The scene opens up in San Juan, Puerto Rico!! Fireworks are going off everywhere on top of the stadium, and the crowd is livid. Jam packed inside, with a total sell out crowd of 37,983 people. It is quite the sight right now here in The Hiram Bithorn Stadium!!! We see various signs throughout the crowd: "Carlos WELCOME home!!", "York SUCKS.", "R n R" , "Shiru Rules!", "Y2J", "Chris Falkenyork Championship", a life-size cardboard cutout of Carlos Shotgun is lifted up with a word bubble that reads: "Thank You Very Much", .. there's a sign that says, "DEATH upon ADKINS." , another sign that reads: "William Knighthawk #1 Fan" , a sign that reads: "Elite in the house!" , one that says, "Dark Stranger reed mi sine!", and of course simply, "XWF", and "Carlos Shotgun" signs everywhere. The camera pans to the front of the stadium,

We come back, and cut to ringside with Alex "Cool" Beans sitting alongside James Shaw for the play-by-play analyst.

Alex "Cool" Beans: Ladies, and gentlemen .. it is unbelievable in this stadium right now! This place is rockin'. Namely for 2 reasons .. Xtreme Battle Zone is taking place in just a few moments.. and Carlos A. Shotgun in his hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico tonight!!

James Shaw: It is a glorious event brother. Like nothing else I ever experienced!

Who's your bets on??

I'm not usually a betting man.. but, my money's on the hometown hero.. Carlos Shotgun tonight--

Oh, don't be nieve. Everyone knows .. it's also the hometown of Xavier Phoenix, and even though my money's not on him.. I'm going to go with The Original .. bet on it!

Oh, jeez.. can we talk about something else?

How about the current title holder .. of the Chris Falkenyork Championship, yes! Lets talk about it Shaw.

He's a helluva champion. Simply one of the best that's ever stepped in this buisness, and he's a hard damn worker in that ring. He has a good a chance as anybody ... there's a lot riding on this match, and 19 other men besides him in it. Going to be the test of a lifetime! But, I think Chris Falkenyork could pull it out. ..

You think he's going to hold on to that Chris Falkenyork Championship? YOU just went with CARLOS. You just picked Shotgun, and now you're going back on your word!

You say that so matter factly .. in fact I did not say that. I didn't say I'm going with York. But, look at it this way .. the man has done it all. He won back at Xtreme Mania last year.. got Shotgun to say, "I quit". That's not easy my friend! He beat The Original, and Jesse Jones back at KOX!

Oh, don't remind me about King of Xtreme ... weren't we fired??

Yeah, but apparently .. Shawn Taylor seen something in us he really liked, and brought us back.

What a good guy he is. Our GM is swell.. isn't he?

Sure is,

And you know who's not so swell??


That lowsy Mark Adkins!! I mean, don't get me wrong .. I hate him.. but, I love him at the same time. We have a love-hate relationship, and man .. I don't know. But, he went too far on some of his stuff these past few weeks..

Just don't bring up Billy Crystal's name around me. Listen, .. tonight is going to be epic. You just spoke of "TV MA".. he will be here tonight... . .Chris Falkenyork is defending his Championship tonight ... Jon Hampton will be here in action-- maybe trying to headline his 2nd Xtreme Mania in a row!! I mean, .. he has a hell of a shot as well. You've got Ryan Ryder back in action. Dark Stranger will be competiting again. Mars, Shiru, Rage.. they'll all be here ... . don't forget the legendary hall of famer, Crimson Tide, and of course .. The Original .. who knows about him?

I'm not so sure what to make of him either. Too much bouncing around if you ask me. But, he should be here tonight.. by all accounts. It appears he was running in to the law here at San Juan .. as well.. just moments after being released on bond out of PA, .. now he's in trouble here. Who knows with that guy? Same goes for Hampton. Can't our wrestlers just stay out of trouble?

You got that right. There's one thing for sure though .. a young man who showed promise-- a couple of them really. But, one particular, boy, that William Knighthawk looks ready as ever, .. and what do you make of his new friend Gigantis?

I don't know what to make of him. But, I could tell you that the other young gentlemen you are speaking of... competiting in his first match as well .... well, I'm not talking about "The Game".. because, he didn't have anything to say leading up to Xtreme Battle Zone. But, .... Xavier Phoenix did! He set the tone maybe for this whole competition, and he'll be wrestling in his hometown as well... that should not be overlooked my friend--

Speaking of "overlooked".. look what we have here-- arriving to the stadium.. walking through that garage right now.. is one.. Carlos A. Shotgun himself!!!

The fans notice him on the large jumbotrons, and go bizerk for him! They absolutely lose it for their hometown here! Some men are boo'ing him. But, those few, and far in between.. because, they feel threatened by the overall support that Shotgun is getting here tonight. He's walking through the garage, and walks in to Bob Levy for our first LIVE! backstage interview of the night...

Bob Levy: Excuse me, .. Carlos Shotgun. Welcome! Welcome to Hiram Bithorn Stadium, and welcome back to --

Carlos Shotgun: Let me cut you off there genius!

The crowd explodes inside the stadium!!!

I never left Puerto Rico .. I never left this place, and now-- I get to grace that ring out there... I get to grace those rings out there. Because, I will be advancing from my ring, and I will be getting my hands on whoever stands in my way... on becoming a 2-time XWF World Champion here tonight!! It will be memorable. It'll never be forgotten. It'll always be the day .. the night-- when Carlos A. Shotgun .. ruled supreme over the rest of the roster. When the title was finally back in the right hands. And then I will go on to headline XM .... I will go on to headline Xtreme Mania-- like I'm meant to. Like I was destined for. Because, tonight is just the start of another legacy for Carlos Shotgun. Tonight! .. You will truly see who the best in this buisness is . .....

He pauses, and looks out in to the distance. With the crowd saying along with him now,


Bob Levy is stuck there holding his mic, and we cut to another shot of the front of the Hiram Bithorn Stadium before cutting back to ringside for more on this upcoming Xtreme Battle Zone event.

- - - - - - ----

So, what else should we discuss Shaw before these 20 men get it on??

It's simple. But, it's not so simple... here we go -- first of all... you--

Suddenly, a theme music hits. It's Jonathan Hampton's music. Jon "The Man" Hampton's music starts blaring over the loud speakers, and the crowd immediately errupts in to a chorus of boo's for this man. The crowd is roaring with anger, and resentment towards this man. He takes his time walking down the ramp, and around those 2 rings already set up in the middle of this stadium ... the large Xtreme Battle Zone structure hanging above. It is pretty much 2 large steel cages, with 1 door on each end. Also, a door in the middle- that'll signify the last 2 men left, and it will open when it has come down to the final 1-on-1 encounter. But, as Hampton makes his way over to the commentators table. He jaws with some fans, and avoids being spit on. He dodges that spit, by moving his head to the side just in time, and looks real angry with the fan. Pointing at him, and threatening him now. Jon Hampton eventually makes his way over to the commentators table.

Jon. Come over here! "The Chosen One", "The Ultimate One".. come over here.. if it isn't Jon "The Man" Hampton. The same man who headlined last year's Xtreme Mania-- tell us about this upcoming Xtreme Battle Zone, and what is facing you tonight here in San Juan!!

Jon Hampton puts on a headset, and scans the crowd. And then looks disgusted at James Shaw.

Jon Hampton: Look at these people! They are an utter disgrace to human kind. No respect. No morals! I was almost just spit on.. did you see that Alex? Did you see that "Cool" Beans, huh? How bout you Shaw? You see that?

Oh, I saw it Jon. Pathetic! Sickenin'. .

You got that right. Listen, I heard you guys out here talking .. .. you were talking about it being so simple ... right?

Yeah, that's what we said --

Well, I'm going to win the whole damn thing .... it's JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!

Jon Hampton throws the headset down on the table, and looks James Shaw specifically in the eyes. He looks real angry with him, and the rest of the stadium as he slowly starts backing up, he yells at Shaw, "How about that? Huh? How's that?!?"

He's mad at you for some reason Shaw.

What I say? . . .. What the hell's his problem? I'm out here discussing the rules for the upcoming event... and he wants to push my buttons. Hell no! He's lucky I don't lace them up anymore.. or I'd be out there- storming him, and causing hell.

Settle down Shaw. You're going to blow a vessel. Lets just talk about the upcoming event.. Xtreme Battle Zone, and the rules that follow .. ..

As I was saying ... it's real simple ... but, it's a little complicated for those who can't figure it out, or get heated at every word we say. We're only doing our job.


But, anyways -- tonight promises to be a great night. What's in store you ask? Well, 20 men .. locked inside a large steel cell. Seperated by a single door.. competiting in 2 seperate rings .. will be 10 men each! Those 10 men .. will battle it down, until only 1 of them is left... then-- from there- once it is down to those last men left ... the door will open in the middle, and they will be allowed to battle anywhere within the confines of that Xtreme BATTLE Zone. That large human structure sitting above our heads right now. About to be lowered on top of these 2 rings, and medal platforms will also be set up. So, men can't essentially fight on the outside of the ring.

Unless of course they want to take a risk getting their face graded against that steel structure, or planted on that steel platform out there.

That's the risk some of them are going to HAVE to take. In order to win it all. In order to be the last man standing, and go on to headline Xtreme Mania ... as the XWF World Champion-- you must survive through it all! Through all the pain. The torture. The submission moves. The high risk, high flying maneuvers.. .. to the strength, and toughness of all these men. 20 of them! 20 men .. vying for the same goal .. with 1 thing in mind--

That XWF World Title.

You got .. the following men in ring 1.. . and remember-- these matches will go on simutaneously. So, when each ring of these 2 rings finish up-- they will immediately have to go at it 1-on-1 to determine the Champion. But, anyway .. we'll get to the rules here in a minute.. here are the 10 men in ring 1. ... they are as follows..

Ring 1 -

1. Chris Falkenyork (XWF World Champion)
2. "The Original"
3. Arch Angel Damien
4. "TV MA" Mark Adkins
5. Shiru Vanchiez
6. "Real Deal" Ryan Ryder
7. The Phan (The Guerillas)
8. Brutality (Wreckin' Crew)
9. "Mr. Extreme" Eric Wilhite
10. William Knighthawk

Now, that was ring 1. Lets now bring you the participants of ring 2.. starting with ...

Ring 2 -

1. Carlos Shotgun
2. Dark Stranger
3. Xavier Phoenix
4. "The Game"
5. Crimson Tide
6. Jon Hampton
7. Mars
8. Flip Johnson (Wreckin' Crew)
9. Midnight Star (The Guerillas)
10. Rage

And now for the quick rules-- No Countout obviously. No DQ.

Only way you could eliminate someone is by pin, or submission ..

Yes, that's correct, and we forgot to tell you ... 2 men from each ring start it off against each other, and every few minutes another opponent is released. So, .. you could start the match off at 8 pm.. or whenever it is we kick off this illustrious event. But, someone might not be going in to the ring until 30 minutes after you ... so, it's going to be a disadvantage for those men who draw 1 & 2 in each of our 2 rings out there. It's going to be quite the sight!

Yeah, it's beautiful here in San Juan ... weather wise I mean, and we had a great turnout-- despite the spitting, and trash throwing .. it's been quite pleasent. But, in just a few moments-- that Battle Zone won't be so kind to these superstars. With 20 men putting their lives on the line for 1 title ... it's going to be amazing to see what goes on! It's about to get real brutal in here ladies, and gents-- real gruesome. So, look away if your squimish. Because, in just a few moments-- we announce these 20 participants.. they come out here.. some get locked in glass cases, and one by one.. they are released-- and do battle-- until only 1 man comes out the soul survivor!

And he would've earned it ...

Rightfully so.

Hey! There's one thing we have to get to. One thing that hasn't been discussed as much. The first 2 men eliminated.. apparently-- will never wrestle an XWF match ever again. This will be their last contest if they happen to be one of the first 2 to go!

That's a terrible thing. To be in their shoes, and facing that kind of pressure. Who will step up, and face adversity? Who will overcome all the obstacles, and be standing there the XWF World Champion .. heading in to Xtreme Mania??

Find out, in just a moment --


We are seeing a video display with images from over the course of the last year. Dating back until Xtreme Mania when a lot of these feuds began. We showcase what happend at King of Xtreme, and also what took place at Collision Course, which was more of a train wreck if you ask some of us. But, none the less. Those moments are highlighted. As well as quick glimpses at some of the promos, and heated discussions that have took place over the course of the last 2 months. It hypes the "Xtreme Battle Zone" event perfectly, and gets us ready for this 20-man elimination style XWF World Championship extravaganza!!


And we cut back to ringside where the people are screaming in excitement! As the Xtreme Battle Zone is being lowered down to the ground, and getting ready to cover those 2 rings. The fans are loving this moment, and they know we are minutes away from what should be the event of a lifetime.

This is it Shaw. Can you feel it?

Man-o-man. It's certainly in the air tonight. I take a look around. I see these people anticipating this event. I see the signs all around me.. I hear the cheers, and what these people are chanting ... it's about time we start this off- lets kick this thing off right, and "to the victor go the spoil". ..

BACKSTAGE, we see Chris Falkenyork admiring his championship in a mirror, and then shining it up to see his own reflection in it. Before slanging the belt over his shoulder, readjusting it, taking another look at himself in the mirror, smiling to himself, and finally walks out of view heading towards that XWF ring .. which is now surrounded by tons of steel, and is set to do battle for Xtreme Battle Zone. We then cut to GM, Shawn Taylor backstage, and he is talking privately to someone in his office. Men we can not make out, and he's discussing something very important. Because, he notices the camera, and shoes the man out of his office. Back at ringside the commentators discuss a few more things before we officially start this off.

Well, what's you think?

We're here.

I can't wait to see how this one goes down... enough of the talking, and speculating. We already know the rules. .. we're just anxious to see who gets to go 1-on-1, and .. who eventually walks out the XWF World Champion! Lets get to it.

Suddenly, men from the roster are announced, and they slowly make their ways out one-by-one. Until they fill up all the glass cases in their designated ring. One man in particular comes out, and receives a warm welcome from the crowd.

Danielle Worley: Introducing first ... one of the 20 men in the Xtreme Battle Zone ... ... from Dartmoor, England ... standing in at 6'2'' .. 225 pounds ... . .. .. William.. Knighthawk!!

Out comes William Knighthawk. Followed by the man known as "The Game", followed by Shiru Vanchiez, we have Dark Stranger come out to some eerie music. Also, the entrance for Jon Hampton goes off without a hitch! The crowd boo's him the whole way down the ramp, and toss trash, and slurs his way as he enters the Xtreme Battle Zone. We have Xavier Phoenix come out to a nice ovation from the crowd. Though he does receive mixed reactions from some of the folks in San Juan, Puerto Rico. As the next man is announced, the crowd boo's tremendously,- --

"TV MA" Mark Adkins slowly makes his way down the ramp, and soaks it all in. He smiles as they throw insults his way. He just shakes it all off, and looks up at the large steel structure known as "Xtreme Battle Zone". He hops up, and down a moment and psychs himself up. As he walks in to his side of the Battle Zone, and enters ring 2 .. where the crowd just continues to boo him, and let him and Jon Hampton have it!! They are not to fond of those 2, and then .. with the stadium finally dark, and the lights dimmed low... from near the top of the ramp a band appears!! It is Pearl Jam, and they are here for one thing only. To help introduce the next competitor in the Xtreme Battle Zone, and the people of San Juan, Puerto Rico are defeanoning with their loud cheers, and support for hometown hero. Some boo'ing his latest antics. But, a majority of the crowd is in full support for the man they think should be Champion.

"Shotgun" emblem shows up on the screen, and Carlos A. Shotgun makes his way out after about a minute delay to an insane crowd! He methodically makes his way down the ramp, and eventually enters the Xtreme Battle Zone, before walking over to where the 2 cages meet, and glances inside at Mark Adkins. He points out at him! He then focuses on his own ring, and enters his glass case. We got a few more people to announce. Mars comes out to a nice ovation! Arch Angel Damien gets boo'ed on his way down the ramp. We also see The Wreckin' Crew come out together to a mixed reaction from the crowd. The Guerillas soon follow them, and split up as well as they enter opposite rings, and prepare to go against 9 other men in their own ring. We see Ryan Ryder come out. But, no Y2J. The man who supposedly was locked away. Isn't here, and some people are confused. Including the commentators.

Well, he was suppose to come out right then, and he didn't. No Y2J ? What happend to The Original anyway Shaw?

Beats me. I'm confused as everybody. This makes no sense. He didn't show. But, we have others to get to .. and this is it-- the final 4 men announced.. will be the 2-men that start it off in each ring ... so lets send it back up to Danielle Worley for the last introductions.

From .. God Knows Where .... he is the monster, .. .. standing in at 6'11'' tall, and weighing in at over 300 pounds! He is .... RAGE!!!

Fire balls go off everywhere! The arena fills with heat, and the large man makes his way out from behind the curtains, and down that very ramp. He enters ring 2, and gets ready to start off this contest ...

Entering ring 1 . . .. he is ... the XWF World Heavyweight Champion ..... .. he is Chris Falkenyork!!!

Oh, he does not receive a good welcome from the crowd. They boo the shit out of this guy. Not a single mark really for the XWF World Champion, or recently renamed the Chris Falkenyork Championship belt .. as one of the original members of the Elite makes his way down the ramp with his title slung over his shoulder. He makes his way out, pointing at fans in the distance, and keeping his composure as he glances up at the Xtreme Battle Zone structure. He takes the Chris Falkenyork Championship belt draped over his shoulder, and looks at it one last time. He gives it one last kiss, and confidentally hands the belt to the referee at the door. He tells him, "Keep that clean for me, I don't want any fingerprints on it.. when I take it back at the end of the night!" Chris Falkenyork smiles once again, and enters ring 1. Now, being announced is the final participant in ring 2. The last of the 10-men in ring 2 that is announced is a long time XWF veteran, and XWF Hall of Famer.

Coming to the ring now ..... is a 13-year XWF veteran.. who signed the 1st official contract for the XWF in his own blood back in 1998 .... he ... is .... CRIMSON TIDE!!

The lights in the Hiram Bithorn stadium go off, and flash bulbs pop off everywhere. Surprisingly everyone tries to capture this moment of Crimson Tide, because it's been rumored he will be wrestling his last match ever very soon here. And now... the last man introduced for this XBZ event.

He is hailing from Atlanta, Georgia .... he is Mr. Extreme Eric Wilhite!

Out comes Eric Wilhite and no one really responds. He is quite the unknown these days. He hasn't wrestled in the XWF since 2006, and makes his grand return here tonight to try his luck at Xtreme Battle Zone. Some fans recognize him. But, don't care.. they are thinking about one thing, and one man right now-- Carlos Shotgun. We see Eric Wilhite walk up to his ring, and as Danielle Worley is going to leave the ring .. he demands the mic from her. She obliges, and exits the steel structure. As Eric Wilhite enters the "Xtreme Battle Zone", and walks in to the middle of the ring. He comes face-to-face with the current XWF World Champion, Chris Falkenyork. He looks York dead in the eyes, and then quickly addresses the crowd.

Eric Wilhite: Hold off just a minute! Hold on here a second ...

Boo's from the crowd. Because, it's already after 8 pm, and they are growing impatient. Ready for a 20-man extravaganza! Ready to see what Carlos Shotgun, and others could do in action tonight. But, they don't want to hear from Mr. Extreme Eric Wilhite on this night.

How about this? I enter the glass case.... .. I see none are left-- but, I'll take William Knighthawk, or Shiru's Vanchiez's case, .. or heck-- The Phan's glass case. It doesn't matter.. just not this-- SHAWN TAYLOR!! I need to speak with you ..

Chris Falkenyork who already tore his shirt off is just staring at Eric Wilhite in disbelief. In ring 2 -- the other side of the structure- seperated by all that steel is the other 2 men ready to do battle. Crimson Tide, and Rage just stare at each other. The crowd is eating that up for some reason. Two men who have had history, and have had some of the most bizarre things happen to them over the years. Truly men of different era, and now they are locking eyes in the same ring. They don't break eye-contact.. as if them, and the San Juan crowd is in a trance as well. Suddenly, GM, Shawn Taylor comes out at the top of the ramp to some awesome theme music. He busts balls, and states the following to Eric Wilhite, and the XWF faithful.

GM, Shawn Taylor: Listen gentlemen. . .. some say-- LIFE isn't fair! In this case Eric Wilhite ..... I'm your General Manager . .. . and you are just going to have to deal with the current- circumstances. You start it off against Chris Falkenyork .. .. and if either of you survive ring 1-- maybe you'll be lucky enough to go 1-on-1 with the last participant in ring 2... and we will have quite the showdown!! Eric. Chris. Rage. Tide ... the rest of ya -- - ... it's time to gives these people a show! Ring that bell ref.


This is it!

We are officially underway at the first Xtreme Battle Zone to hit the XWF circuit, to hit anywhere across the globe ... in over 5 years, and it's here tonight-- in San Juan, Puerto Rico .. in front of a sold out crowd!!

And we got front row seats Shaw! Front row, baby. Time to call the event of a lifetime .... you've already said it, "to the victor go the spoil."

At stake-- winning the XWF World Championship, and headlining Xtreme Mania in just over 40 some days ..

In ring 2- Crimson Tide, and Rage continue to just stare a hole through each other. They do not move one bit. Just standing in opposite corners of the ring. 8 men in glass cases surround them. In ring 1- Chris Falkenyork is eyeing down Eric Wilhite, and starts laughing to himself as Eric Wilhite turns around. His eyes wide at first, he suddenly tenses up, and gets ready to attack York. He does!! He goes after him, and Chris Falkenyork simply trips him up in to the Version 7

Oh my god! If he taps.. that's it. He's wrestled his last match in the XWF. .. .

His return's about to be sour. No way he escapes the clutches of that move. He's trapped in the Version 7

The crowd is boo'ing. They are not impressed, and 20 some seconds in to the "Xtreme Battle Zone" event-- Chris Falkenyork the current Champion gets Mr. Extreme Eric Wilhite to tap out!!!

That's it. It's over! Eric Wilhite is gone. He's the first eliminated .. and so by rule of GM, Shawn Taylor.. that means Wilhite will no longer wrestle for the XWF. I wonder who else is going down like that Shaw?

Well, it's not about the first 2 eliminated-- though that does suck for those men. It's all about the last man who survives... and it's 1 down now for Chris Falkenyork ... 18 more to go, or 8 more to go .. for now-- depends how you look at it.

He's off to a good start.

Sure is. .. What about Tide, and Rage? What's the deal with them??

They are stunned. They don't know what to do. Old friends. Old foes. Stuck in time it appears. What's going to be the outcome here tonight is what I want to know? How is this all going to play out? And already we have Eric Wilhite begging for his life, and the stare down of a century!

In ring 1 - Eric Wilhite has been officially eliminated by Chris Falkenyork, and forced to leave the Xtreme Battle Zone. The referees usher him out the door, and down the steel steps. He looks defeated as he holds his head on the way out. Chris Falkenyork meanwhile is just looking around at the 7 other competitiors left in his ring. There's Mark Adkins. There's Ryan Ryder. There's Shiru Vanchiez. The Original's case is currently empty. The Phan is posted up in a case. Arch Angel Damien looks frightend to even go out there. "Brute" is ready. William Knighthawk looks ready. Who will be next out one of those cases?

Well, that was quicker start than we expected, and now who's next for York? Likewise.. who will be next to step out of their glass case, and join this massive stare down between Crimson Tide, and Rage?

I don't think that next person is going to stare these 2 down. Maybe, they are trying to save their energy. Maybe, they are in cahoots. And, that's why they aren't attacking each other yet. They know there is strength in numbers.

Meanwhile, Chris Falkenyork is getting lots of heat from that LIVE! San Juan, Puerto Rico crowd. As Crimson Tide, and Rage start inching closer. Still a good 10 feet away from each other. After about another 3 minutes of waiting.. the glass cases are opening, and Brutality of the Wreckin' Crew is released in to ring 1. Meanwhile, Mars is released in to ring 2. .. Mars looks around at those two, and then goes to attack. But, before he gets a chance. Rage puts his big hand around Crimson Tide's throat, and the lights go out.

What the heck is this?

Ahh! They shut the lights off Shaw. I can't see a damn thing ...

Get off my leg!! What are you doing down there "Cool" Beans??

I'm sorry, I dropped something ... .

The lights come back on, and Rage, and Crimson Tide are gone. Meanwhile, Brutality is still near his glass case, and once he realizes the lights are on-- he charges at York in the corner. But, Chris Falkenyork moves just in time, and "Brute" instead catches his head on the top turnbuckle. York sneaks up behind him, rolling him up, and stepping through.. eventually then turning Brutality on his stomach, and arching at his back.. with that Version 7

He's got it on again! Falkenyork has got it on again!

And what the hell just happend over in ring 2 Shaw?? What was THAT all about? Rage, and Crimson Tide are gone ... what is it? How did they escape .. they were locked in the Xtreme Battle Zone like everyone else ....

Beats me. Mars is all alone, waiting on the next participant .. and Chris Falkenyork is defending his Championship... he's got Brutality of the Wreckin' Crew in the Version 7 ... . ... and that's it. He's done it! He's got him to tap, and that's 2 down now!!

Brutality is still tapping rapidly, and Falkenyork is wrenching back with authority, and complete intensity running through his veins right now. The referee is forced to pull Falkenyork off of "Brute".

Now, we are down to 8 men left in ring 1 .. only 7 if you're not including The Original who never arrived on time, and apparently we are down to 8 men in ring 2 with the disappearance-- the rather sudden disapperance of Rage, and Crimson Tide moments ago!

I still don't know what that was all about? And where is The Original? I'm not buying it Shaw. There's no way that he's locked up somewhere... ..something bizarre is happening here tonight. Is this the Xtreme Battle Zone?

So far - we've had 2 men tap in ring 1, and 2 men disappear in ring 2 . ... suppose to be 16 men left at this point. But, lets see how this all plays out ... who will be next out of those cases? And will they be able to stay in the ring longer than 2 minutes?? . . ..

It's a good thing I didn't go with my upset pick of Rage. Or I would be out big bucks James Shaw! Big bucks I tell ya.

Yeah, you went with The Original instead. Much better pick. Yeah. We see how well that did ya ..

Did I?

I'm still unsure what that all was about. Crimson Tide has been known for pulling stunts like this before... Rage, and him have always had an empty past. Filled with many miserable moments. Tonight-- just another one of those occurences in their strange relationship.

You're telling me . ... who's next Shaw?? Who's next for Mars? The 2005 XWF Hall of Famer who returned for one last glory run with the XWF... some say this is his last match-- .. that he was just honoring the respect of graditude shown by one Shiru Vanchiez -- so Mars decided to enter Xtreme Battle Zone-- almost against his own will. Meanwhile, Chris Falkenyork ... well, he is defending his Championship here tonight. His personal engraved Chris Falkenyork Championship. He's off to a terrific start! If he could keep this moment going . . . he will remain the Champion here tonight!

After a few more moments-- the next 2 men are released from either cage. The Phan is released in ring 1, and Jon "The Man" Hampton released in ring 2. Without hesitation- Jon Hampton goes to attack Mars. But, that punch is blocked, and Mars delviers an overhand right of his own, and another overhand right that stuns Jon Hampton. Mars irishwhips him across the ring, and ducks-- as he sends Jon Hampton flying up over his head for a big Back Body Drop!!

And Mars is riling the crowd up!! The XWF people are on their feet for some action--

The Phan goes for a clothesline on Falkenyork in ring 1. But, Falkenyork ducks it, and when The Phan bounces back-- he tries to go for a big boot on York. But, Falkenyork ducks that also, and kicks The Phan in the shin. He hits the Phan with a hard right hand across the chops. But, The Phan grabs York by the throat now. But, Falkenyork blocks it, and turns it in to an armbar. However, The Phan reverses out of it, and has Falkenyork by the arm now. He twist it around, and then scoops York up. He puts him up on his shoulder, and The Phan is going for a Powerslam. But, York wiggles out of it. He hops down, waits for the Phan to turn around. He kicks him in the shin again, and quickly turns it in to an old fashioned Killswitch!

BLAM! He plants him with that brutal trademark move.

He's going for the cover, and the count . . .

"........1.. . . ..

..........2. .. . . .

. . . . ..3!!!"

That's all she wrote for the Phan, and the first member of the Guerillas to officially enter the Xtreme Battle Zone-- after leaving that glass case-- has been eliminated from the festivities. Falkenyork takes down another one!

Meanwhile, Mars has got Jon Hampton in a brutal side headlock, and he refuses to let go.

Hampton pushes Mars forward off of him, towards the ropes. Mars bounces back, and knocks Hampton down with a tough shoulder block take down! Hampton bounces back up quick, and looks furious. He goes to slap Mars. But, Mars blocks it- kicks Hampton in his gut, and hits him with a devestating Aztec Suplex. Which Mars then turns in to a pinning combination. For the ... . 1 .. . .

. . .

.... . ..2. . .

...... . . kick out!"

Our first nearfall of the night, and Jon Hampton survives a close count. Now, reflecting on Jon Hampton's career.. or at least over the past year or so-- what a turn of events for this guy. He had a decent Summer of 2008. When he won a few key matches to put himself in position to be 1 of 4 men in the 2nd Chance Championship tournament . . . . instead- he ended up losing to the hands of Shotgun, and Jones... after a nice victory over HHH. Meaning he was in line to get a shot against Jesse Jones for the belt at last year's Xtreme Mania. Due to the fact that he had a rivalry going with Jesse Jones all over 2008, and he scored a victory, or 2 over him. But, now .. flash forward to Xtreme Mania. He lost in an Ironman match by a score of 2-1. It was the Main Event match. The one that headlined "Xtreme Mania: Decade" .. but, he was unable to escape with the XWF World Heavyweight Championship that day--

More so that that. As we watch Mars go to work on Hampton in the corner now, and Falkenyork is still waiting on another opponent to try to quickly eliminate from this contest . .. it was that Hampton had a terrible run after that as well. Losing to MARS who made his comeback after a 5 year absense-- being defeated in the 1st round of the King of Xtreme tournament. Mars went on to the finals surprisingly enough, and lost to Stephen Blood in the end. However, ... Hampton struggled up until this point-- where a lot of people think this may be his comeback match. This Xtreme Battle Zone is just what Hampton, and others needed to get that spark back!

Maybe so.

Mars, and Hampton go back in fourth for a moment. Mars staying in control most of the way. He grabs Hampton by the back of the head, and simply tosses him across the ring. Hampton's back smacks that canvas hard, and Mars stays on the offensive. He steps through the ropes, and grabs Hampton's hair over the top rope. Mars is bringing him in, and going to go for a suplex to the outside platform. But, Hampton blocks it, and goes to suplex Mars in the ring. But, Mars blocks it, and knees Hampton in the mid-section. Mars then lifts Hampton up, and does indeed suplex him to the outside!! Hampton's feet smack the cage itself, and his back slams that steel platform real hard! He immediately grasps at his back in pain.

Not a good look for Jon Hampton. Is it James Shaw?

I don't think so. A better look from Mars .. .

That time is about now for the next opponents to be released in the battle. There it goes, and now the man released in ring 1 is none other than one of the newest members of the XWF roster, William Knighthawk! He comes out, and locks eyes with Chris Falkenyork across the ring. Meanwhile, in ring 2 - Flip Johnson is released, and he goes right for Mars.

Here we go Gentlemen . .

Buisness is about to pick up!

It has. Indeed.

Mars fends off Flip Johnson best he can. Grabbing Flip, and tossing him in to the corner. Delivering shot after shot. Open fists to the skull, and mid-section of Flip Johnson! Mars is just brutalizing him. Meanwhile in ring 1 - Chris Falkenyork, and William Knighthawk lock up in a match of strength. William Knighthawk slowly starts to gain the advantage. But, Falkenyork flips it on him in a game of mercy, and eventually just nails William Knighthawk with a solid knee to the face as he gets him to kneel before him, and then ends it with another solid knee to the brain. Followed by a spontaneous Bulldog, and a quick cover on the new rookie ...

"..... . .. 1. . . . ..

. . . . . . . . ... 2 . . .. .. . .

. . . .. kick out!"

Chris Falkenyork immediately throws William Knighthawk in a side headlock on the ground, and just grinds him down on the mat. Meanwhile in ring 2- Flip Johnson gets a thumb to Mars' eye, and a knee to his mid-section. He calls on Jon Hampton, and Hampton gets in the ring-- intentionally low-balling Mars from behind! He hits him with a solid uppercut between the legs, and thats it. Flip Johnson, and Jon Hampton team up, and start stomping away at Mars. They double-team the shit out of him. Hitting him with hard right hands- as each other takes turn holding him. Mars tries to fight them both off. But, they stay on the attack, and manage to drill Mars with a Double DDT. Followed by Hampton going up to the 2nd turnbuckle, and drilling him with his elbow straight to the jaw. Hampton goes for a cover on Mars now .. .

" . . . .. . . 1. . . . . .. ...

...... . . ..2. . .. . ...

.. .kick out!"

The fans are growing wreckless, and it's a wonder why. They can not STAND Jon Hampton. Some people are marks for some of these certain legends here tonight. We already alluded to how Carlos Shotgun has fan favorites-- despite the heat he's been generating lately. But, while Mars, and others like the Guerillas have their marks out here tonight-- it's people like Flip Johnson, and especially-- Jon Hampton .. who are just pushing people's buttons the wrong way.

You in particular.

Say again ?

You are salty from earlier, and obviously still holding a grudge. People LOVE Jon Hampton-- I don't know what you're talking about .. and the only people boo'ing -- are clueless. They have no idea why they are even boo'ing. It is excellent action out there tonight! Right now- Hampton, and Flip Johnson .. classic bad guys- good guy double-team, and look .. you got the Chris Falkenyork Championship on the line, and he is taking it to William Knighthawk right now in ring 1.

Whatever you say Alex.

Chris Falkenyork goes to irish whip William Knighthawk in to the corner.. but- William Knighthawk reverses it, and Chris Falkenyork's back goes smacking off the turnbuckle. William Knighthawk rushes in, and connects with a high knee across the face of Chris Falkenyork. That shot takes him down but William Knighthawk doesn't stop there. He lifts Chris Falkenyork off the ground, and puts him in a barehug type maneuver. He wears him out a bit. Before-- eventually irish whipping Falkenyork to the ropes. Falkenyork bounces back, and catches a mean Sidewalk Slam from William Knighthawk! York's head bounces off the canvas, and Knighthawk goes for the cover . . ..

"... . . .. . . 1. .. . . . ..

. .. . . . . 2 . . . . ..

. . . kick out!"

The Champion was almost put away there.

And what did you mean by whatever you say Alex?? I mean, of COURSE-- whatever I say. That has always been obvious. I told you before.. I'm not a color commentator-- I sir .. am the cooler commentator. And tonight-- I'm calling it just like it is. That's why I'm back. That's WHY we were rehired by Shawn Taylor .. our General Manager!!

Call the match would ya?

That's your job.


Reacting to the action in the ring. As Hampton lays out Mars with a suplex, and Flip Johnson launches off the top rope, and drops a big leg on Mars' head. But, as he's getting ready to pin him. It is Jon Hampton who asks if he could do the honors... Flip Johnson obliges, and Hampton drops to his knees with a smile. He's about to cover him up, and try to get the 3-count.. when the glass cases are opening again, and this time-- from ring 2- it's MIDNIGHT STAR!!!

Midnight Star does not hesitate to start dropping bombs! Tomahawk chop after Tomahawk chop! He takes it to both Flip Johnson, and Jon Hampton. He whips Flip to the ropes. Ducks a running clothesline attempt by Flip. Then he kicks Jon Hampton in the gut, gets ready to set him up for a DDT. As Flip Johnson is bouncing back towards him-- Midnight Star simply sidekicks him. He pulls his head up underneath his arn for what appears to be . .. .. unbelievale-- a DOUBLE DDT by Midnight Star! My god.

Midnight Star drops both men, and gets up and starts celebrating. The San Juan, Puerto Rico crowd is alive once again!!! They are going wild for this former XWF Tag Team Champion.

I hope you don't mind me saying this JAMES .. ... do ya? I hope you don't mind me saying this James Shaw -- but, .. but - -

Well, spit it out-- Alex Beans --

That's Alex "Cool" Beans to you, and I'm not going to tell you now.

What is it??

Well, lets just say . .. . these people of San Juan, Puerto Rico ... were going - -- "BANANAS" for one-half of the Guerillas!!! Get it? "BANANAS". ..

Yeah, I get it ..

B -
A - N
- A
- N - A


Oh, I get it Alex. But, how about the man released in to ring 1 ... it's Ryan Ryder! The "Real Deal" is sizing up the competition ..

And "Ryder Fever" is spreading once again ... can you feel it James Shaw?

You're an idiot.

In ring 1- Ryan Ryder goes to punt Chris Falkenyork as he's tangled up with William Knighthawk on the ground. But, Falkenyork rolls him over just in time, and instead-- Knighthawk is the one who takes the punt to the head! William Knighthawk immediately drops to the ground. Falkenyork hops to his feet, and then Dropkicks Ryan Ryder up over the top rope, and out of the ring! Ryder rolls across that steel platform. York then focuses his attention on Knighthawk, and lifts him up. He hooks his leg, and goes for a Fisherman Suplex!

Perfect Plex, James Shaw! Perfect Plex!!

The count now, . . .

". . . . . ... .. 1 . . . . .

. . . . ... . .

. . ..2. . ..

. . .. ...... . kick out!"

Chris Falkenyork can't believe it, and quite frankly neither can this crowd.

I don't believe it!

No one cares what you think.

Correction-- they NEED to hear what i think. Because, I have a lot of good opinions James.. that you might be opposed to-- but, damn it.. I'll call it down the middle every time, and that was a brilliant kick out by new comer William Knighthawk! He almost doesn't know where he's at out there .. he's brand new to this game. The XWF is a whole new world to him, and to debut in that Xtreme Battle Zone isn't easy -- far from it. Probably the hardest thing you could do.

Well, we got 2 others debuting tonight .. in the 2011 season .. . . we've got "The Game" coming out soon, and Xavier Phoenix as well. Quite the impression Phoenix has made in the XWF. He has certainly brought his A-Game with him so far.. he looks impressive from what we've seen leading up to this event. Can he shine here tonight out in that Xtreme Battle Zone?

We'll find out soon enough. Knighthawk looking good thus far!

In Ring 1 - - Eric Wilhite was the 1st man eliminated, and has wrestled his last match in XWF history. In Ring 2 - - Crimson Tide, and Rage disappeared after Rage put his hand around Crimson Tide's throat, and the lights went out. Then in Ring 1 -- it was Chris Falkenyork who eliminated both Brutality, and The Phan soon after! Two former XWF Tag Team Championships couldn't hang with the current holder of the Chris Falkenyork Championship belt. But, in action in Ring 1 -- now it is Falkenyork, Knighthawk, and Ryder. In Ring 2 -- it is a battle going on between Midnight Star, Mars - Jon Hampton, and Flip Johnson.

These guys all know each other very well over here in ring 2.

Why you say that?

The Guerillas and the Wreckin' Crew have been feuded since the start of 2010, and maybe even before then ... you got one-half of the Guerillas in the ring with Midnight Star, and Flip Johnson the one-half left of the Wreckin' Crew.. not to mention-- you can't remember Hampton, and Mars feud this past year??

I re-call it .. but, it wasn't memorable. Not as memorable as maybe it could've been. But, what do you expect? It's hard for "The Ultimate One"... to carry an old timer like MARS to a quality match --

Need I remind you .. Mars won that Steel Cage match a few months back, and right now.. he's not looking too bad out there! With a BEAUTIFUL flying clothesline on Jon Hampton just then!! He's going for the cover now .... ... 1.. . .... . .2 ... . no, Hampton kicks out!

That's right. . "Hampton kicks out!" And Hampton will continue to kick out. Especially if Mars is the one trying to put him away. Mars might have only taking this event on with his own personal vendettas in mind. But, those plans have nothing to do with Jon Hampton. It has everything to do with RIGHT NOW. As that action is going on in that Xtreme Battle Zone -- you see Ryder, and Knighthawk double-teaming on Chris Falkenyork now! It seems like the thing to do ... form a common bond-- if even only for the moment, and there's strength in numbers.

Thus far.

Chris Falkenyork ducks a clothesline from Knighthawk. Knocks Ryder down with a flying shoulder block. Falkenyork turns to face Knighthawk. Ducks a haymaker. He kicks Knighthawk in the guts, and sets him up for not 1, .. not 2, .. but yes -- 3 ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES!! As Falkenyork is getting to his feet. Ryder goes in for another punt. But, Falkenyork steps out the way, and simply grabs the back of Ryder's head as he's moving past, and sends the back of his head crashing down on the mat! He whips him down pretty hard, and instead of going for the 3-count right away. It's Falkenyork who ducks another haymaker from William Knighthawk, and dropkicks him out of the ring this time! Knighthawk's back splatters the outside steel platform, and Falkenyork focuses his attention on Ryder who is crawling backwards towards that corner. Falkenyork puts the hard boots to him in the corner. Just stomping away hard at him!! This crowd immediately starts boo'ing Chris Falkenyork, and giving him massive amounts of heat. He pulls back off the ropes, and lays off Ryder a moment. He walks around the ring, and starts putting his arms out to the side. Calling them on .. encouraging them to boo louder, and louder! They truly hate Falkenyork with a passion here. Some fans are smiling in the crowd. They are York marks. But, they think it is quite the funny sight to see Shotgun's hometown boo'ing York.

I am not surprised.

I'm shocked-- he's the World Champion! Scratch that-- the Chris Falkenyork Champion!! He's done it all, and he's a true leader for this company .. how can you doubt the master of the Version 7 . .. .?? The answer is -- you CAN NOT.

Well, he certainly has my vote as one of the favorites to win this thing tonight.

Oh, lets not get started on this again.


Call the match.

Midnight Star takes Flip Johnson down with a Hurricanrana- in to a Head Scissors take down .. meanwhile-- Mars takes Hampton down with a Fireman's carry, followed by a crucial elbow drop across the forehead. Mars goes for the cover on Jon Hampton now . . .

"....... . .. . 1 . .. . . . ...

. . .. . . . . . ....2. .. . . ... ..

. . .. kick out!"

Close one.

That was not that close. There was still a full second in there James Shaw! Call the match right, or don't call it at all . .

Well, if you weren't up here running your mouth-- half the time - -- damn near -- all the time--

Well, thank you.. THAT's my job. That's my JOB. Thank you very much . ..

Who you think you are.. Carlos Shotgun?

Oh, cause I said "thank you very much" . . very clever James Shaw. Who are you suppose to be.. good ol' J.R.??

I don't want to hear it. Falkenyork is taking it to Ryder some more in the corner-- feeding off the crowd. William Knighthawk trying to sneak behind him. But, Falkenyork has great instinct, and counters the rookie's attack in to an arm bar, that Knighthawk tries to reverse, but Falkenyork instead counters in to a Ricky Steamboat, Dragon Armdrag!!

Why do you call it a Ricky Steamboat, Dragon Armdrag? Chris FALKENYORK .. the Champion mind you-- is the one executing it.. so brilliantly I might add-

You may not. You may talk all the jibberish you want, and you do. Meanwhile, the next couple men are about to be released, and what's this--

In ring 2- Flip Johnson pulverizes Midnight Star with a Clothesline from Hell that nearly takes his skull off. He quickly covers Midnight Star up for the .. . .

" . ..... .. . .1. . ....

. .. ... . . ..2... . . . . . .. .

. .. . .. . . . . . . . 3."

Well, Flip Johnson gets rid of Midnight Star. Not what I was expecting.

Oh, wait! FLIP.. Behind you!!

Mars waits for Flip Johnson to turn around, and grabs him-- setting him up, and pulling off one of the sickest maneuvers known to man, the Red Sun!

That was one of the sickest Red Suns I've ever seen in my life!! He crushed Flip Johnson with that finisher! Mars is going for the cover now ,

" . . . ... .. . . 1. . . .. .

. .. . . . ...2.. . . .. . .

. . .. . . . . . 3!"

That was a great way to send Flip Johnson out.. wait-- what's this?-

Jon Hampton doesn't wait for Mars to get off the ground. He leaps up, and catches him off guard with an ol' skool FAMEASSER!! The crowd immediately erupts in to a chorus of angry boo's for Jon "The Man" Hampton. As he smiles on the canvas, and methodically crawls over to Mars. He goes for the cover, and the .. .

" . .. ... .. 1. . . . . . ..

. .. . . . . ..2. . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . ..3!"

I don't believe this.

1, 2, 3! As in .. Midnight Star, Flip Johnson, Mars.. .. 1, 2, 3 guys eliminated in a row, and now it's just "The Chosen One" . . the Ultimate One himself-- Jon Hampton remaining all by himself in ring 2. Look at that James Shaw! Check that out.


Well, that narrows it down now in ring 2 -- we got Dark Stranger, Xavier Phoenix, The Game, and the always illustrious -- and today- particularly exclusive-- Carlos A. Shotgun .. he has yet to step out of his glass case, and if he does- you know he's raising hell here tonight in San Juan, Puerto Rico!!

Well, not if my new pick to win it all doesn't pull it off.. I'm talking about Mr R n R himself .. the man that no one has ever seen perform here in the XWF yet. The young man .. who is waiting, anxiously, and patiently .. to escape that glass case, and reek havok on the entire XWF roster who is doubting this young man. I got the privilege .. and I'll say this again- the "privilege" .. of seeing him compete in the underground circuits, and I must say-- Xavier Phoenix got what it takes. He's my new pick to win it all here tonight James Shaw!

You think I care what you think? I'm trying to call what's going on in ring 1 -- we've got Ryder, and Knighthawk working on the current Champion, Chris Falkenyork. But, now these wrestlers are being released. Who is it? From Ring 1 -- it's ... it's "TV-MA" Mark Adkins, and he joins the maylay for a minute. Helping Ryan Ryder, and William Knighthawk stomp away on the current XWF World Champion, Chris Falkenyork!!

Get out of there Chris! Defend your Chris Falkenyork Championship, please!

Take a look in Ring 2 -- it is the new comer.. your pick now to win it all- Xavier Phoenix!

Ohhhhoo yes! That's what I'm talking about, baby! That - right there- is clutch, and that's what we needed. For this action to get picked up! We got half the crowd boo'ing the shit out of Mark Adkins right now. But, some glad he's taking his frustrations out on Falkenyork. It's quite the concept in that 1st ring over there .. but, over here-- it's the Puerto Rican born .. Xavier Phoenix who is getting his fans in to it now! He's going after the one guy they want to see eliminated and/or humiliated!

Well, they may get their wish.

Xavier Phoenix rushes in, and goes for a spinning heel kick. But, Jon Hampton ducks it just in time, and catches Phoenix with a kick to the thigh. He tries to latch on for a Fisherman Suplex of his own .. but, Xavier Phoenix blocks it, and delivers a Skull Buster!! He drops Jon Hampton face first in to the canvas, and now Xavier Phoenix is going for the his first cover in XWF history . ..

" . . . .. .. 1 ... .. . .

. . . .. . ... .. 2 !! .. . . . . .

. . . . .. OH!! . That should've been a 3 ref!!

Jon Hampton kicks out of that pinfall just in time, and the crowd is boo'ing immensly now. As they have a disdain for all these men, and are waiting on someone else in particular.

That should NOT have been a 3-count. It was damn close.

Oh, you are sticking up for him now? After what he did to you earlier?

Well, he has a lot running through his mind, and you should talk-- the only reason you care is because your new boy out there- the boy wonder is your pick to win it all.. a dumb bone headed pick-- going with a rookie to outlast 19 other XWF superstars. I mean, don't get me wrong .. kid's got talent-- but,

"But", what? Your best friend Jon Hampton kicked out of that move, and he's still alive! You should be happy. Meanwhile.. Chris Falkenyork is getting his butt kicked. He should be defending his title. But, they are taking turns with him in that ring right now, and Adkins tosses him to the outside of the ring.

He then proceeds to stomp on him on the outside. Ryder turns on Knighthawk now, and sends him flying face first in to the top turnbuckle on the inside. Adkins then tries to rub York's face across the bottom part of that steel cage. But, York will not allow it, and instead elbows Adkins in the stomach. He then plants him with an uppercut, and a spear tackle in to the outside ring post!!

That one had to hurt! Chris Falkenyork taking it to Mark Adkins-- letting it be known that it's HIS Championship that's at stake, and not the rest of the XWF's pathetic roster.

Look at your boy Xavier Phoenix in ring 2 over here-- he spikes Jon Hampton's head down with a rough Bulldog! Ouch.

That's what I'm talking about . .. THAT right there-- is not only the future of the XWF. It is the present, and it is sweet to watch LIVE! here ... even if it is San Juan, Puerto Rico ...

What's THAT suppose to mean?

It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to sleep here. I'm sorry. I know you're looking at me funny .. but, there was a lizard in my shoe this morning! A lizard!! And it must've crawled in from the balcony ... that's creepy -- I don't want nothing crawling on me at night buster.

Well, worry about this damn match. It's Xtreme Battle Zone .. happens once a year, or in our case-- hasn't happend since 2006. But, this is one of the most major, hell- I'll say it ... looking to be one of the most successful pay per views of our time!! Some are saying it's being viewed all over the globe by hundreds of millions of people ... And Xavier Phoenix works on Jon Hampton some more- with a slick Snapmare that he turns in to a Sleeperhold on the canvas. The referee is forced over there to check on Hampton.

Maybe he'll tap here? Xavier Phoenix will get rid of the last man to headline Xtreme Mania .. back in 2010 -- but, this time-- it'll be Xavier Phoenix headlining .. with the Championship belt-- sorry Chris Falkenyork... I know it has your name engraved. But, Xavier Phoenix wouldn't be a bad look for this company.

You got the hots for him? That what you're saying?

Hell no. I'm trying to call a match.

Well, then -- call it.

No, I'm trying to call the match-- have you call it .. .. the way you should-- go ahead James Shaw.

Alex "Cool" Beans -- you are one helluva character, and so is that "Real Deal" Ryan Ryder-- but, he misses the flying clothesline, and William Knighthawk instead catches him with an Atomic Drop!!

Ryan Ryder goes bouncing around the ring, and on the outside of ring 1- Mark Adkins ducks a clothesline from Falkenyork, and Falkenyork almost runs his face in to the steel cage. But, instead-- Mark boots him in the mid-section, and catches him with a nasty swinging DDT on to the steel platform on the outside!!

That was a nice move.

And the crowd has mixed reactions on everything that's going on right now. It looked like a pro- Carlos Shotgun crowd alll night long .. we weren't sure what it would be like- we assumed, we speculated.. never expected this-- but, it's early. We have much more to go ... 6 men have to be released from their glass cases. 1 of which didn't show up, and that is The Original. But, so far --the people who have been eliminated are as follows .. Mr. Extreme Eric Wilhite, Crimson Tide, Rage, Brutality, The Phan, Midnight Star, Flip Johnson, and Mars ... there are 4 men duking it out in ring 1 right now, and only 2 men currently in ring 2. This will be quite the display down the stretch. You better believe it!

How many men has Chris Falkenyork .. the current Champion .. how many men has he eliminated thus far tonight?

I believe the first 3 all went to him. But, it was William Knighthawk who stopped him in his tracks early in this Xtreme Battle Zone event!! Meanwhile, Jon Hampton picked his moment, and got the 3-count when he needed it the most. Coming through in the clutch. But, it's the crowd that has us all guessing as well. They can't seem to decide who to cheer for. They are content on boo'ing most these top names. For whatever reason. Now, Falkenyork trying to fend off Mark Adkins, and stalls him with a solid knee to the stomach. Followed up by an uppercut. "TV MA" Mark Adkins looks dazed, and Chris Falkenyorks misses with a left hook. Mark Adkins kicks him in the side, and lifts up Chris Falkenyork on his shoulders. He tries to toss him over the top ropes ala Additude Adjustment. But, Falkenyork is grabbing hold tight of the top rope. Mark Adkins instead pulls him back off, and does his own version of the Torture Rack!!

Uhh! A Torture Rack!! He might get him to tap here.... Chris Falkenyork might quit in this Torture Rack. But, no ..

Instead- "TV MA" Mark Adkins does indeed dump him over the top rope, and back in to the ring!

Over in ring 2- Hampton is on the bad end of a Xavier Phoenix beating! Xavier Phoenix is taking it to him with high flying maneuvers, and wear down combinations. However, Jon Hampton turns the table- simply by hitting the brakes, and kicking Xavier Phoenix across the chops as he was bending over for a Back Body Drop. Nice awareness by Jon Hampton, and he turns it in to a Gut Wrench Powerbomb!!


No, no!

Jon Hampton goes for the pinfall, and the count . ..

" . .. .. . .... . . 1.. . . . . ..

. . . . ... 2 . . .. . .. .

.. .

. .. .

.. kick out!"

Oh, thank god!

Nice kick out by the kid.

Well, Jon Hampton didn't wrap the leg. Serves him right.

Oh, he didn't?

Hell no he didn't. And thank god.. cause my boy is still in it. My pick to take it to the top, and headline Xtreme Mania!!

That's what it's all about... win Xtreme Battle Zone .... outlast... surpass.. survive.... duke it out .... with 19 other individuals, and .. see who's the last man standing in this event. Who will be the last one left? The winner of the entire thing?? Who will step out of that Xtreme Battle Zone .. walk out of San Juan, Puerto Rico .. the XWF Champion, and going on the headline the mack daddy of them all, "Xtreme Mania". But, it's going down right now--

You say too much. Let them do the talking! Ouch. Wow! That looked bad. .

William Knighthawk sends Ryan Ryder high up over the rope, and slamming down to the outside steel platform. Jon Hampton goes to work on Xavier Phoenix, and right as everyone's getting comfortable-- the next opponents are released in each ring. As of now in ring 1 - it is Arch Angel Damien entering the fray. Now in ring 2 -- we have Dark Stranger exiting his glass case, and ready to do battle. Him, and Arch Angel lock eyes from across the cells before they continue on their seperate ways.

Who's going to win it?? Ohh man. I'm excited. Who is going to win it all? I am so anxious, .. and man- oh - man .. time for it .. .. time for it all to go down so-to-speak. Time for the XWF to sail to new heights .. and with this Xtreme Battle Zone in action- you could feel the wheels turning, and in their minds they're yearning for a better day. A way to say "hello, I am here to stay. I'm not going anywhere. Thank you anyway." .. But, oh wait, .. by the way ... the XWF is in action, and Mark Adkins is storming on Chris Falkenyork right now! He must've taken offense to Chris Falkenyork's earlier words. But, on this exchange .. they leave the words at home, and pound it out like men. "TV MA" Mark Adkins is working hard out there, and all Chris Falkenyork could do is .. try to fight him off, and all of them off- as long as he can. They are all out for him. That is clear. But, "TV MA" particulary.. wants to do damage. Quite the story we are involved with here.

If that's the way you want to paint it. Go right ahead. These superstars are doing quite enough .. out there.. in those 2 rings. "Xtreme Battle Zone" is under way, and it's better than expected!! It's one move, to the next, and no telling who's walking out victorious.

I felt delusional there for a second. We're only half way in, and we've already got some key eliminations. What will happen once Carlos Shotgun is released? The tension is thick here.

Arch Angel Damien goes to direct his attention towards the action. But, before he knows it- WHAM!! He's hit with a Guttermouth superkick from "TV MA" Mark Adkins!!

What a SHOT.

That has to do it for Arch Angel . ..

But, as Adkins goes for the cover- he's tapped on the shoulder, and his eyes are raked by Chris Falkenyork! Chris then manages to turn it in to a well-executed Fade 2 Black!! He hits Mark Adkins with his finisher in the middle of the ring. He goes do for the cover.

This could be it for Mark Adkins!

Chris Falkenyork gets down for the 3-count,

"........... . .1. .. .. . .

.. . . . .2 . . . .. . ...

. . .

. .. William Knighthawk breaks it up!"

What was THAT all about?

I have NO idea. But, William Knighthawk must know Adkins has a grudge with York, and he might be his best commodity at this point.

I never thought of it like that before... you think Knighthawk is doing that to keep Adkins in to help handle Chris Falkenyork lately?

Quite possibly.

Ahh. He's after the Chris Falkenyork Championship!! Ahhh.

The Xtreme Battle Zone match carries on. With Dark Stranger in ring 2 now, and he's helping Jon Hampton do some damage on this new kid .. -- they are both working on Xavier Phoenix. But, then Hampton turns on Dark Stranger quickly, and boots him in the stomach. Followed by a swinging neckbreaker, and Hampton pops up celebrating! The crowd boo's the shit out of him. Just like he wants it, and then he turns his attention back to Xavier Phoenix. However, Phoenix uses his leg strength to push Hampton away with his feet.. and then hop up in time to catch him with a beautiful Enzuguri out of nowhere! Followed by a cover,

" . .. ...... ..1 ....... . ..

. . . . . . . .... ....2. . .. .. .... .

,. . . .. kick out!"

Stay alive Phoenix! Come on Xavier! We need you pal. We need you in this one.

Oh, pipe down.

He's a fan favorite. He's a hometown favorite .. look at him.

I see him.

He should've put Hampton away there. It's critical you get rid of an opponent-- no offense to Jon "The Man" Hampton -- but, rather .. he IS known as "The Chosen One" .. as well as "The Ultimate One", and he is surely that James Shaw. He is certainly a man to be wreckon with. But, the fact remains-- if Xavier Phoenix wants to win this thing .. he needs to get rid of him earlier. You get rid of a guy like him early, and then you could focus on the bigger fish to fry ..

Like the real hometown hero.. turned heel .. who is here to represent for his country, and who knows how they will receive him. So far, it has all been positive. But, you never know . ..

In ring 1 - Chris Falkenyork spare tackles William Knighthawk, and starts pounding on his face. Upset that he broke that count, and now taking it to the youngster. William Knighthawk tries to fight him off, and just can't do it. But, here comes Ryan Ryder, and Arch Angel are in the mix as well. They are hitting Chris Falkenyork from behind, and trying to pry him off William Knighthawk. Eventually he hops up. Hits Arch Angel with a right hand that rocks him across the ring, and blocks a punch from Ryan Ryder-- deliver a kick to his ribs, and grabbing him by the back of the neck-- tossing "the Real Deal" out of the ring head first on to that steel platform!!

Chris Falkenyork is pissed!

He is fumed. Indeed Alex "Cool" Beans. Indeed. Chris Falkenyork is defending that Championship of his, and he is hot right now. Deliverying a dropkick to Arch Angel that knocks him clear out of the ring, and then focusing his attention on stomping William Knighthawk in the corner. Laying out all 4 in the ring-- completely dominating right now-- is Chris Falkenyork!! All by himself -- he is taking it to the house, and destroying those men in ring 1. Meanwhile, over in ring 2 -- Hampton is being worked on by Xavier Phoenix, and Dark Stranger helps him now. But, Xavier Phoenix takes it upon himself to hit a Swinging DDT on Dark Stranger, and then goes back to work on Jon Hampton. But, it's Hampton who kicks Phoenix to the shin. Pops up, and side-steps Xavier's attackk- sneaking behind him, and latching on a giant Sleeperhold!! He wears Xavier Phoenix down, and the crowd is really upset right now. They are giving Jon Hampton lots of heat, and cheering on Xavier... .. the referee- checks on his hand, and raises it up once to see if it falls -- and it does. The referee raises Xavier's arm a 2nd time .. to check on his responce .. but, it drops a 2nd time. The referee raises Xavier Phoenix's arm again. But, this time-- he keeps it up, and starts punching back at JON Hampton's head!! He works himself off the canvas, and delivers an elbow to Hampton's gut. Then another elbow, and he takes off towards the ropes. Xavier Phoenix bounces back ..... does some sort of flip over Hampton as he bends over to go for a Back Body Drop. Then Xavier Phoenix manages to hop on the 2nd rope, and springboard backwards in a 360 motion-- drilling Jon Hampton with some sort of Corkscrew kick. He then goes for the pin on Hampton. But, Dark Stranger breaks the count, and starts stomping away on Phoenix now!!


The crowd is boo'ing Dark Stranger, and rightfully so-- he should let Xavier Phoenix put this scumbag Jon Hampton away. But, no-- what's he doing. He's letting his guard down, and is attacking Xavier Phoenix now.

Xavier Phoenix takes a nasty suplex from Dark Stranger. Followed by a BIG LEG from Dark Stranger, and he goes for the pin-fall,

" . . ... .. . .. .1. . . . . .. ...

. . . . .. .. ...2 .. . ... ...

. . . kick out from Xavier Phoenix!"

BIG time kick out there!

BIG time move. Dark Stranger almost pulling off the upset, and eliminating Xavier Phoenix from the competition. Only 3 men currently in ring 2-- .. with 2 more men yet still to go .. "The Game", and Carlos Shotgun. In ring 1 - we have Chris Falkenyork pummeling on "TV MA" Mark Adkins on the outside now. He scrapes him off the steel platform outside, and talks shit to him. Before-- launching him face first in to that steel structure!! Mark Adkins screams out in pain as he slams that "Xtreme BATTLE ZONE" cage hard as ever, and falls flat on his back. Chris Falkenyork has a sense of satisfaction fall over his face as he glances around the arena.

What do you think's going to happen? Only 2 names left to be called in ring 1 -- and one of those men isn't even in his case- "The Original". The other man yet to be released-- is Shiru Vanchiez, and here we are-- 5 men battling it out in ring 1 -- Chris Falkenyork, the champion! We've got "TV MA" Mark Adkins, William Knighthawk, Ryan Ryder, and Arch Angel Damien.. all still have a chance to battle it out. An opportunity to win this whole thing, and go on to headline Xtreme Mania 2011. Who will it be? Someone in ring 1? Or someone in ring 2.. like Jon Hampton, Xavier Phoenix, or Dark Stranger???

Anyone's guess at this point.

Chris Falkenyork goes back in the ring, and goes back to work on William Knighthawk. Ryan Ryder tries to attack Chris Falkenyork -- but, he simply tosses grabs the back of his head, and tosses him up over the top rope -- to watch him go crashing across that steel platform yet again!! The Champion then focuses his attention on William Knighthawk. He lays him out with not 1, .. not 2, .. not 3, .. but 4 Rolling German Suplexes!! The crowd marks out somewhat. Some of them still boo'ing York. But, others showing that fellow Elite a lot of respect, and credit for taking over this Xtreme Battle Zone right now!

Even out numbered... he's done a hell of a job.

Oh, man. Oh, man. You could FEEL it. We're almost there James Shaw. Almost at that point of no return, and here we go.. that sound means that #17, and #18 will be released, and it'll only be 2 men left to officially enter this Xtreme Battle Zone contest.. that is taking place right in front of our eyes.. HERE.. at the Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, Puerto Rico!!!

In Ring 1 -- Shiru Vanchiez is released, and he goes right for Chris Falkenyork. He gets a punch or two in. But, then Falkenyork stalls him with a hard right hand, and another hard right. He kicks him in the stomach, and uses the ropes to irish whip him across the ring, and takes him out with a mean Clothesline! Simply levels Shiru Vanchiez. Arch Angel Damien attacks, and Chris Falkenyork throws him in to a quick Cripper Crossface, and the crowd marks out hard!!! But, then he quickly releases it. Almost deciding not to waste it on Arch Angel Damien. He quickly focuses his attention on Shiru, and dropkicks him out of the ring. He dropkicks Shiru out of the ring, and goes for William Knighthawk. But, Ryan Ryder starts to step through the ropes-- and before he gets a chance Chris Falkenyork stalls him with an inside knee shot. Followed by a hard stiffarm shot to the face. Ryan Ryder backs up holding his face, and Chris Falkenyork steps through the ropes to the outside platform. He simply grabs Ryan Ryder, and sends him face first through one of those glass cases!! The glass shatters on impact, and the crowd loves it!!! They are marking out for York here now in San Juan, Puerto Rico. But, it's Xavier Phoenix in ring 2 - that also has everybody riled up! As he drills two back-to-back dropkicks on Jon Hampton, and Dark Stranger. But, the man who is released in ring 2-- the man that has had everyone talking all night. The man most people have been waiting for. And at first when he's announced-- he gets a tremendous pop, and huge support!!!! But, it soon drowns out to a chorus of boo's from some people upset with this man. In ring 2 -- exiting his glass case-- is-

He gets in the ring, and clothesline Xavier Phoenix to the ground. Dark Stranger attacks, and Carlos Shotgun tosses him out of the ring. Jon Hampton comes for him, and Carlos Shotgun tips him over-- going for a Sharp Shooter. But, Jon Hampton pushes him away with his feet. Dark Stranger then steps back in the ring, and gets in Carlos Shotgun's face. Shotgun slaps him across the chops, and then chops him across the chest!! He chops him again.. . . "WOOOO!!!" He chops him back in to the corner once more -- "WOOOOOO!!!!"

No matter where you are at. That is the universal sound you make .. when someone is taking one of those famous Nature Boy Rick Flair chops!!

And you would know son ...

I would. What's that suppose to mean?

Look at you. You're a pork chop.

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me right now???

In ring 1 -- Chris Falkenyork picks on Shiru Vanchiez on the outside for a moment. Slapping him around. Grading his face across that steel structure, and then running him shoulder-first in to the outside ring post! In ring 2 -- Carlos A. Shotgun simply does his thing. He works over Dark Stranger awhile, and then avoids an attack from Jon Hampton. He chops Jon back in the corner a couple times, and then Shotgun pulls out a sickening Bulldog out of nowhere!! That stuns the crowd in to silence. They are in awe right now. Watching one of their favorite wrestlers growing up. Growing a personal attachment to him over the years. Growing a personal hatred, and resentment towards Jon Hampton over the course of the night .. possibly ever since his loss at Xtreme Mania last year-- they are letting Hampton have it now, and cheering Carlos Shotgun on!! But, it's Dark Stranger going for a Chokeslam on Carlos Shotgun now.

He's going for the chokeslam. His trademark move--

No, Carlos blocks it, and turns it in to an armdrag. Which he then turns in to an STF!! He's got him locked in the STF, and Dark Stranger is about to start tapping!! But, Xavier Phoenix breaks up the submission hold, and starts stomping away at Shotgun's skull. The fans are not sure how to react to this attack. A lot of them are supporting Xavier Phoenix as he lets the veteran, and 2005 XWF Hall of Famer-- have it! Hampton gets to his feet, and he joins in the stomping. But, Xavier Phoenix pushes him away. Jon Hampton doesn't take kindly to that, and pushes him back. The crowd start's boo'ing!! Xavier Phoenix pushes back hard, and then Hampton hits him with a big right hand. The crowd boo's again. Phoenix hits him with a big right hand of his own, and the crowd roars with excitement! They exchange a couple more punches like this, and then Xavier Phoenix kicks Jon Hampton in the gut, and executes a brutal Piledriver!!

A piledriver. "That's right-- a PILEDRIVER."

This match is heating up. No one has been eliminated in awhile. In fact-- not since- Jon Hampton eliminated Mars-- .. for what looks to be the last match we will ever see Mars in again. That 2005 XWF Hall of Famer created a lot of moments throughout the years. But, simply lost the passion. He gave it one last shot tonight, and it didn't pan out. Now, we're down to these 10 men, and apparently a rookie named "The Game" .. even though "The Original" didn't show up tonight. So, I'm not sure what will take place.. at this all plays out--

Chris Falkenyork is about to step outside of the ring, and go after "TV MA" Mark Adkins-- but William Knighthawk pulls him back in the ring, and drills him with an open right hand! And another right hand.. he irish whips Falkenyork to the ropes, and as he bounces back- he simply hip tosses him to the ground. Falkenyork rolls out of the ring, laying on the steel platform just a few feet from Adkins. Meanwhile, Arch Angel Damien sneaks up behind William Knighthawk, and pounds on his back! Knighthawk turns around, and decks Arch Angel Damien with a haymaker!! He then backs him up to the ropes, irish whips him across the ring, and when he bounces back-- he catches him with a knee to the mid-section. That shot sends Arch Angel keeling over to the mat, and William Knighthawk holds him up there. Just leaning on his lower-half of his body-- Knighthawk starts pounding on Arch Angel's face.

Knighthawk taking it to Arch Angel in ring 1 over there. In ring 2 - We've got a fight breaking out between Jon Hampton, and Xavier Phoenix. Carlos Shotgun gets a momentary rest. While Dark Stranger tires to attack him. He starts putting the boots to Carlos. But, Carlos manages to grab his foot, stand up with him, and lay him out with a stiff clothesline! Carlos then scoops Dark Stranger off the mat, and Bodyslams him back down with authority! Jon Hampton sends Xavier Phoenix up-over the ropes, and down to that outside steel platform. Hampton joins Phoenix on the outside, and lifts him up. He backs him up to that cage, and goes for a Bodysplash! But, Xavier moves out the way, and Hampton catches a face-full of steel cage. Xavier then grabs him by the back, and tosses him face-first in to it again. Hampton falls back on that steel platform now, and Xavier Phoenix starts kicking away at him. Just stomping on him hard!!

Look over here in ring 1 -- William Knighthawk is going for his big trademark move -- the Inciser Claw!!! He's got his fingers pried in to the mouth of Arch Angel Damien. He is prying away at this disturbed man, and trying to get him to tap out!! After a few seconds-- Arch Angel Damien does indeed tap out!! And William Knighthawk has eliminated Arch Angel with that gruesome Inciser Claw!!!

Magnificent way to get Arch Angel Damien eliminated from this contest. That means .. there's 4 men left to battle out in each ring .. plus, 2 more that were planned on being released from their glass cases. But, .. it looks like "The Game" might be the last one to announce here.

Yep! We are almost down to the end here James Shaw. We're down to the nitty gritty almost, and who do you think's going to win it? Who stands out the most??

I'm still sticking with my original pick-- but, Falkenyork has looked very impressive. The new guy- Xavier Phoenix .. he is showing his superstar ability. We've got Hampton, Knighthawk -- these guys are working their tails off, and I'm not sure what's going to happen down the stretch here!!

Shiru Vanchiez climbs back in the ring now, and goes for William Knighthawk. They exchange a few blows, and eventually William Knighthawk trips him up in to a Lebell Lock. Knighthawk is trying to get Vanchiez to tap here right now!!

What gutso by William Knighthawk. Eliminated one man already with a submission hold of some sorts. Now, he's focusing his attention on eliminating Shiru Vanchiez with that Lebell Lock in the center of the ring!!

Shiru might tap here!!

But, before he does-- Chris Falkenyork comes in the ring, and stomps on the back of William Knighthawk's head. He then picks him up off the ground, and delivers a crucial Backbreaker to the rookie!! He then goes after Knighthawk who crawls backwards in to the corner. He starts choking him out with his boot, and then gets on the ground-- choking him out with his barehands.

Chris Falkenyork is going to strangle the man to death! He means buisness, and he wants to keep that Chris Falkenyork Championship belt!!

Meanwhile, it appears the count down is on to release the final participant(s) in this Xtreme Battle Zone contest. But, as Arch Angel Damien is exiting the ring-- someone comes sprinting down the ramp, and slides in the ring. It's The Original!!!

The Original is here! The Original is here!!

The Original gets in the ring, and goes after Chris Falkenyork from behind. But Falkenyork turns, and stalls him with a big right hand. The Original then ducks the next punch, and using his momentum- sets Falkenyork up for an Atomic Drop! He then brutally clotheslines Falkenyork to the mat. Out of nowhere however-- Ryan Ryder rushes in the ring, and catches a Codebreaker for his troubles!! The Original goes for the pin on the "Real Deal" Ryan Ryder,

". .. . .. . ...... . 1. .. . . . . ..

. . . .. . .... ....2 .. . ... ........

. . ....

. .... . ... . .. 3!"

That's it. Ryan Ryder is eliminated, and "The Game" is released in to ring 2. But, what's this ? As soon as "The Game" steps in the ring-- he is tripped up by Carlos A. Shotgun, and put right in to a Figure Four Leg Lock!!!

Oh, this could do it for the new rookie .... and he does-- HE TAPS!!!

One of the newest members of the XWF roster only lasts a few seconds in this "Xtreme Battle Zone" competition. He is now eliminated!! We are officially down to our last 9 men .. .. you want to run them down "Cool" Beans?

Sure thing-- these last few moments have been very fast-paced, and The Original did indeed arrive here in the nick of time I suppose. In ring 1 - we've got The Original left, we've got the Champion- Chris Falkenyork left ... we've got "TV MA" Mark Adkins laid out on the outside platform still in it, .. the newcomer William Knighthawk still fighting for his right to headline Xtreme Mania 2011 and Shiru Vanchiez as well. But, in ring 2-- we're down to just 4 men-- Carlos Shotgun, Dark Stranger, Xavier Phoenix, and Jon Hampton! It's all shaping up, and now who will outlast the rest of the competition? Who will be standing tall in their ring? Having outlasted 9 other competitors.. who will duke it out in the final 1-on-1 encounter??

That's a great question. I'm sure everyone's curious. Everyone has been speculating. Who will it come down to ?? Who will be the last 2 left, and who will survive by himself.. becoming the XWF World Champion, and going on to main event Xtreme Mania!?!?

In ring 1 - The Original is fresh, and he goes for William Knighthawk!! But, Knighthawk fights back for a moment. Until The Original stalls him with an inside-knee shot, and follows that up with a Russian Legsweep!! The Original goes for his 2nd cover up the night,

"............. . ...1 ...... . ....

. . . .. .... ... .. . 2. . . . ... ... ..

. . . kick out!"

William Knighthawk has been fighting for his life out there! He's not going down like that.

Absolutely not-- he's a fighter.

So who you going with now? The Original pick, or you sticking with Xavier Phoenix now??

You know, ... I could be happy with either one of those men winning. They are both prime right now. The Original is a legend in his own right. His name should already grace the Hall of Fame, and Xavier Phoenix is one of the best new comers I think the XWF has ever seen come in! He shows so much promise .. .. I think Phoenix could win it in front of his home crowd here tonight!!

In ring 2 - Carlos Shotgun just beating on Dark Stranger now, and Xavier Phoenix is on the outside-- simply tortuing Jon Hampton. Raking his face against that steel structure, and planting him with a Back Breaker, and a Suplex to that outside steel platform!! The San Juan, Puerto Rico crowd marks out hard for Xavier Phoenix now, and he's got control of this match. In ring 1 - Chris Falkenyork goes to the outside, and starts stomping away at Mark Adkins. Keeping that man down, and Mark's head bounces off that steel platform pretty damn hard!

Oh, what's this?? What is Shiru Vanchiez attempting here?

Shiru Vanchiez goes to mount the top turnbuckle, and gets ready to leap on Falkenyork on the outside. But, Falkenyork notices him just in time, and actually punches Shiru in the face-- knocking him backwards in to the ring. Falkenyork steps through the ropes, and Shiru goes for a punch. But, Falkenyork ducks it. Shiru then goes for a kick. But, Falkenyork grabs his foot. Shiru Vanchiez then goes for an Enziguri-- but, Falkenyork ducks it, and has Shiru by the foot still. He turns him over, and positions him up for his finishing maneuver -- the Version 7

He locks the Version 7 on!! He latches on with the Version 7, and that's it for Shiru Vanchiez!! He is TAPPING OUT at the hands of the current Champion, Chris Falkenyork!! We are down to 4 men in each ring .. Chris Falkenyork, The Original, William Knighthawk, and "TV MA" Mark Adkins in ring 1 . ... Jon Hampton, Dark Stranger, Xavier Phoenix, and Carlos Shotgun in ring 2!!! 8 men left-- who will win it all??

You see the momentum shift so many times, and this crowd is back on their feet again. They are clapping, and cheering on the superstars trapped inside that large steel structure-- rooting on those XWF combatants, and hoping they put on a show towards the end here!!

Knighthawk, and The Original exchanges shots now. But, as Chris Falkenyork is going to exit the ring. The Original stalls Knighthawk with a kick to the gut, and hurries up to grab Falkenyork from behind-- before he steps through the ropes. He pulls him back in, and tosses him in to the corner. The Original starts working on him. But, Falkenyork reverses it, and ends up tossing The Original in the corner. Falkenyork is working on him with jabs now. However, that's when William Knighthawk comes from behind him, and holds Falkenyork's arms -- allowing The Original to deck him with a stiff fist to the face. Followed by another right hand shot, and a free kick to his stomach! Falkenyork drops to a knee. But, William Knighthawk continues holding him up. He is taking a punishment now. As "The Original" talks shit to Chris Falkenyork. Before drop kicking him in the face. Knighthawk shoves Falkenyork to the ground, and The Original goes for the pin,

". .. . . . . .. . ... .1. . . . . . . . ..

. . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. 2. . . . . ... . . . . .. .

. . . kick out!"

The Champion holding on by a thread out there.

He still got a lot of fight in him Alex.

He started this thing off Shaw, and he's been in it longer than anyone ... much longer than The Original, and he's taking a double team beating right now.

The Original, and William Knighthawk are working on Chris Falkenyork at the moment. "TV MA" Mark Adkins still laid out on the outside steel platform-- after that Fade 2 Black move from earlier, and taking some hard shots on the outside of that ring!! In ring 2 - Carlos Shotgun sends Dark Stranger shoulder first in the ring post! He then focuses his attention on attacking Jon Hampton from behind. He grabs him by the hair, and turns him around. He looks him in the eyes, and out of nowhere-- drills Hampton with a Spinning Heel Kick! He takes Jon Hampton down, and goes for a quick pin,

" ...... .. . . . .. . .1. .. .. . . . . ..

. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .2 . .. . . . .. . . . .

. . .. .. .. kick out!"

Jon Hampton looks exhausted out there, and this crowd was getting ready to POP if he was eliminated- believe it.

Over in ring 1 - The Original, and William Knighthawk take their turns pounding on Chris Falkenyork. Body slam- after body slam. Elbow drop- after elbow drop! They are wearing on the XWF World Heavyweight Champion right now!

That current holder of that Chris Falkenyork Championship is struggling out there. He had momentum going for awhile there. But, takes a Skull Crushing Finale from The Orginal!! Oh man, this could be hit for him ...

".. . . .. . . . . . 1. . ... ... ... .. . . . .

. . .... .... . ... . . 2 . . ... . .. . .. .. .

.. . .

.. . .

kick out!"

Wow, that was a close one. Give Chris Falkenyork credit from kicking out of that move.

Over in ring 2 -- Carlos Shotgun is choking Jon Hampton out in the corner, and hitting him with some inside-knee shots to the rib cage. Working on Jon "The Man" Hampton. Here comes Xavier Phoenix. But, before he could attack Shotgun from behind-- it's Dark Stranger who sneaks up behind him, and rolls him up in to a pin-fall,

.. . . .. . . . .. . ....1. . . ... . .. . .

.. .. . . . . ... 2 . . . ... .. . . . . ..

. . . . .

. . kick out!"

Barely able to kick out of that pin-fall by Dark Stranger. But, Xavier Phoenix keeps himself alive, and the people are estatic.

So am I Shaw .. so .. am I ...

Xavier Phoenix hops back to his feet. The crowd is fully behind him now, and he locks eyes with Dark Stranger who is getting up off the mat himself. They go to lock up in a battle of strength. However, Phoenix hits him with a knee to the stoamch, and follows that up with a quick DDT!!

He PLANTS Dark Stranger with that one . . . . and what's he doing here??

He's going UP TOP. Look at this -- Xavier Phoenix is climbing to the top turnbuckle, and he is signaling for his finishing maneuver. If he hits this shooting star press- it might all be over.

Xavier Phoenix raises his hands to the sky, and then puts them in an X-formation. Before LEAPING off, and connecting with his finisher- known as the Flight of the Phoenix!!! The crowd erupts in excitment, and hop to their feet! They are jumping up and down after that sweet move, and Xavier Phoenix goes for the pin-fall on Dark Stranger,

" . .. .. . . .. . . .. . 1. . . . . .... ... ..

. .. . . .. . ... . . 2. . . . . . . . ...

. .. . .

. . . .

... 3!"

Oh, man! That's IT for Dark Stranger, and we are down to only 7 total men left. 7 superstars vying for their chance to win it all, and go on to headline Xtreme Mania as the XWF World Champion!!! What a night we are having thus far. WHAT .. A .. NIGHT!

You could say that again ...

- -- - - - - --

Down to the final 7 men. In Ring 1 -- Chris Falkenyork (Champion), William Knighthawk, "TV MA" Mark Adkins, and The Original. In Ring 2 -- Xavier Phoenix, Jon Hampton, and Carlos A. Shotgun. Just who will walk out the XWF World Champion, and go on to headline Xtreme Mania 6?

- -- - - - - --

Well, here we go Alex ... what you think "COOL" Beans? What's going to happen here-- spill it .. .

It's going to be a close one. I wish I had not made a predicition. Because, I am that hooked to the action right now. I wish I didn't have a favorite, or 2 in there.. there's 7 men left-- fighting for it all. The rest gave it their best shot. Lets see what these 7 could do ...

And one of these 7 will go on to headline Xtreme Mania . .. .

In ring 1- Chris Falkenyork is fighting back hard from the canvas. But, the Original is trying to get in there, and choke him himself. But, William Knighthawk taps The Original, and tells him to make some room-- it's his turn to do work. The Original says go ahead, and Falkenyork kicks Knighthawk in the shin from the corner, and then hops up on the 2nd turnbuckle-- trying to fly- but, Knighthawk catches him, and powerslams him to the canvas!!

What a MOVE by the youngster, and he's cover Chris Falkenyork... he's going for that Chris Falkenyork Championship early-- trying to eliminate the #1 threat--

".... ...1 .. . . .. ..

.. . .. . . ...2. . .... ..

.. . .

.. . . no!" Kick out by Chris Falkenyork, and the Champion is still alive!

In ring 2-- you got Carlos Shotgun dragging Jon Hampton through the ropes, and planting him with a slick DDT to the outside steel platform! Jon Hampton's head bounces off that outside steel, and he looks rattled. Xavier Phoenix flies over the top rope-- out of nowhere-- Suicide Dive, and crashes right in to Carlos A. Shotgun as he's getting up off the ground!! The crowd is errupting with sounds right now.. cheering this young man on, and urging him to finish the job on the the former 1-time XWF World Champion, Carlos Shotgun ...

Xavier Phoenix is dragging Carlos Shotgun back in the ring right now, and he may look to put him away here.

It would look that way! In ring 1-- Chris Falkenyork ducks a spinning heel kick from William Knighthawk- that accidentally drills The Original across the face, and he falls flat on his back. He looks pretty pissed off as he's holding his mug. Just grasping his chin-- looking at William Knighthawk, and Knighthawk proceeds to put the boots to Chris Falkenyork anyway-- as he's trying to crawl away. Falkenyork catches his foot, and rolls him to the ground- he's going for an ankle lock-- no.. he turns it in to a Texas Cloverleaf!! But, The Original tries to go for a bulldog, and Falkenyork ducks it.. The Original falls flat on his face, and William Knighthawk looks like he's about to tap here in the middle of ring 1!!!

Meanwhile-- Xavier Phoenix does a back-flip in to a pin-fall on Carlos Shotgun in ring 2, for the ...

". . .. .. ... . .. 1. . . . . . .. ...

. . . . . . . .. . .2 .. . . . . . . .

. . . ... . . . . kick out!"

Close one there! What about in ring 1 ??? You think William Knighthawk is about to tap to this Texas Cloverleaf applied by the Chris Falkenyork Championship holder .. the man-- who is currently running this company single-handedly!! Chris Falkneyork is about to put Knighthawk away here!! He's about to tap, and ... wait-- The Original coming from the top rope, and Falkenyork releases the hold in time-- kicking The Original in the gut as he flies from the top, and pays for his mistake! Chris then goes to work on The Original, and starts stomping away on his stomach. But, William Knighthawk rolls Chris Falkenyork up for the pin... .. .

" ....... . . ..1 . . .. . .

. . . .. . . ....2 ... .. . . . .

. . . ...

. . . . .. .

kick out!"

Shotgun going for some sort of suplex on Xavier Phoenix now- after reversing that armbar in to a High Angle Suplex!! Dropping Phoenix with authority, and covering him now for the ....

.. . .... ... . 1. . . .. . . .

. . . ... 2. .. . .. . . . .

.. . . . kick out!"

The Original is trying to regain his composure, and William Knighthawk, and Chris Falkenyork exchange some nasty shots. They are making it personal, and Knighthawk comes out going for a ... Samoan Drop ! Which he then uses to turn in to a laid-back, over-confident, pin-fall,

.. . . ... .. ...1. ..... . ...... ..

.. . .. .. ... ..2. .... .. . ...

. . . kick out!"

The Original steps over, and analyzes the situation.

He's trying to decide what to do with Chris Falkenyork right now. He grabs him by the head, and sets him up on the ropes. Placing his arms over the top rope, and connecting with some vicious chops, "WOOOOO! ..... WOOOOOOOO!"

The Original taking it to the champ. He hits Chris Falkenyork with a jab. Another jab. He tries to go for the Codebreaker-- but, Falkenyork holds firm to the ropes, and The Original catches air. Falkenyork starts to stomp away on him. But, Knighthawk goes for a clothesline on Falkenyork-- he ducks -- William Knighthawk hits the brakes at the ropes. Turns to face Falkenyork, and gets dropkicked out of the ring- on to that steel platform. The Original spare tackels Falkenyork, and starts working him over with punches. He then quickly stands up, and rubs the back of his heel on Falkenyork's forehead. He stands up tall, and raises his hands to the air. The Original celebrating momentarily. But, Knighthawk uses the top rope to spring himself in, and lands on The Original in Crossbody like-fashion... . going straight for a pin-fall now, ..

" .. . . ... .1.. .. . . . .. . . .

. . . . .... ...2 . . . . . . . ..

. .. . . kick out!"

William Knighthawk turning on The Original and evening it up. Mark Adkins still knocked out over there from that shot from earlier.

All it took was one Fade 2 Black from Chris Falkenyork who's defending his Championship, and that was almost it for "TV MA". But, he's kind of got lost in the fold out there on that steel platform.

Yeah, but inside Ring 2 over here.. we've got Jon Hampton back in the mix, and he's going for Carlos Shotgun who stalls him with a right hand in the middle of the ring. Carlos Shotgun is going for a spinning neck breaker-- but, Jon Hampton reverses it into a Neckbreaker of his own!! Jon Hampton goes for the cover on Shotgun ,

". . . .... .1.. . .. . . .

. . . ..... 2. ... . .

..kick out!"

Now, Xavier Phoenix laying a quick big leg across Jon Hampton's back, and he's going for a cover on Jon "The Man" Hampton!!

"............1. . . . . . ..

. . . . ...2. . .. . . . .

.. kick out!"

Inside ring 1-- William Knighthawk sends The Original back-first in to the corner, and he walks a few steps forward- right in to a High Knee from William Knighthawk! That ruthless shot takes The Original down, and now .. William Knighthawk signals to the crowd- who sort of responds-- that he is going for his finisher!! He is now setting up The Original for his finisher -- known as "The Prey", and he successfully pulls off that beautiful Craddle Piledriver!! William Knighthawk stands up, and raises his hand in premature victory. From the top rope comes Chris Falkenyork flying with a brilliant Missle Dropkick!

And the cover,

"............. . ..1. . . . . . . . .

. . . .. ... . .... 2. . .. . . . . .

. . . .. .

. . . . .. . 3!"

That's it for William Knighthawk! He is caught off guard, and hit with a missle dropkick that ends his night. What a shame for that youngster. But, that makes the 5th man eliminated by Chris Falkenyork, and he rolls to the outside platform grasping his ribs. "TV MA" Mark Adkins ia laid out in ring 1 ... so, is The Original after taking that brutal craddle suplex ... better known as. . "The Prey". But, William Knighthawk didn't capitalize here tonight, and he's sent home packing ... who will survive ring 1 now?? ...

It's down to 6 men ... 3 in each ring . .. .

In Ring 2 -- we've got Xavier Phoenix trying to do work on Jon Hampton. But, he misses his attempt at a Starship Pain!! Jon Hampton rolls out of the way in time. Carlos Shotgun attacks-- stalling Jon Hampton with a kick as he's getting up, and lays him out with a Russian Legsweep of his own. Shotgun then points up top, and he's going to go for an Elbow Drop from the top rope .. . but, Jon Hampton gets a boot up in his face!!!

This crowd is stunned right now. These men fighting for it all.. their hometown boy .. Carlos Shotgun still alive, and so is Puerto Rican born ... Xavier Phoenix-- what a sight! Going up against the most hated man in the building possibly .. Jon "The MAN" Hampton, ... . and in ring 1 -- need I tell you.. The Original, "TV MA" Mark Adkins, and the current title holder.... the Chris Falkenyork Champion himself ... CHRIS FALKENYORK!! He is still the reigning champ, and has held on all night long. He started this off, and has eliminated the most people by far. Can he get rid of 2 more, and then be standing 1-on-1 in the end??

It's anyone's fight at this point. Championship is on the line, and ... .. a chance to headline Xtreme Mania 6

In Ring 2-- Jon Hampton gets up, and exposes the top turnbuckle. He then gets in Shotgun's face.. slapping him around a bit. Carlos Shotgun grabs his head, and turns him over for a pin. But, Jon Hampton quickly kicks out!! Hampton gets to his feet, and looks pissed!! He goes to grab him again. But, Carlos Shotgun trips him up in to a Sharp Shooter. But, he can't get it on. Jon Hampton pushes him away. Carlos Shotgun waits for Hampton to get up off the ground, and boots him in the stomach. He is going for the Bullet Bomb. But, Hampton tosses him up over his head for a back body drop! The crowd is on their feet at this moment.

Carlos Shotgun stands up on his own, and lays back in one of the corner's. Here comes Jon Hampton in for a Body Splash. But, Shotgun moves, and Hampton catches the top turnbuckle. Carlos Shotgun then goes to irish whip Hampton in to that exposed turnbuckle.. and Hampton's back drills that exposed turnbuckle!!!

Oww! That's got a hurt, .. and Carlos Shotgun rushes in with a Flying Clothesline! Hampton is all slouched over now in that corner, and Carlos Shotgun is lifting him up on the top turnbuckle. Hampton tries to fight him off. But, Shotgun hits him with two open hands punches, and then sets him up for an unbelievable SUPER PLEX!!!

Oh, this could do it!!

".......... ...1 .. . . . . . ..

...... .. .. . 2. . .. . . . ..

. . .. . . ..

. . . kick out!"

Carlos Shotgun gets up, and looks at the ref. He can not believe it. Out of nowhere though-- here comes Xavier Phoenix, and I mean he BLASTS Shotgun over the head with spinning shining wizard better known as Drama Club!!!

The crowd is marking out hard for this one!!!

".. ... . . . .. .. 1.. .. . . . .. .

. .. .. . .. . .2 . .. . . . . .. .

. . . ..

. . . .

. . . . 3!"


My sentiments exactly. The newcomer.. Xavier Phoenix-- catches Carlos Shotgun with a little dose of the Drama Club!! And he has eliminated a 2005 XWF Hall of Famer all on his own ...

That is crazy, and the reaction of these people was absolutely great. The San Juan, Puerto Rico born star ... Xavier Phoenix-- upsetting the ol' dog .. in his own backyard. It is quite poetic justice here tonight! YOUR pick of Carlos A. Shotgun is spoiled... by yours truly, .. my newest pick... R n R himself .... XAVIER PHOENIX!! It's down to him or "The Chosen One" Jon Hampton in ring 2 .. .. and in ring 1-- we've got The Original getting to his feet. He looks out of it.

He took a nasty shot with that move, 'The Prey'. As we see William Knighthawk heading up the ramp now, and Carlos Shotgun getting ready to exit ring 2 -- the referees have to restrain him, and he is in complete shock. But, that Drama Club really surprised Carlos! He didn't see that coming at all, and he's out of here!! And San Juan, .. they didn't even care--

No, they cheered!! They cheered for it when it happend!

Maybe cheering more for Xavier Phoenix, and the moment .. not so-- against Carlos..

I'm not sure about that.. your boy is out of there, and WHAT'S THIS!!!!

--- -- - - - -- -- - -


On the titan tron the leaders go from XWF to ...


Back at ringside the commentators are shocked. Carlos Shotgun slightly notices it. But, is still taking a hard time realizing what just happend in that Xtreme Battle Zone. ... .. William Knighthawk pauses at the top of the ramp, and glances up at the screen on his way out. The Original is lacksidasial in ring 1 over there, and not moving. "TV MA" Mark Adkins is still laid out, and Chris Falkenyork rolled out of the ring on the platform as well. All men gathering themselves for the end. In ring 2 -- it's Xavier Phoenix, and Jon Hampton who are wrestling around on the mat, and they don't see a thing yet. The XWF crowd reacts in shock, and awe.

What is happening right now?


Yeah, what is this nonsense. ..

I have no idea-- .. LOOK!!

On the titan tron -- 2 men wearing black t-shirts with the letters WWG on them are attacking Dark Stranger backstage. Arch Angel runs to his side, and he gets taken out with the trash!! They both rush in to the arena, and attack William Knighthawk on top of the ramp!! The same 2 men .. who are they ??? They are wearing WWG appearel, and attacking XWF superstars in the middle of Xtreme Battle Zone .. . .. .. Carlos Shotgun spots them. But, still wants back in the ring. Shotgun clocks a bunch of officials trying to free himself up. William Knighthawk gets pitched from one man to the next, and a man identified as Alex Anders-- lays out William Knighthawk with a Sidewalk Slam!!! Right on top of the ramp... . . they start making their way to the ring. Just 2 men.. heading for Carlos Shotgun on the opposite side of the Xtreme Battle Zone, and Carlos Shotgun decides to make this personal. He goes after those 2 men, and he's immediately attacked. They jump him, and he fights back to the best of his ability. He fends them off awhile. Hitting Alex Anders with a kick to the stomach, and drilling his friend with an over hand right, followed by an uppercut to this man dressed in 'WWG' brand. . . ... Alex Anders grabs Carlos Shotgun by the hair, and slams his head -- face-first in to the outside of that Xtreme BATTLE ZONE!! ... Carlos Shotgun tries to spare tackle his body, and ends up taking him all the way in to the barrier!! He slams him against that outside wall, and lays shoulder after shoulder in to this INVADERS stomach. But, Alex Anders attacks, and drops him from behind with a nice Stinger Splash. He then grabs Shotgun, and tosses him to the ground. He starts kicking him, and then Alex Ander's friend joins the fray. He puts a boot to Shotgun's face, and they both set up Shotgun for a DOUBLE SUPLEX on to the bottom of the ramp!!! ... The crowd is stunned in to silence, and these 2 men set their sights on ring 2 . .. the referees have been mostly laid out, and they sense an opportunity.

What is going on right now Alex?? He has the same first name as you "Cool" Beans.. care to explain??

I can actually clear this all up, and clearify-- that is WWG talent-- .. Alex Anders, and I believe .. that his friend-- Nick Zander.. from what I've heard.. . .

That's all??

Just about .. .

You are terrible. They just took 3 of our superstars our 1 by 1, and they are heading for Xavier Phoenix, and Jon Hampton's ring ... meanwhile The Original is starting to come to, and he smiles focusing his attention now on "TV MA" Mark Adkins instead ... he glances up, and notices these 2 wrestlers across the way-- entering Ring 2-- as they push past officials. It is two men wearing WWG shirts. 2 men identified .. as Alex Anders, and Nick Zander-- .. and The Original seems confused. But, he's going for Adkins right now!

Smart move... finish off Adkins first, and then go for Falkenyork like you planned all along ... The Original is a genius, and quite frankly-- speaking of picking their spots-- these WWG guys. These men .. from the Cross Brand promotions .. .. they are hailed as 2 of the most promising young superstars on the circuit, and they just took it to Carlos Shotgun on the outside there. Xavier Phoenix plants Jon Hampton in the middle of the ring with a solid Back Breaker!! He is pointing up top now, and Xavier Phoenix has the crowd on their feet. As he is going for that Flight of The Phoenix!!

But, before he gets the chance to leap off, and nail Jon Hampton with his finisher... Xavier Phoenix is shoved from behind off the top turnbuckle, and goes splattering face first on to the canvas. Jon Hampton, and Xavier Phoenix lay side by side. Alex Anders smiles at the crowd, and they start boo'ing the shit out of him. As he leaps off the top rope, and drops a Big Leg from the top on to Xavier Phoenix's throat!!!

The Original noticing what's going on now in ring 2. As he decides on his next move in ring 1. Alex Anders is now lifting up Jon Hampton on his shoulders. Which the crowd sort of pops for, and Nick Zander is getting ready to emulate Hawk, and Animal of the Legion of Doom!! What a disgrace this is folks ...

I believe I even heard Nick Zander just yell, "Ohhh ,, what a Russshhh."

I can not believe what is happening in ring 2 right now! Thank god that ring 1 is locked, and they can't ruin this entire Xtreme Battle Zone. Wait, who's this?? It's GIGANTIS!!! ....


From behind the stage area-- comes William Knighthawk, and he is standing by with his monster known as GIGANTIS. They are both heading towards the ring right now.

They are going to rid the XWF, and the Xtreme Battle Zone .. of these 2 imbeciles.

The crowd laughs, shouts, and cheers for GIGANTIS, and William Knighthawk as they help clear the scene. These 2 WWG Invaders-- Alex Anders, and some man revealed as Nick Zander ... are fleeing the scene through the crowd. As GIGANTIS gets to the ring. William Knighthawk orders that he leave Xavier Phoenix, and Jon Hampton alone. He only brought him out to get rid of the Invaders. Well, now.. it's ring 1-- Chris Falkenyork, The Original, and "TV MA" Mark Adkins .. ring 2 -- Xavier Phoenix, and Jon Hampton. Down to the final 5 men.

- -- - - - -- -

The Original has decided to go for Mark Adkins, and astract revenge from Collision Course. When he believes Mark Adkins cost him everything. The Original bends over the top rope, and goes to grab Adkins. But, Mark has a his own boot in his hand, and he instead swings it up-- knocking The Original in the forehead, and right in to Chris Falkenyork-- who rolls him up in to an ol' school boy pin-- grabbing the tights,

"............... .. ..1. .. . . . . . . ...

. . . . . . . .. . . 2. . .. . . .. . ..

.. . . . .. . . .. . .. 3!"


That's it. Your Original pick is out of here "Cool" Beans, and so are your WWG invaders... GONE WITH THE WIND!!

What do you mean "your invaderS"?? I don't know those guys personally, and ... look.. Phoenix is my new pick now, and he's struggling to get to the top rope...

Hampton is back to his feet. Phoenix leaps off.. going for a Hurricana.. noo... - he can't pull it off.. he slides down, and Hampton readjusts him for an ALABAMA SLAM!!!!


Nooo. Not like this!!

I can't disagree with you there. ..... ....... 1., ,, ........ ...2.. . . . . , . .... 3!!! He's gone ... Xavier Phoenix is eliminated by Jon "The Man" Hampton!! I can NOT believe it.

I wish he would've decked you earlier. Just so I could say .. I'm sitting next to the man .. who got hit.. .. by the future XWF World Champion. Because, lets face it-- it was "The Chosen One's" destiny .. to go on to another Xtreme Mania, and headline .. this time-- with the belt around his waist before he walks in there, and ... my-oh-my .. it's going to be Jon Hampton going 1-on-1 with either Chris Falkenyork, or "TV MA" Mark Adkins.

... Wait, what's this??

Hopping over the guardrill is a former XWF superstar. He is a 2009 XWF Hall of Famer, and he is here!! The crowd goes bizerk, and Mark Adkins steps in the ring to attack Chris Falkenyork in ring 1 now-- but, Chris Falkenyork easily trips him up-- he's about to go for the Version 7. But, that's when he notices who is outside that Xtreme Battle Zone. Glaring in at him-- it's former XWF World Champion, Joey Kincaid!!!!

Joey Kincaid is here!! Joey KINCAID is in the building ... or in the stadium.. whatever you want to call it. He's here, and he caught Chris Falkenyork's eye.

Joey Kincaid yells something to him. But, Falkenyork feels Adkins trying to wiggle out. He stalls him with a kick to the thigh, and goes to turn him over for the Version 7 -- however, The Original is still slithering in the ring-- and connects with a Codebreaker out of nowhere!!!

Ahhh! Oh my god. Mark Adkins is covering Falkenyork up.... he's been out of this whole match completely .. with one boot off, and manages to find himself .. with an arm over Chris Falkenyork's chest . . . . .. for the ... ...

"................ 1 . ... . . . .

. . . ..... ..2. .. . .... . .

. . . . .. .. . ..

. .. 3!"

The crowd is cheering. They are celebrating for the rouge elite so to speak. They are chanting for "TV MA" right as we speak, and they are loving this moment for some odd season. Mark Adkins has his chance. They boo as the referees open up the middle door, and once that gate is removed... Jon Hampton wastes no time hopping in the ring. He smiles to himself as he scans the 3 men laid out in ring 1 ....

Jon Hampton .. as horrible as it sounds... as much as it pains me to say it .. outlasted 9 other men in ring 2 ... and he is now going 1 - on - 1 .. with the man who survived ring 1..... that being "TV MA" Mark Adkins!! Call it a fluke. Call it a power of will. Call it what you want to! As Joey Kincaid disappears back through the crowd, and Chris Falkenyork has lost his Championship here tonight .. it is now garuanteed to switch hands .... either "The Ultimate One" Jon Hampton, or "TV MA" Mark Adkins will be walking out the XWF World Champion, and going on the headline Xtreme Mania ... on May 15th... LIVE! from Sydney, Australia .... .. and this is it...

Falkenyork is hurting over there still from that Codebreaker, and that sudden distraction from Joey Kincaid. Meanwhile, The Original is also laid out.. still trying to recover from the long night of pain. Many men got pummeled here tonight, and THE BELL SOUNDS .. as Jon Hampton is ready to do this... he lifts "TV MA" Mark Adkins up-- he flicks him off, kicks him in the gut-- NO. . . Mark Adkins got a hold of his foot now, and spins Jon Hampton around-- right in to a FUZZY LOGIC!!!!


You could say that again ..


As this stadium lights up. The people all rise to their feet. They can not believe what is about to happen. Is this "TV MA" Mark Adkins the XWF World Champion for the 1st time in the XWF's modern era??

This could be it.. that was a powerful FUZZY LOGIC!!!

The crowd chants along with the referee, ....

"................. .. ..1.. . . .. . . . ..

... . . . .. . ...2. . ... . . . ..

. . . .

. ..

. . .. 3!!!!!!"

He's done it. He's DONE IT. He's DONE IT!! "TV MA" Mark Adkins hits a Fuzzy Logic, and scores a pinfall out of nowhere!! It was only the 2nd pinfall of the night for him .. covering Chris Falkenyork moments ago ... after that distraction from Joey Kincaid, and that cheap Codebreaker from The Original. It left a sour tastes in all our mouths.. when those invaders came out, and ruined Xavier Phoenix's opportunity. Jon Hampton walks in to ring 1, and you think he might get it done-- but, he don't. Mark Adkins quickly turns it in to a FUZZY LOGIC!!! And he is now your new XWF World Heavyweight Champion!!!

Fireworks, and pyros going off everywhere!! These people really know how to celebrate James Shaw ... I'll give them credit .. they really came with the goods here in San Juan, Puerto Rico .. quite the impressive night ... if we could take you back--

Oh, look at that!! Officials seperating The Original, and Chris Falkenyork now.. "TV MA" Mark Adkins is holding his XWF World Title for the first time in his life. What was once the Chris Falkenyork Championship for a moment .. is now "TV MA" Mark Adkin's.. XWF World Championship belt, .. and .. he did it with one boot on towards the end.

Hahahaha. It was quite the ending. Despite the attack from invaders.. lets take you back now ... earlier in the night--

Yeah, you've for Chris Falkenyork defending his Championship in a ruthless way to set this one off. Taking out almost every superstar who lined up against him. One - by - one- by - one.. literally .. schooling them all. It took one move by Xavier Phoenix to get rid of Carlos Shotgun for good -- with that Drama Club-- that spinning shining wizard out of nowhere!! It crushed Carlos Shotgun, and raised the spirits of this building .. as they then rooted for the young, up, and coming superstar .... .only to have these WWG Invaders -- Alex Anders, and his friend Nick Zander-- ruin the entire evening.... .. until GIGANTIS made an appearance with William Knighthawk, and scared them all off..

Yeah, then .. it changed the momentum in ring 2 .. Jon Hampton hit Phoenix with a ALABAMA SLAM that rocked the world! The Original picked Adkins to go after, and paid costly for that .. with a boot to the face... but, no regular boot James Shaw .. a boot he swung at the Original from the outside.... . resulting in a pinfall by Chris Falkenyork from behind!!

You think he was playing possum??

Falkenyork -- possibly .. he laid out there a minute, and let The Original pick his poison ..

I meant ADKINS. I'm talking about our new XWF World Heavyweight Champion .. the man who's leaving San Juan, Puerto Rico the Champion, and going on the headline Xtreme Mania .. in Sydney, Australia on May 15th ... I'm talking about "TV MA" Mark Adkins!!!

He could've been. But, then again James ... he did take a Fade 2 Black early on in the match, and I think that's all it took ... he was laid out, and never stopped seeing stars .. he got his chance-- as faint as it was. He stumbled right in to Falkenyork on the mat .. after that Joey Kincaid distraction-- what was Kincaid even doing here?? Was he in cahoots with those invaders by chance??

You tell me ..??

I have no idea.

Useless Alex "Cool" Beans... as the cooler commentator-- you suck. Because, the fact remains .. it was a great night. Filled with unstoppable .. mega action!! The Xtreme BATTLE Zone lived up to the hype! And these men put their bodies on the line .. granted-- some fishy things happend, and .... welll- it led to this ...

We are shown a flashback .. of "TV MA" Mark Adkins catching Jon Hampton's foot.. spinning him around, and putting him away with that FUZZY LOGIC!!! For the 1, 2, 3!! And "TV MA" Mark Adkins is our XWF World Heavyweight Champion .. heading in to Xtreme Mania ... surviving past 19 other men .... .. he is being received well from this crowd, and they are celebrating with him. As he stands on the turnbuckles now, and raises his hands in victory with the title drapped on his shoulde still. He smiles, and the San Juan, Puerto Rico crowd has flags, and sparklers!!! They are joining in with the victory party, and supporting "TV MA" all the way.

Surprising the reaction he's getting....

Not really. He's a legend "Cool" Beans..... lets face it. He's a 2009 XWF Hall of Famer... he's done it all now, including capping it off with this XWF World Heavyweight Title victory!! He's done it all now "Cool" Beans! He fooled the world, and he took advantage when the time was right ... BOOM! .. Fuzzy Logic ... 1,2,3! Taking out the most hated man in the building.

- -- - - - - - - -

Suddenly, the lights dim low, and Shotgun's emblem appears on the screen.

The crowd goes bonkers!!! The people of San Juan, Puerto Rico are on their feet, and Carlos Shotgun has a mic in his hand. He yells,


The music is cut, and the Hiram Bithorn Stadium is stunned in to silence. They are having mixed emotions about this interaction. They saw "TV MA" Mark Adkins survive past 19 others in his own slick way. While Carlos Shotgun was caught off guard, and eliminated early in the night.

What's he doing back out here?

Beats me.

He has a mic in hand, and now the people listen in ...

Walking valiantly to the ring. With mic in his hand, and heading for "TV MA" Mark Adkins who is holding tight to that XWF World Heavyweight Championship currently slung on his shoulder. Here comes the interaction of a lifetime, and the crowd is eating it up.

You know .. as well as I do ...... .. you were part of the problem last Xtreme Mania .. ... ... more so than that -- more than thorn in my side though ..... you injured my wife.. tortured her.. both physically, mentally... and you scarred my daughter! You .. have hurt my family .. for life... you have.... but, .... this time-- it is me... who ... will hurt, and injure .. and torture you .. both physically ... y mentəli. But YOU Mark Adkins .. will not be walking out with MY .. ..

He pauses, and the San Juan, Puerto Rico crowd cheers!!! But, two words change that,

SHUT UP!!!!!


The crowd has flipped on him Shaw,.

They have. Indeed.

I have to tell you ... "TV MA" Mark Adkins.. quite the performance.. hidden in the corner ... you think I would go home. You all thought I would leave without putting up a real fight? F*$% what happend earlier!! Forget that ... tonight .. I'M WALKING OUT ... with the XWF World Heavyweight strap, and .. I'm going on .. to HEADLINE ... Xtreme Mania 6 ... just like I'm meant to-- GOT IT!!?

The crowd gives him tons of heat on his way towards ring 1. Heading right for "TV MA" Mark Adkins the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion. Shawn Taylor appears on the titan tron from behind Carlos Shotgun. Nodding his head in agreement. Almost varifying what Carlos A. Shotgun is about to say is 120% true. Our General Manager, Shawn Taylor agrees to what is happening right now, and here is the terms from Carlos A. Shotgun,

You owe me a favor. For what you did! I won at King of Xtreme .... .. you didn't get to have my wife... my WIFE.. the one who bore my first born, and helped me become a better man. YOU .. Mark Adkins .... you-- OWE ME A FAVOR. You me ONE FAVOR, and this FAVOR ... is coming right now, .. and you know what-- you're not the one who owes me the favor. It's Mr. Lucente, our Owner .. the XWF OWNER!! He OWES me ... the ONE favor, and here it is. Right now-- I'M cashing in! Screw 'Collision Course'.. forget about 2010 .. it's a new day, and age .. and in 2011-- at Xtreme Mania 6 ...... I will be headlining ... I will be the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion, and "TV MA".. will once again ... be an afterthought ....... a meer BLIP on the RADAR.... ...

Then you hear the voice of GM, Shawn Taylor over the loud speakers say what we've all seen coming a mile away.

It is confirmed. Mark Adkins! You already know .. what happend at King of Xtreme came back to haunt you .. in the HOMETOWN .. look around... San Juan, Puerto Rico.. your champion is about to be crowned-- .. not Xavier Phoenix .. oh no ...... CARLOS SHOTGUN!!!

BoooOooOoOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ...

Well, I can't say I seen that coming, and Carlos Shotgun hops in the ring. He locks up with "TV MA" Mark Adkins in the middle of the ring. They exchange a few shots. Carlos Shotgun ducks a big right hand, and the BELL RINGS!! This match is officially underway .. . ... .. ADKINS gets sent to the ropes, and comes back flying with a Lou Thesz Press!! He starts dominating Shotgun with open right, and left hands-- the CROWD IS LOVING IT!!!

They are fully on "TV MA" Mark Adkins side right now ... and can the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion remain that way ...?? Will he really survive the night, and escape this Xtreme Battle Zone pay per view the XWF Champion?? Or will Carlos Shotgun be going on to headline Xtreme Mania now??

Unbelievable ending to this great pay per view. Xtreme Battle Zone is what it's all about!!! Carlos hits Mark Adkins with a back breaker, and then lifts him up.. tossing him to the outside platform. Carlos Shotgun goes to work on Mark Adkins. But, Adkins ducks a big punch, and hits Shotgun with a punch to the ribs. And another punch to the mid-section! "TV MA" Mark Adkins HEADBUTTS Carlos A. Shotgun, and the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion is taking it to the man who's family he ruined .. who's life he tried to bring down in shambles.. Shotgun is here for his ONE FAVOR. He cashed in from his win at King of Xtreme .. and .. your pick might win it all--- .. but, it wouldn't count. Because, he didn't win the battle itself.

How, so? The night's not over. I count that as one match, and here we go ... Shotgun is getting his face graded in to that metal!! "TV MA" Mark Adkins shaving up Shotgun's face, and drawing blood on the challenger ...

These people really hate Shotgun right now Shaw. I mean, I thought they hated Jon Hampton ... I thought- they did. But, they really despise Carlos Shotgun for coming out here, and spoiling "TV MA" Mark Adkins moment. He pulled out the enormous victory. Becoming an XWF World Champion here in 2011, and .. Carlos Shotgun spoils the party .. but, it's Shotgun who is getting beat up right now. He takes a Hip Toss to the Steel Platform!!

Brutal hip toss! And Carlos Shotgun is writhing in pain.

He gets what he paid for! He might have cashed in on the wrong man. "TV MA" Mark Adkins WAS playing possum the whole time possibly . ...

You think so now. DOn't you dummy? Let Falkenyork take most of the beatings, and score when the time was right-- Shotgun thought he picked his moment .. he picked the wrong XWF World Champion to screw with --

"TV MA" Mark Adkins goes for a SPARE TACKLE, and Shotgun instead steps aside, and uses his momentum to send "TV MA" Mark Adkins shattering through that glass case-- FACE FIRST!! Mark Adkins is busted wide open, and blood starts pouring out everywhere. Some cheer. A lot of them boo this sickening moment. Taking advantage of Adkins, and destroying him in front of his "people". Shotgun pulls Adkins out of there, and simply bodyslams him to the steel platform.

My goodness. Blood everywhere. Even you Alex "Cool" Beans.. can admit-- that's not cool.

No, that's not cool at all. Our XWF World Heavyweight Champion IS .. "TV MA" Mark Adkins-- finally a new era has begun in XWF Wrestling, and you've got Shotgun out here... I understand, he has the 1 favor, and he's playing by the rules... but, so what? I was enjoying the party. Seeing "TV MA" Mark Adkins name in the spotlight... on the marquee.. as XWF World Heavyweight Champion!! Not THIS way damnit! Not THIS way ... these "people" don't want it either.. and there his own hometown ..

BoOoOOooooo! "Shotgun SUCKS!! .. Shotgun SUCKS.... Shotgun SUCKS!!! .. SHotgun SUCKS!!! CARLOS SHOTGUN .. "SHOTGUN SUCKS!!!.. Carlosss SHotGUN!!... SHOTGUN SUCKS!!!!!!"

Wow. You could really feel it in the air now James Shaw. These people paid, and they want to get their money's worth. Carlos Shotgun tosses "TV MA" Mark Adkins in the ring, and he scaled the top rope. He even goes on top of one of the glass cases! Carlos Shotgun blows a kiss to the crowd... no-- he points to his ass... he's sayinng.. "KISS MY ASS!!" out there to the crowd, and they errupt with enormous amounts of heat. They are boo'ing the crap out of Carlos Shotgun .. their own "home hero"

He let the people down tonight ... don't get me wrong-- he came to play, and they came to pay to see him put on a show. But, not like this ..

Carlos A. Shotgun leaps off the top of that glass case, and plants "TV MA" Mark Adkins with a devlish ELBOW DROP!! He goes for the cover, and shakes his head 'no'. .. He decides to try to lift Adkins up off the ground. With his head between his legs.. crawling up his body- a bloody mess now. "TV MA" Mark Adkins the current XWF World Champion. The man who WON 'Xtreme Battle Zone' officialy .. is facing his past demons right now. His past has come back to haunt him in a way of ONE FAVOR from one Carlos A. Shotgun. He's bleeding to death, and Carlos Shotgun tries lifting him up for a Bullet Bomb. But, Adkins tries fighting back. Shotgun kicks him in the chest, stalls him with another right fist to the bloody face of "TV MA"... he then sets him up for, and connects with a demoralizing, and utterly victorious BULLET BOMB!!!!!!

Some parts of this crowd marking out. But, a majority of these XWF fans in San Juan, Puerto Rico .. all 37,000+ are boo'ing Carlos Shotgun .. as he wraps up the legs of Mark Adkins ..

".............. . . .. .1 ... ... ...... .

. . . ... ... . . .. 2. . .. . . . . . .. . .

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That's all she wrote. "THANK YOU VERY MUCH.. Carlos A. Shotgun .. our NEW XWF World Heavyweight Champion!! Ahahaha!! The man going on the headline Xtreme Mania .. as the World Champion .. is now CARLOS SHOTGUN! Believe it - Shaw.

You're all excited all of a sudden. Plus, I picked him, and I feel .. horrible for doing so .. ... the way he came out here-- disrespected the crowd. Stole the thunder from "TV MA" Mark Adkins, and gets his way yet again ... .. I can not stand that man in soo many ways right now. I'm just astonished at the way this all went down ... the title changed from Chris Falkenyork Championship ... in to the hands of it's rightful new owner... an XWF World Champion-- "TV MA" Mark Adkins, and now ... it belongs ... to Carlos Shotgun. He's now our XWF World Heavyweight Champion. Can you believe it?? After all that?

"After all that" ..?? What an ENDING. I was upset at first myself.. but, Carlos Shotgun made a real impact. "TV MA" might have pulled off the hiest of a century in that Xtreme BATTLE Zone tonight ... he helped Falkenyork score a pinfall on The Original, .. he scored another pinfall over Chris Falkenyork, and officially eliminated the current champion at that time ... going in this thing--

Yeah, going in to this event. He was the current holder of the Chris Falkenyork Championship ... -- but, "TV MA" Mark Adkins hits Jon "The Man" Hampton with a FUZZY LOGIC seemingly out of nowhere, and wins the XTREME BATTLE ZONE event .. also-- becoming the XWF World Champion, and earning his right to headline Xtreme Mania coming up in just over a month ... but, no-- Shotgun ruins that grand moment. He taunts his own crowd. He humiliates his own people, and he ambushes "TV MA" Mark Adkins after a brilliant victory. After surpassing 19 other men. Carlos Shotgun--

He cashed in his ONE FAVOR-- that's what he did. Mark Adkins lost to Shotgun back at King Of Xtreme, and it came back to bite him in the ass tonight!! Plain as that. He got him when it mattered, and he paid him back.. these people may not like it-- you may not like it-- .. "TV MA" is certainly not going to like it .. .. what's Chris Falkenyork, and the rest going to say?? What are these people going to think? What is the XWF going to say??

20 competitors entered that "Xtreme Battle Zone" tonight.. the GM kept the rules clear... we called the shots.... 20 men down, and now .. CARLOS SHOTGUN is the XWF World Champion, and he will be going on the headline Xtreme Mania now.

'Xtreme Mania 6' headlined by Carlos Shotgun. The Main Event-- will shine .. with it's new XWF World Champion. The man the title's meant to be with. Mark Adkins, came close! In fact -- he won it all. After what appeared to be some sort of WWG invasion.. but, GIGANTIS saves the day!!

But, only after Xavier Phoenix day was ruined .... then-- Jon Hampton capitalizes.... he gets beat though ultimately-- against ... MARK ADKINS!!

"Ultimately"?? That FUZZY LOGIC knocked him right out! "TV MA" had him! I'll give you that .. he beat him.. I thought he would go on to Main Event "Xtreme Mania" this year ... as our XWF World Champion .. instead-- it looks like Carlos A. Shotgun ... ... he got more than ONE up on "TV MA" now, ... because, Carlos Shotgun in front of a hometown that is boo'ing him as he makes his way back up the ramp. Holding the XWF World Title firm to his chest. He makes his way towards the back.. like some sort of coward. Not even celebrating with his own people. What is that all about ??

The NEW World Champion has some splainin' to do .. on Showdown! .. it is scheduled to air 4/20/2011 ... it may air before then-- so stay posted... and we will be having Xtreme Mania air either 5/15/2011, or 5/29/2011 .. we will see how the schedule pans out, and whatever weather permits.... we will be holding that event .. at the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia ..... check back for updates ... for now -- Carlos A. Shotgun -- is walking out of this "Xtreme Battle Zone" pay per view .. exiting here ... leaving San Juan, Puerto Rico behind .. as the XWF World Champion.

"TV MA" Mark Adkins struggles to get to a knee, and the XWF crowd stays around to cheer for him. As the "Xtreme Battle Zone" structure is lifted off those rings. "TV MA" Mark Adkins is covered in blood now, and trying to make a sense of things. A lot of people disappointed. A lot of them made the trip to see this event. A lot of Elite followers, and a lot of XWF faithful graced us with their presence tonight. But, it all ends with Carlos Shotgun as the XWF World Heavyweight Champion.

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We end the night with out theme song, and a tribute to all the competitors in the Xtreme Battle Zone competition here in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We will see you in Sydney, Australia for Xtreme Mania 6 .. ..

Thank You! Good night everybody,

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Coming to you LIVE! from Sydney Australia ... the XWF brings you 'Xtreme Mania 6' .... but, what will happen on this coming addition of Showdown!, and what else is instore for the XWF superstars along the way?

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