthawk's move!

He has it locked in!

Phoenix bites Knighthawk's fingers to break up the move! Phoenix goes for a backstabber. Knighthawk holds onto the ropes and Phoenix crashes to the canvas. Phoenix gets back up and Knighthawk kicks him in the midsection. Knighthawk hooks Phoenix for a cradle piledriver and connects!

Knighthawk stuffs him down with a huge piledriver!!!

Knighthawk covers and hooks the leg.



...KICK OUT!!!

Knighthawk shoves the referee and complains about a slow count. Phoenix is barely moving as Knighthawk goes to pick him up. Knighthawk goes for a bodyslam and Phoenix gets a small package pin.



....KICK OUT!!!

Phoenix with a small package out of nowhere!!

How did he have the sense to do that after getting stuffed with that cradle piledriver??

Knighthawk rolls out of the ring and goes towards the announcers table.

Hey now what is he doing?

Knighthawk grabs a steel chair and tosses it into the ring. The referee starts shouting at him again as Knighthawk picks up the chair and goes to hit Phoenix with it.

He can't do that!!

Why not? It's an Xtreme Rules match!

Phoenix dropkicks the chair into Knighthawk's face! Knighthawk falls flat on his back and the ref kicks the chair back out of the ring. Knighthawk has been busted open on his head as Phoenix drags him to the corner. Phoenix points to the top rope and starts to climb.

Could we see his Flight of the Phoenix??

Xavier Phoenix hits the shooting star press and covers. The referee slides into place to check the shoulders.



Thr...Knighthawk gets the foot on the ropes!!!

Foot on the ropes!!!

Phoenix thinks he has this one won as he gets up and raises his hands in victory. The referee keeps telling him that Knighthawk's foot was on the ropes. Phoenix drags Knighthawk to the center and sits him up. Phoenix taps his leg twice and runs off the ropes for a shining wizard. Knighthawk lays flat on his back and Phoenix misses the move. Phoenix turns around as Knighthawk gets back to his feet. Knighthawk kicks Phoenix in the midsection, sets him up, and hits a cradle piledriver!

Another cradle piledriver!!!

That's it, Phoenix is done!!!! No way is he getting up from TWO cradle piledrivers!!!

William Knighthawk gets on top of Xavier Phoenix and covers. The referee checks the shoulders and counts.



KICK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Knighthawk shakes his head and shoves his fingers in Phoenix's mouth for the INCISER CLAW!!!! Phoenix is dazed and still hurt from the cradle piledriver and cannot put up a defensive.

Knighthawk going straight for the kill after Phoenix kicked out of the piledriver!!!

Phoenix was able to escape the claw before but he didn't even have time to recover after the two count!!! Xavier Phoenix is slowly fading. The referee continues to check to see if he submits.

He doesn't get a response. The referee checks as Phoenix has his shoulders down on the mat.





Knighthawk got the pinfall off the Inciser!!!

Phoenix couldn't do anything he was out!!!

The referee calls for the bell as Worley gets on the mic.

The winner of this match. "The Dark Prince" ...William Knighthawk!!!!!

The crowd is on their feet here in Sydney, Australia applauding these 2 individuals. These XWF fans feel like they just seen the 'match of the night' so far, and they are very excited for it!! They are cheering, and hooting, and hollering for these 2 men. Xavier Phoenix eventually rolls up to one knee, and William Knighthawk slowly starts getting to his feet. He poses for a moment for the fans in attendance, and directs his attention to Xavier Phoenix who manages to lift himself up on his own power. He locks eyes with Knighthawk, and that's when "The Dark Prince" pursues him.

Is he going to try to shake Xavier Phoenix's hand right here??

Instead Xavier Phoenix simply turns, and walks away. William Knighthawk's theme music hits, and Xavier Phoenix exits the ring. He begins making his way up the large entrance ramp. When suddenly the WWG invaders come out from the crowd, and hop over the guardrill. They get in the ring wearing their 'WWG' t-shirts, and they quickly pounce on William Knighthawk from behind!! They start stomping away at him in the corner, and Knighthawk can't fend them off. The XWF crowd is boo'ing, and giving this WWG invaders a ton of heat. Meanwhile, Xavier Phoenix glances back over his shoulder, and sees what's going on. The XWF fans can't stand what is happening right now, and Phoenix decides to start sprinting back towards the ring!!

Phoenix is going back to help him!!

Xavier Phoenix enters the ring, and spins Nick Zander around. He clocks him with a few shots, and backs him up to the ropes. Alex Anders tries to stop him. But, Xavier Phoenix pulls him in, and clothesline him for his troubles!! Zander tries to jump on Phoenix's back. But, Knighthawk rips him off of his back, and clotheslines him out the ring. Xavier Phoenix waits for Alex Anders to get back up, and then he Dropkicks him up, and over the top rope!!! Those 2 men clear the ring, and the XWF fans are estatic!!!!

Would you look at that.

They weren't to be taking advantage of here tonight. Those WWG guys tried, and this time it didn't work..

If you remember... Alex Anders, and Nick Zander from WWG have been at it ever since Xtreme Battle Zone just over a month ago .... in San Juan, Puerto Rico .. where the XWF has been travelling all around the world.

Now, at first Xavier Phoenix didn't want to shake Knighthawk's hand after that loss.. HOWEVER,... once the WWG are beating him down. Xavier Phoenix comes back to help, and even the score. They clear the ring, and stand back-to-back a moment!! Incredible display of gratitude, and loyalty from these new XWF superstars. Standing their ground, and making a statement.

They stand back-to-back a moment, and the XWF fans are cheering them both on dramatically now. They turn to look at each other, and Xavier Phoenix hesitates at first. William Knighthawk puts a hand out there for him to shake it, and Phoenix looks around at the Sydney, Australia crowd. He nods to himself, and decides to shake his hand. The XWF fans pop for both of them!! Xavier Phoenix then turns, and starts walking away. William Knighthawk's theme music hits, and he raises his hands in victory before leaving the ring..

What a MOMENT.

- --- --- -- -- -----

Backstage, Cliff Saxton, Gigantis, "The Game", and J Wilk are in the GM's office.

You know. With the exception of "The Game".. you all seemed to disappoint me. Then again .. I thought it was clever what "The Game" just did out there a few matches back. No offense to Gigantis. Either way.. I have decided I want to bring back a special title for the XWF... since we stand for being xtreme, and all.. .. since we breed ourselves on being Champions ... I thought we would add another title to the mix soon .... .. maybe not next week.. maybe not next month, hell maybe not the month after! But, if you guys want to work your way up to the XWF World Heavyweight Championship.. trust me.. dues will have to be paid .. .... so, this next week it'll be a little trial run for you guys. It is going to be "The Game" going 1-on-1 this week with "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, and Gigantis you will be squaring off 1-on-1 against J Wilk on this coming episode of Showdown! The winners of those 2 matches .. will face each other the following Showdown!, and I'm not making any promises but soon.... very soon... maybe one of you guys, unless someone outside this room take the challenge by storm ...... you will have an opportunity to earn XWF gold, and make a name for yourselves. How's that feel? How's that sound?

They all nod their heads and agree. They are ready for battle on the first back-to-back episodes of Showdown! to start the summer following Xtreme Mania 6 .....

By the way. We will have a Cyber Sunday show of some sorts.. where the XWF fans might get a chance to make a few matches... we'll see how that goes.... but, gentlemen .. be ready for June 14th, and June 21st for Showdown! .. make sure you're also ready come Indepence Day!! Because, there's a lot on the horizon for the XWF. Soon we start a brilliant House Show circuit, and we find out who the real cream of the crop is. We seperate the boys from the men. We find out who really is worthy of being an XWF superstar! WHO IS REALLY CHAMPIONSHIP MATERIAL!!! We will find that all out soon .. for now... watch these next 3 matches ... that'll have some indication on how you all should act. On how you all should represent yourselves in these XWF hallways, and out in that squared-circle. You know I wrestled for 4 years with the XWF, and never won the World Title??? Did you know that I'm a 2008 XWF Hall of Famer.. the 1st one ever voted in by the XWF fans themselves??!? MY NAME is SHAWN TAYLOR. I am YOUR GENERAL MANAGER. Learn to listen to what I say, and take it to heart.... don't be thick-skulled, and think that will get you anything around here. In the XWF you will earn your paychecks!! You will WORK YOUR TAILS OFF. Nothing is promised. Nothing is guaranteed. Tell that to Number 8 who is an Original member of the 2005 class of the XWF Hall of Fame .... he'll be in a wheelchair the rest of his life .... .. so remember boys. I'm here to find out which one of you 4.. if ANY of you ... really, realllly want it BAD enough!! We'll see...

We then cut to another spot backstage where The Original is standing by with Bob Levy, and he is fighting off interviews now.

Yeah, Bob. .. that attack was just a taste. Just a wake up call to Falkenyork. That this is real!! Oh, it's very real. And tonight .. we settle the score. We end this story book rivalry for good .... no more Falkenyork vs. Original .... no more grudge to be held. Tonight! One man gets the last word, when he becomes the last man standing ... and that'll speak volumes... "BET ON IT!"

The Original goes to walk away, and Bob Levy grabs him by the shoulder. Stopping him from leaving for a moment. The XWF fans look on intrigued inside the ANZ Stadium, and around the world.

Bob Levy: What about .. what about the rumors circling ...

WHAT rumorS? Get your hands off of me. I know all about Joey Kincaid, and the garage scene.. okay? But, spare me.

Um. I was actually talking about ... with Chris Falkenyork .. ... apparently ... he left the building .. ..? ??

What?! What the hell are you talking about?? LEAVE THE BUILDING? His undefeated streak is on the line!!! He said this is going to be his last match ever!! I'm suppose to be the LAST MAN STANDING, and show these people in SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA exactly WHAT I'M MADE OF!!! What do you mean he's gone?? How can you be sure??

The Original grabs Bob Levy by the collar.

It's just, .. it's just what I heard.

The Original throws him down, and looks furious as he stands above Bob Levy.

You better have heard otherwise. Or I'm going to be pissed!! Chris Falkenyork can't get away with this ... Mr. Lucente can't allow this .. OUR PRESIDENT can not ALLOW this!! .... Do you hear me Bob? ... ...

The Original wipes his nose, and nervously rubs his face a bit. He then storms out of there like a bat out of hell, and the scene fades to this video package featuring the upcoming Last Man Standing matchup.

--- -- - - -- - - -- ---

PART 4 --

XWF Owner, Mr. Lucente is shown pacing around backstage nervous about things. Something does not seem right. Suddenly, Bob Levy approaches him with caution.

Bob Levy: Mr. Lucente .. what appears to be the matter heading in to this contest? Are the rumors true? Did Chris Falkenyork up, and leave .. forcing him to forfeit his undefeated streak at Xtreme Mania to The Original here tonight?

Mr. Lucente: He "has to win."

Excuse me? Come again? What was that??

The Original "has to win".

That's when Mr. Lucente nervously rushes off in his buisness suit, and tries to get situated for this next scheduled contest.

******We are treated to VIDEO PACKAGE highlighting this feud that has been going on since the summer of 2008. It all started at a pay per view called "New Beginnings". It was the first major pay per view under the original XWF Owner's rule. The company had been shut down from December of '06 until March of '08. There was a lot put in place in the meantime, and "The Original" (Jericho) took on Chris Falkenyork in a tremendous encounter. It ended with The Original blasting an unsuspecting Chris Falkenyork across the head with a ring-bell, and eventually forcing the referee to stop the match due to loss of blood on Falkenyork's part. He passed out in the center of that ring in a Lion Tamer. Fast forward to mid-2010. The XWF was hosting a pay per view called "King Of Xtreme", and after their brilliant performances at "Xtreme Mania: Decade".. that left us with 2 number one contenders for then Jesse Jones' XWF World Title. It came down to a Triple Threat match, and that saw The Original pin Jones. But, ultimately lose the match to Chris Falkenyork via submission after he applied the Version Seven in the center of the ring! Through all the brawling. Even busting out the ladder in their King Of Xtreme encounter. These 2 cease to amaze everyone with what their capable of. Both former XWF World Champions, and both from different XWF eras. While, Chris Falkenyork feels he is above this opponent, and is going for 5-0 at Xtreme Mania. It is The Original who has the most experience, and would like to end that streak for good. 2 of the XWF's best, and we all know what happend at "Xtreme Battle Zone". Much of the same with these 2 men. The Original didn't like being rolled up from behind, and being eliminated by his arch rival. Meanwhile, Chris Falkenyork simply could no longer stand The Original. To the point where he has said this will be the last match of his XWF career, and rumors already circulating tonight that he won't even show up for this Last Man Standing match. You got to wonder if this is the FINAL CHAPTER in a feud that has kept the XWF fans talking the entire time?!??******

Chris Falkenyork vs. 'The Original' - in a LAST MAN STANDING match

Danielle Worley is standing by. Original is currently in the ring for this "match". At first it looks as if he is very angry with the sitation. Staring up at the titan tron, and looking out at the entrance ramp. He is awaiting his opponent's arrival, and he's not so sure Chris Falkenyork is even showing up.

That's when The Original has had enough, and snatches the microphone from Danielle Worley.

Excuse me a second toots. Looks like Chris Falkenyork has had enough, and his threats to quit ... the rumors you heard around the XWF since the day he blew up and announced that he was leaving for good! Well, they are more than true. It appears. It looks like.. well, that Chris Falkenyork simply doesn't want to face me. That losing to me would just be too much of a reality for him to face. Instead, he is going to forfeit up his undefeated streak to me.... THAT'S RIGHT.

Original looks very confident right now. He is staring around at the arena, and he has a great big smile on his face. The XWF fans aren't seeming too pleased about this latest announcement. However, it appears that Danielle Worley is going to introduce The Original anyway, and make this match official.

Currently in the ring at this time. He is from Winnepeg Manitoba Canada. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty four pounds. He is the Original!

Original is waiting on hand for the referee to start the count. He's obsessed right now that it does not matter how he gets the win here tonight.

It'll still go down in the books as the end of Falkenyork's streak!

As Original paces around suddenly the lights go out in the arena. Everyone in the crowd starts to stir.

Is York here??

What's going on here?

A few moments later pass by. Original starts to scream. He starts yelling some more. As the lights turn back on, nobody but Original and the referee are in the ring. It was all a joke on Original's part as the crowd boos.

Real funny Original.

The crowd starts to cheer as everyone looks over. A man jumps over the railing and slides into the ring. It's Falkenyork!

Falkenyork is here!

Falkenyork clotheslines Original in the back of the head and picks up the microphone.

Falkenyork: I lied!

The referee calls for the bell as Original gets back to his feet. York takes the microphone and smashes it into Original's face.

Microphone: THUNK!!

Original falls to the mat as York gets on top and starts punching away at Original. Punch, punch, punch, choke. The referee shouts at York. York laughs it all off and continues to choke Original.

No disqualification!

The ref can say whatever he wants. It doesn't matter!

York picks up Original and punches away. Punch, punch, punch, punch, clothesline knocks down Original. Original back up pokes York in the eyes and tosses him out of the ring. York lands on his feet and slides back in. Original turns around and gets dropped with another clothesline.

York has been beating the crap out of Original so far!

Well of course he is he only attacked him from behind before this match even started!

York slides out of the ring and looks under the apron. York cannot seem to find what he's looking for as Original recovers back to his feet. Original runs towards the corner and jumps. Original jumps on the second turnbuckle and flys over the ropes with a cross body block on York! Original shakes the cobwebs out and stomps away at York who is on the floor. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Original picks up York and throws him into the barricade. Original charges towards the barricade but gets backdropped into the front row seats!

Original takes a spill into the fans!

York climbs over the barricade and starts landing punches to Original's head. Punch, punch, punch, punch, choke. York grabs a cup of beer from a fan. Original gets back up and York throws the beer into Original's face. York grabs Original and goes to throw him back over the barricade. Original counters by sending York over who crashes to the floor. Original hops back over and grabs a steel chair from the announcer's table. York gets back up and Original smashes his back with the chair!

Original with a hard chairshot!

The unforgiving steel meets York's spine my god!

The referee looks on at York who is motionless on the floor. The ref starts the count.



York gets back to his feet before the five count as Original tosses York back into the ring. Original takes the chair in with him. York gets back to his feet in time to take another hard chair shot that drops him to one knee. Original puts the chair down and goes off the ropes. Original goes for a clothesline and York counters with a quick powerslam!

Why didn't Original just keep hitting him with the chair?

I don't know Beans why don't you ask him?

York recovers first and sets the steel chair up between the middle and top turnbuckles. Original gets back to his feet as York grabs a hold of him. Whip into the corner with the chair by York. Original counters the throw. York puts the breaks on as Original charges. York sidesteps and Original goes headfirst into the chair! The referee starts the count.




Original gets back up before the six count. York grabs a front facelock and hits a snap suplex. York maintains his hold and gets back up.

Another suplex?

York gets a go behind and a waist lock. Original tries to fight but takes a german suplex. York maintains the hold and gets back to his feet. York elbows Original in the back of the head. Elbow, elbow, forearm shot. York whips Original off the ropes and goes for a huracanrana. Original counters it into a powerbomb!

Beautiful counter by Original!

Great move.



York gets back up at four. Original hits a high angle back suplex and goes to the outside. York is slowly getting back up as Original finds a table underneath the ring. York runs the ropes and baseball slides out of the ring. Original catches York right as he lands his feet on the outside and german suplexes him on the floor!

Good god!

The referee starts the count as Original sets a table up on the outside.





York back up before the eight count. Original finds another chair and smashes York in the back with it. York crumbles over and Original sets him up on the table.

What's Original going to do here?

He's going to put him through the table. What else do you think he's going to do?

York rolls off the table as Original makes his way to the top rope. Original pauses for a moment to make up his next move.

Now what?

Original dives off for a double ax handle. York grabs the chair and clocks Original in the head on his way down!

Original just ate the chair!

Original falls flat as the referee starts the count.




Original gets back up at seven. York tosses Original back into the ring and waits on the apron. Original is not moving too fast as he tries to muscle his way back to his feet. York continues to wait. Original back up as York jumps. York to the top with a springboard and nails Original with a missile dropkick! Original back down as the referee starts the count.





Original gets to his feet as York goes through the ropes. York waits for Original to turn around. Original turns around and York springboards. York with a shooting star press....Original counters into a codebreaker, no! York lands on his feet and counters the codebreaker into a Walls of Jericho! No! Original uses his leg strength to flip York onto his back. Original gets back up as York runs the ropes. York hops the second rope, springboard. Original catches him with a codebreaker!

Amazing reversal sequence! York and Original went back and fourth and York gets caught with a codebreaker!

The referee starts the count.





York gets back up at nine as Original looks pissed.

York back up I can't believe it!

Original lifts York onto his shoulder and props him on the top turnbuckle. York is dazed and not moving as Original sets the chair up on the corner.

What is Original planning on doing here?

Original backs into the other corner and charges. Original runs up the chair and jumps for a top rope codebreaker. York shoves him off as Original falls back first to the mat.

York counters the super codebreaker!

Original takes the chair and throws it at York hitting him in the head! York is still sitting on the top turnbuckle as Original points to the table thats on the outside.

Original's original plan did not work.

Good one Beans.

It looks like he has another plan up his sleeve though.

Original sets up York on the turnbuckle so he's facing towards the table on the outside. Original climbs the turnbuckle as the crowd stands on their feet.

Original wants to end this one right now!

Original jumps up and goes for a huracanrana. York counters! York grabs hold of Original for a piledriver. Original is fighting as York stands up off the top turnbuckle. York jumps off towards the table. Piledriver to the outside and the table does NOT break! Original lands awkwardly neck first into the table and York falls backward to the floor!

Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Original might have just died there!

Both men are on the ground as the referee starts the count.



Five.........................Six.........................York is up at seven but Original is still down.

York back to his feet!

Seven........................Original is starting to move.......................

Eight..........................Original trying to roll around and push himself up...........


....................Original grabs his neck in pain and stays down..........................Ten!

The referee calls for the bell.

York has done it!

The winner of the Last Man Standing match...Chris Falkenyork!

Falkenyork looked like he was finished before Xtreme Mania...Returns to shock the world and keeps his undefeated streak alive in his final match here in the XWF!


York waves Worley over to hand him the microphone. York gets the microphone while sitting himself down towards Original who is still on the floor.

York: Original? You're FIRED!!!

York drops the microphone as officials come to check on both men.

Original is fired? What's he talking about?

Falkenyork falls to a knee as his theme music begins rocking throughout the stadium. The officials have to help him to the back, and force him on a stretcher eventually. Meanwhile, The Original gets woken up by EMTs. He finally realizes what happens, and rolls back in the ring.. looking around the arena, holding his head. He looks dazed. But, also sure that he just lost the biggest match of his career. He hangs his head a moment, in pain, and dispair. He looks up and cringes in pain as the fans cheer him on! He starts making his way up the ramp to a standing ovation from the crowd.

--- --- ------ ----- -

Backstage, Shawn Taylor is on camera, and he is shown talking to a few individuals. But, the camera doesn't initially pick up who it is he's talking to.

Shawn Taylor: You know. I have spoke to Mr. Lucente, and he was proud with you gentlemen .. very proud, and we all know that with the controversy surrounding Falkenyork.. we aren't sure if we'll have a real #1 contender after this main event match. So, be ready! Because, this coming Showdown! you men will be scheduled in battles.. that'll hopefully make your head spin! A true eye opener in the XWF when you compete in front of a LIVE! audience on HBO After Dark.. just imagine .. the stress... just imagine .. what you will be going through! When we are in Daytona Beach, Flordia .. on June 14th ..... for our first of 2 back-to-back episodes of Showdown! .. can you imagine??

The camera pans out to show Xavier Phoenix, Tyroneus Del Rio, and William Knighthawk ....

.. No promises. Not sure who your opponents will be yet. But, be on the lookout for that first card of the summer to be posted, .. and you will be in for a treat! GOOD LUCK gentlemen ... hopefully you can have a bright future in the XWF.

Back here at ringside, and check this out!

We cut to an image of Sasha Shotgun being escorted to ringside by heavy security. The commentators question this decision from Carlos Shotgun to have his wife come out. Especially since what happend last Xtreme Mania to her at the hands of "TV_MA" himself.

Not a good call on Carlos Shotgun to allow his wife to come out here. It was only LAST YEAR at Xtreme Mania where she was accidentally injured at the hands of Mark Adkins .... when she was dumped over the top rope, and accidentally hit her head off the steel steps. Put in some sort of coma- state for awhile .. she suffered, and so did her family. Carlos Shotgun had a hard year to get through, and almost lost her to Mark Adkins for ONE YEAR ... to be HIS SLAVE of all things. Thank god! Thank god Carlos won that match back at KOX.

Yeah, King of Xtreme was hellacious .. it was dangerous to say the least.. lot of xtreme chaos throughout the night .. lot of rough spots, and Carlos ended up getting his ONE FAVOR. He upset a lot of people the way he used it in his own hometown, and didn't even stick around to celebrate with his people ...

Yeah, no parade in San Juan after the "victory". It was quite heartbreaking to a lot of people, and he also tore out Adkins' heart. He ripped it to shreds, and he recaptured the XWF Title only for the 2nd time .. while... Mark Adkins was left back to heal old broken wounds ...

Not this time. This time is going to be a battle. One-on-one.. still a lot at stake. There always has been with these 2! But, with Sasha Shotgun at ringside.. makes you wonder... she tried to involve herself in the "I Quit" match at last year's Xtreme Mania .... but, again .. that was last year...

Backstage lets take you LIVE! now to "TV_MA" Mark Adkins!!

Now, we cut to "TV_MA" standing by with Flo Stanley, and he's already ready to fire off the top.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: First of all. Carlos Shotgun better already know what's at stake here tonight!! He better understand what is really on the line in this match. In this the main event of Xtreme Mania 6. He better realize what he's getting himself in to! He asked for this match, and I'll gladly give it to him.

As far as what we just saw here a second ago on the monitors back here. I'm not worried Sasha's at ringside. In fact I want her to get a great look at me beating up her old man. Because, her new man.. the one who was always her man.. "ME".. I'll be the won who wipes that look offf Carlos' face, and she will applaud me for it. She'll love me more, and kiss me more deeply with passion!! .. But, as far as Sasha Shotgun goes... well, I've brought myself another Sasha ... lets go darling, time to go to the ring...

Just then "TV_MA" Mark Adkins grabs some girl by the arm, and starts dragging her to ringside. It's famous Pornstar, Sasha Grey!!

Alex "Cool" Beans: Hey! Didn't she star on HBO's Entourage?

James Shaw: Way to plug our new station letters... that's right the XWF goes HBO After Dark this summer.. when we air Showdown! to all our viewers across the world ..... that's not TV.. that's HBO, and that's XWF wrestling coming at ya!

Alex "Cool" Beans: Looking forward to it! But, up next .. the most coveted prize in the buisness is about to be settled by 2 of the most ruthless men in XWF history! In the 1st time ever ..... a '3 STAGES OF DEATH' match ... for tonight's.. "Xtreme Mania VI" Main Event!!!

-- -- --- - ------- ------- -

******Main Event VIDEO PACKAGE. This feud has deep seeded roots. It dates back to early 2001, and it translates with Carlos Shotgun being referred to early in his career as an 'Elite'. Along with 3 other men from a company named BOW (Bloody Online Wrestling), and 2 of those 3 men just so happen to be in the XWF Hall of Fame along with Carlos Shotgun. Those men being Number 8, and Chris Falkenyork. Matt Morgan was the 4th member apparently. While "TV_MA" Mark Adkins came along later in to the group, and was referred then always as "The Rogue Elite". He went on to compete not only with BOW. But, eventually along with the rest of the Elite, and most of the top talent in the world at the time .. were coming over to the XWF more rapidly. A lot of great XWF feuds were had, and they hatched out a lot of their problems back then. Well, most of them .....

In late April of last year. It was "Xtreme Mania: Decade", and Carlos Shotgun was scheduled to face Chris Falkenyork. With "TV_MA" Mark Adkins coming out of the wood work to announce he was be the Special Guest Referee. That is when things got interesting. Sasha Shotgun tried to interfere in that match, and Adkins only did his job to keep her away from the action. Thus resulting in her head injury, and the emotional pain it caused Carlos. Flast forward to "King Of Xtreme" in the summer of 2010. That's when a match is proposed by "TV_MA". He says Carlos Shotgun offers up his wife, and if he wins he gets her to be his personal slave for ONE FULL YEAR. However, there was a bargaining chip... XWF Owner/President- Mr. Lucente owed Mark Adkins a favor for him coming back, and being the special referee for that match. So, Adkins used that to drive Carlos Shotgun, and if Carlos won the match... well, his wife wouldn't be anyone's slave. He would get TV_MA's ONE FAVOR, and do what he wants with it. Well, that's when "Xtreme Battle Zone" was signed, and the opportunity presented itself. "TV_MA" found himself winning the XWF World Title for only the 1st time in his XWF career. Meanwhile, it was Carlos Shotgun cashing in on his ONE FAVOR at the right time. Now, it must be settled in a '3 STAGES OF DEATH' match. Not only is their livelihoods at stake ... but, also the XWF World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. Just how will this all play out?? PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING.******


XWF World Champion, Carlos A. Shotgun vs. "TV MA" Mark Adkins - '3 Stages of Death' match - (1st stage: Standard match, 2nd stage: Pinning-contest, 3rd stage: 60-minute IRON MAN match, No DQ, No Countout ... Anything goes!) -- for the XWF World Heavyweight Championship

We take you back to ringside with James Shaw, and Alex "Cool" Beans momentarily. As Danielle Worley takes her place in the ring, and we get ready for this "Xtreme Mania 6" MAIN EVENT!!!!!!

I'm all excited!! It's the MAIN EVENT James Shaw. The actualy MAIN EVENT of Xtreme Mania 6... I can't believe it's here. It's here!! '3 Stages of Death' we're about to find out if they actually could pull this off. If they could survive well over an hour of brutal, hardcore... Xtreme Mania action!! Can they do it James Shaw??

We're bout to find out.

I love when the XWF World Title is on the line. Nothing better than the XWF World Heavyweight Championship on the line in an 'Xtreme Mania' main event like this ....

This 1st Stage of Death .. in this '3 STAGES OF DEATH' match is Standard Rules only, and they will have to play this one by the book. Seeing who could win first by either pinfall, submission, disqualification, or countout. The person who does that first will win the first stage, and go up 1-0. They will then go on to the 2nd Stage of Death .. and apparently folks.. someone has to even it up at 1-1, or if that person goes up 2-0 it's already over. However, if it is knotted up at 1-1, and there's a good chance it might -- well, then ..

Well, then we'll reach the 3rd Stage of Death!! Can you imagine?? ONE HOUR IRONMAN match .. AFTER ALL THAT!! Some people have barely been able to finish an Ironman match .. hell, last year... we had a Hell in a Cell 60-minute Ironman match, and that saw "The Mad Dogg" Jesse Jones retain his XWF World Title, and exit "Xtreme Mania: Decade" still the champion. Tonight! Stakes are a little different...

Yes, stakes are a little higher, and that means. Well, turns out that Carlos Shotgun had asked for this match. He already got his ONE FAVOR at Xtreme Battle Zone, and cashed it in on Adkins himself. "Sweet poetic justice" for Carlos Shotgun. But, now .. it was suggested by Shotgun at our latest episode of Showdown! that this match goes down, and he made the stipulations quite clear.. .... for '3 Stages of Death' ..

Oh man, I never heard of anything like this until Carlos brought it up..... it's a great idea. I mean, it could definitely backfire. Does anyone really see these XWF veterans.. these older Hall of Famers giving it their all til the end?? Well, ... seems far fetched. With all the trials, and tribulations they are about to put themselves through ... it makes the last year seem almost irrelevant.

Yes, you all saw the Video Package we just put together, and if you are a diehard XWF fan.. you know what this feud means. You know what this kind of match means, and what these 2 gentlemen ... though I use that term loosely .... these 2 men are fighting for their PRIDE. Moreso than the XWF World Title even! I mean, they both want to be the XWF World Champion. But, not as badly as they want to be eachother.. I don't think ..

Are you sure?? I'm sure Carlos would love to stay the champion, and another thing.. Adkins just won the belt for the first time... over a month ago... . .. I mean, you don't think he wants that XWF belt back?? He does!! That's his real pride, and joy right there!!

Maybe so.

Oh, it is so James. It is so. I mean, .. look .. Adkins wants to be the greatest in the world too. He's always been a lot of things. But, never the best this company has to offer. He's outrageous. He's legendary! Don't get me wrong .. but, not the best ever ...

Well, ..

And that's what he's shooting for tonight .. a run at Carlos' title ....

Just then -

TV_MA's theme music blares throughout the ANZ Stadium, and the Australian people go absolutely wild for Mark Adkins!!! The XWF fans mark out hard for "TV_MA" all around the world as well!!!!!

From Chicago, Illinois .... he is ..... "TV_MA" Mark Adkins!!!!

The people go wild for him as he comes out, and looks around maniacally. He drags Sasha Grey along with him out from the smoke, and pyros. He brings her all the way down the long aisle, and he seats her real close to Sasha Shotgun. Both are over near the commentators. Both of them have a front row seat, and they are only a few sections apart. "TV_MA" does clap a few hands, and then stands back staring up at the ring. He hops on inside, and he strips his shirt off. He gets ready, and he is soon followed by the hype of newly crowned, only 2-time XWF World Heavyweight Champion.. Carlos A. Shotgun. After winning the belt for the 1st time since 2004, and he is now headlining "Xtreme Mania 6" opposite his most fierce rival. That's when you see a familiar band take the XWF stage near the top of the ramp. Danielle Worley announces the champion as Pearl Jam echos throughout the building.

The crowd grows tense, and everyone seems to be on their feet!! Women, and children are going insane. Men are very excited to be here for this ONCE IN A LIFETIME ocassion. His music, and lightshow is taking over the ANZ Stadium. The fireworks, and pyros go off throughout!!! Finally here he comes.

Carlos Shotgun starts walking to the ring with the XWF Title drapped over his shoulder. As Danielle Worley makes her official introduction.

And now ... ... the XWF World Heavyweight Champion ..... from San Juan, Puerto Rico ..... he is .... one ... CARLOS A. SHOTGUN!!!!!!!

The crowd does go bizerk for him. Though some stay true to the storylines, and boo the hell out of him as he makes his way down the ramp. Lots of supporters for both men. This is definitely the match they all came to see here in Sydney, Australia.

You could feel it in the air! It's the reason these people came. It's the reason "XTREME MANIA 6" is so special like it is. The rest have done us justice. But, this makes the XWF what we're all about. This MAIN EVENT here is one of the greatest of our time, and it's going down right now... FINALLY!! After all the hype. After all the glitz, and glamour. We get to '3 STAGES OF DEATH'.

What's about to happen? Over a full hour left still to come of 'Xtreme Mania 6'. It's really been quite the night so far, and I hope this one does more than live up to it's hype ....

What Champion vs. Challenger has had more at stake?? What XWF Main Event has meant more?? What XTREME MANIA has ever, or will ever feel like this again??!? ASK YOURSELF that JAMES SHAW!! Ask yourself what are you about to witness with these 2 individuals ..... over an hour... .. and an HOUR of that we know ANYTHING GOES. Incredible! Simply amazing what is at stake right now... not your ordinary match. But, this isn't your ordinary matchup. These aren't your likely combatatants if you know what I'm saying?? Lets do it!

Carlos Shotgun makes his way down the long aisle. With XWF World Championship belt in hand, and he eyes the fans surrounding him right at this very moment. Here at "Xtreme Mania 6" with everything at stake. He methodically makes his way down that ramp, and slowly enters the ring. He looks over his XWF World Championship one more time. Dressed in black pants with his name in dark red down the side is Carlos Shotgun with no shirt on, and a couple black wrists bands. "TV_MA" on the otherhand has on a pair of blue jeans shorts, and a black t-shirt that dawns his letters. They eye each other down, and the referee takes the belt from Carlos Shotgun.

Look at that.

You know these 2 men couldn't touch each other due to the rule that was in place, .... and now once that bell rings. ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! We will experience for the 1st time ever, .... not just on this stage.. but, anywhere else. We will get our '3 Stages of Death' MAIN EVENT! There is by the way, .. the XWF World Championship on the line here ...

Oh. Oh oh. Here we go!

The BELL SOUNDS!! Both men start circling each other up, and the crowd is at an all time high right now!! CHEERING at the top of their lungs!! CHANTING for their favorite superstar!! We get a "TV MA!" chant.. .. we get quite a few of those, and see tons of those signs in the crowd ..... "TV_MA" has the most signs to night, and only ahead of Carlos Shotgun by a few! The lime 'XWF' signs flood the crowd as well in neon lighting, and black lighting. The XWF fans have been growing impatient almost for this match. JUST WAITING for this 'Xtreme Mania 6' MAIN EVENT!!!

Ohh myy!

Here we go.

They lock up in the 1st of these 3 Stages of Death match. They immediately fight in a game of mercy, and Shotgun throws an inside knee. Adkins counters back with an inside knee of his own, and throws Shotgun in to the corner. Adkins starts punching away on him, and Carlos counters going for an irish whip. But, Adkins counters, and sends Shotgun backwards in to the corner!! Mark Adkins rushes in, and nails him with a back elbow to the forehead!! That shot rattles Shotgun, and Adkins pulls his head down for BULLDOG!! He goes to cover him up. But, Carlos fights his way out of it, and rolls to the outside apron. Mark Adkins goes to lift Carlos up to Suplex him back in to the ring. But, Carlos blocks it. Shoves his shoulder in Mark's stomach, and goes for a sunset flip, in to a pin. But, Carlos then steps out of it, and through it. He tangles Mark Adkins up in a quick Sharp Shooter right off the gate.

He got Sharp Shooter locked in!

No! Adkins fights out of it. "TV_MA" crawls towards the ropes, and Shotgun must break the hold.

Carlos argues with the offical, and puts a swift boot to Mark's skull. He stands back a moment, and when Adkins goes to get to a knee. That's when Carlos goes to kick him. But, Adkins grabs his leg. Spins him around, and clotheslines him down! Carlos rolls away, and crawls towards the corner. Pounding his fists on the mat out of frustration. Carlos gets up in the corner, and Adkins rushes in. But, Carlos catches him with a swift boot!! Then Carlos goes to grab Mark, and toss him shoulder-first in the post. However, Adkins hits him low in the groin area, and grabs the back of Shotgun's head, and back.. tossing him face-first thru the ropes, and to the outside of the ring!

Mark showing his frustration there.

Carlos crawling under the ring here ...

"TV_MA" riles the XWF fans up in Sydney, Australia right now!!! Then he goes to bend over the ropes to grab Carlos. Suddenly, Shotgun pops up from under the ring, and cracks Adkins over the head with that steel chair. The referee immediately rings for the bell!!

What's this here??

Carlos just DQ'ed himself!!

I think that's the official ruling. As Shotgun slides in the ring, and goes to work on Adkins now. He starts working him over with that chair. Slamming it in to him on the mat. Just whacking Adkins over, and over with that steel chair. The XWF referee steps in, and warns him that he was just DQ'ed for the 1st Stage, and if he continues using the steel chair.. he will be DQ'ed for the 2nd Stage ... and automatically lose the XWF World Title...

Carlos Shotgun furiously tosses the steel chair to the ground, and walks over putting a BOOT to TV_MA's skull. The 2nd Stage of this '3 STAGES OF DEATH' main event has just begun.

We're already on the 2nd Stage, and it's 1-0 for Adkins. Maybe that was Shotgun's backup plan .. as he slowly lifts Adkins off the mat, and is about to attempt this Bullet Bomb here. MAYBE that was his PLAN!! To .. bait Adkins. Because, if he tries to get a Sharp Shooter early.. if he goes for a kick- to set up a potential Bullet Bomb .. if that all goes sour. If that all goes arye early. Here he is now.. 2nd Stage... with the clear advantage.. even down 0-1 right now like he is.

Carlos Shotgun lifts Mark Adkins off the ground, and pulverizes him with a BULLET BOMB!!! The XWF crowd reacts here in the ANZ Stadium!! Lots of boo's!!! Lots of heat for the current World Champion, and yet there are some cheers as well!! As he now covers up Mark Adkins in this Pinning-Contest...

It was who could pin the man first in this 2nd stage here... and look at this.. Carlos might cheat himself to that very pinfall....

Brilliant if he could pull it off...

" ..... ... . .. 1.. . .. .. . ....

. .. . . ... .. . .2. . . .. . .. ...

.. . ... .. ..

... .. .. . .. .3!"


NOT what I seen coming. 2 stages down already, and it's 1-1. But, I never expected it to go down like this, and this quickly. We're already moving on to the 3rd, and final stage.... this 60-minute Ironman Match ... the XWF official... the referee here is trying to push, and hold Carlos Shotgun back.. he's warning him to give Mark Adkins some room right now ....

Oh, this is crazy. Smart thinking by Carlos! The man is genius. He puts Adkins down with that steel chair. Wears the man out early. DQs himself!! Only to gain the upperhand in the 2nd stage, and .. we're already going on to our ONE HOUR Ironman match ... this 3rd stage here.. where ANYTHING GOES!!! "Anything goes" James Shaw!!

I know. Never thought we'd get here like this. Shotgun tied it up in that Pinning-Contest... all but fair I guess. He got a few cheapshots in there with the chair. The referee didn't stop him soon enough, and he did his damage. Carlos waits back for the referee to try to get Adkins to one knee, and he barely down. Mark Adkins claims he's ready, and ... ... we are already underway .... after 2 stages going down just like that...... we're on to our final stage ... in this 3 STAGES OF DEATH main event!!!

"Xtreme Mania 6" is shaping up to be the greatest event of all time!! The BEST show the XWF has ever put on. People are getting their money's worth, and all because of this .... SHOTGUN's brilliant plan .. to bring Mark Adkins down, and look ... the bell has sounded now..

The referee calls for them to start this 3rd Stage, and Carlos Shotgun waste no time. He approaches Adkins, and dropkicks him as he's getting to a 2nd knee. Mark goes stumbling backwards, and Shotgun scrambles to grab his legs. He twists him around, and sets him up for a devilish Sharp Shooter!! The XWF fans mark out here in Australia!!!!

Adkins reaches for the ropes, and those can't even help him this time.

Carlos Shotgun pulls Mark Adkins to the middle of the ring for good measure. He has TV_MA right where he wants him, and needs him. The XWF fans start booing his antics now, and letting him have it!! They are giving Shotgun a massive amount of heat right now, and Shotgun just wrenches back harder on that deadly submission hold. He tries to put away TV_MA within the first 2 minutes of this 60-minute IRONMAN match.

Can he do it?? Can he put him away this early? Like this?

It was strategic planning, and Carlos Shotgun might go up 1-0 in this Ironman match .. making him one step closer to walking out the XWF World Heavyweight Champion yet again .. STILL.. the XWF World Champ!

He's got an HOUR to go now. Nearly 57 minutes remaining .. as Adkins struggles to hold on here early on .... there he goes!! HE TAPS OUT!! "TV_MA" Mark Adkins taps out, and the fans are not happy!!

The XWF crowd boos Shotgun, and a couple marks cheer for him! He goes up 1-0 in this 3rd, and final stage. With 56 minutes to go in this 60-minute Ironman match .... Carlos Shotgun is in control, and he stands back a moment. Glorifying what just happend. He drops to two knees, and smiles over at Mark Adkins. He laughs to himself, and laughs out loud for the fans to see. He backs up to the corner, and smiles some more. He climbs up top, and poses to the XWF fans!! They respond back with hate, and lots of obscenities

Is he mocking this people? Or maybe just mocking the situation with Adkins right now??

Shotgun turns, and sits himself on the top turnbuckle. He eyes Adkins on the mat, and leaps off for a Bret Hart-like elbow. But, Adkins gets a boot up in his grill!! Shotgun falls flat on his back, and both men lay their a moment. The XWF crowd POPS for the first time in a long time!!!! They are excited for that swing of momentum in Sydney, Australia. With nearly 54 minutes to go.... Adkins is still laid out on his back, and Shotgun begins crawling for the ropes. Adkins sits up, and he starts going for Shotgun now. But, Shotgun sees him coming, and pulls himself up to kick him in the gut. Shotgun then grabs ahold of Adkins, and lays him out with a Russian Legsweep!! He plants Adkins with that solidly in the center of the ring. Shotgun gets back to his feet, and rub his heel across TV_MA's forehead!! He then quickly gets down, and latches on a Leg Scissors Chokehold .... ..

Oh my oh my! The XWF fans are on their feet, and growing restless. Shotgun has got Adkins trapped in the middle of that ring, and he's on the verge of going up 2-0 on him early in the first 10 minute of this 60-minute Ironman match..

Yeah, just the 3rd stage .. as the first 2 stages went pretty fast.. due to a quick DQ, and another quick Pinfall. Now, it's Shotgun looking to maybe go up 2-0 on Adkins with 2 submission holds off the bat!!

Adkins is fighting him off, and the crowd is with him. Adkins begins stomping his feet, and the XWF fans stomp along with him!!! Everyone in the ANZ Stadium begins jumping up, and down!!! They are letting it be heard now. 125,632 people LETTING THEIR VOICES BE HEARD HERE TONIGHT!!! They are rooting for "TV_MA" Mark Adkins, and he is in a rough spot. Carlos A. Shotgun squeezes more. He squeezes harder, and Adkins begins to fade. He can't take it anymore, and wants to save some in his tank. So, finally at the 8-minute mark Mark Adkins taps out for the 2nd time!!!

I can't believe it, and neither can these fans!!


Shotgun goes up 2-0 on Adkins here in this 3rd, and final stage. This match .. is not what I expected at all. I knew they wouldn't have much left to go down this homestretch. But, I didn't know how Shotgun would let his plan play out!! He caught Adkins off guard, and now he owns the throne so-to-speak. He's up 2-0, and Shotgun is laying on his back smiling.

Shotgun nips up, and stands in the corner smiling. He eyes Adkins, and goes for big boot across his face as he's going to get up. Adkins moves his head out of the way just in time, and Shotgun missed with that boot. Shotgun turns back around, and Adkins comes back with a Guttermouth out of nowhere!!!!

He BLAST him with that super kick to the jaw!!! And Shotgun is knocked out ... Adkins goes for the cover here...

"....... ... ..1. . . .. . . .

the crowd cheers along ... .. . .. 2!!! .....

... ..

.. .. .. .3!!!!!"

Well, nearing the 10-minute mark, and Mark Adkins has got his first victory under his belt. He takes that pinfall, and makes it 1-2 now. It's still 2-1 in Carlos Shotgun's favor, and we are just rolling past the first 10 minutes here in this ONE HOUR long Ironman match. This 3rd stage... this deadly 3rd stage...

Both men on their back, and regaining their energy as much as they can. Mark Adkins doesn't seem to want to move yet. Carlos Shotgun starts a armyman's crawl towards the rope, and eventually pulls himself up. He lays back in the corner, and tries to figure this one out. Mark Adkins doesn't seem to be moving at all.

Some think Adkins played possum at Xtreme Battle Zone. But, I for one think he is really hurting right now.. he caught him with that Guttermouth-- with that sweet kick out of nowhere!! But, he's still down 2-1, and he had to pull out something! He reached down deep, and pulled out all he could at the moment... Carlos has got him with those chair shots quite well!!

Yeah, I was going to say. Chair shots, a Bullet Bomb, the Sharpshooter, and Leg Scissors Chokehold locked on well! I mean, he just took it to TV_MA over the course of about 20 minutes there. The last 15-20 minutes have been owned by Shotgun, and finally Adkins scores something in his favor! He's still down 2-1 ... but, he's got 47 minutes to do something ...

Shotgun goes back to work on Adkins for awhile. He pounds on him in the ring. Stiff shots in the corner, and chops him a few times which receives a few: "WOOOOO's" in the crowd!! He stomps on him on the ground after a suplex, and scoop body slams him back to the mat. A few knee drops to the skull, and Shotgun goes for a pinfall here... ... .1. ....2. ... kick out!" Shotgun wears on him with a Cobra Clutch!! Adkins is near tapping, or passing out. He almost fades with 42 minutes left on the clock, and Shotgun is taking it to him.

Almost 20 minutes has passed. Still 2-1 for Carlos Shotgun, and Mark Adkins hasn't been able to find his mark yet. He's struggling out there, and looks off his game.

Just then Adkins shoots Shotgun over the top ropes, and drops to the canvas. He gathers himself as much as he can, and then rolls out of the ring after Shotgun. He grabs him by the back of the head, and Shotgun throws an elbow in at his gut. Shotgun bends over, and picks up that very steel chair he used earlier. But, Adkins kicks him in the side now, and he drops the chair. Then Adkins starts punching away at Shotgun. Hammering away at him, and then backs him up to the barrier. He shoves him over the top, and they spill out in to the fans. The XWF crowd is losing it down at ringside!!! People are all over these 2, and security has to really pry them away. They are in the midst of it all, and in the middle of both Sashas. They are close down near the commentators table.

Adkins letting him have it now out there in the crowd!!

The XWF fans close to the action, and a STIFF shot from Adkins!! Another HARD right hand!! He kicks Shotgun in the gut, and stomps a muddle hole in him. Adkins pushes all the fans back, and clears a little space. There's a nice circle around them, and Mark Adkins looks back at Sasha Grey first. He smiles wildly at her, and down back at Shotgun. He kicks Shotgun across the chops, and now he's looking for Sasha Shotgun. He even starts yelling out for her.

HEY SASHA!! Hey SASHA SHOTGUN!!! Hey LOVER!!!!! ... Look what I do to your boy!! To your OLD BOY!!

"TV_MA" delivers a kick to his jaw again while he's helpless on the ground. Trapped around tight knit fans, and Adkins is letting him have it. The crowd starts a heroic chant of "TV MA!!!" "TV MA!!!" "TV MA!!!!!" But, he ignores it, and still tries to holler over them out at Sasha Shotgun who is a few rows up on the left side over here.

Hey baby!! Hey BABY! Look what I do to your man.

Mark Adkins goes to kick Carlos Shotgun again, and Carlos grabs his foot. Simply tossing him backwards, and shoving Adkins in to the group of nearby fans. The crowd engulfs Adkins, and Shotgun scrambles to his feet. Soon as he spots Adkins in the crowd he CLOCKS him, and then grabs him by the hair. He drags him through the chairs as they scatter around them, and he tosses him back over the barrier. Shotgun tries to hop back over. But, a fan grabs his shoulder a minute. Prompting Carlos Shotgun to DECK a fan in the face, and then manages to hop back over the barrier. A lot of fans are pissed off now at him, and start booing the heck out of him!!! The rest of the ANZ Stadium follows suit, and a lot of people are angry as they view the latest replays on the titan tron. Carlos starts putting the fists to Adkins on the ground.

Carlos. You got to say it. Back in control of this! That fan should've stayed out of his way .. just like everyone else should. He's the XWF champion for a reason damnit! And he's letting Mark Adkins have it right now...

You uh fan all of a sudden...?

He's always been good. DAMN good! He's the CHAMP.

Carlos goes to drag him over to taunt him in front of Sasha Shotgun. She looks like she's calling for him. She's waving him to bring him over. But, Adkins hits Carlos in the gut, and then turns him around sending him smacking HEAD-FIRST off that outside post!! Mark Adkins goes back, and starts yelling out at Sasha Shotgun.

He is TAUNTING his wife. TAUNTING the man's damn wife. I mean, I know Carlos ain't the greatest of human beings. He's said, and done a lot of things nobody should be proud of. But, ...

Adkins points out at her, and then grabs Carlos Shotgun by the hair. He picks him up off the ground, and then whips him all the way in to the side steel steps!!! The XWF crowd marks out hard for him, and he does a little strut over to Carlos on the ground.

We've already crossed the 20-minute mark, and there's less than 40 minutes remaining for these 2. This '3 Stages of Death' still has 40 minutes to go!!! And it's still 2-1 in favor of the current XWF World Champion, Carlos Shotgun!!

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins picks Shotgun up, and drags him over to Sasha. He taunts her, and slaps Carlos around a bit. Carlos realizes whats happening, and tries to fight him off with a kick to the stomach. But, Adkins fights back, and gives him a hard kick of his own. He rolls Carlos Shotgun back in the ring, and begins to do work on him now. He puts him in wear down maneuvers. He stomps away on him, and gets the fans involved as much as he can. Like a work of art how he gains back control of this matchup, and starts taking it out on Carlos Shotgun! He places him in a Boston Crab, and Carlos Shotgun is near tapping!!!

He's been working him over the last 5 minutes. Can he tie it up? Can he get him to submit here, and make it 2-2 with just under 35 minutes to go here tonight??

Eventually Adkins is going to do something huge. Not only does he need a victory to tie it. Well, he wants to win the damn thing, and leave no question. I'm not sure if there's a Sudden Death to thee things. If both men are tied after the 60-minutes elapse then I don't know what happens. But, for now.. it's only 2-1, and Carlos Shotgun is ahead of the score cards!! Adkins desperately trying to put him away with a Boston Crab. But, it won't work.

Adkins releases the hold, and decides to scoop Carlos Shotgun up, and deliver a running Power Slam!! He takes a moment to look at what he's done, and starts mounting the top turnbuckle. "TV MA" Mark Adkins signals to the crowd before lifting off, and connecting with a Motivation 450!!!

Wow! That's all I have to say is "wow"!

Mark Adkins makes the cover, and it's an easy ... 1. .. . . .2. .. .. . 3!

Well, we just said it. We just talked about it earlier. Mark Adkins could have easily been out of this. Down, and out.. maybe dragged down further. He makes a few big moves, and now it's tied 2-2. Forget what happend that 1st Stage of Death in that Standard rules match .. forget about the way Shotgun went about winning that 2nd stage of Death .. we are now met with just less than 30 minutes to go.... we've got it tied 2-2 in this ANYTHING GOES .. 60-minute Ironman Match. This the '3 STAGES OF DEATH' main event. What a battle thus far...

I never thought we would get this far. 2-2... with less than 30 minutes to go... and Adkins looks a little hurt from his own move there..

Mark Adkins rolls around the ring grasping his ribs in pain. Carlos Shotgun is also laid out, and not really showing any signs of life at the moment. Both men begin crawling for opposite corners eventually, and Shotgun manages to pull himself up first. He approaches Adkins, and Adkins meets him in the center of the ring. But, Carlos kicks him in the gut, and sets him up for a Bullet Bomb!! But, Mark stalls it, and ends up shooting Carlos up over his back, and down to the canvas!! Mark Adkins falls to a knee, and the XWF fans are excited once again. The XWF crowd is happy, and these 2 men look exhausted. Just 26 minutes left to go, and it's 2-2.

What's going to happen next? Who makes the next big move??

Adkins gives a swift boot to Shotgun's face as he goes to get up. Adkins goes for another kick, and Carlos spins him around. Drilling his own Spinning Heel Kick to TV_MA's skull, and changing the momentum of this match. Carlos crawls back towards the corner, and soon as Mark Adkins starts to crawl for the ropes.. Shotgun runs in, and PUNTS him across the face!!!

Holy mackerel.

The XWF fans mark out. But, a lot of them giving Shotgun heat still, and cheering Adkins on. Somehow "TV_MA" crawls out of the ring, and spills off the outside apron to the mat below. Shotgun hops out after him, and grabs the steel chair. He lifts it up horizontally, and slams it into Mark Adkin's knee. He lifts it up, and slams it in to his knee yet again!! He tosses the chair aside, and grabs Adkins by his hair. He literally starts dragging him towards Sasha Shotgun front row here. He pulls Adkins up so that his wife Sasha Shotgun can SLAP Mark Adkins across the face!! The XWF fans mark out a bit for this, and some just letting Carlos have it now!!

Carlos getting him, and his wife payback from last year. Xtreme Mania: Decade was one for the record books.. but, here tonight .. with just over 20 minutes to go.. Carlos is reminding us all why we're here. With Sasha front row just SLAPPING the taste out of Mark's mouth. She's sending a message to TV_MA, and .. now Carlos is taking this back inside.

Carlos pummels Adkins in the corner for a bit. Stomping away at him, and pointing out at his wife. He's getting in Adkins' face, and yelling out towards Sasha.

He is upset right now with how this all transpired. It's one year later. It's another big marketable match at Xtreme Mania, and look how the tables have turned this time around.

Carlos Shotgun still though.. is still tied with him at 2-2 right now. There's coming up on 20 minutes to go here, and .. he still needs to get that extra victory.. either by pinfall, or submission.. to put this one away. To win this '3 Stages of Death' match .. to walk out of "Xtreme Mania 6" ... to come out of this Main Event .. still as the XWF World Champion ... this is a long 20 minutes for anyone right now...

Shotgun drills a couple suplexes for good measure. He plants him with a Skull Crushing Finale in the center of the ring! He taunts Adkins a bit more, and goes for the cover. ...1 ... .. .2. . . . kick out!

The crowd marks out for Mark Adkins!

They mark out for Mark. Look at that!

Carlos gets pissed, and starts stomping away more. He weakens him up with a Figure Four Leg drop, and Adkins claws his way out of it. Adkins is getting to his feet, and Shotgun meets him with a boot to the gut. He then sets him up for, and LAYS HIM OUT with his most famous finisher a BULLET BOMB!!!!

This has got to do it...

Carlos Shotgun makes the cover, ... ..

. .. .. .1.. ... .. . ...

. . .. . .. .. .2. . .. . . ...

. . .. ..

.. . kick out!"

No! Adkins doesn't give it up yet. It's still 2-2, and this crowd is completely electric righw now.

Good god almighty! He kicks out of a HUGE Bullet Bomb here.. with under 20 minutes to go, and avoids that 3rd victory for Shotgun in this 60-minute Ironman match ..

What a match! I love "3 STAGES OF DEATH"!!

Shotgun picks Adkins up, and kicks him in the gut. This time he latches on for, and sets him down with a well-executed Perfect Plex!!!

" . .. . .. .1.. . . . . . . .. .

. .. . . . .. . .2. .. . . . .. . . .

. .. . . . . ..

. . ..

. . . 3!"

He's GOT him! He's GOT him now. With 17 minutes to go.. how can Adkins survive this? How can he overcome? He's down, and out .. he just took a Bullet Bomb moments ago ... he's been holding on all night, .. and now .. Carlos back on the offensive.

Shotgun scores a victory, and makes it 3-2! There's 16 minutes, and 12 seconds left in this 60-minute Ironman portion of the '3 Stages of Death' match. Nearing the final stretch of the "Xtreme Mania 6" main event. The XWF World Champion is working over the challenger. He is punishing the man in the corner now. Beating up on the man who humilated his family. He throws him down in the center of the ring, and drops an elbow to the back of his skull. He covers Adkins up.. for the ... 1 ... .. .2 .. . . . kick out!

What more does Adkins have to do? How does he turn this around?? There's 15 minutes to go.. and it's not looking good. Carlos is setting him up for a Suplexplex on the top rope now. But, Adkins fighting him off! "TV_MA" showing some life left in him, and these XWF fans here in Sydney are behind him!!! Australia loves "TV_MA", and .. Carlos Shotgun isn't trying to win this crowd back over now... he is taking it to the challenger. He took the belt from Adkins at the last pay per view, and now .. he's going outside to show it to him. He drags Adkins outside, and brings him over to the belt. He's showing him that piece of hardware.

That XWF World Heavyweight Championship is what it's all about!! That XWF World Title is the greatest ... it's the greatest thing in the world for some of these people. For some of these wrestlers. These SUPERSTARS. These MEN have giving it their all. We have had over 10 terrific XWF World Champions. Some of the most xtreme guys in the buisness. We have 31 XWF Hall of Famers, and these are 2 of them in the ring right now. Being honored! Honoring us with their present! With their ability!! They are taking it to each other tonight. Giving it their all! All the matches tonight .. from start to finish.. hell of a card, and these guys know how to close it out with the best of them..

Hall of Famers James Shaw!! Straight full blooded XWF Hall of Famers!!! MAIN EVENTING this Xtreme Mania 6 .. it was much needed... .. you've got Sasha Shotgun, and heh .. Sasha Grey .. right at ringside. Near front row! Shotgun.. Carlos has got "TV_MA" in the ring now, and he's taunting him with that gold championship. With the 3 lime letters gracing that belt, "XWF".

You could see Carlos Shotgun hold the XWF World Title up, and he eyes Mark Adkins down as he's getting off the canvas. He times it up, and he plants him with that championship belt across the kisser!! He lays Mark Adkins out, and he lays his back over him for the cover.

" .. .. ... . .. 1.. . . . .. . ..

. .. . . .. . ..2. . . . . . ..

.. . . .kick out!"

Well, Adkins got a little fight in him. But, he better. I mean, right now ...

Yeah, it looks like ... .... Adkins struggling with 10 minutes to go.

It is 3-2 in this 60-minute Ironman match. Whoever wins this with 10 minutes to go. Will go on to become the XWF World Heavyweight Champion.

The fans are boo'ing him as he takes Adkins head, and is hammering off the top turnbuckle. But, some fans yell out the numbers as he slams his head ... 1 .. ..2 .. . . . 3. .. . .4 .. . . . 5 .... 6!. ... 7!!!. .. 8!!!.. Mark Adkins delivers a back elbow shot, and another back elbow shot. He elbows him in the chin real hard, and then grabs the back of Carlos Shotgun's head now. He starts slamming it off the top turnbuckle, and the crowd chants freakishly loud with "TV_MA" now ... . .1. . .. ..2. ... ...3 .. . .. . 4. . . . .5!!!. ..

Carlos elbows Adkins in the gut, and the fans start boo'ing him again. Carlos kicks Adkins in the gut, and goes to swing him around shoulder-first in the post. But, Adkins catches himself. Shotgun rushes in, and Adkins goes for a boot. However, Carlos catches it, and sweeps Mark's foot from underneath him. He drags him to the center of the ring with just 8 minutes to go... he's going for a Sharp Shooter. But, Mark kicks his way out of it. Shotgun rushes back over to snatch him by the head. But, that's when Carlos slips up, and Adkins locks on a great looking Late Term Abortion!!!

Ahh! He's got him. Carlos slips, and he's locked in that Late Term Abortion!! He's got on that great looking chicken swing submission hold...

And Shotgun taps!!

Holycrap!! There's just 7 minutes to go.. and who's going to be the lucky one who survives all this??

The crowd is in a frenzy right now. They are beyond stirring, and mixing it up. There's almost a riot as people push forward, and get close as they can. Fans start fighting each other in this record-breaking soldout crowd of 125,632 people there is a lot of brawling going on in the crowd. In the ring both men are sprawled out on the canvas.

They can taste it in the air. Either victory, or defeat.

Mark Adkins looks beat. Carlos Shotgun looks like that last move took a lot out of him!!

That Late Term Abortion was locked on well, and locked on out of nowhere. Seemingly caught Carlos Shotgun slipping, and found his opportunity. He picked his spot. If Carlos would've stayed away!!! He was up 3-2 .. with under 10 minutes to go.. stay away .. runnn awayyy.. run to the back locker room! Get in that parking gargage. Find any car with keys in it, and drive your ass out of here!! Drive out of Sydney, Australia, and find the first place back to the states, or San Juan, or Madrid... and you are the XWF World Heavyweight Champion still!! It was locked upp!

It was plenty of time left. There was more to be done. He couldn't have backed off. He made the right move! One more Sharp Shooter, or Bullet Bomb away from making it 4-2 .. he could've taken a commanding lead.

Now, it's 3-3!! Carlos is going for a kick, and Adkins catches his foot. He holds it up, and waves his 1-finger "no" to Carlos. He goes to kick Carlos in the groind. But, Carlos rakes his eyes, and hits him with a Guttermouth of his own!!

He nearly takes Adkins' head off with his own move!!!

5 minutes to go, and Carlos goes for a Crippler Crossface instead. He's wrenching back on him!!!

He's got that Crippler Crossface locked on!!! Will Adkins tap here?? Will Shotgun make it 4-3?? There's only 5 minutes left here ...

Carlos goes to regrip, and Adkins fights out of it! Carlos rolls out of there, and goes for Mark's legs instead. He twists him up, and sets him up for a Figure Four Leg Lock in the center of that ring.

Carlos goes for a Figure Four, and he's looking to put him away again with another submission!!!

These 2 men WILLING themselves towards victory .. they are pulling out all the tricks, and trying to find away ..

I'm surprised these commentators tables are still intact tonight!

With 4 minutes, and 20 seconds to go. Carlos can't force him to tap out, and Adkins reverses the Figure Four in to a pinning combination... .1 .. .2 .. Carlos gets his shoulders up!! Carlos punches his way out of it, and then the hold is broken.

He can't do it there! They can't find a way to get it done. What happens when it's 3-3 at the end of 60 minutes here?? What happens when this ANYTHING GOES Ironman match .. it ends in a draw, and then what ??

Well, there is still 3 minutes, and 42 seconds left .... Carlos is standing "TV_MA" up in the center of the ring.

Carlos hits him with a hard right hand. He delivers a hard chop, "WOOOOO!" The crowd echos those sentiments, and are really on the edge of their seats now. Mark punches back, and Carlos hits him back. Mark goes for a punch, and it's blocked. Carlos kicks him in the side, and then knocks him to one knee with a hard right hand. Carlos then goes to the ropes, and comes back deliverying a swift kick to the skull!!! That HARD SHOT takes Adkins down to the canvas. He's laid out face down, and Carlos decides to make his way out of the ring. He starts digging underneath the apron, and comes out with something.

What's he got there???

A tire iron! He's found a tire iron!!

Carlos Shotgun rolls in that ring, and threatens to bash Adkins over the head with it. The XWF fans boo him, and give him the most heat we have felt all night. Nobody is liking this. Even the "Elite" followers have got to cringe at this next gesture. Carlos is standing in the ring, and just hovering up "TV_MA" Mark Adkins with that tire iron.

He can't do this!! He literally CAN'T do this!

But, there's just 2 minutes to go. He's got to do something!! He's got to find an answer, and put this one away for good!! He has to end Adkins somehow, and this is it.

Shotgun holds the tire iron in his right hand, and he goes to lift Adkins chin up with his left hand. Adkins is struggling to get off the ground, and Carlos is just taunting him further. He yells something in his ear. He slaps the back of his head a bit, and he raises the tire iron high in his right hand. Suddenly, Adkins kicks Shotgun in the gut out of nowhere, Shotgun drops the tire iron, and Adkins plants him with an End on 5!! He hits him with that RKO-like maneuver.. on a Tire Iron.

He drops him on a tire iron!! He drops him with an End on 5 on that Tire Iron!! - X-Marks the spot!!!

1, 2, 3!!!

He's GOT him! He's got him!! I don't know if he put him away for good, or not... but, with 2 minutes to go. He drills him with the End on 5, and pins him for the 1, 2, 3!! He's up 4-3 now.. with just 2 minutes remaining ...

These might be the longest 2 minutes of both their lives right now ..... .. look at Sasha Shotgun out there.. .. this might be the longest 2 minutes of her lives, of our lives.. OF ANYBODY'S LIFE!!! These XWF fans on their feet, and they are celebrating early!!!! They are jumping up, and down here for "TV_MA"!!!!

Or was that x-marks the spot, really a "t" for TV MA!! He laid him out with that End on 5!!! Just caught us all off guard .. including Carlos.

With 2 minutes to go.. Shotgun is out. Sasha Shotgun starts to stir at ringside, and she tries to hop over the guard rill. Sasha Grey instead makes her way over, and there's a cat fight outside the ring right now.

Cat fight James Shaw! CAT FIGHT!!! That's cool right there. THAT my FRIENDS is COOL in BEANS world ... ..

Alex, you are tooo much. These ladies.. these Sashas if you will... having a damn Cat Fight right out in front of us.

XWF! Anything can happen.

Adkins stands to his feet, and looks over at the cat fight taking place on the outside. Shotgun rolls him up, rolls through, and manages to get Mark Adkins locked in the Sharpshooter with 1 minute to go .....

Here we go!! You thought he was DONE. You thought he was OUT. He's not thru yet .. if he could tie this up.. this '3 STAGES OF DEATH' will be going SUDDEN DEATH, baby!! Believe it .. how COOL would that be?? If this carnage could continue ...

He might get him to tap here!! He has him locked in that Sharp Shooter now!! That dreaded Sharp Shooter might be enough to put him away, and tie this up!! There's only 40 seconds left here. ..

Can he hang on? Will Shotgun make him tap??

Sasha Shotgun throws Sasha Grey down, and stands up on the apron. She looks in the ring, and then steps back down off the apron. The XWF crowd is stirring in the ANZ Stadium. They are counting down now.. with 30 seconds to go, and then 20 seconds to go.... Carlos wrenches back more!! He has that Sharp Shooter on ever so brilliantly. He is trying to make Mark Adkins tap out here tonight, and tie it up at 4 a piece. He wants to make it 4-4. But, there's only 10 seconds to go....

10 Seconds left!!! WILL HE TAP??? Will Carlos get "TV_MA" to tap out here?!??

The crowd counts down, .. 10, ... 9... . 8. . . 7. . .. 6 ... 5 .. .. 4. ... ..3. . .. .2. . .. .. 1!!!

No! He can NOT do it. Carlos Shotgun has lost his title. That means that "TV_MA" is the XWF World Heavyweight Champion once again!!! He survived '3 Stages of Death' .. he surpassed all the stipulations, and circumstances surrounding these.. become only an XWF World Champion for the 2nd time in his career.. it's also the 2nd time this year that belt belongs to him!!!

TV_MA is champion! You got to give him his credit. He's the XWF World Champion, and he's done it. .. that minute elapses, and Adkins never quits!!

When the time expires. Shotgun can't believe it. He immediately lets Adkins go. But, picks up that tire iron, and eyes Adkins down. '3 Stages of Death' have come, and passed him by. He has lost officially after taking an End on 5 with just over 2 minutes to go, and he can not stand that right now. The XWF crowd is buzzing all around this arena, and all around the world we're sure. Shotgun raises the tire iron high in the air, and he looks pissed!

Don't do this. Not this way .. .

As Adkins gets to 2 knees, and turns to face Carlos. That's when Carlos goes to stab Adkins through the chest with that sharp end. But, Adkins manages to grab hold of it, and get his hands around it as well. He holds it up from his chest, and fights Shotgun off. Shotgun kicks Adkins in the groin, and they both let go of the tire iron. It drops to the mat. But, Shotgun grabs ahold of Adkins, and starts laying open fists shots to his forehead. The referee brings the belt in to present it to Mark Adkins. But, Carlos Shotgun pushes the official over, and he receives lots of boos from the crowd. Ton of heat for this former 2-time XWF World Champion ... he holds the belt in his hands, and looks at it. He holds it down at his side, and stares at that XWF World Heavyweight Champion gold. He shakes his head in utter disbelief, and tosses the belt down on "TV_MA" Mark Adkins' helpless body. Carlos Shotgun exits the ring, and that's when the theme music for "TV_MA" hits over the loud speakers!!

The crowd goes absolutely nuts, and we have a new XWF World Champion! For only the 2nd time in his career... and the 2nd time in 2011 ... "TV MA" Mark Adkins is the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion!!!!. .. Lets go to the Danielle Worley for the official announcement.

Ladies, and gentlemen.. the winner of this 1st ever.. '3 Stages of Death' main event here... at "Xtreme Mania 6" ... is none other than "TV_MA" Mark Adkins!!!!!!!!!!!!

This crowd loves it!! The Australians eat this moment up, and the XWF fans mark out everywhere for "TV_MA". He has officially done it. Nobody to take it away this time from him. He is battered, and beaten. Bloodied, and worn to bits. He is laying out on the XWF canvas, and he finally seems to notice the belt. He's noticing what's happening.

All that work!! All that BLOOD, sweat, and TEARS. They have PAID OFF James Shaw!! THEY have PAID OFF here indeed, and WHAT A MOMENT!! What a certified XWF "Xtreme Mania" moment.. that's what their made of baby ... we found out what "Xtreme Mania 6" was made of... we saw what '3 Stages of Death' was made of, .. and now .... we know what MARK ADKINS... we know what "TV_MA" is MADE OF!! He is no longer just one of those guys in the locker room who hasn't got his chance to shine. He owns the biggest prize in the company right now. For the 1st time ever.. truly, there's no one here to take it away from him this time... ... Carlos Shotgun goes out the humbled loser, and "TV_MA" Mark Adkins will now rule these hallways.. count on it! The XWF is going somewhere different, and there's a new leader at the helm. For the 1st time ... "TV_MA" truly does rule the XWF, and he truly is at the forefront.... beyond that it's hard to tell!! But, look at this celebration in Sydney, Australia!!!

Quite the moment. Quite the accomplishment. Quite the match. It had all the spectacle, all the personal conflict, all the possibilites we ever dreamnt of, and it wrapped it all in to ONE ..... this "Xtreme Mania 6" could've have been made without this MOMENT. Without this match. Without Mark Adkins realizing his dream... without these people who really do support "TV_MA" throughout this country, the United States, and just about anywhere else around the world.... it's been quite the ride for the XWF!!! Thank you Sydney!! Thank you AUSTRALIA!! Thank you XWF fans everywhere. You are the most loyal, and faithful people ..... tune in to 2 back-to-back episodes of Showdown! this coming June, and we have a lot more instore this summer. But, what a way to end Xtreme Mania 6.. what a way to wrap this one up ....

Xtreme Mania 6 was it! Look at Adkins in the ring over there.... ..

After match. Carlos Shotgun walks away from Sasha Shotgun who is trying to grab his hand, and hold his hand up the ramp. He pulls his hand away, and continues on without her... "TV_MA" Mark Adkins is still down on the canvas clutching his XWF World Heavyweight Championship as confetti falls on him, and pyros go off everywhere!! Fireworks are blasting around the ANZ Stadium. The record soldout crowd of 125,632 people are still here, and rockin' it out for "TV_MA". In fact his theme song starts back up, and though he still lays clutching his XWF World Title on the canvas. He seems to be coming to, and you just imagine he'll be posing for these fans when we fade to black.

Thank you all for coming. We really do appreciate it a ton. Thanks for your patience. Thanks for being a part of the XWF here on May 29th, 2011, and throughout the year... ..it's been years in the making. But, "XTREME MANIA 6" went off better than we ever could have hoped!!!!

We will see you all June 14th on Showdown! .. coming to you from Daytona, Florida! Thank you all for coming, and the XWF welcomes you back!! Have a safe flight, .. a safe trip.. and a safe good night. ...



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