"King Of Xtreme"

.. September 27th, 2010, ..

LIVE! From Beaver Stadium in State College, Pennsylvania.

With a record sold out crowd of 122,000 young men, and women jam packed in this outdoor stadium. On this hot summer day!

The "King Of Xtreme" theme song:

The scene fades in to the stadium ...

and the fans are all on their feet, holding various signs, such as: "The Original", "TV-MA", "War Machine", "MARS is BACK!" , "Jon Hampton for President." , "Thank You Very Much" , .. "XWF 4 Life", ... "#1 Phan," .."YOU SOLD OUT!!!" , .. "Version 7" , .. "BLOOD HUNT." ... "Who cut the lights??" ., .. "SHIRU" ,, and .. last but not least, "Bring back X."

We cut to the announcers table where the new announcers, James Shaw, and Alex "Cool" Beans are sitting. They open up the broadcast, LIVE! from ringside, and they are trying to hold their composure. The crowd is loud, and wreckless. They are shoving each other around, and it's almost like a concert atmopshere in the stadium tonight.

James Shaw: Hi, I'm James Shaw, and right beside me.. is my colleague, and most dearest friend, .. Alex Beans...

Alex "Cool" Beans: That's Alex "COOL" Beans to you, and everyone else, sir. And I'd appreciate it, if you'd get it right next time! Anyways, I'm here, .. as your color commentator. But, I'm here to tell you, I'm the cooler commentator. This lame bozo, right here, can't handle his job, .. he's like a teenage, girl, hopped up on liquor, and booze...

James Shaw: What on Earth are you talking about?

Alex "Cool" Beans: Oh, you know very well, what I'm talking about--


Suddenly a few loud ringin' sounds go off in the stadium, and the camera pans around to show a pedestal, with the words, "General Manager" written on the front end.

Alex "Cool" Beans: Oh, Oh! This must be him, .. this must be the first message from our new General Manager, who could it be? What could the message be??? I mean, let me get over there .. .

James Shaw: Yeah, get over there, ..

Alex gets out of his seat, and approaches the "General Manager" pedestal. He steps up, behind the microphone, and the laptop.

Alex "Cool" Beans: Excuse me! .. Ahemm. Ladies, and gentlemen, I'm not just clearing my throat here,.. for my own health!! I'm here to speak to all of you, ....


.. on behalf of the new General Manager, .... AND I'M QUOTING HIM NOW, ... . not myself, I am NOT the General Manager, ... anyyyways, ..... he says, .... ... "Alex, .. due to the fact, that you are a wobbling, hobbling, waste of space, loser, .. and your friend, James Shaw, .. is a complete, and utter jackass, .. , .. you are, both now.. .. FIRED!!....." ......

Alex now realizes that he just sealed his own fate. He can't believe it. He pauses, and places his dull hand, over his pathetic head, seeming awe struck. Suddenly, again,


The sound goes off again, and there's another message for Alex "Cool" Beans.

, .. he now says, CLEAR YOUR DESK IN THE BACK, and GET OUT OF MY COMPANY IMMEDIATELY ...... but, not before, you announce- these next 2 men, who will be replacing those sorry excuse for commentators ....... Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler,!!....

The crowd goes wild! Alex "Cool" Beans does not.

Nooo ,,.. NOOO!!!

Out from the backstage area, here comes Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler. They make their way down the long ramp, and the fans give them a terrific standing ovation. They wave out to the crowd, as they make their way over to ringside, and James Shaw leaves on his own terms, as Alex "Cool" Beans gets dragged out by 2 security guards. He is furious! Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler shake hands with fans around their commentators area, and they have huge smiles on their faces. They get situated, and eventually place their headsets on.

Jim Ross: Ladies, and gentlemen, .. we're back.,.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: That's right J.R. We are LIVE! here in Beaver Stadium, and... .. I see plenty of that around me, ..

Jim Ross: I thought we just got rid of the last 2, .. ..

Jerry Lawler: Get 'em J.R.

Jim Ross: That's right. Alright, well lets get in to it, and lets not waste anymore of your precious time. We have waited months, -- MONTHS for this occassion to go down, and it's been quite the ride ever since. Lets take you back ,... to Xtreme Mania: Decade, .. ONE NIGHT ONLY!!

*****FLASH BACK*****

"Xtreme Mania: Decade" , .. March 28th, 2010, ,

War Machine returns, and takes out The Phan in a brilliant Strap Match. Ending it with a Slingshot Suplex, and touching all 4 corners in time, raising one finger to signal his victory! .... Stephen Blood chokes out Xavier Summers, and forces him to tap out to the newly constructed, Blood Hunt, submission finisher, ..... . The Guerillas returned to the squared-circle, and Midnight Star put on quite a show. Lot of brutal spots, including The Wreckin' Crew pushing both members of The Guerillas through the commetator's table, and ruined their chances of recapturing the Tag Team Titles in that Xtreme Tag Team Championship, Ladder Match. Rage set a table on fire, and shoved Stephen Blood through that burning table, but not before the F'N Legend became a Tag Team Champion for the umpteenth time. Meanwhile, Crimson Tide snuck in with the lights out, and cost War Machine his opportunity at becoming a 4-time Xtreme Tag Team Champion. , .... "The Original" had a great match with Rage, that saw Rage escape a nasty DDT on the Xtreme Ring-Bell, a sickenin' Codebreaker, .the Walls of Jericho, and eventually it was the Lionsault that finally put the Monster away. .... Also, the return of TV-MA, Mark Adkins, as the Special Guest referee, for the "I Quit" match with Chris Falkenyork vs. Carlos A. Shotgun. It was a great up, and down contest. We saw 8 Rolling German Suplexes on thumbtacks, we witnessed massive ammount of pain, and crucial involvement from both men, which ended in a twisted story, seeing Falkenyork threaten to drag Shotgun down the road in his own truck, but it ended out in the ring, with Sasha sticking her nose in, and Adkins stepping in between the world's most famous couple, .. it was York who was victorious, remaining undefeated at Xtreme Manias, while Adkins accidentally injured Shotgun's wife, before he said those 2 words, "I Quit". .. Later in the night, we saw the return of Joey Kincaid, and 9LP, .. as well as Mars, and HHH surround the Hell in a Cell, as Jesse Jones, and Jon Hampton duked it out, in a 60-minute Ironman Match. It was a magnificent back, and fourth contest, .. Hampton got the 1st pinfall, but Jones forced him to tap to the Crippler Crossface, and later drilled him with a Jay Walk, with only 3 seconds remaining. Remaining the XWF World Champion ,

Jim Ross: That ladies, and gentlemen, is how Xtreme Mania: Decade went down, and now, . on to other news, and things that have transpired over the last few months, lets take you back, ...

*****FLASH BACK*****

The Build up to the "King of Xtreme" pay per-view.

The Summer of 2010, including the Award Show, and other XWF Superstar promos.

...... since then-- Mars has come back, and declared war against Jon Hampton for interrupting him, and making fun of his name. ... Stephen Blood, and Crimson Tide almost refusing to see eye-to-eye, even though both men are XWF Tag Team Champions... .. Shiru Vanchiez has returned to the squared-circle as well, and there remains a cloud of uncertainty around that young, up-and-coming superstar... .. War Machine contemplates retirement, and Matt Sharper remains in hiding, .. while Jesse Jones writes the XWF a letter, and arranges for his retirement to be made official, but will he be forced to fulfill his obligations?? ... Shotgun, and Adkins have exchanged heated words, and have a big match set, with a lot at stake, . meanwhile, TV-MA has claimed to have maybe impregnated Shotgun's wife, Sasha, as Carlos burns old memories, and addresses the crowd, as if he was angry at them for everything!!, .... Rage, and Crookz have problems it seems, but want a crack at the King Of Xtreme crown. ... The Guerillas, and The Wreckin' Crew are vying behind the scenes, that this war could get very ugly, they have made mulitple threats towards each other, and something may EXPLODE here tonight, .... .. not to mention, "The Original", and Chris Falkenyork have been working hard, to keep the company alive, and make the XWF a brand name once again, they have been getting a lot of respect from the veterans in the back, and a ton of support from the XWF fans themselves, .. the Main Event for the evening shall be very interesting, as will the "King Of Xtreme" Tournament, and the rest of the night, ....

We cut back to Beaver Stadium, after that video package is put together. Jim Ross, sitting at ringside with Jerry "The King" Lawler, a few more signs are spotted, including: "Where's Joey Kincaid??" , .. "Blood 4 Blood." , .. .and lifesize replica of War Machine, with a bubble coming from his mouth, reading: "TRY ME!" ..

Jim Ross: Ladies, and gentlemen, we are so happy to be here today. It's been a long road. From the first time we opened those doors in 1998, .. until 2006 when we were forced to close down, .. but the summer of 2008 proved to be a great idea, and it allowed us a few more events, before.. Xtreme Mania, .. back here in April, and it has lead us here-- .. to tonight, "King Of Xtreme" .. it is the year, 2010, and who would have thought we'd make it this far? But, with a roster full of Hall of Famers, .. I mean-- LEGENDS King, complete Legends, it has made it very possible-

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, I got to give a lot of respect for the wrestlers that allow me to have a job, and to make things exciting in my life. They truly are warriors, and they have made a lot of people proud. The XWF is a living, breathing creation, and it will not stop... until there's nothing left, .. and who knows when that will be?

Jim Ross: Absolutely. Tonight, is set to be a great adventure, .. it is going to be full of surprises, .. it will be, something the world could never imagine, or draw up in their minds, because it is the most Xtreme event of them all. The tournament that sets the pace, for the rest of the year,.. and truly makes for a time-honored tradition. Tonight! It'll be 8-men in a King of Xtreme tournament, and the XWF World Championship will be on the line as well. ... And don't forget-- Carlos Shotgun vs. Mark Adkins.

Jerry Lawler: TV-MA got his hands full. That's all I'm going to say, .. TV-MA has his hands full tonight, J.R. Believe me, he does, ..

Jim Ross: Well, that may be the case, ..

Jerry Lawler: Well, I'm here to tell you- that IS the case, and it will be happening tonight, .. you only have to watch for yourself, .. One Year- Slave, .. Sasha's lifelihood, in the hands of Carlos Shotgun, and well- in the hands of a madman so to speak, if Adkins were to win. But, could you imagine what favor Shotgun will get from Adkins, if he wins??

Jim Ross: I have no idea. I'm not sure what would be worse? What would be worse King?

Jerry Lawler: Beats me J.R.

Jim Ross: Right now, lets toss it to the ring with Danielle Worley, as she announces this first contest, .. the first match, .. in the 1st round of this "King Of Xtreme" Tournament!!

Danielle Worley: Ladies, and gentlemen, .. fans of the XWF, .. welcome to KING OF XTREME!!! ... We are set to bring you our first scheduled match of the evening. And it'll be a 1st round King Of Xtreme Tournament match!

Lot of cheers from the crowd. They are generally excited to get this started off, early in the afternoon, with the hot sun baking down on 'em.

Danielle Worley: Introducing first, .. .. he is ... INdeed the F'N Legend, .. he is an XWF Tag Team Champion, and a 2009, XWF Hall of Famer, .... he is STEPHEEENNN BLOOOODDD!

The people can not believe it. XWF fans mark out everywhere. The ones in Beaver Stadium rise to their feet, and begin jumping up, and down on each other. Seems like a big college crowd. But, a lot of families still in the mix. The crowd is rampid, and Stephen Blood makes his way out to his gritty theme music, the Realm of Chaos. He poses at the top of the ramp, and makes his way down towards the ring. He snarles out at the fans, and grabs the middle rope, pulling himself up on to the apron, and then posing once again for the fans. He raises his arm straight up in the air, and lets our a gladiator's yell! Stephen Blood steps between the ropes, and snatches the microphone off of Danielle Worley before she gets a chance to announce his opponent for the 1st round, gimmick match.

Stephen Blood: Enough of this hooplah! It's time to get serious around here, and you people are not really paying attention. Or maybe it's Mr. Lucente who has got a few screws loose. Either way. Tonight, is MY night! Tonight, I add to my legacy, and I go on to become not only your KING of xtreme. But, also, .. .. I will once again-- become, your, XWF, World, Heavyweight, Champion!!!

Lots of mixed reactions from the crowd. Some solid boo's in there. But, a majority of the crowd cheers! They acknowledge Stephen Blood's ability, and his pure strength. He lets out a half smile, as he continues on,

Stephen Blood: And by the way, I don't have to say it, .. because they know, .. they alll know, .. all them here in P.A., .. and all those blokes across the airwaves. They know, that I am INdeed, .. the, ... F'N,....


Danielle Worley: And his opponent, introducing, ... the challenger, .. of the 1st round King of Xtreme tournament, .. he is the 1st signee in XWF History, and he signed that contract in his own blood, .. he is the master of mind games, .... .. please welcome, 2008 XWF Hall of Famer, Crimson Tide!!

"Sweet Dreams" begins playing, and Crimson Tide appears at the top of the ramp, with his face, covered in black, and white paint.

Jim Ross: This, is going to be, quite the contest. If you could believe it King,..

Jerry Lawler: I'm saying, with these 2, you never know. They are the current XWF Tag Team Champions of the World. They survived an intense ladder match at One Night Only, and it was a quite the spectacle. But, of course, a lot of controversy surrounded the match, .. as .. it does tonight's matchup as well, ..

Jim Ross: If you're referring to the lights going out, and Crimson Tide winning that last tag belt, your absolutely right. As far as, this 1st round contest goes, .. is it a First Blood match, or a Crimson Mask match? That remains the question. But, I'm sure these 2 will have their way of resolving it.. ..

Jerry Lawler: Now, what if there's a controversy, and we have 2 seperate winners?

Jim Ross: No, I don't think that's possible King. We got to have a damn winner. This is the 1st round of the KOX tournament, .. rightfully so, .. the King of Xtreme tournament has been around for nearly a decade, and it's what we're all about, ... tonight-- these 2 get to kick the event off!

Jerry Lawler: And what better way, then to do it right now J.R.?

Crimson Tide methodically makes his way in the ring, and has the XWF Tag Team Title around his waist. He points out at Stephen Blood before he takes the belt off his own waist, and we see Miho on the titantron, watching on closely, with Stephen Blood's Tag Team strap hanging on the table, right beside her.

Jim Ross: The bell has sounded, and we are ready to go, .... it's time to present, the KING OF XTREME tournament, welcome to the year 2010, XWF, ..

The night starts off with - the 1st round gimmick match,

Stephen Blood vs. Crimson Tide - it is a First Blood/Crimson Mask match.... the winner moves on to the 2nd round of the "King Of Xtreme" Tournament,.

Stephen Blood doesn't smile, he has a blank stare on his face, and he appears to be all buisness tonight. He slowly approaches Crimson Tide, and they meet in the middle of the ring. Crimson Tide puts his hand out there, for Stephen Blood to shake it, but he simply looks down in disgust. Crimson Tide slowly pulls his hand back, noticing Stephen Blood isn't interested in any peace treaty. Instead, Crimson Tide raises his left hand, and wants to test his measure of strength, with his tag team parnter, Stephen Blood. At first, Blood just smirks at the thought of matching up with him in a game of mercy. But, then he obliges. He locks up with Crimson Tide, and then they both raise their 2nd hand at the same time, and grasps each others hand, .. locking in in a game of mercy, a battle of strength. However, Stephen Blood quickly turns the table on Crimson Tide, and forces him down to both knees, on the mat. Stephen Blood then throws a sharp knee across Crimson Tide's head, and that shot takes the Crimson One to the mat. He's laying face down, as Stephen Blood picks him up by his greasy, long black hair and then tosses him in to the corner.

Stephen Blood simply man-handling Crimson Tide out there. Taking it to the little fella.

Tide knew what he was getting in to, when he signed up for this tournament, as did the rest of those competitors ... including Stephen Blood, .

And you are absolutely right. Blood, letting Tide have it right now!

Stephen begins, pummeling, Crimson in the corner, and works him over, grading his elbow across his skull. Pealing off most of Crimson Tide's facepaint, and simply humiliating him. Stephen Blood grabs Crimson Tide by the throat, and gets up in his face, yelling something like: "Is that all you got, huh? You little peep-squeak. I'll crush you to death!" He then clinches his grasps on his neck, and begins choking the life out of him, before tossing him half across the ring. Tide's back splatters across the mat, and he rolls around in major pain. Stephen Blood raises his one hand, and draws lots of attention from the crowd. They give him their full support, as he charges in, and puts a boot to Crimson Tide's chops! He lays him out, and begins making his cover, ...

but the referee informs him it's not a regular match. He must first make him bleed, in order to pin him in this type of match, or at least make him bleed.

Crimson Tide looks winded. How bout it J.R.?

He looks beat up in there already. But, not completely defeated yet. He's got a lot of fight left in him, if you could believe it!

Stephen Blood picks Tide up by the head again, and scoop body slams him back to the mat! He then goes to ropes, bounces off 'em, and comes back, landing a BIG LEG on Crimson Tide's skull! He makes another cover, ... and then realizes what he's doing, he lifts Tide's head, and shoulder off the mat for him, before placing him in a sideheadlock. He begins squeezing as hard as he can, and starts draining the life out of Crimson Tide. The fans actually begin clapping in unison, and they want to see this match get off the mat. Crimson Tide suddenly draws from that energy, as people begin jumping, and stomping on the stands, and making the entire stadium rattle!

Is it no secret, the fans are in love with these 2 men, and they are happy to see the night kicked off with these 2 in the ring.

Crimson Tide starts working them both off the mat, and throws an elbow in to Stephen Blood's gut, and another elbow. He seperates himself from the bohemoth, and heads towards the ropes. He bounces back, right in to a hard clothesline from Stephen Blood. The crowd errupts in excitement! Suddenly, very happy to see Stephen Blood back on top of things, and controlling this match up. He picks Crimson Tide off the mat by his hair, and then irish whips him in to the ropes. Crimson Tide bounces back in to another stiff clothesline by Stephen Blood! He drills the tag team champion down to the mat, and then begins choking him out with his barehands. The referee counts him off, and tries to prevent him from really getting that violent. But, Stephen gets off the mat, and charges the referee back in to the corner, telling him to mind his own buisness!

Now, it's not looking good for Crimson Tide, I'll tell ya that King. At first, I thought he had an honest to god shot, of escaping this 1st round, and being the darkhorse tonight,... but Stephen Blood seems determined in putting him away for good, and moving on to that 2nd round, semi-final of this King of Xtreme tournament, ..

He certainly does J.R.

Stephen Blood steps out on to the apron, and hops to the outside. He looks under the ring, and pulls out what appears to be a Screen Glass Door. He drags it out, and the crowd, ooh's, and ahh's at this extravagant moment. He slides it out from under the ring, and slides inside the ring. He then rolls inside the ring himself, and approaches Crimson Tide, putting a solid boot to his back, keeping him on the mat longer. Stephen Blood begins setting the Screen Glass Door up, in the right corner of the ring. The XWF fans rise to their feet, and they all are expecting something Xtreme to go down right now! Stephen sets it up, and walks back over to Crimson Tide, who throws an elbow in to Stephen Blood's thigh, and then another quick elbow. But, Stephen Blood pulverizes him with a solid forearm to the back, and then stands straight up tall, raising his hand in the air, drawing heat, and some amazing pops from the crowd! He roars down at Crimson Tide, and the fans eat it up. They begin chanting, "Stephen Blood! Stephen Blood! Stephen Blood! STEPHEN BLOOD!! STEPHEN BLOOD!!! STEPHEN BLOOD!!!! STEPHEN BLOOD!!"

He got the fans behind him and everything J.R..

Stephen Blood lifts Crimson Tide off the ground, and places him underneath his arm, he looks like he's about to go for his finisher, the Stephenflow DDT. But, Crimson Tide blocks it, and instead pulls out a Snap Suplex of his own! He lays Stephen Blood out momentarily, and begins rolling around the ring. Eventually he rolls to the outside apron. Stephen Blood slowly starts making his way to his feet, and shakes that last move off. He looks real angry now, and charges after Crimson Tide. But, Tide rolls off the apron, and falls to the outside mat below. Stephen Blood yells out to the XWF crowd, .. "he's done for!!" They start cheering, and hooting, and hollering for Stephen Blood to take care of him. Stephen Blood steps thru the ropes to the outside apron. He looks like he's about to go for an Ax-Handle Smash. But, as he goes to leap off, Crimson Tide stands back up, and drills him in the stomach with a black baseball bat!!

Oh no. Tide must've grabbed that from under the ring.

He got a bat J.R. His trademark bat!

I'm not sure he has it trademarked or not. But, .. he's going to work on Stephen Blood on the outside!

Crimson Tide starts hammering Stephen Blood with that baseball bat. Mostly across the ribs, and back of the XWF tag team champion. He screams out to the XWF crowd, before pounding him with the bat some more. Finally he hands the black baseball bat to a fan, and says, "hold this for me." He bends over, picking Stephen Blood off the outside mat. He tries to toss him in the ring. But, Stephen Blood stalls him with a back elbow. Then he pulls him in, and drills him with a headbutt! Crimson Tide falls flat on his back on the outside mat, and Stephen Blood just begins stomping away. He doesn't hesitate at all, as he then lifts Crimson Tide off the outside mat, and whips him around right in to the steel steps! Crimson Tide smashes it back first, and Stephen Blood for the first time tonight, has a satisfied look on his face. He doesn't completely smile. But, his eyes light up, as he looks out in to the XWF faithful that are here LIVE! in State College, Pennsylvania. He picks Tide off the outside mat, and rolls him in the ring. He pulls himself up on to the apron, and then begins mounting the post. He sits down on the top turnbuckle.

He's waiting for Crimson Tide to get up. I suggest that he stay down, if he wants to have any buisness winning this match.

Crimson Tide slowly starts to come to, and as he gets to one knee. He finally pushes himself off the mat, and spins around to face Stephen Blood, who leaps off the turnbuckle, and drills him with a sickening clothesline!! Crimson Tide nearly bends backwards, as he lays helpless on the mat. The crowd begins rooting for Stephen Blood, and getting behind the former World Champion, and one-half of the current Tag Team Champions, as he glares over at the Screen Glass Door, and then a huge smile creeps over his face. He picks Crimson Tide up off the ground, and then forces him to look at the Screen Glass Door, there's a faint reflection in the glass, and Crimson Tide could seem himself battered, bruised, with half his facepaint, scraped from his skull. He looks on exhaustedly, as Stephen Blood taunts him further. He then backs him up a half-step, and begins to charge in to toss Tide face-first. But, instead Crimson Tide hits the brakes, drills Stephen with a quick-chop to the side, and then a quick-kick to his shin. He follows that up, with a swinging DDT attempt. But, Stephen Blood catches himself for a second, and reverses it in to a wicked suplex!!

Nasty reversal by the multiple-tag team champion, this man, this beast of a man, has been competiting in the XWF squared-circle half his life, and he has made quite the impression here tonight.

The F'N Legend, Stephen Blood picks the Crimson One up off the mat, and lifts him up, for a High-Angled Suplex. He holds him up there, for the entire XWF crowd to see. He just holds him straight up, demonstrating his power, and strength. He then brings Crimson Tide down with a vicious Jackhammer!! The XWF crowd marks out for it, and Stephen Blood looks furious. He stares back up at that Screen Glass Door, and down at Crimson Tide's lifeless body. He scrapes him off the mat, and then tosses him over his shoulder. He backs up in to the far corner, and starts charging towards that Screen Glass Door. But, Crimson Tide manages to wiggle out, and hop off his shoulders, landing on his feet behind Stephen Blood. Meanwhile, Stephen stops his momentum, and turns to face Crimson Tide. He goes to swing, but Tide ducks, and out of nowhere leaps up for a Dropkick-- but, Blood swipes him aside, and avoids the crucial contact. He glances back over his shoulder at the Screen Glass Door, and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He looks half-nervous as he goes to pick Crimson Tide off the mat again, and Crimson rolls him up in to a small package. Stephen Blood forces his way out of it, and is faster to get to his feet. He drills Crimson Tide with a boot to the face, as he tries to get to a knee. He drills him with another boot, and out of nowhere, Crimson Tide low-blows him!!

Ahh. The family jewels J.R. The family jewels. Miho's not going to be happy about this.

Forget Miho. Stephen's feeling it right now, and generations to come-- still might be feeling it.

Crimson Tide has his chance to make a move, and he backs up in to the ropes. He bounces back, and drills Stephen Blood with an open right hand! He then starts laying in to him with constant, open right hands, over, and over! He then headbutts him as hard as he can, and Stephen Blood finally falls face first to the canvas. Crimson Tide raises his hands, and the crowd marks out for him. But, he receives mostly a lot of boo's from this audience. They don't appear to be major fans of the Crimson One. He mounts Stephen Blood's back, and places him in the Camel Clutch. He pulls back hard on his head, and really creates a lot of pressure for Stephen Blood. The fans are back on their feet, and they are trying to get Stephen Blood back in to it. Crimson Tide finally reaches the move on his own, and looks around almost helplessly. He starts rolling for the apron, and steps to the outside mat. He asks the fan for his baseball bat back. But, the fan refuses. Crimson Tide argues with him a moment, and then bends back down to go underneath the ring. This time he pulls out a trash can, and tosses it in the ring. He also finds a kendo stick, and tosses that in the ring.

Buisness is about to pick up!

And I was wrong. Crimson Tide is far from out of this..

Crimson Tide slides back in the ring, and Stephen Blood slowly starts getting to his feet. Crimson Tide places the trash can on his head, and then starts banging away on him with the kendo stick! The crowd loves this action right now. He winds up one more time, and drills him with another hard shot from that kendo stick! Stephen Blood falls to his knees, with the trash can on his head.

That'll do the trick.

Crimson Tide then drops the kendo stick, and removes the trash can from off of Stephen's upper turso. He tosses the trash can to the side, and then starts yelling some things at Stephen Blood. He seems to be getting personal, and then backs up towards the ropes again. He goes for a dropkick. But, Stephen Blood, even on his knees- sideswipes him, and Crimson Tide lands hard on the mat!


Stephen Blood rises back up to his feet, and regains his composure. Crimson Tide starts crawling for the ropes, and pulls himself up. But, as he turns around. He's met with a kick to the gut, and then Stephen Blood grabs him with all his might, swinging him, and throwing him face-first through that Screen Glass Door. Crimson Tide smashes through it face-first, and lays over the door, as blood starts trickling from his forehead. The referee calls for the bell!

It appears this match is over.

But, that's not Stephen Blood --

Stephen goes to grab Crimson Tide by the hair, and the referee tries to step in. Stephen Blood shoves the referee back, and focuses his attention on the other-half of the Tag Team Champions. He peals Crimson Tide's face back off of that glass, and shards begin to fall to the mat. There is blood dripping from Crimson Tide's forehead, and it even meshes in with his facepaint. Stephen Blood says something to Crimson Tide. Before dragging him off of that shatter Screen Glass Door, .. and then pulls him to the middle of the ring, drilling him with a beautiful Stephenflow DDT!!!

Holyshit! Holyshit!"

First Blood/Crimson Mask match, must've confused Stephen Blood as well. He's not thru with Crimson Tide. He connects with his finisher, and now he's pinning him all by himself.

Stephen Blood mocks the referees 3-count, and the fans chant along with it .... "... 1, ....... 2, ........ 3!"

Well, that officially does it.

Danielle Worley: And the winner of this 1st round-gimmick match, .... The F'N Legend, .. STEPHEN BLOOD!!!

Well, this one is over, and Stephen Blood moves on, after a long, brutal contest...

Stephen Blood celebrates as he backs his way up the ramp, and looks out at Crimson Tide's lifeless, bloodied body. He smiles to himself, and raises his hands in victory as the crowd lets him hear it with lots of cheers, and great energy! Stephen Blood appears to be a fan favorite for sure, and has the crowd right where he wants them.

Jim Ross: Well, .. Stephen Blood is one step closer in becoming the 2010 King of Xtreme. But, at this time, we'd like to take you backstage, with Flo Stanley standing by with the Wrestler of the Decade, War Machine.


backstage War Machine with Flo Stanley says, "you know at ONE NIGHT ONLY, I never really got to say what I was trying to get at. I've said it for years, and I felt it was the thing of the past. So, that's why I said it the way I did, at the time... I said, "they've tried me, and they found out how good I am." That's what I said at Xtreme Mania: Decade.... but, tonight.. at KOX, "King of Xtreme".... I say, Matt Sharper-- ... TRY ME!!!!"

From behind-- Matt Sharper ATTACKS War Machine. He smashes him from behind with a hard forearm shot, and then becomes stomping away on the beast, as he lays helpless on the ground. He beats up War Machine, .. then Matt Sharper grabs a side of the set, with the television-monitors hooked up to it, and pushes it on War Machine. The large steel set, demolishes War Machine! The fans in the arena can be heard boo'ing this turn of events, and really upset that someone took advantage of War Machine, blind siding him. Matt Sharper disappears out of sight.

Jim Ross: Next match is suppose to be those 2.. what's going to happen??

Jerry Lawler: I'm not sure. I'm confused as you are. We got a 1st round - gimmick match up next, it's suppose to be a Strap Match between those 2 to decide who goes on in this "King of Xtreme" tournament, ....


... Chris Falkenyork backstage with Mitch Keller.

Mitch Keller: Hello world. I'm Mitch Keller, and alongside me, is former XWF World Champion, and current XWF Hall of Famer- Chris Falkenyork. Tonight, Chris you step in the ring with not only the World Champion, Jesse Jones. But, also with the man who defeated you back at "New Beginnings"... 'The Original'. What are you feelings going in to tonight's matchup?

Chris Falkenyork: First off, Mitch. Don't insult my intelligence. Everybody knows that The Original never defeated me. It was a poor decision by the referee to call that match, I never tapped out, and I was still very able and capable of competiting. But, enough about that. Tonight, is what we're all focused on, "King of Xtreme". You see, I have worked hard to become the man I am. To become the Hall of Famer you see before you today, and a lot of people don't respect that. One being -- The Original. But, the other... most importantly- maybe more importantly- being Jesse Jones. I mean, what a complete bush. A weakling. Someone afraid to face himself, and embarassed of the man he's become... tonight, I will take back what is rightfully mine, and remain the top of the XWF yet again.. and there's not a damn thing, that Jones, or even The Original could do about it.

With that, Falkenyork walks out of sight, and we cut to Mr. Lucente's office, and he is standing by with team doctors.

Doctor: Sorry, Mr. Lucente --- .. but, I can not clear War Machine to compete tonight.

With that... the camera zooms out, and Matt Sharper is standing next to Mr. Lucente. The crowd errupts in a chorus of boo's.

Matt Sharper: Mr. Lucente, .. since that animal can't compete tonight. Then I want a free bid to the 2nd round of the KOX tournament..

Mr. Lucente: I have a better idea.. since the man who answered Shiru Vanchiez's challenge, didn't show up.... well, I decided Shiru was going to be placed in the tournament this year, instead.... and well, since this spot, has opened now....

Sharper is pissed, but goes to prepare for Shiru Vanchiez...


Crookz vs. Rage - 1st round- Flaming Tables match.... the winner moves on to the 2nd round of the "King Of Xtreme" Tournament.

Danielle Worley: Introducing first, he is "the Punisher" Crookz.

Out comes Crookz, and the fans don't like him.

Danielle Worley: And his opponent, ... RAGE!!

Fire balls explode everywhere, and the fans could really feel the heat. The big man makes his way down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd, and enters the ring. Him, and Crookz get face-to-face.

Jim Ross: This match is about to get underway, and don't forget - the only way to win this match is by putting your opponent through a Flaming Table. That's what the XWF, and this "King of Xtreme" tournament is all about!

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for this J.R. I've been waiting months!

Both men are face-to-face, and exchange some words as the bell sounds! Crookz slaps Rage across the face, and Rage turns to grasp his chin. He turns around, and BLAST Crookz across the skull with a brutal uppercut, and follows that up with an overhand right. He backs Crookz to the ropes, and irish whips him across the ring. Crookz ducks a clothesline. Rage bends down, as Crookz bounces back off the ropes, and hits him with a swift boot. Rage is forced to stand up straight, and Crookz tries to clothesline him. But, it barely budges Rage. Crookz backs up to the ropes, and when he steps forward for another clothesline, Rage ducks it, and uses Crookz momentum to set him up for an Atomic Drop. He follows that up, by lifting Crookz up on his shoulder, and backing up to the corner. Rage walks forward, and Power Slams him to the mat! Rage gets back to his feet, and points down at Crookz, as he goes to the ropes, and comes back dropping a BIG LEG across his throat! The crowd lets out a mini pop.

Jim Ross: Sending a message to Crookz, and the rest of the XWF faithful with that BIG LEG there King.

Jerry Lawler: Oh, you better believe it's personal for Rage, and the rest of us here.

Rage gets back to his feet, and lifts Crookz up by the head. He backs him in to the corner, and gives him a vicious chop. And another hard chop across the chest! Rage then whips Crookz to the opposite corner, and his back smashes it hard. As Rage rushes in, and splatters him with a belly splash! He grabs Crookz by the back of the head then, and simply tosses him to the mat. Rage makes a throat-slashing gesture. Before going outside the ring, and lets out a huge smile, as the crowd rises to their feet. Rage drags a table out from underneath the ring. He reaches under again for a can of gasoline, and starts pouring it on the table. He then reaches for a pack of matches in his boot, and smiles as he lights the match up, sets the match book on fire, and drops it on the table. The table ignites in flames, and Rage looks on at Crookz in the center of the ring. Rage pulls himself back up on the apron. And Crookz rushes to his feet. He stalls Rage with a knee thru the ropes, and an overhand right shot. But, Rage fires back with a headbutt of his own. Then Rage mounts the turnbuckle, as Crookz gets to his feet, and turns around-- he's met with a devestating FLYING CLOTHESLINE! That brutal shot takes Crookz down.

Jim Ross: Beautiful work by Rage. What a monster!

Jerry Lawler: You could say THAT again J.R.

Rage then stands to his feet, and holds his hand back high over his head. He waits for Crookz to get up, and when he does. He wraps his big hand around his throat, and doesn't stall-- just simply lifts the big man off the canvas, and CHOKE SLAMS him back to mat!! The XWF crowd pops again. As Rage looks down at the flaming table outside. He scoops Crookz up, and tosses him over his shoulder. He walks forward with him, and dumps him to the outside. Crookz goes through the Flaming Table, and the match is over!!!

Jim Ross: Well, that went as bout as well as you could expect.

Jerry Lawler: Crookz didn't even put up a fight J.R. Speaking of not putting up a fight. Bob Levy was recently attacked by Chris Falkenyork, but he's here tonight, and he's backstage with tonight's first loser of the night--

Jim Ross: "Loser's" a little harsh.

Jerry Lawler: That's what he is J.R. I'm just being honest.

Backstage, in his dressing room Bob Levy is with Crimson Tide who is covered in blood.

Crimson Tide: What's the matter Bob don't look so good tonight.

The XWF crowd could be heard laughing as Crimson Tide rips in to Levy.

Crimson Tide: Must be that brace on your leg, or that bandage on your face. But, if your here to ask me how I felt about the 1st round of this King of Xtreme tournament. If your here to question me on my loss to Stephen Blood, or persist on finding out how I feel about being put thru a glass door... well, I loved every moment of it!

The crowd could be heard hooting, and hollering. As Crimson Tide grabs his tag team title, and walks away, out of the room...

Stephen Blood backstage with good ol pal, Mitch Keller.

Stephen Blood: That that match was too easy, and the next one will be even easier... when I hit him with that STEPHEN FLOW DDT, or I pull out the BLOOD HUNT. Who knows what's going to happen, or how it will end. But, I will add to my legacy .. for I am inDEED the F~cking LEGEND.... .. and you already know ...

... he walks away, and walks back in the view, with the crowd all hyped, stating,

"REMEMBER THE NAME..... .. remember, the pain..."

We cut back to ringside where Shiru is already in the ring.

Jim Ross: Strong words from the XWF Tag Team Champions, and.. apparently the man Shiru was set to face, ZANE WALKER, has since disappeared from the XWF. And so the "Shiru Vanchiez Invitational" won't go down this year, like it's suppose to. Instead, we will have Shiru, who was kind enough to agree to this under such short notice, and he will take on Matt Sharper now..

Jerry Lawler: After what we just saw Matt Sharper do, attack War Machine from behind, like a coward, and end his night at KOX already.... I'm not sure what to expect J.R.


Matt Sharper is heading to the ring for the 1st round match, against newly replaced opponent, Shiru Vanchiez. when out of nowhere-- War Machine SPEARS Matt Sharper as he's walking thru the back hallway.. War Machine beats the shit out of him, and says, "you wanted to be STRAPPED TO ME, huh?? You wanted to be strapped to the GREATEST WRESTLER OF THE ENTIRE DECADE?? Well, now you get your chance.." War Machine straps him up, and starts dragging Sharper down the hallway...

Shiru Vanchiez is in the ring, and the referee announces that he is the winner, and automatically moves on to the 2nd round of the tournament....

Jerry Lawler: WOW...

<<<>>>Video Package for tonight's MAIN EVENT is shown, "Mad Dogg" Jesse Jones vs. "The Original" vs. Chris Falkenyork for the XWF World Championship, and the 5 remaining- contestants are ran down again for the KOX Tournament, It will be Stephen Blood vs. Rage in Round 2, and Shiru Vanchiez will now adavance to Round 2, to face the winner of Mars vs. Jon Hampton.<<<>>>>

Jerry Lawler: What you think J.R.? You look at a loss of words.

Jim Ross: I'm simply speechless.

Jerry Lawler: Well, up next is the legend, and hall of famer, simply known as MARS. But, some know him as G.O.A.T, "the Greatest Of All Time", and he will be going against the self-proclaimed, "Chosen One" Jon Hampton in this 1st round, King Of Xtreme, STEEL CAGE match!! ... That is NEXT --


We cut to ringside where the steel cage is lowering in to the ring, and Danielle Worley is set to announce the next match of the night. It will be the last match of the 1st round of the "King of Xtreme" tournament.

"The Chosen One" Jon Hampton vs. Mars -- in a STEEL CAGE match .. the winner moves on to the 2nd round of the "King Of Xtreme" tournament.

Danielle Worley: Introducing first, .. ..he is the self proclaimed, "Chosen One" ... JON.... HAMPTON!!!

Jon's theme music hits, and the crowd begins boo'ing immediately. As the man makes his way out from behind the curtains, the XWF fans really let him hear it, and he starts mocking the people in the audience. He makes his way down the ramp, poking fun at little kids, and shouting things out at anybody he could get a rise out of. He finally makes his way up the steel steps, and steps through the door - inside the great Steel Cage.

Danielle Worley: And his opponent, in this 1st round tournament match ... is ... the self proclaimed, "Greatest Of All Time" .. he is the man known as MARS!!

People instantly rise to their feet, and the crowd is in an uproar. Many diehard Mars fans in the crowd tonight. A lot of XWF faithful showing him a tremendous ammount of support. He makes his way out from the backstage area, and when the fans finally spot him on top of the ramp, they go absolutely BONKERS for the former multi- XWF World Champion. This 2005 Hall of Famer makes his way down the ramp, and plays to the crowd. Clapping hands, and pointing out signs that just have his name on it. He smiles for the camera, and flexes a few muscles. Before jogging the rest of the way towards the ring. He pauses at the door, and takes a look at the massive Steel Cage. He pumps himself up, before taking his blue t-shirt off, and tossing it in to the crowd! Then he walks up the steel steps, in to the ring, and the referees close, and lock the door behind him. Both men are in the middle of the ring, and this will be the last match of the 1st round of this illustrious "King of Xtreme" tournament.

Jim Ross: Well, King.. it's bout to be .. a slobber knocker.

Jerry Lawler: You could say that 10-times over. I mean, these two men in the ring are certainly familiar with these aspects, and this atmosphere playing a huge role in tonight's events.

Jim Ross: You got a former World Champion in there, who promised to do a lot of great things tonight, and you have a man, "the man", "the ulimate one" .. in the ring right now-- trying to prove his worth. He fell short at ONE NIGHT ONLY, .. our "Xtreme Mania: Decade" main event- was featured by him, and "The Mad Dogg" Jesse Jones. Only, it was the Mad Dogg who picked up the victory in that match. Despite Hampton going up 1-0 on the count. It was Jesse Jones who got the next submission, and the final pinfall.. with 3 seconds to go in that remarkable Hell in a Cell, IRONMAN match. But, tonight... the stipulations are much different.

Jerry Lawler: Yes, pin your opponent. Or make your opponent tap out. Or find a way to escape the cage! That is the only opportunities you got in this match tonight!

Jim Ross: Well, this match, and the rest of the matches brought to you by Snickers. "Snickers, .. Betty White eats 'em, why the hell not?" ..

Jerry Lawler: And by Monster Energy Drinks .. "because, People like Them Things." ..

Jim Ross: Lets send it up to ringside, and get to some action--

The BELL SOUNDS, and this match is underway. The two men approach each other in the middle of the ring, and start jaw'ing at one another. Mars than steps back, and Hampton points a finger at his face. While, Mars just shakes his head: "no way". He backs up a few feet, and begins clapping. The XWF crowd follow sin unison with Mars, and suddenly the entire Beaver Stadium in State College, Pennsylvania start clapping, and stomping wildly! Mars then rushes back up in Hampton's face, and they jaw again. Before, Hampton attempts to throw Mars in a sideheadlock. But, Mars shoves Hampton forward off of him, and when he bounces back- Mars simply lays a shoulderblock in to him, and Hampton goes down hard. Hampton pops back up from the mat, and looks pissed. He charges in at Mars, and is met with a hiptoss. Which Mars turns in to a sidearmbar, and begins prying back on Hampton's shoulder, wearing "the Chosen One" down.

Jim Ross: He's giving it to the young fella King.

Jerry Lawler: Yes, indeed he is J.R. I mean, look at the way he's quickly taken over this crowd, and changed the momentum of the tournament.

Jim Ross: Absolutely, Mars came to win this tournament, .. but, he also came to seek revenge on Jon Hampton for those not-so-kind words he had to say about him a couple months back.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, he berated him, and called him out in front of the entire XWF crowd. It was a LIVE! ceremony to honor those superstars of the past decade, and Hampton stuck his nose in where it didn't belong.

Hampton works himself off the mat, and actually connects with a solid Backbreaker on Mars!

Jim Ross: And this what's led us to tonight's match. The last of the first round contests... if you saw earlier, Stephen Blood advanced, Rage has advanced to take him on in the 2nd round, and a bizarre turn-of-events... it'll be Shiru Vanchiez who takes on the winner of this contest --

Jerry Lawler: Very bizarre indeed J.R. ... But, right now, it's Hampton who's trying to gain control of this matchup. Following his loss to Jesse Jones back in April!

Hampton works Mars over in the corner. Putting the fists to him, and throwing a knee in to his midsection. Hampton walks forward with Mars, and attempts a Bulldog. But, Mars tosses him forward, and Hampton slams across the canvas. Mars backs up towards the ropes, and rushes in, going for an elevated leg drop, and drops it on the back of Hampton's neck, as he tries to get to his knees. Mars waste no time, and starts putting the boots to Hampton. Then quickly lifting him off the mat, for a High Angle Suplex. He collapses his spine on the canvas, and then rolls over on top of him. Mocking Hampton, and throwing open fists in to his face. Mars gets up, and poses for the crowd, and they love it!!

Jim Ross: Not many people have gained the respect, and could ignite a crowd like Mars. I mean, this man is the G.O.A.T. .. you know that right King?

Jerry Lawler: Oh, you don't got to tell me J.R. He's the Greatest Of All Time, and he carries himself very well. Unlike that other guy--

Back in the ring, Mars drops an elbow across Hampton's skull, and wears him down with a sleeperhold in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: You got to believe Hampton bit off more than he could chew this time. Back at "New Beginnings".. he was defeated by both Shotgun, and Jones in the same night... despite taking out the other Hall of Famer in that 2nd chance championship tournament, HHH.

Jerry Lawler: Yes, he was the #1 contender because he had beat Jones twice during the Summer of 2008, don't forget.. it was Hampton who may have got lucky over him at "New Beginnings".

Back in the Steel Cage. Mars tosses Hampton face-first in to the cage, and Hampton falls flat on his back. Mars begins climbing the ropes, and waits up there for Hampton to turn around. Once he does, he leaps off and nails him with an Ax Handle Smash! The crowd marks out for Mars. As he points for the top of the Steel Cage, and makes his way over. He begins climbing the Steel Cage now, trying to escape, and win this 1st round match.

Jim Ross: Yep, .. Hampton was the unlucky one at "Xtreme Mania" however, and he may be the unlucky one here tonight. It was a Hell in a Cell that kept him trapped in there with Jesse Jones last time. This time, the Steel Cage might be the doom of Jon Hampton.

Mars reaches the top of the cage. But, suddenly a hand reaches up, and it's Hampton pulling him back in the ring. Hampton manages to work Mars down to the ropes. And grabs the back of Mars head.. leaping forward, and connecting with a vicious Bulldog from the top rope!!

Jim Ross: My gawd! Mars simply face-planted in to the canvas.

Jerry Lawler: This is Hampton's chance at redemption..

Hampton starts crawling for the ropes, and looks to escape the cage. But, has 2nd thoughts, as he looks back over at Mars, who is struggling to get to his knees now. Hampton rushes in, and goes for a wicked punt across Mars' face. But, the veteran Mars moves out the way just in time, he grabs Hampton's leg, and holds it out, as Jon hops on one leg. Begging for Mars to let him go. Mars smiles, and spins Hampton around, clotheslining him to the mat!! The crowd pops again, as Mars gets to his feet, and mounts the top turnbuckle. He hollers at the crowd, before dropping a fist across his face, from the top rope!!

Jim Ross: Devestating Knuckle-Sandwich!

Jerry Lawler: Ahh. Did you say Knuckle Sandwich?

Mars then slowly lifts Hampton off the mat, and executes a sickening Gut Wrench Powerbomb! The crowd erupts as Mars hops back to his feet, and then he peals Hampton off the mat again. This time, he hoist him over his back, and spins Hampton around for a little while. The crowd laughs at his antics, as he finally drops him with a modified Samoan Drop!!

Jim Ross: Brilliant work out here tonight by Mars.

Mars shows no pity on Hampton, and lifts him off the canvas again. However, he starts jaw'ing at Hampton, and Hampton pushes him back-- then he SPITS in Mars' face. The whole crowd ooh's, and ahh's at this. As Mars wipes the little spittle away from his cheek. He then charges in, kicks Hampton in the guts, and pulls his arms over behind him, .. setting him up for HHH's finisher... and then finally PLANTING Hampton with a Pedigree!! For some reason the crowd eats this moment up, and are jumping up, and down everywhere in the stadium. There's not a still body in the house, as the place is a rockin'

Jim Ross: Sending a message to the former #1 contender ..

Jerry Lawler: Mars wants to win this. But, he wanted to humiliate Hampton tonight, and after that move-- we know it's not looking good for the supposed, "Chosen One" now.

Mars looks down at the lifeless Hampton, as he begins mounting the ropes, and pulls himself up on top of the Steel Cage. He flexes a huge muscle for the crowd. Before making his way down the outside of the Steel Cage. He drops a few feet down to the outside mat, and that is it. The XWF fans are very pleased! They are celebrating in the audience right now, and Mars looks very happy to have one his first contest back to the squared-circle in over 5 years.

Jim Ross: Give it up for Mars. We never hyped this up as much as we should. But, that was Mars' first match back in an XWF ring.. in over 5 years King. I mean, the man is a former Intercontiental Champion, he was quite possibly the greatest XWF World Champion we've ever had. He was a dynasty in himself, and truly one of the original thoroughbreads of the XWF.

Jerry Lawler: I'll give you that. Looked like Hampton was very sluggish out there. Didn't put up much of an effort, and tonight it was Mars who moved on to the 2nd round, but wait-- what's this ??

Mars forces the referees to unlock the Steel Cage door, and he re-enters the Steel Cage like he promised. He quickly hops on Hampton, and latches on the STF!!

Jim Ross: He's got him where he wants him now King!!

Jerry Lawler: Painful move he has latched on, and Hampton is tapping out like a crazed wild man! He wants no more part of this experience..

Jim Ross: Oh, c'mon now King. We all know Hampton was asking for it. And Mars is giving it to him now!!

After a few seconds of torturing Hampton, he decides to get up, and get the crowd involved again. He starts clapping, and roaring the crowd up. Stomping on the mat, as they hop up, and down in the crowd!! Mars then slowly stalks Hampton, and finally prys him off the canvas. Setting him up for his own finisher.. the move known as , "The Red Sun"... He latches it on, and plants Jon Hampton in the center of that XWF ring-- with a glorified hellacious maneuver!!

Jim Ross: He made his statement felt tonight,

Jerry Lawler: And that was the exclimation mark!

Mars relishes in this "King of Xtreme" moment, as the Steel Cage is raised back to the rafters, and he begins making his way up the ramp, to a great ovation from the crowd!

Jim Ross: Well, what a way to start off this night... with this tournament. We already know what's going to happen in the 2nd round of this "King of Xtreme" event. It will be... Stephen Blood going one-on-one.. with Rage in an Xtreme Rules match, and it'll be... Shiru Vanchiez who finds himself in the 2nd round already, without even having to compete earlier tonight,.. and he will go up against the man who just did some serious damage in that ring, Mars!!

Jerry Lawler: It'll be quite the 2nd round, and we still have so much more planned J.R.

Jim Ross: That's right, we've got The Guerillas vs. The Wreckin' Crew scheduled up next .. the winners will be the new #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles.. but, judging by the way things went tonight, and the fact that neither team has shown their face in a few months. You never know here in the XWF. But, .. we also got "TV-MA" Mark Adkins returned to the squared-circle, and WOW.. what has transpired over the past few months.. has been nothing short of breath-taking, and .. well.. bizarre. The XWF has been known for a few things, and one of 'em is the Elite... .. which has now saw Carlos A. Shotgun fall victim to Chris Falkenyork's ambush at Xtreme Mania, ending in a Version 7 finishing hold. With Mark Adkins front-and-center the whole entire time. Sasha Shotgun got involved... now she finds herself in the middle of all this mess. And I don't want to tell ya what happend--

Jerry Lawler: It was crazy J.R. At first, we think these guys are just back for ONE NIGHT ONLY. Nope! Next thing you know... we've got Adkins accidentally harming Shotgun's wife, .. and then-- announcing he wants to take Carlos on .. .. with one condition, if he wins, he gets to have Sasha Shotgun as his slave for ONE WHOLE YEAR. I mean, .. Shotgun on the other hand. All Carlos could do, is win, and get his ONE FAVOR from Mark Adkins. Who knows what that would be, if he ends up winning tonight? But, meanwhile... Adkins has went as far as claiming to have injected, and impregnated Carlos' wife, Sasha Shotgun. It's been quite the unexpected .. with all these twists, and turns.. .. in this interesting saga. But, now the question remains. Who will walk out the victor? And what will the consequences truly be?

Jim Ross: There's no telling King. So much has went down, so much has transpired over the last few months. Carlos A. Shotgun, and "TV-MA" Mark Adkins are heading for one heated, and completely memorable battle.

Jerry Lawler: And we still got the "Triple Threat" Main Event ..... with 3 of the XWF's best.

Jim Ross: It should be quite the night. We already saw Crimson Tide go thru a glass door. We witnessed Crookz going through a flaming table. We watched as Matt Sharper attacked War Machine like some sort of coward, only to get Spear'ed, and dragging away with that strapped attached to War Machine's arm....

Jerry Lawler: Not good news for Sharper by the way.

Jim Ross: No sir. And now, Shiru has moved on to the 2nd round.. where he will take on Mars, who just took it to Jon Hampton in that steel cage match!

Jerry Lawler: Great work so far J.R. We still got the 2nd round of that tournament, the "King of Xtreme" Finals, .. .. TV-MA vs. Carlos A. Shotgun, and.... .. our "Triple-Threat" Main Event is still on the way!!.. What more could we say J.R.?

Jim Ross: I think we bout said enough. Up next, ... The Guerillas scheduled to take on The Wreckin' Crew.. the winners are the new #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles. You won't want to miss this!


We cut backstage where senior analysis Flo Stanley is standing by at The Guerillas dressing room.

Flo Stanley: Ladies, and gentlemen. I am standing by at the locker room door of the former tag team champions, and 2009 Hall of Famers, The Guerillas. But, appears they don't want to talk to anybody or they simply haven't arrived. Because, I've been knocking for the last 20 minutes, nobody is answering the door. I'm not so sure about that #1 contenders match.... ..lets send it Back to RINGSIDE--

In the ring, The Wreckin' Crew are working the fans up, and calling out the Guerillas on the mic. Flip Johnson, and Brutality are drawing a ton of heat from the soldout crowd at Beaver Stadium in State College, Pennsylvania.

Flip Johnson: All this talk about... #1 contenders for Tag Titles. All this complaining, and bitching, and moaning over the last few months... has made me down right sick to my stomache. Here me, and Brute are.. waiting for our opponents to say something, to test the waters, and see what they got-- but, they're afraid. The Guerillas are dodging us. And I don't blame 'em! After the way we attacked them at Xtreme Mania: Decade.. I don't blame those lousy sum'bitches one bit. But, if they want to talk about the greatest Tag Team ever.... look no further. Because, The Wreckin' Crew is the greatest tag team champions to ever step foot in this arena. We are the baddest in the buisness, and The Guerillas have always been jealous of that. Even after their Hall of Fame induction, it wasn't enough. They provoke us, and then they sit, and hide like chumps. We are disgusted of them!!

Before, Flip could hand the microphone over to his tag team partner, Brutality -- The Guerillas come from the crowd, and pounce on The Wreckin' Crew....... they stomp 'em out of the ring, and the Wreckin' Crew hightails it back up the ramp. The crowd is really in to this segment. As The Phan picks up the mic and says, "So shall it be written… So shall it be DONE!

As The Phan hands the mic to his longterm tag team partner, Midnight Star.

And Midnight star suggests,

"Remember that we truly are at the NIPSE of the UNIVERSE!"

The crowd goes completely APE SHIT for these former Tag Team Champions, and we cut backstage where Mars is standing backstage with Bob Levy.

Bob Levy: Mars, what do you think about your return to the XWF tonight.. here, at King Of Xtreme?

Mars: You know Bob you ask an interesting question. But, it's quite obvious .. by my turnout tonight. That I've been waiting all my life to get back in the ring, and enjoy myself again. Sure, I'm a family man now, things have changed. But, one things remain the same.... my competitive edge. I'll see you out there, young Shiru!

Then we cut to Flo Stanley, with Shiru Vanchiez backstage.

Flo Stanley: Well, here's one man who hasn't been avoiding anyone all night. Shiru Vanchiez. Tonight, Shiru .. you've already had many up's and down's, and have yet to compete in a single match. What are you thoughts on all this King Of Xtreme controversy??

Shiru Vanchiez: You know, it has been quite the journey for me. You see, I haven't competed in the XWF in over 4 years now. But, I've always been a hardworker. I've always been willing to go above, and beyond my call of duty. A few months back-- some punk interrupted me, and got his wish to face me at a 'Shiru Vanchiez' Open Invitational. Now, he's backed out... then Sharper attacked War Machine, he was ousted for the tournament... putting me in his spot, .. that was until-- War Machine showed why he's the greatest wrestler in the history of this company! And right now, somewhere in this arena, or this city.. he has Matt Sharper strapped to him, and I don't envy that man. But, you see.. tonight's not about them. It was never about the controversy that surrounded King Of Xtreme, or the controversy surrounding me. It is about opportunity. It is about success. It is about capitalizing when the time is right. Right now, I'm bout to go in to the ring with an original Hall of Famer. Mars, who was inducted in the Hall of Fame back in 2005.. he has decided to return, and now is my chance to prove myself! ... Win, or lose.. you got to believe that Shiru Vanchiez is on his way to making his presence felt. That this is the night that I solidify myself among XWF legends. I will prove to be the perfect competitor. And show these people why I deserve to be here! .. Pennsylvania.. get ready for me. XWF, .. prepare for my return. Because, I'm completely ready for this, truth is I've always been ready for this moment!! ...Afterall, .. I am the Reason Fear is Experienced.

The crowd hoots and hollers for Shiru Vanchiez as he states his catchphrase, and heads towards the ring for the 2nd round of this "King of Xtreme" tournament.

Flo Stanley: Lets send it back to ringside with Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Back at ringside, the XWF commetators are breaking down the event.

Jim Ross: So many up's and down's so far, and we have yet to get to the meat of the scheduled card. We have the 2nd round coming up next, immediately followed by the One Year Slave/One Favor match ... between "TV MA" Mark Adkins, and Carlos Shotgun. Then we will get to our extraordinary Main Event planned for the evening.. a "Triple Threat" XWF World Championship encounter. Between the XWF World Champion - Jesse Jones .. Chris Falkenyork, and The Original. Three tremendous superstars.. who will risk it all in an Xtreme battle tonight.

Jerry Lawler: But, up next -- it's Shiru Vanchiez vs. Mars - in our 2nd round-- "King Of Xtreme" tournament......



The crowd watches that video package. As we fade back to ringside for our next contest.

2nd Round - Mars vs. Shiru Vanchiez -- Xtreme Rules Match! -- Winner moves on to the "King Of Xtreme" FINALS

Danielle Worley: Introducing first, ... he is The Man Behind The Legend.. he is Shiru Vanchiez!!

Shiru comes out to a nice pop from the crowd. He doesn't have them all on his side yet. But, he has a majority of people rooting for him in this tournament. He makes his way down the ramp, and looks very serious. As he bows before he walks up the ring steps, and then bows again before stepping through the ropes. He bows towards Danielle Worley, as she announces the man he will be facing next.

Danielle Worley: ... And his opponent.... he is an original XWF Hall of Famer, .... he is ... MARS!!!

The place is livid for this multiple- XWF World Champion.

Jim Ross: A man who has risked it all, and sacraficed his every being to becoming an XWF legend. Now, he's here to day to honor the fans, and to grace the XWF with his presence yet again.

Mars continues to make his way down the ramp, clapping fans hands, and pointing out various signs, such as, "G.O.A.T. = K.I.N.G."

Jerry Lawler: You know, I hate to say it J.R. But, if anyone has a chance against Mars-- it's Shiru Vanchiez. This kid is dedicated in his craft. He's toughnosed, he has an interesting background, a discplined up bringing. This man is a true competitor and he wants to prove it to the XWF audience tonight!

Jim Ross: Well, he'll have his shot that's for sure, and you got to give him credit. Taking on this tournament in such short notice. He didn't know what to expect. Now, he's about to get in there with who many feel is one of the greatest - if not -- "THEE Greatest Of All Time" .. Mars.

Mars finally enters the ring, and the State College, Pennsylvania crowd is very loud. The Beaver Stadium appears to be rockin' as those two come face-to-face for the first time. Shiru Vanchiez bows to Mars out of respect, and Mars gives him a half-nod. As both men seem real intense for their first time encounter, and this start of the 2nd round.

Jim Ross: This is what it's all about King. Two of the XWF's finest squaring off to see who gets to advance to the FINALS of this King Of Xtreme tournament. We've already had so many moments take place here tonight. I wouldn't be surprised by an upset.

Jerry Lawler: So, you're going with the underdog, Shiru Vanchiez?

Jim Ross: Now, I didn't say that. But, this match is about to be interesting to say the least.

Jerry Lawler: I agree with that assesment. It's anybody's tournament, they just have to own up to it right now!

Jim Ross: Lets send it to ringside for the start of our 2nd round KING OF XTREME tournament......

The match begins with the crowd on their feet, and chanting for both men. It seems the crowd is a bit split on this next contest. They're not sure who to root for in this one. The true Underdog, or the 2005 XWF Hall of Famer who has won multiple championships over his career? You could definitely feel the energy in the air.

Jim Ross: This is what KING OF XTREME is all about! We are in round 2, and as always.. expect the unexpected. Shiru Vanchiez has somehow found himself one step away from the Finals of this Tournament. Meanwhile, Mars put on a spectacular show moments ago, and is ready to go back to work!

Jerry Lawler: Give him much credit J.R. Alot of people were writing Mars off. Hampton got in his face back at our award show we had in May. While Mars decided to hold his ground, defend his honor, and his name... now he's in the 2nd round of this KOX tournament. Just one pinfall, or submissiona way.. from having a chance at winning this whole thing, and getting his prize-- the opportunity to get an XWF World Title shot!

Jim Ross: I was about to say, "it all comes down to this." But, there's still more on the way. I think it just feels like there's a lot riding on this match.

Jerry Lawler: This is the first match, I feel like.. I'm not sure who's going to come out the victor.

After a few seconds of build-up, and these 2 men staring each other down. The BELL finally rings, and these 2 begin circling each other in the ring. Sizing each other up, and getting a feel of the atmosphere. This truly will be a spectacular contest, and you could tell that as soon as they lock up in the middle of the ring. They start pushing on each other, and Mars finally over powers Shiru, driving him back in the corner, keeping a forearm lunged up against Shiru's throat. Shiru doesn't like this, and tries to work himself out of it. He finally does, and grabs Mars' arm putting it behind his back, and wrenching away at the former World Champion.

Jim Ross: Shiru has an unorthadox style, I think we'll see a lot of that tonight--

Mars reverses the arm bar, in to an arm bar of his own. He puts the pressure on Shiru, when out of nowhere, Shiru ducks, and rolls forward. He counters that move by Mars, and now has Mars planted on the mat, as he wrenches back on his arm yet again!

Jim Ross: Beautiful counter, after counter.

Mars quickly works himself off the mat, and uses his strength to reverse the arm bar in his direction, and now has Shiru by the wrist, applying pressure to that elbow. Shiru literally flips over, and flips back over, trying to untangle himself from this mess. Then goes to kick Mars in the gut. But, Mars catches his foot, just in time. As Shiru then out of nowhere blasts him over the head with a nasty Enziguri! That shot rattles Mars. Taking him down to the mat, and Shiru wastes no time. He goes to the ropes, and hops on the top rope-- keeping his balance, he does a complete MOONSAULT, and lands it!! He covers Mars up for the 3-count,



......... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Mars kicks out just in time! I hate to say it-- but it'll probably take a lot more than that to get rid of the "Greatest Of All Time".

Jerry Lawler: You never know J.R. This Shiru kid seems resilient, he seems determined to put this one away, and advance to the finals of King Of Xtreme.

Shiru quickly puts Mars in a sleeperhold on the ground. Then he releases his own hold. Backs up to the ropes, and DROPKICKS Mars in the back of the skull! Mars snaps forward, and rolls around in obvious pain. Shiru then looks around at the crowd, and starts getting them hyped up. As he hops up on the top turnbuckle now, and signals for a big move. As Mars is slowly getting to his knees, hunched over-- Shiru does a FULL-FLIP in mid-air, and goes for a wicked LEG DROP... but, Mars moves his head back just in time!! Shiru catches nothing but a stiff mat. Mars ceases his opportunity, and makes the cover, ..




..... ... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Very close.

Jerry Lawler: Shiru almost took himself out on that last move.

Jim Ross: That's why you got to be careful. Sure, you could take calculated risks. But, against a guy like Mars. A man who has put his body on the line over the years. If he agrees to come back-- to the XWF, you know he mean buisness King. Tonight Mars has a lot to prove! But, give Shiru credit- for hanging in there after that botched move.

Mars is in control now, and the fans are real in to this match. Mars picks up Shiru in a Fireman's Carry, and dumps him on his back. He makes another quick-cover,...

Jim Ross: This could do it!



....... kick out!"

Jerry Lawler: Not going to put Shiru away that easily. He has a lot of fight still left in him. He's my new favorite to win this whole tournament J.R.

Jim Ross: Who was your favorite before Crookz?

Jerry Lawler: No, Matthew Sharper- of course.

Mars pulls Shiru off the mat, by the arm, and Shiru's body seems kind of lifeless. But, out of nowhere, Shiru spins Mars around, and traps him in a barehug. He tries to go for a belly-to-belly suplex-- but, Mars is too strong for him. Instead, Mars is the one who plants him with a sickening Belly-to-Belly suplex!! Shiru splatters across the canvas, and rolls to the outside apron. Dropping to the mat below, and avoiding Mars as long as can. However, Mars notices this, and immediately gives chase. He steps through the middle ropes, and hops to the outside mat. He walks up behind Shiru, and goes to grab the kid-- but, in one swift move- it is Shiru who somehow manages to work himself out of Mars' sneak attack, and throw him shoulder first in to the ring post!!

Jim RosS: Did you hear that? Did you hear that loud thud? His shoulder just cracked in to that post!

Jerry Lawler: Devestating reversal. Just an incredible counter by Shiru Vanchiez, to work himself behind Mars, and change the momentum of this match.

Shiru begins working on Mars on the outside. First he irish whips him in to the barricade! Mars back smashes the wall. As Shiru rushes in, and throws a High Knee at his chest! Mars crumbles to the ground. As Shiru points out at the fans, and some pop for him. But, he mostly receives a lot of heat from that side of the stadium. He then lifts Mars off the mat by that injured arm, and takes it SLAMMING it against the top of the barricade. Mars screams out in pain. As Shiru grabs that arm again, and this time-- hops over the barricade himself. He is standing in the front row with those rabid XWF fans!!! He takes Mars by the arm, and starts slamming it down on that barricade wall-- over, and over, and over. Some fans actually start marking out for this now. As Mars takes his free hand, and rakes at the eyes of Shiru Vanchiez, forcing him to release the hold momentarily. Mars falls to the mat, and clutches his shoulder.

Jim Ross: He seems to be in a lot of excruciating pain right now.

Jerry Lawler: What about Shiru? He raked his eyes. He could be blind now. Is that even legal in this type of match?

Jim Ross: What are you talking about?? It's an XWF "King Of Xtreme" semi-finals... it's XTREME rules-- what do you think?? Huh? What are you thinking right now?

Jerry Lawler: I'm thinking you're blowing up for nothing J.R. Calm down. I understand you're a fan of Mars.

Jim Ross: Of course, I'm a fan of Mars- like many others. But, that doesn't change the fact-- that you are a jackass.

Shiru hops back over the barricade. But, he has a steel chair, that he must've ripped out from underneath a fan. He walks over to Mars, and drills him over the back with that steel chair! He lifts it up again, and SMASHES it over his back yet again. He lifts it up, and yells something to the fans- before putting that steel chair to Mars' back once more! Mars screams out in pain now. As Shiru tosses the chair to the ground.

Jim Ross: Where's the DQ now? Huh? Where's the DQ?

Jerry Lawler: Calm down J.R.

Jim Ross: No, you talking about all that nonsense. Why don't you say it now? Where's the DQ at?

Jerry Lawler: There is none ..... .. .. by the way- the King of Xtreme pay-per view is brought to you by Dairy Queen. DQ- treats you right!

Jim Ross: Like I said, JACKASS.

Shiru starts slapping the back of Mars' head, taunting him a little bit, and then picks him up by the head, rolling him in to the ring. Shiru poses for the fans a moment. Lifting his hands up in victory, as he slides back in the ring, and weighs his options. He backs up towards the ropes, bounces off them, and hits Mars with a Quick Leg Drop! He then throws him in to a sleeperhold once more. Before, he gets his legs wrapped around Mars' throat, and pulls him down to the canvas-- in a brutal Leg Scissors Chokehold.

Jerry Lawler: This could do it. This could be the move that puts him away. Like Carlos Shotgun did to Xavier Summers back in the Summer of 2008-- when he beat him in that Lumberjack match. It is Shiru's turn to get revenge on the XWF, and put his nemesis away!

Jim Ross: Nemesis? What are you talking about? These 2 have never met. Never spoke. Never said a word to each other. Not until tonight. Not until the finally got in that ring with each other. There is no bad blood between these 2. They just have the same goal in mind. Become the 2010 King Of Xtreme, and get your XWF World Title shot. That's all they care about! That's all these 2 men, or the next 2 men coming out here-- .. that's all they really want. Is to be the King!

Jerry Lawler: But, I'm already "the King" J.R.

Jim Ross: The "KING of XTREME" - no you're not. These 2 have a chance to fight for it. They are putting their lives on the line. Look at Shiru out there wearing down the multiple- XWF World Champion. A man who is synomous with the term first time ballot Hall of Famer. His name will echo in the adeles of time.

Jerry Lawler: One of the greatest icons-- I'll give you that.

Jim Ross: Right now he's in trouble, as Shiru applies more pressure with that submission hold. The referee is checking on Mars to see if he's ready to quit. He then begins lifting his arm... if it drops 3 times- this match is over.....

Shiru continues to wear down Mars with that Leg Scissors Chokehold. The referee lifts Mars' hand once, ..... and it drops....

... the referee lifts Mars' hand a 2nd time.... ... and it drops...

the referee lifts Mars' hand a 3rd time....

....but, Mars manages to hold his arm up, and avoid being eliminated from this tournament. Out of nowhere Mars gets this burst of energy, and reverses the move over, until he is somehow able to counter it in to an Ankle Lock submission!! He's got Shiru face down on the mat now, and that young man is in pain.

Jim Ross: He's got nowhere to go!!

Jerry Lawler: Not like this J.R. Not like this!

Shiru is fighting furiously to get to those ropes. But, Mars just pulls him back further. He has him in the center of that XWF ring. The fans are on their feet, and they want to see a quick ending to this 2nd round tournament match. But, suddenly Shiru manages to lift himself off the mat. Mars still has him by one foot. But, Shiru stands up and goes for another Enziguri. Which Mars ducks, and he still has Shiru's foot in his grasp. He still has the Ankle Lock submission applied!!!

Jerry Lawler: This spells doom for young Shiru!

Jim Ross: Can he do it? Can Mars put away another one, and advance to the KOX finals??

Shiru is screaming, pleading for help.. he's trying to crawl for those ropes. But, Mars has a solid grip on that ankle. He's working on the up-and-coming superstar. Trying to force him to tap out, right here!! But, Shiru uses his other leg to press up on Mars body, and shove him away-- just enough to push him away, making him release the hold, and crawling to the ropes as fast as he can. Shiru clutches the bottom rope, and when Mars goes over to mess with him. The referee gets in Mars' face, and tells him he has to honor the 5-second rule. Mars pushes past the offical, and goes to grab that ankle again. But Shiru kicks him with his other free leg across the head. Mars stands up, and looks stalled for the moment. Shiru gets to his feet, and sweeps Mars leg out from underneath him. Then Shiru backs up towards the ropes, and goes for a ROLLING THUNDER!! He connects, and wraps a leg up.....





.... Mars kicks out!!"

Jim Ross: Where did Shiru find the guts to pull that move off? You figure his ankle has been weakened by that attack from Mars. But, Shiru Vanchiez manages to reach down deep, and almost put Mars away.

Jerry Lawler: These 2 have it all. Weather Stephen Blood wins, or Rage wins the next contest-- they have their hands full.

Jim Ross: These 2 might be battered, and bruised by then.

Shiru glances around the ring, and looks out at the Pennsylvania crowd. He tries to gather himself over in the corner. As Mars starts rolling around the ring, and he's trying to find out where he is right now. Both men looking to make their next move possibly. Then Shiru lunges towards Mars, and is caught in a Hip Toss, that Mars turns in to an arm wrench.. then he works him down in to a beautiful Cross Arm Breaker!! The crowd pops for Mars as he gets ready to put away Shiru Vanchiez.

Jim Ross: Nice counter by Mars. Reversing in to a hip toss, right in to an amazing Cross Arm Breaker, and Shiru has nowhere to go!!

Shiru fights off the move. He doesn't want to tap here, but he's no where near the ropes. Mars wrenches back on that move, and then suddenly releases the hold on his own. Mars begins grasping his shoulder, and Shiru breaks from the submission hold. Mars rolls around the mat in pain, and Shiru crawls for the ropes. He pulls himself up, and directs his attention back to the 'G.O.A.T.' That's when Shiru starts kicking his back, just stomping on Mars' shoulders, and trying to wear the 2005 Hall of Famer down. Shiru backs up to the ropes, and comes back-- while Mars is getting to a knee- Shiru nails him with a dropkick to the face! Mars goes down, and Shiru makes the quick cover,....



...... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Mars keeping this match alive!

Shiru grabs Mars by the head, and starts dragging him off the mat. He sets him up for, and connects with a KILLSWITCH!! The crowd marks out for Shiru Vanchiez, as he plants Mars in the center of that XWF ring. He covers him up, real cocky, and gets ready for the ...




....... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Close one!

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, close call there J.R. I thought it was over!

Shiru looks around the ring, and isn't quite sure what to do. Realizing it's an Xtreme Rules match, he rolls out of the ring, and walks over to the time keeper- pushing him out of his seat. He then picks up the steel chair, folds it up, and slides back in the ring with it. The crowd is in an uproar, as Shiru waits for Mars to get off the ground. He's waiting as Mars is to one-knee, and then Mars spins around to face him. Shiru goes for a big swing, but Mars side-steps him, and kicks him in the gut. Delivering a sickening DDT to Shiru right on top of that same steel chair!!! But, he doesn't cover him up right away. The crowd is popping like crazy, and Shiru is laid out flat.

Jim Ross: Mars has an opportunity to cover here, and end this match right now.

Mars finally starts rolling Shiru on his back, and then places an arm on his chest. The cover, ...





... kick out!"

Jim Ross: And this match is still alive!! Shiru keeps his chances of winning the King of Xtreme crown going, and Mars has to find another answer.

Both men slow to get to their feet. But, it's Shiru who is getting up first in the corner. Mars pops up and goes for a Spear tackle .. but, Shiru using the ropes as leverage, hops up over Mars, almost making him crack his shoulder on the ring post. However, Mars stops himself with the ropes just in time. But, it's Shiru who leaps over him, and rolls him up in a beautiful pinning combination , ....



.... kick out!"

The fans are estatic, as Shiru rolls back to his feet, and Mars gets to a knee. Both men staring each other down from across the ring. Shiru rushes in, and goes for a Hurricanrana on Mars-- he connects with it!! Mars goes flying across the ring. Shiru then waits a moment for Mars to start rolling around. As Shiru takes off towards the ropes, and goes for a Springboard Moonsault!!! But, when Mars turns around, he ends up catching Shiru in mid-air, and sets him up for what appears to be a Piledriver-- and he executes it!!! Mars drops Shiru Vanchiez on his head in the middle of the ring. Barely missing that steel chair that's still laying on the canvas.

Jim Ross: This could be the end--

Mars covers him up, ....




.... Shiru barely kicks out!!"

Jerry Lawler: All these XWF fans are on their feet right now. They are loving this back, and fourth action we're having here.

Mars gets to his feet, and signals for the 'Red Sun'..

Jim Ross: He's going to be going for that nasty Front Face Suplex. But, can he get a hold of Shiru first.

Shiru rolls up to a knee, and then starts getting to his feet. When Mars drills him with an open right hand, then another open right hand. He goes to kick him in the gut. But, Shiru catches his foot this time, and brings him in for a stiff clothesline! Shiru lays him out with that one, and places a hand on his chest, ....



..... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Neither man wants to go home with a loss. They both want to be duking it out in the King of Xtreme FINALS later here tonight --

Shiru crawls for the ropes, and pulls himself up. Mars is slow to get to his feet, and Shiru decides to take to the sky. He pulls himself up on to the top turnbuckle, and waits for Mars to turn around. When he does, he leaps on him with a Crossbody, that he turns in to a pinning combination, but Mars rolls through it, and now he has Shiru pinned in the center of the ring,



.. kick out!"

Jerry Lawler: Oh my J.R.! These two don't want to give it up yet.

Shiru gets to his feet, and tries placing Mars in a headlock. He then picks him up to his feet, and has a chance to plant him with a DDT now. But, Mars reverses it in to a Perfect Plex!!!





.... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Shiru barely gets a shoulder up, and I mean BARELY!

The XWF fans are in a ruckus, as these 2 competitors put on a great match.

Jerry Lawler: I've never seen so much energy, and passion from one particular contest in so long. I feel like the XWF is officially back J.R. I mean, what a great counter, in to a tremendous pinning combination. But, Mars still couldn't put Shiru away!

Both men to their feet now, and they are exchanging shots. Shot, after shot. Mars his him with a stiff right. But, Shiru comes back with a hard right of his own. Mars drills him with a brutal forearm. But, Shiru kicks him in the shin, and goes for a double hook DDT. But, Mars breaks through that move, and Shiru instead steps through, and sets Mars up for a Russian Leg Sweep! He drops Mars in the middle of the ring, and Shiru then picks himself off the mat. Shiru Vanchiez then starts working the crowd in a frenzy, riling them all up as he prepares to go for his finisher on Mars. He's waiting to strike, and end this 2nd round match for good. He's trying to advance to the KOX Finals. He waits for Mars to get up, and he goes for a spinning heel kick. But, Mars ducks it... Shiru lands on his feet, and Mars tucks his arms up behind Shiru, and falls forward, in a perfect pinning combination. For the





... NOO!! Shiru kicks out."

Both man stand up, in the center of the ring. As Shiru takes a swift kick to the gut, from Mars - followed by the RED SUN! A nasty front face suplex! Mars plants him face-first on that steel chair, and he covers Shiru for the pin....





.... 3!!"

Jim Ross: He's done it! Mars has done it.

Jerry Lawler: Well, Shiru was going to go for his finisher. He was trying to set up Mars, and I think he wasted too much time. There were too many occassions where Shiru Vanchiez could've maybe put this one away. But, he let Mars hang in there, and took a hard spot right on that steel chair in the center of the ring!

Jim Ross: Yeah, take a look at that replay. Mars lifts him up for the Red Sun, and Shiru's face smashes that steel chair. There was no chance of escaping after that brutal finisher. Fantastic match we had here tonight folks. What a great way to keep this Pay-Per View going, and advance this tournament. Now, we know it'll be the winner of Stephen Blood, and Rage .. going one-on-one against , the "G.O.A.T.".. better known simply as Mars.

Jerry Lawler: MARS wins J.R.! But, Shiru Vanchiez earned the respect of the XWF crowd here tonight, and the rest of his peers saw what he could do. If only he could capitalize at the right moment next time. But, otherwise he faught his heart out, and just wasn't able to come away with a victory here tonight, in the 2nd round of this King Of Xreme tournament!

Jim Ross: Yep, Mars avoided that deadly kick, and snuck up, back-to-back with Shiru, placing his arms underneath his, hooking him up, flipping Shiru on his shoulders, in the center of that XWF ring. Great pinning combination. But, still couldn't put him away. It took the 2005 Hall of Famer's finisher, known as THE RED SUN, on top of a steel chair no less- to put him away! Great ending to that 2nd round match. What a great tournament we have had so far.

We cut BACKSTAGE, where Jesse Jones is spotted in Mr. Lucente's office, looking like he's being scolded.


2nd Round - Stephen Blood vs. Rage - Xtreme Rules match! - The Winner moves on to the "King Of Xtreme" FINALS!

Jerry Lawler: Can't believe the Winner goes on to the King Of Xtreme FINALS to take on Mars.

Jim Ross: THAT is NEXT.

Danielle Worley: Introducing first..

Back at ringside flames explode everywhere! Pyros are going off, and the light of the Beaver Stadium turns to a red tint. Out walks the monster known as Rage.

Danielle Worley: He is... RAGE!!

He makes his way down the ramp, receiving a chorus of boo's, and tons of heat from the Pennsylvania crowd. These XWF fans are really letting him have it. As he makes his way up the steps, in to the ring, he raises his arms, and slams them down- as FIRE explodes from the ring posts. He laughs maniacally.

Jim Ross: Well, you always knew Rage was full of firery anger. But, he hasn't been able to display his reign of terror in quite sometime. He had a hard time during the 'Summer of 2008' ... even though he won that tag match at "New Beginnings", he lost to "The Original" at Xtreme Mania, and then earilier tonight he defeated Crookz by dumping him through a flaming table.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, but if you remember... Rage was also in that Tag Team Championship Ladder Match a few months back, and he didn't win. However, he managed to sneak up behind Stephen Blood after he won that Tag Team Title, and pushed him through a flaming table on that night!

Jim Ross: That is correct, and it doesn't go much beyond that. This is the 2nd round of the 'King Of Xtreme' Tournament.. the winner moves on to face Mars, and the loser goes home.

Jerry Lawler: Lets send it to ringside, where Danielle Worley is about to announce the next participant...

Danielle Worley: And his opponent... ... he is the F'N Legend ...... STEPHEN BLOOD!!!

The crowd is in an uproar as this Hall of Famer makes his way down the ramp to 'Realm Of Chaos' playing in the background. He has a huge smile on his face as he comes out, and points down at the ring, looking Rage directly in the eyes. He wastes no time, and speeds walks, then jogs to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. He stands straight up, and gets in Rage's face.

Jim Ross: Remember, this is XTREME RULES!!

The bell sounds, and this match is officially under way. Both men stand staring at each other, and let the fans soak it up. Blood then pulls back, and slaps Rage across the face. Rage rubs his chin for a second, and goes back for an overhand right. But, Stephen Blood blocks that initial punch. He kicks Rage in the gut, and is about to go for a quick Stephen Flow DDT!! But, Rage blocks it, and reverses it in to an arm bar. He puts pressure from behind Stephen Blood's back. But, Blood rolls forwards, and counters that move brilliantly. He's got Rage down on the mat now, and he's wrenching back on his arm. He wears him down a moment, then releases the hold, steps back to the ropes, and walks forward- drilling Rage with a stiff kick to the back of the skull! Rage holds his head, rolling around in pain. As Stephen grabs him by the arm, and lifts him up off the mat. He irish whips him to the ropes. Rage ducks a clothesline. But comes back, in to a BIG BOOT by Stephen Blood! That boot takes Rage to the canvas, and Stephen Blood circles him. Then stops, and poses in the middle of the ring. Lifting up both arms to symbolize a victory. The fans roar in excitement, as he gets ready to make his next move.

Jim Ross: These XWF fans simply love Stephen Blood. Love him!

Jerry Lawler: Well, because he has the gull to show up, and he knows what he's talking about J.R. I mean, lets be honest... Stephen Blood is one of the greatest XWF superstars we've ever known. Completely under rated. Due to the fact that he didn't have a long reign, or multiple runs as the XWF World Champion. None the less.. he's the F'N Legend.

Jim Ross: I'm surprised both declined to comment before this match. It's the 2nd round of the tournament, we know of their history back at ONE NIGHT ONLY. We know there's a lot at stake tonight.. yet, they had nothing to say towards each other..

Jerry Lawler: They're saying it right now.

Stephen Blood picks Rage up by the head, and forces him in to the corner. He starts putting the fists to him, and then inside knee shots. Followed by rubbing his elbow in Rage's face. He then attempts to irish whip Rage to the corner, but Rage reverses it, and Stephen Blood's back smacks off that turnbuckle! Rage rushes in for a Belly Splash, but Stephen Blood moves out the way just in time, and Rage catches nothing but that top turnbuckle. It stalls him for a second, as he turns to face Stephen Blood, and Blood scoops him up, placing him on his shoulder.. he walks forward with him, and drops Rage face first again on to that top turnbuckle! The crowd lets out some cheers, as they like Stephen Blood's strategy. He then goes to whip him across the ring again, but instead, he pulls Rage to the mat, and quickly locks on the Crippler Crossface!!

Jerry Lawler: Ahhh!!! What's this?!?

Jim Ross: He's trying to put Rage away early, and he might do it.

Jerry Lawler: Has Rage ever tapped before??

Jim Ross: I don't think so King .. . . ..... I'm not sure.

Stephen Blood is wrenching back on Rage with that deadly submission hold. Rage's face is grimising, he might tap out here. He's trapped in the middle of the ring. He crawls for the ropes. But, Blood pulls back on him. Finally, Rage gets his fingers on that bottom rope, and the referee forces Stephen Blood to release the hold. Stephen gets in the referee's face, claiming there's no DQ. But, the referee argues with him a moment. Giving Rage time to crawl to a knee. But, Stephen shoves past the official, and puts a solid boot to Rage's back. Then another hard boot to Rage's rib cage. Rage crawls back in to the corner, and Stephen Blood stands him up. Stephen gets in his face, and talks shit to him. But, suddenly Rage rakes his eyes. Stephen Blood turns to cover his face, and Rage comes in for a Big Boot of his own. But, Blood ducks it, and spins him around. Slapping Rage in the face again! Rage looks pissed, and charges in. But, Stephen side steps him. Rage turns then, right in to Stephen Blood's arms. Blood lifts him off the canvas. Backs up a few feet with him, and POWER SLAMS him in the middle of the ring!! Stephen Blood makes the cover, ....



.......... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Close call there, for Rage.

Jerry Lawler: Stephen Blood wants to put this thing away. He has more important things waiting him in the KOX Finals.... .. Mars!

Both men slowly get to their feet, and Stephen Blood looks out in to the crowd. As Rage tries to crawl up his body. Stephen Blood then hooks his arms underneath Rage's neck. He pulls him down to the mat then, and locks on that vicious BLOOD HUNT!!!

Jim Ross: He's got him! He's got him in that new finisher.. that deadly submission hold.... the BLOOD HUNT!!

Jerry Lawler: Oh god! It's over from here J.R...

Stephen Blood has that move latched on, in the center of the ring, and Rage can't take it any longer. He starts tapping out on the mat!!!

Danielle Worley: The winner of this match, ... .. and the man moving on the the 'King Of Xtreme' FINALS..... He is .. the F'N Legend.... STEPHEN BLOOD!!

The fans pop like crazy! As Stephen Blood rises to his feet, and raises his hands in complete victory. He soaks it up for a little while, and then demands a microphone.

Stephen Blood: Listen here. People of Pennsylvania... the entire XWF crowd.... all you fans out their across the world..... ... MARS.... you might want to turn your television set up for this one. Because, tonight.... I GUARANTEE victory!! I have never done this before. But, I promise.. I will walk out of this night... with another win under my belt, and the right to call myself the 2010 King. Despite me not wanting to have anything to do with this lousy tournament. I've realized, it is my destiny.... to put these snot nose punks in their place. Granted, Mars is a hell of a competitor. But, tonight he will simply be another victim..... Stephen Flow DDT, ... Blood Hunt.. you name it-- he'll get it tonight, ..... because I'm indeed the F*cking Legend .......... REMEMBER THE NAME--

"Remember the PAIN!!!!"

Jerry Lawler: Well, he's done it J.R., and he made it look fairly easy.

Jim Ross: Yes, indeed he did. What's next up for us?

Jerry Lawler: Oh come on J.R. You should know this. It's Carlos A. Shotgun vs. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins.... this should be a good one...

Jim Ross: The match we've been waiting all night for...

**A video package is shown. Just for this particular feud. It will be 'ONE YEAR SLAVE' vs. 'ONE FAVOR' Match. Who will walk out of King Of Xtreme the victor???

- Video package

XM: Decade

Highlights of York vs. Shotgun are shown which led to Adkins dumping Sasha out of the ring head first into the steel steps. Sasha is shown in a hospital bed being monitored by machines.

Shotgun: Is this what you people wanted?!?! Are you not satisfied?!?!

Mark Adkins is shown with a smirk on his face.

Adkins: You really think you have nothing to lose Carlos Shotgun?

Clips of the Beer Domain being imploded are shown as Shotgun’s voice plays over “No longer will I be held back by my past.”

Adkins: You are sadly mistaken!

Clips of Adkins walking into Shotgun’s house, his daughter standing several feet away from Adkins.

Girl: Daddy?

Adkins: Well aren’t you the beautiful one….

Shotgun: What Adkins has done is unforgivable. Adkins wants blood?

Adkins’ sinister laugh is heard.

Shotgun: I’ll give him plenty.

Clips of Mark Adkins dressed as a doctor entering the hospital room and smelling Sasha.

Adkins: That smell…

Shotgun: Never in my life have I wanted to beat someone so badly. Never have I wanted to downright annihilate an opponent. You Mark Adkins will become an example.

Adkins: I will make your life a living hell Shotgun. You want to destroy you own world? I’ll destroy it for you!

Shotgun: I should have destroyed you when I had the chance Mark Adkins.

Adkins: You couldn’t hold me back before, you sure as hell won’t be able to do so now.

Shotgun: One way or another… it ends at KOX.

-end video package


Carlos Shotgun is seen standing in the backstage area warming up. The fans quickly start making noise while he has his back to the camera, his head down staring at the floor. The shot changes to ringside as “Do the Evolution” by Pearl Jam begins to play. The lights dim to a purple hue illuminating the ramp way as Carlos Shotgun comes out to a strong mixed reaction. He stands in front of the entrance looking down at the ramp, not moving an inch as smoke fills the walkway.

Lawler: And there he is! The hall of famer, Carlos Shotgun!

Ross: I tell you I get goose bumps every time I see one of these legends in action. Shotgun has a very long, storied career. The man is a 12 year plus veteran. He has won the heavyweight championship in every organization he’s been in. He is a member of the hall of fame. It seems Shotgun has done everything there is to do, yet I can’t help but think he has been pushed too far.

Lawler: Right you are. Mark Adkins has really pushed Shotgun to his breaking point. There’s no telling what frame of mind Shotgun is in right now.

Shotgun walks confidently down the ramp before walking up the steps. He takes one look around before entering through the ropes as the ring announcer introduces him.

Danielle Worley: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 215 pounds, Carlos Shotgun!

Shotgun stands in center ring looking down at the mat before he finally looks at the fans with cold, determined eyes. He barely acknowledges them as he cracks his neck to the sides and waits patiently in center ring.

Ross: You can just feel the hatred coming out of Shotgun. This isn’t the man we know, this man is out for blood and he just might get it here tonight.

The camera cuts backstage as Mark Adkins exits his locker room and starts making his way towards the entrance. He looks at the camera and laughs loudly.

Adkins: Don’t worry Shotty. I’ll be there soon enough.

As he's walking down the hallway, he passes Shiru Vanchiez..

Adkins: What do you want? I got work to do.

Shiru: You're a sick man.

Adkins: Leave my sight, before you regret something ... ..

Shiru marches on, and Adkins continues his way towards the entrance as he mumbles the word, "loser" under his breath. Adkins then reaches the curtain and looks at the camera as he rubs his hands together.

Adkins: Don’t worry Carlos. Sasha will be taken care of once I end your career once and for all. I’ll take good care of her for a year… that taste…

Adkins closes his eyes and smile psychotically.

Adkins: I can’t wait to eat the whole thing, HAHAHAHA!

Adkins theme starts to play as red lights and flames light up the entrance way. Adkins walks out shortly after to a huge reaction to the sold out crowd.

Lawler: Adkins is making his first wrestling appearance in several years! A fellow member of the hall of fame! A man who turned the world upside down! A true pioneer of this sport is back in an XWF ring!

Ross: Mark Adkins saw the rise and fall of the BOW. Adkins came to the XWF and caused his own personal hell as part of the BOW invasion. This man is a fellow elite. The man was a former member of the Triple Threat. Mark Adkins, just like Shotgun, is a veteran of this sport. This is truly a dream match.

Lawler: Both men are so evenly matched and there is some real hatred between both of them. This match will be hell.

Adkins locks eyes with Shotgun as he cockily walks towards the ring.

Danielle Worley: Making his way to the ring weighing 218 pounds, Mark Adkins!!

Adkins slides into the ring and kneels as he looks at Shotgun with a deranged smile on his face. Shotgun stands motionless in the middle of the ring staring cold into the eyes of his opponent. The referee stands before them giving them strict warnings before motioning for the bell to ring and the match officially begins.

Ross: Here we go. The stipulation is simple folks. If Shotgun wins Adkins must do him a favor, if Adkins wins he keeps Sasha as his slave for a year.

Adkins gets up to his feet and stands right in front of Carlos Shotgun dropping his smile for a serious look. Shotgun and Adkins stare face to face as the arena goes crazy at the sight of the two legends standing face to face for the first time in several years. The place heats up as the men start exchanging words that can’t be heard. Suddenly Shotgun nails Adkins with a right, Adkins nails him with a right of his own. The two men start exchanging punches left and right as the fans explode. Adkins blocks a right and delivers an immediate knee to the midsection, Shotgun clutches as Adkin hooks him for the suplex, Shotgun pushes him off and delivers a kick of his own to the mid section, Adkins winces for a second as Shotgun goes for an immediate clothesline. Adkins slightly ducks and counters into a rock bottom position. Shotgun immediately elbows Adkins repeatedly to the temple forcing Adkins to let go. Immediately, Shotgun fires off a Bullet Shell (superkick) which Adkins sidesteps and instantaneously leg sweeps Shotgun who falls hard on his back. Adkins immediately springboards into a lion sault, Shotgun rolls out of way but Adkins lands on his feet. Shotgun immediately grapevines Adkins knee and drops him into an ankle lock. Adkins quickly grabs the rope as Shotgun instantly releases and rolls to his feet as Adkins does the same. Shotgun gets in a fighting pose as he puts up his defense. Adkins practically mirrors him, both waiting for each other to make the first move.

The sold out crowd get on their feet and start chanting as both legends stand in a draw in the middle of the ring.

Ross: Perhaps this match will be a bit more complex than anticipated…

Lawler: I’m speechless.

Both men circle each other. Adkins suddenly lunges at Shotgun and gets a waistlock, Shotgun tries to elbow Adkins who immediately follows up with a back suplex. Shotgun lands hard as Adkin immediately gets up and proceeds to stomp on Carlos Shotgun’s right arm. Shotgun covers up getting a kick to the head for his troubles. Shotgun immediately rolls out of the ring holding his right arm as the fans start booing.

Lawler: Adkins with the clear advantage.

Ross: Shotgun found himself in a tough situation and decided to hightail it out of there.

Shotgun slams the apron clearly frustrated as Adkins immediately does a baseball slide. Shotgun sidesteps him and swings him like a baseball bat right into the guard rail. Adkins hits back first into the rail with a sick thump as the crowd immediately “ohh”. Shotgun quickly proceeds to lay boots to the head of Adkins who seems to be slightly out of it. Shotgun grabs him up and immediately whips him against the steel steps. Adkins manages to puts the breaks on right on time. Shotgun comes running right after Adkins and delivers an instantaneous bulldog onto the steps. Adkins bounces off and holds his head on the apron. Shotgun follows up by hooking him into a sweeping position. Shotgun adjusts as he delivers a front Russian legsweep causing Adkins to hit head first into the steel steps cutting him open in the process. Shotgun gets to his knees and looks down at Adkins who’s bleeding profusely. A smile slowly starts growing in Shotgun’s face as he looks at the carnage before him.

Ross: That is the first sign of emotion Shotgun has shown all night.

Lawler: He claimed he would destroy Adkins tonight, and I have to say… he just might!

The crowd comes alive as Shotgun looks down at Adkins who opens his eyes, blood running down his face. Adkins starts laughing as he runs his hand through his face then his chest with a small smile forming in his face. Shotgun grows irate as he kicks him in the head and grabs him in a headlock. Shotgun bounces Adkins on the announcers table. The ref goes to the outside and warns Shotgun as he bounces him off once again leaving him placed on top of the table.

Ross: Shotgun is beating the hell out of Adkins before our very eyes. What is he trying to do here?

Lawler: All I know is we should step back like right now.

Shotgun climbs atop the table and hooks Adkins into a headlock bringing him up. He positions Adkins for the bulletbomb as the fans come alive. Shotgun picks him as but Adkins resists delivering shots to the head. Mid-air, Adkins hooks Shotgun and counters into a jumping Fuzzy Logic. The table explodes under them as the fans go crazy. Shotgun and Adkins are both out as the referee immediately checks on both wrestlers.

Lawler: Shotgun is dead!

Ross: Both men are laid out right in front of us. I don’t think either man can continue to be honest.

Both men stay down for a while as the referee checks on both. Adkins is covered in blood next to Shotgun, both men clearly out. The referee, puzzled, enters the ring and starts a count. He gets up to 10 both wrestlers clearly out. Adkins shows slight signs of movement as the count gets up to 12. Adkins drags himself slowly to the side of the ring, Shotgun now with eyes wide open as the count gets to 15. Shotgun starts to crawl after Adkins who’s on his knees pulling himself up the apron. The ref is up to 18 as Adkins pulls himself up Shotgun behind him on the floor. 19 Shotgun gets to his feet as Adkins tries to roll away. Shotgun grabs his leg and pulls him with everything he has dragging him outside the ring once again, the count broken.

Shotgun goes to grab Adkins who pokes him in the eyes and buys himself some time. The ref steps outside as Adkins uses the rail to get to his feet, a smile growing across his face. He wipes the blood from his face and raises his hand, drops dripping down on him. He looks down at Shotgun and immediately hooks him up before throwing him face first into the steel post. Shotgun falls down hard when Adkins grabs him again and slams him head first against the post once again, this time blood starts to pour from Shotgun’s head. Adkins like a rabid dog sticks to him immediately picking him up and placing him against the steel, his head against the post. Adkins seizes the moment as he measures up Shotgun and yells “Bullet Shell”, Adkins steps back and unloads the super kick as Shotgun moves at the last possible second. Adkins hits the post directly and immediately holds his leg awkwardly.

Lawler: Adkins hit the steel post. That had to hurt!

Ross: He is obviously debilitated for the moment. The question is, can Shotgun follow up?

Shotgun collapses down on the protective mats as Adkins sits back holding his leg. The ref checks on Adkins while blood continues to drop down Shotgun’s head. Adkins is slow to get up, still holding his leg. He rolls into the ring as Shotgun does the same slowly. Both men stare at each other, a bloody mess as they slowly make their way to their feet. The fans explode as Shotgun and Adkins look at each other across the ring in a stare down. Adkins runs his hand through his face wiping the blood. Shotgun does the same as their eyes lock into an intense Both men start walking towards each other and meet center ring as the crowd comes alive. Shotgun and Adkins exchange heated words in the center of the ring, the crowd ecstatic.

Ross: We are right back where we started. Shotgun and Adkins are tired, they are beaten, they have suffered severe blood loss and still… they are standing face to face in the middle of the ring neither man willing to give an inch.

Shotgun throws a right, Adkins hits a right of his own as both men start exchanging punches in an all-out brawl. Adkins backs Shotgun into the corner with several right hands. Shotgun counters with a knee to the midsection before chopping him into the corner. Shotgun follows with an elbow causing Adkins to fall in a sit up position against the turnbuckle. Shotgun gets some distance and charges at Adkins. Adkins counters with a kick to the midsection of Shotgun as he charged. Adkins leaps up and hooks Shotgun and delivers a swinging DDT. Adkins goes for the immediate cover 1,2… Shotgun gets his foot under the rope as the referee stops the count.

Lawler: Adkins had him right there!

Adkins starts to show frustration as he sits up and looks at his fallen opponent who’s barely out of it. Adkins gets to his feet and picks Shotgun up. He drags him towards the turnbuckle again and hooks him for another DDT. Blood drips from both men as Adkins goes for the swinging DDT, Shotgun blocks halfway leaving Adkins on the second turnbuckle. Shotgun hooks him and sits him backwards on the top rope. Shotgun follows behind and hooks him for a german suplex from the top rope. Adkins fights back, not allowing Shotgun to throw him over. Adkins hits a back elbow on Shotgun loosening the hold. Adkins turns around and pushes Shotgun off into the canvas. Adkins immediately leaps off into a hurricanerana, Shotgun holds him and immediately drops him into a picture perfect bullet bomb as the place erupts. Shotgun immediately pins 1…2…. Kickout! Adkins just barely kicked out.

Shotgun’s eyes grow wide as he immediately punches the canvas almost looking lost. Shotgun is visibly upset as he gets up to his feet, runs his hand though his hair looking at the blood from his earlier wound. Adkins remains on the canvas trying to regain his composure. Shotgun stands looking down at Adkins still in shock as the fans are going wild.

Ross: Adkins just kicked out of a picture perfect bullet bomb King! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before!

Lawler: Adkins is running on pure adrenaline! I don’t think he even knows where he is right now!

Shotgun circles Adkins and proceeds to deliver well placed stomps on the legs. Adkins immediately flinches and drags himself back as Shotgun continues relentlessly. Adkins gets his hands on the ropes and pulls himself up quickly. Shotgun immediately follows with a clothesline but Adkins quickly counters into a crucifix. Shotgun uses his strength to remain on his feet and out of nowhere Adkins adjusts into The Late Term Abortion (crossface chickenwing). The arena explodes as Shotgun is in trouble. He stretches his hand quickly but Adkins pulls him back and syncs in the move as the crowd gets on their feet.

Lawler: There it is! The Late Term Abortion!

Ross: This could be it! Both men are tired! Both men are beaten! One has to give and it seems like this is the moment!

Shotgun continues to fight the hold as Adkins starts screaming maniacally as he pulls back. Shotgun drops down to the mat as the referee immediately gets into position and asks Shotgun if he submits. Shotgun is silent, his eyes scream of desperation as he looks around for any way to slip out. Adkins continues screaming as he pulls with all his might. Shotgun’s face is quickly turning red as the sound of the crowd is deafening. The referee lifts Shotgun’s arm once and it falls, twice and it falls, a third time and…

Shotgun looks out of it, Adkins can taste it, he can feel it. The arm begins to drop, Adkin’s eyes grow wide as the arm stops mere inches from the canvas as Shotgun screams out in agony and pulls with all his strength. Adkins fights him with everything but Shotgun just barely manages to wrap his leg on the rope. The referee immediately orders the hold to be released. Adkins is clearly fuming as he refuses to let go. The ref starts the 5 count. Adkins lets go at, blood pouring from his head down onto the mat. Shotgun lies by the ropes also covered in blood, the whole canvas is crimson red by this point. Adkins is livid as he looks down at Shotgun. Dueling “Shotgun” and “Adkins” chants start up when suddenly Adkins flashes the Shotgun sign and gets into position.

Ross: Don’t tell me…

Lawler: Is he going for… the bullet bomb?

Ross: Adkins already hit the fuzzy logic, on the table none the less. He applied the LTA. IT seems like he’s about to pull all the stops to end this right here, right now.

Shotgun is slow to his knees as he looks up at Adkins who has a sadistic look on his face. Shotgun slowly gets up, almost waiting for his fate. Adkins immediately kicks him in the midsection and puts him up into the bullet bomb. Flashes from the camera go off around the arena just as Adkins is about to drop him down. Shotgun rakes him in the eyes and gets away. Immediately, Shotgun grapevines Adkins’ leg into an ankle lock submission. Adkins immediately screams in raw pain as Shotgun has it synced in the middle of the ring.

Ross: Adkins has suffered a lot of damage to that leg King! He has him hooked!

Lawler: Shotgun has him in the middle of the ring!

Adkins tries to pull himself away, he tries to kick Shotgun with his free leg but Shotgun has it applied beautifully. Adkins punches the canvas in frustration, his eyes wide open, reddening. The wound from his forehead is dripping down into a pool of blood right under his face. Shotgun twists that ankle with every intention of breaking it, his eyes closed, the blood covering his face completely.

The referee gets in position right in front of Adkins. Adkins has nowhere to go. He is in sheer pain as the blood continues to pour down. Suddenly, Adkins starts shrieking as he proceeds to punch his own face, pull his own hair. He is livid as he fails to gain an inch inside the ring. The referee stays close to him waiting for the submission. Shotgun continues to press on as Adkins begins to stop moving, his eyes slowly fading. Shotgun tightens the hold one last time when suddenly the referee signals for the bell to ring. Adkins has officially passed out.

Danielle Worley: The winner of this match… Carlos Shotgun!!!

Do the Evolution starts playing as Shotgun lies on the floor still a bloody mess.

Ross: It’s all over folks!

Lawler: I got goosebumps JR! This was a savage bloody brawl!

Ross: Adkins passed out! The pain was too much!

The referee lifts Shotgun’s arm and claims him the winner. Shotgun pulls his hand back and lies back on the ropes as the sold-out crowd gives both men a standing ovation.

Ross: In the end there can only be one winner, and tonight that man was Carlos Shotgun.

Lawler: And let’s not forget that Adkins now owes Shotgun a favor Ross.

Trainers come to the ring to check up on Mark Adkins who is still out. Shotgun exits the ring and slowly makes his way to the back. The trainers continue to check on Adkins as the theme is cut off. About three men are in the ring checking on the fallen Mark Adkins who is now seen moving and talking. The trainers pull him up to his feet. Immediately Adkins nails the man closest to him followed by the other two. He falls to his side and grabs the rope as a crutch.

Ross: What is he doing?!?!

Adkins demands a microphone and the announcer is quick to give him one.

Adkins: Where did you go Carlos? We were just starting to have some fun!

The crowd explodes as Adkins wipes the blood from his eyes and continues.

Adkins: You see? YOU SEE? Look at this ring! Look at all this blood! This is a mark of a true elite! This is the Carlos Shotgun we all knew, the Shotgun who took the XWF by storm! All I had to do was pull a few strings. All I had to do was get in your head Shotgun. That’s your problem. You need to be driven in order to give a shit Shotgun. That’s just who you are!

Lawler: What is he talking about?

Adkins: I knew giving Sasha a little “inception” would drive you over the edge. You see Shotgun, I did that little hoax to gather your attention… and it worked. I wanted this match to be brutal, I wanted this match to be real and god damn it, I got it. No matter what happens Shotgun, in the end, your career still belongs to me. You are nothing but my puppet, always have been always will be! Supposedly I owe you a favor? Bullshit! You owe ME! You owe me for bringing you back! You owe me for unleashing the real Carlos Shotgun onto the XWF. From this point on Shotgun, live knowing that everything you win… everything you accomplish is all thanks to ME!

Adkins starts laughing maniacally as he drops the microphone and limps around the ring as the fans continue to cheer his name.

Ross: It was a hoax?

Lawler: Adkins planned this out from the start! The man is a genius!

Ross: Adkins is sick King.

Lawler: Maybe so but he has proven here tonight he is as good as ever.

Ross: Well folks, we still have two more matches to go. The finals to the King Of Xtreme tournament. And the main event of the evening. .. that Triple Threat -- XWF World Championship matchup.... that's coming right up...


Stephen Blood vs. Mars - "King Of Xtreme" FINALS -- that's NEXT.


Backstage people are weighing in on their opinions to this contest. We start in Rage's locker room with Bob Levy.

Bob Levy: Rage, what do you think will happen in this "King Of Xtreme" Finals?

Rage: I don't know. And I don't care.

We cut to Crimson Tide's locker room, and he's standing there with the XWF Tag Team Title drapped over his shoulder.

Crimson Tide: Who do "I" think is going to win?? Isn't it obvious? The man who beat me in the 1st round..... my tag team partner... my new best friend, The F'N Legend of Stephen Blood continues tonight!!

We cut to Flo Stanley with newly signed Arch Angel Damien backstage.

Flo Stanley: Excuse me, Mr. Arch Angel? Who do you believe will win this "King Of Xtreme" tournament tonight???

Arch Angel Damien: Since I'm not in the tournament. There's no need to even watch it. Is there? The XWF will just have to wait for me to get on the scene before they decide to start picking winners .. . . ..

We cut to Mitch Keller backstage with someone. The camera zooms out, and it shows that it's "The Messiah Of Xtreme" HHH.

Mitch Keller: Hunter, we know you're familiar with the XWF's background. You know what's at stake tonight. What do you think of tonight's "King Of Xtreme" FINALS, and who's your pick to win it all?

HHH: First off Mitch, you look like hell. Secondly, this tournament has been a joke so far. It hasn't nearly lived up to all the expectactions. What we have tonight? Crookz putting back on tights? Rage setting fires?? War Machine being told by doctors he couldn't compete tonight, only to have him drag Matt Sharper's sorry ass out of the building with him?? .. Or how about that screen glass door spot that Crimson Tide took much earlier tonight? You got Mars dropping Shiru on his face... I mean, lots of unmentionable action .. that we would normally care not to explain... but, .. it's "KOX" afterall. Am I right? Anyways, I'm sure you're all wondering my answer to this question. And it's quite obvious........ MARS. That's right, I've been in the ring with Mars before, and I'm the reason he's even famous. Hell, I'm the reason he was an original 2005 XWF Hall of Famer. And it was great to see him back in action! I'm not underestimating Stephen Blood. Don't get me wrong. The man is a straight dog 'em out type of fighter. He has a great style to him. But, tonight.. .. I'm going with the G.O.A.T. ...

The cameras cut to one more person's room. Shiru Vanchiez.

Flo Stanley: Shiru, tonight you were defeated by Mars in the 2nd round of that tournament. How do you feel about that loss, and what's your prediction on the FINALS of "King Of Xtreme"?

Shiru Vanchiez: My money's on Mars. But, then again.. Stephen Blood is on a roll tonight as well. I might have wore down Mars tonight. But, he's a tough S.O.B. I'm going to have to go with the Greatest Of All Time, Mars.

We cut back to ringside with our commentators sitting at a smashed table.

Jerry Lawler: What's you think about that J.R.?

Jim Ross: Not surprised, everyone has their opinion ...

Jerry Lawler: No, who do you think is going to win??

Jim Ross: Oh, I have no idea. I leave that up for the experts to decide.

Jerry Lawler: I'm going with Stephen Blood. He's a monster!

Stephen Blood vs. Mars - "King Of Xtreme" FINALS

Danielle Worley: Introducing first, he is a 2005 XWF Hall of Famer..... the Greatest Of All Time....... he is ... MARS!!!

Out walks Mars to his theme music, and a great ovation from the crowd. He's decked out in blue shorts tonight, and is wearing a couple arm bands. He appears ready to go as he makes his way down the ramp, and is set to do battle with Stephen Blood.

Jim Ross: You know, I never thought we'd see these 2 in the ring together like this... but, we're literally seconds away from this heated battle.

Jerry Lawler: It's the FINALS to "King Of Xtreme" J.R.! It doesn't get much better than this.

After Mars gets in the ring, and plays to the crowd. The next opponent is announced.

Danielle Worley: And his opponent...... he is ... a 2009 XWF Hall of Famer..... the F'N Legend .... STEPHEN BLOOD!!!

"Realm Of Chaos" blasts over the loud speakers, and the crowd is loving it!! Their are many Stephen Blood, and Mars supporters in the crowd tonight. But, Blood walks out from those curtains with a certain look in his eye. He carries himself a different way than we're use to seeing. His body exudes confidence here tonight. As he makes his way down the ramp, eyeing up Mars the entire way. The XWF crowd could feel it in the air. People in the backstage can tell it's about to blow the roof off the building! Stephen Blood finally gets in the ring, and stares at Mars across the ring. Mars has a half smile, determined look on his face. He looks ready to get this one started!

Jim Ross: Hate to sound cliche'.. but, this is what we've allll been waiting for!!

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait any longer.. I'm impatient J.R. You know that!

Jim Ross: Don't I ever.

The BELL sounds, and this match starts with both men standing in the ring soaking up the crowd. Mars glances around the arena and notices everyone's on their feet. They are jumping up, and down. Hootering, and hollering. They are causing a ruckus in the stands, and they aren't afraid to show it. Lots of rabid XWF fans out there. Stephen Blood simply looks around, and realizes this is the moment everyone has been waiting for. Two XWF legends. Two XWF Hall of Famers. The last two men in the "King Of Xtreme" tournament. They slowly approach each other in the center of the ring, and there's plenty of jaw'ing going on. The crowd is deafening.

Jim Ross: Well, here we go King.

Jim Ross: I can't wait J.R. Finally, after all this wait.. we get to crown a 2010 King of Xtreme! Who would of thunk it ?

They lock up in the center of the ring, and it starts as a battle of strength. Mars is crouched down, trying to force Blood backwards. Stephen Blood is pushing forward with all his might. Both men with their hands on each other's shoulders, and they are trying to show their power. But, neither man budges. Suddenly, they both unlock from the hold, and step back staring at each other. The XWF crowd pops! As both men start circling each other in the ring now. Mars rushes in, and goes for a leg. But, can't grab it in time, and instead rolls out of it, standing back to his feet. Blood looks upset, and yells: "Get over here!" Mars rushes in again, and they look up in the center of the ring again. Mars starts pushing Blood backwards. But, then Blood grabs Mars, and with all his might -- he tosses him head over heels down to the mat. Mars bounces around the canvas, before rolling to a knee, and staring up at Stephen Blood. The crowd goes crazy!!

Jim Ross: These XWF fans are ready for a show. It's been a great night thus far. But, this is why we came here. To see the finals of this tournament. To crown a King of Xtreme, and dangit.. these two will do whatever it takes to be the last man standing.

Mars quickly gets up,a nd sprints towards Blood. However, Blood sidesteps him, and goes for a hip toss. However, Mars won't let him go through with it, instead he hits the brakes and goes for a hip toss of his own. But, Blood blocks that. Side-by-side now, Blood goes for a big right clothesline. But, Mars ducks it, and turns it in to a solid Backbreaker in the middle of the ring!! The crowd pops!

Jerry Lawler: J.R. .. you could feel the tension down here. I mean, every single move they make.. these fans are all over it, and they are split- right down the middle! Some cheering for Mars. Some for Blood. Some for BOTH! Ahhhh.

Mars gets to his feet, and hovers over Stephen Blood, who pounds his fist on the mat, seeming pretty pissed off. Mars waves his arms for him to get up. Stephen Blood slowly starts rolling to his feet. But, instead Mars waste no time, and locks on a sleeperhold from behind, that he actually turns in to a Crossface Chickenwing!!!

Jim Ross: He's got the move locked on! Mars applying pressure with that finishing submission hold! Can he get Blood to tap here?

Blood starts to get worn down at first. But, then suddenly turns it on, and starts lifting himself off the mat. Mars tries to tighten his grip. But, he's first to break the hold. Stephen Blood grabs him by the arm, and twist it around. He stares Mars right in the face, and brings him in for a shoulder block! He knocks Mars to the mat, and Mars pops back up. They are face-to-face for a second, before Mars heads for the ropes, bounces back, ducks a clothesline attempted by Stephen Blood. He hits the other side of the ropes, bounces back, goes for a crossbody... but, Stephen Blood catches him, and simply tosses him straight back over his head. Mars goes flying through the air, and slams the canvas with authority! Stephen Blood doesn't waste time, and starts putting the boots to him. He then lifts Mars up by the arm, and pulls him over to the corner. Stephen Blood puts an aggressive forearm to Mars' face, and starts rubbing it in. Taunting the former multiple World Champion. Blood then puts an inside knee in to his guts! Followed by a stiff uppercut. He then grabs the back of Mars head, and tosses him to the canvas. Stephen Blood raises his hand in the air, as he mounts the turnbuckle.

Jerry Lawler: What's he doing up there J.R.?

Jim Ross: I have no idea.

Stephen Blood waits for Mars to get off the ground, and when he turns around- Stephen Blood leaps off the top rope, and drills him with a beautiful Ax Handle Smash! That hard shot takes Mars down to the canvas, and Stephen Blood decides to make a cover. He looks the leg, ...



.... kick out!!"

Jim Ross: Mars taking that brutal shot to the forehead, and still able to make a kick out in time!

Jerry Lawler: What's it going to take to put either man away J.R.?

Jim Ross: That's a good question. They both want it, and they want it badly! They have both been around the block.. and by that- I mean, the squared-circle. But, when it's all on the line we shall see who makes the first big move, or the first major mistake in this contest.

Jerry Lawler: That's all it might come down to J.R. Just one slip up. That's it.

Jim Ross: That's right.

Stephen Blood initially throws Mars in to a headlock on the ground. But, then helps bring Mars to his feet. Mars punches his way out of the headlock, and takes off towards the ropes. He bounces back, and Blood simply shoulder blocks him to the canvas. Mars pops back up. But, Stephen Blood scoops him up, and body slams him in the middle of the ring! Stephen Blood then backs up towards the ropes, and comes back for a BIG LEG attempt- but, Mars rolls out of the way just in time! Blood catches a stiff mat, and Mars rolls to his feet quickly. He kicks the back of Blood's head, and another kick to his spine. He then puts him in a reverse chokehold of some kind. Stephen Blood tries to get to his feet. However, Mars turns it in to a Million Dollar Dream. Which he thens somehow turns in to a Skull Crushing Finale!!

Jim Ross: That's it! That might do it!!

The cover, ....





.. kick out!"

Jim Ross: Tough kick out by Stephen Blood!

Jerry Lawler: Wow. I thought it was almost over, already!

Jim Ross: Not, with Stephen Blood in that ring. He came to fight tonight, and he has a lot of fight left in him!

Jerry Lawler: But, Mars looks amazing out there. He's working his magic right now J.R.

Mars looks down at Stephen Blood, and then drops an elbow on his skull. He covers him up again.,



..... kick out!"

Mars throws Stephen Blood in to a headlock on the ground. Then decides to release that hold. He instead rolls out of the ring, and looks underneath the ring.

Jerry Lawler: What's he going to find under there J.R.? Another screen glass door??

Instead, Mars comes up out of the ring with a barbwire bat. He looks it over, and smiles to himself as he rolls in the ring.

Jerry Lawler: What's he going to do with that thing J.R.? He can't!!

Mars walks right over to Stephen Blood, hovering over him. He lifts the barbwire baseball bat, and drives it down in to Stephen Blood's back. He picks it up, and slams it down on his back again. There is blood trickling from Stephen Blood's back. As he screams out in pain, and begins rolling around the mat.

Jim Ross: Blood alreadly staining the matress from all the Xtreme battling that's been going on! So many brutal spots. So many chaotic moves have been attempted tonight. The damn table was wiped out from underneath us tonight. When just a match ago .. Mark Adkins put Carlos Shotgun through this commentator's table.. with a disgusting FUZZY LOGIC! And now, we got Mars taking it to Stephen Blood with a barbwire bat for crying out loud!

Mars lifts the bat high over his head one more time as he approaches Stephen Blood. But, as he goes to slam it on his head. Stephen Blood kicks Mars, and he drops the barbwire bat. Stephen Blood suddenly springs to his feet, and out of nowhere grabs Mars head drilling him with a Swinging DDT! Both men are laid out momentarily, and the crowd is loving it. They are all back on their feet. Clapping. Cheering. Rooting for their favorite wrestler!!

Jerry Lawler: I'm telling you J.R. It's in the atmosphere right now. You could pretty much taste it in the air. There is so much at stake tonight in this matchup. It is the finals of our King Of Xtreme tournament. It is 2 of the greatest XWF legends, who never had the opportunity to battle all those years ago. Mars retired back in 2005.. but, he came out of retirement. Stephen Blood has never really put his boots away. He's content in that XWF ring out there!

Both men start getting to their feet at the same time, and lock up in a battle of strength once again.

Jim Ross: It's like de javu all over again!

But, this time Stephen Blood bull rushes Mars, and shoves him up in to the corner. He hits him with an inside knee, stalling Mars long enough to mount him, and begin a 10-punch salute. The fans count Stephen Blood off as he starts punching Mars in the face.


Stephen Blood pauses, and raises his fist high in the air. When all of a sudden Mars lifts him up off the turnbuckle, and drops him with a brilliant Sidewalk Slam!!

Jim Ross: Nice way to get out of that predictament by Mars.

Jerry Lawler: Mars always had the brains J.R.

Mars then makes the cover, ...



.. kick out!"

Mars then rolls up off of Blood, and starts getting hyped! He bounces around the ring. Waving his arms around, and getting the crowd riled up!! A lot of BOO's now from some of those diehard Stephen Blood fans. Mars then goes to grab Stephen Blood's ankle.

Jerry Lawler: He's going for an ankle lock!

But, Stephen Blood kicks him in the face. Mars drops to the canvas like a sack of potatoes. Stephen Blood then rolls to a knee, right next to the barbwire baseball bat. He smiles as he grabs a hold of it, and stands to his feet. He raises the barbwire bat high above his head to show the Xtreme Wrestling Federation crowd!! The fans going nuts for Stephen Blood. As he then turns the bat sideways (and sticks it straight up.. his CANDY ASS!) .. and mounts Mars' back as he places the barbwire bat in front of his face. He begins raking back on Mars, and blood instantly starts to pour from Mars' nose, and cheeks. He drags it up his forehead, and rips pieces of his flesh off. Mars falls to the mat in pain. As Stephen Blood raises that barbwire bat again! He tosses it to the side, and goes out of the ring. He looks underneath the ring for a weapon of his own, and instead he begins tossing random things in the ring. First, a computer monitor-- he tosses that over the top rope with ease. Then he finds a wooden chair-- he tosses that in the ring! He finds a tire iron, and tosses that in the ring. He then finds a kitchen sink!!

Jerry Lawler: Ahh. He's got a kitchen sink J.R.!

Jim Ross: I see that.

He slides that in the ring, and then pulls out a trash can full of trash. He starts dumping the trash out of it, and pulls the black trash bag out from the trash can. He smiles to himself as he rolls in the ring.

Jerry Lawler: A trash bag J.R.? All those things, and he chooses a plastic bag??

Jim Ross: Oh god. I hope he's not planning on doing what I think he is . ..

Jerry Lawler: What?

Stephen Blood gets in the ring behind Mars, he opens the bag up, and throws it over Mars head. He then begins pulling back on the plastic trash bag, and trying to cut off the circulation to Mars!

Jerry Lawler: He's going to suffocate him for Christ Sake!

Jim Ross: That's what he's trying to do. And he's dangerous! He's psycho! I'll tell you right now.. Stephen Blood is a straight sociopath!!

Stephen Blood has that black trash bag wrapped around Mars face. Nobody can see his face through the bag. But, Mars appears to be fading. He drops to a knee, and then completely falls to the canvas. Stephen Blood holds it over his face a few more seconds, just to be sure. He then removes the bag from his face, and signals the referee to make the count, ..





.. foot on the rope!"

Jim Ross: Unbelievable!

The crowd pops as Mars is able to stay alive in this match.

Jerry Lawler: He's still alive J.R.!

Jim Ross: Yes, the match continues ...

Jerry Lawler: No, I mean.. he's not dead. Mars ain't dead J.R.

A frustrated Stephen Blood quickly gets to his feet, and starts putting the boots to Mars. Boot after boot after boot! He then picks up the computer monitor and smiles to himself. He awaits Mars getting off the canvas. As Mars rolls around the mat, he slowly gets to a knee. He then turns to face Blood. But, when Stephen Blood goes to swing that monitor at him, Mars ducks it, and instead kicks Stephen Blood in the gut when he turns. Blood drops the computer monitor, and Mars kicks him in the shin. Lifts him up off the ground for an Attitude Justment, he actually slams him through that kitchen sink! Stephen Blood's back shatters that porcelain. Mars doesn't hesitate, he makes the cover, and goes for the victory,




...kick out!"

Jerry Lawler: How did he do it? He smashed through that kitchen sink. I thought it was all but over for The F'N Legend!

Jim Ross: But, the G.O.A.T. wasn't able to put him away!!

Mars looks around astonished. He sees the many weapons in the ring, and chooses to pick up that wooden chair. He waits for Stephen Blood to get to a knee, and he simply breaks the chair over his back. Wood shatters, and splits, and goes everywhere! But, Stephen Blood doesn't budge. Instead it pisses him off more. He gets a rush of adrenaline. Rises to his feet, places his hands around Mars neck, and forces him back in to the corner. Stephen Blood literally starts choking Mars out, and the referee counts him off. But, Stephen Blood grabs the referee's face, and tosses him to the mat!! The referee goes tumbling over, and meanwhile Mars pokes Stephen Blood in the eye! He hoist him up on his back, and goes for a Samoan Drop on that computer monitor. But, Stephen Blood manages to wiggle out from behind. He lands on his feet. When Mars turns around Stephen Blood kicks him in the gut, and lifts him up for a High Angle Suplex. Paying tribute to War Machine he bounces him off the top rope, and hits him with a SLING SHOT SUPLEX!! He goes for the cover on Mars now.

Jim Ross: But, there's no referee to make the count.

Stephen Blood then goes to wake the official up. He starts to come to, as Stephen Blood sizes Mars up on the ground. He's getting ready to put him in his new submission finisher the Blood Hunt. But, Mars instead rolls him up in a small package!!

Jim Ross: However, there's still no official. He's crawling over now, .....


.. kick out!"

Jim Ross: Not going to put Stephen Blood away that easily.

Jerry Lawler: But, the official was still out of it J.R.

Both men start crawling to a knee. There's pieces of all kinds of material laying around the ring. Wood, Porcelain. A blood stained canvas, and two superstars trying to escape the night with a victory!! The fans are all on their feet. As both men lock up in the center of the ring again. They are leaning on each other. Stephen Blood irish whips Mars to the ropes. He ducks a clothesline, and comes bouncing back with a flying Shoulder Block! That takes Stephen Blood to the mat. But, he quickly hops back to his feet. As Mars goes for another flying Shoulder Block! This time, Blood grabs him by the throat instead, and goes for a Chokeslam. But, Mars blocks it, and escapes his grasp. He rolls to the mat, and pulls Stephen Blood's feet from out underneath him. He places him in an Ankle Lock in the center of the ring. But, Stephen Blood rolls through it, and traps Mars in a pinning combination,



...... kick out!"

Jerry Lawler: There feels like there's so much going on right now J.R.

Jim Ross: Tell me about it.

Jerry Lawler: The speed of this matchup is truly remarkable. Both men have already competed here earlier tonight. Mars had to defeat Jon Hampton in a steel cage, and surpass Shiru Vanchiez to get here. Stephen Blood on the other hand defeated Crimson Tide in our opening contest, and took it to Rage in round 2. Now, both men pulling out all the stops. Simply demolishing each other with vicious moves!

Both men slow to get to their feet. When they do. They lock up in the center of the ring yet again. Mars turns it in to a sideheadlock. Stephen Blood forces him off of him, and towards the ropes. Mars bounces back, and is met with a clean boot to the chops! That show drops Mars to the canvas. Stephen Blood stands over him, and pulls him off the canvas. He whips him to the ropes, and as he bounces back he catches Mars with a Spinebuster!!

Jim Ross: The momentum is going his way now!

The fans are loving it as Stephen Blood raises his hand in victory. He waits for Mars to crawl to the base of his feet. Blood then lifts him off the canvas, and goes for a Stephen Flow DDT! He drops Mars in the center of the ring with that move!!

Jim Ross: That's it! This should be over!!

Stephen Blood makes the cover,





.. kick out!!"

Jim Ross: I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Mars kicked out of the Stephen Flow DDT!!!

Jerry Lawler: Nobody kicks out of that move J.R.. Nobody!

Stephen Blood can't believe it. There's dry blood all over Stephen Blood's back. There's blood al over Mars from those spots earlier. Stephen Blood gets to his feet, and looks furious. He raises both hands in the air, and hollers out at the XWF fans!! They go bizerk for the F'N Legend!!! He reaches down, and just prys Mars off the mat. He goes for another Stephen Flow DDT. But, Mars reverses it in to a Perfect Plex in the center of the ring!!



.... .

.... kick out!"

Jerry Lawler: Close one J.R. Close one!

Jim Ross: I never thought I'd see these two doing battle this way. This match has been everything but conservative, and traditional.

Jerry Lawler: What you mean J.R.? It's "King of XTREME". They have got to try to pull out all the stops!

Jim Ross: They're trying to.

They both roll up at the same time, and lock up in the center of the ring again. Mars gathers some energy, and lifts Blood off the ground. Rushing, and driving his back in to the corner! Mars then starts digging his shoulder in to Blood's stomach. He uses the ropes as leverage to drill that shoulder in to Blood's mid-section. Mars then backs up a few feet, and rushes in for a Spear, but Stephen Blood moves out of the way in time, and Mars shoulder cracks that ring post!

Jim Ross: What a horrible sound that was. Just sickening! Straight awful.

Stephen Blood doesn't waste time, and pulls Mars back to the center of the ring. He then latches on his new submission finisher known as the BLOOD HUNT!!

Jim Ross: Oh, he's got the Blood Hunt locked on! He's got the Blood Hunt locked on!

Jerry Lawler: This spells .. D.O.O.M. .. for the G.O.A.T.

Jim Ross: You could say that again!

All the weapons, and broken material spread out across the mat. The ring is blood stained, and Stephen Blood now has Mars face down in the center of that ring with nowhere to go. The F'N Legend has his submission finisher locked in!! The BLOOD HUNT is applied, and Mars seems to be fading right now. This could be the end of the King of Xtreme tournament. But, out of nowhere Mars rolls over, and tries to force himself out of that move. But, he can't do it. He rolls over one more time however, and he's getting real close to the ropes. Mars puts his foot out there. He's trying to get that bottom rope. Stephen Blood doesn't notice it, and Mars gets a foot on the rope!!

Jim Ross: He got there! He got there!

Jerry Lawler: Wow, J.R. I can't believe he avoided tapping out right there. That's the 2nd finisher that Mars has been able to break out from!

Stephen Blood sits back in aww. But, then gets to his feet. He grabs Mars by the back of the head, and suddenly Mars thrusts his arms forward in to Stephen Blood's chest. That shot stalls Blood long enough for Mars to pull off a wicked Dropkick! That shot sends Stephen Blood clear across the ring. Mars rolls around the canvas in pain. Grasping his shoulder. Trying to keep this match going as long as possible!! Trying to survive the night. Both men are currently laid out. Stephen Blood is the first to react, and he races towards Mars who is using the ropes to get to his feet. Mars ducks the attack, and Stephen Blood tumbles over the top rope. But, he lands on the outside apron. Mars notices this, and kicks Stephen Blood in the gut. He then drags Blood so his legs lay on the middle rope, and PLANTS him with a well-executed DDT!! Mars makes the cover on Stephen Blood now.



... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Both men appear to be exhausted. Mars has been able to escape time, and time again. But, this time it's Stephen Blood who gets his shoulder up in time!

Mars is slow to get to his feet. Using the ropes as leverage to pull himself off. Stephen Blood starts getting to his knee. But, Mars suddenly grabs Blood by the head. He lifts him up off the mat. He picks him up, and is going for his finisher the Red Sun!! Stephen Blood tries to fight out of it. But, Mars lifts him off the canvas, and plants him with a Front Face Suplex!

Jim Ross: The RED SUN! The RED SUN! The RED SUN!!

Jerry Lawler: This should do it...

Mars wraps the leg,...






... KICK OUT!"

Jim Ross: He's done it. He's done it. Stephen Blood has kicked out of the Red Sun!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my!

Both men are laid out flat on their back in the center of the ring. The referee begins a standing 10-count. As both men slowly crawl to the ropes. They are on opposite sides of the ring, but they both pull themselves up at the same time. They charge in, and they DOUBLE CLOTHSLINE each other!! Both men are now completely laid out in the center of that XWF ring. The crowd cheering. All the XWF fans on their feet for this FINALS matchup. Neither man seems to be showing a sign of life. The referee begins his standing 10-count again. Both men completely drained on that canvas.... "1..... ....2 .... ..3..... ... 4 ........ ... 5...... .. . ... 6. ...... .... 7 .......... ... 8 .... ...

Mars starts crawling for the ropes. Stephen Blood just laying there staring up at the rafters. ...

Jim Ross: You knew it was be chaotic. You knew it would come down to this type of moment right here. Who will survive KOX? Who will walk out of tonight's event the 2010 King of Xtreme??

Jerry Lawler: Beats me.

Mars rest in the corner. As Stephen Blood slowly starts making his way to his feet. Soon as he gets to a knee Mars charges in, and Stephen Blood pops up out of nowhere planting Mars with another solid Spine Buster!! The crowd reeks havok in State College, Pennsylvania. The sold out Beaver Stadium is rockin'!! Two former XWF World Champions giving it their all. Stephen Blood slowly pulls himself up in the corner, and waits for Mars to get to a knee. He then rushes in, and goes for a Big Boot. But, Mars moves his head out of the way just in time, and manages to grab Stephen Blood's left foot. He pulls it from underneath him, and latches on the Ankle Lock in the center of the ring. Which he then quickly turns in to a Boston Crab. And then rolls over in to an STFU!!!

Jerry Lawler: Holy crap! He's got the STFU locked on in the center of the ring. Stephen Blood has nowhere to go!!

Jim Ross: This could be the end of the tournament right here. Mars has been away from the squared circle in 5 years. But, has been put on quite the display here tonight. He got walk away from this event, from this "King Of Xtreme" tournament UNDEFEATED tonight King. Unbeatable!

Jerry Lawler: He's got to put Stephen Blood away though. He has to get the behemoth to tap!

After a few seconds of being in that hold. Stephen Blood starts crawling for those ropes. Now, Blood is mere finger tips away from that bottom rope. But, Mars gets off of him, and drags Stephen Blood by the feet back to the center of the ring. He's going to reapply the submission finisher in the center of the ring now. But, Stephen Blood fights him off. He holds his arms away, and uses his strength to flip the move on Mars now. Stephen Blood is mounting Mars, they are face-to-face on that mat. Stephen Blood rubs his forehead against Mars to let him know he's there.

Jim Ross: This has turned in to a mat technician type of match. Two men not looking to give an advantage to the other man. It's all about pure strength, smarts, and determination right now. It's all about the angles, it's all about how much more energy these two can muster up against each other.

Stephen Blood starts head butting Mars, until he lets go of his arms. Then Stephen Blood starts throwing fists in to the face of Mars. However, Mars rolls him over, and is mounting Stephen Blood now. He starts throwing wild fists at his face, and caps it off with a stiff head butt of his own. That shots seems to have taken some out of Mars as well. He rolls off Stephen Blood, and both men are side-by-side. Laying on the flats of their back.

Jerry Lawler: What's it going to take? What's it going to take to win this Xtreme blood bath? Huh? Both men simply pulverizing each other. Two brute men who have it all on the line right now. They returned just for this moment. Just for this night. Just for this one matchup! Two of the XWF's greats in one ring... how will it end? Who will be walking home the KING of XTREME??

Both men roll to one knee. They are inches away from each other. They suddenly lock eyes, and as they start to get to their feet. They lock up with each other, and start exchanging shots. Shot, after shot. Mars hits Stephen Blood with an overhand right. Stephen Blood drills Mars back with an overhand right of his own. The crowding ooh'ing, and aww'ing the whole exchange of events. Mars punches Blood - "OHH"! .. Blood punches Mars -- "AWW!" .. .. "OHH!! .. "AWW!!" .... "OHHH!!"...."AWWW!!" They continue exchanging punches, and the crowd turns it in to a chance to chant their names instead. "MARS!!"... "BLOOD!!"... Whenever Mars punches him, they yell "Mars". When Blood punches him, they yell "Blood!" .. "MARS!!" ... "BLOOD!!".... "MARS!!!!"..... BLOOD!!!!" .

Jim Ross: This crowd is electric!!

Mars punches Blood again. Blood punches Mars again. Both men look staggered in the center of that ring trying to gather themselves. Trying to capitalize off someone's first major mistake. Blood stalls Mars with a knee to the gut. But, Mars catches him with an ugly uppercut!! Stephen Blood stumbles back in to the ropes. He comes forward with a hard right hook, but Mars ducks it, and hoists Blood up on his shoulders'. He has Stephen Blood right where he wants him for that Attitude Adjustment. He goes to execute that finishing maneuver. He's trying to drop him on top of that computer monitor, and end this match right now. Mars goes for that Attitude Adjustment. But, Stephen Blood somehow manages to swing out of that move, and his momentum lands him right on his feet. He has Mars by the head now, and drops him through that computer monitor with the most devilish Stephen Flow DDT we have ever seen!!!!

Jim Ross: He brutalizes him with that finisher!! Right through that damn monitor.

Stephen Blood hooks the leg,







Jim Ross: He's done it! Stephen Blood has won the "King Of Xtreme" tournament! He puts Mars away with that devestating finisher.. known simply .. as "The Stephen Flow DDT!!"

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, and now the F'N Legend has officially went over the G.O.A.T. .. I'll give Mars a lot of credit J.R. Nobody expected this out of him. He was able to escape the clutches of Stephen Blood's grasp the entire match. This was a great "King Of Xtreme" FINALS. This was an historic night. Tremendous event thus far! I can't believe we still have our Triple-Threat Main Event up next!!

Jim Ross: Yes, that is coming up next. After the officials clear that ring of all that damaged material. There's all kinds of pieces in that ring King. All over the damn place. But, lets send it up to the top of the ramp. Where Stephen Blood is about to make his way up, .. and we will get to the crowning ceremony ... right now ...

First, Stephen Blood raises his arms in victory as he stands above Mars in the middle of that XWF ring. Then the officials instruct him to go to the top of the ramp. While "REALM OF CHAOS" is blaring over the loud speakers. The new 2010 "King Of Xtreme" makes his way up the ramp as Danielle Worley makes the official announcement.

Danielle Worley: And the winner of this match .. as a result of the Stephen Flow DDT ... he is ... InDEED the F'N Legend ... Stephen Blood!!!

The crowd pops, and it's pure madness in this XWF arena right now. Stephen Blood slowly makes his way up the ramp, and he appears to be hobbled a bit. Definitely looks like he just been through a rough contest. He gets to the top of the ramp, and they begin putting a robe on him. They insist he sits in a golden, velvet throne. But, he refuses to do so. They place a golden crown of thorns upon his head. Where blood starts trickling from Stephen Blood's own forehead.

Jerry Lawler: What's with the golden thorns J.R.? I thought the winner got that ol' Golden Xtreme Ring Bell, or a more conventional crown at least.

Jim Ross: No, it appears that each superstar could design their own. Stephen Blood went with the golden crown of thorns.

But, as Stephen Blood is standing on top of the ramp. With a red, velvet robe on, and a golden crown of thorns placed upon his head. With the XWF crowd completely a buzz right now. Flo Stanley steps in to ask Stephen Blood how he feels about the night, and what just transpired in that XWF ring.

Flo Stanley: So, .. Mr. Blood... tell us.. how you feel??

Stephen Blood stares around the stadium with a serious look on his face. He then tosses the robe off his own back, he grabs the golden crown of thorns from his head, and slams the crown to the ground! He then makes his way through the curtains, and heads to the backstage area. Disappearing to a roaring crowd who is still chanting his name, "Stephen BLOOD! Stephen BLOOD! Stephen Blood! Stephen BLOOD!!!"

Jerry Lawler: Where's he going J.R.?

Jim Ross: Maybe he doesn't like celebrations. None the less.. Stephen Blood is our new 2010 "King Of Xtreme" winner! He will get an XWF World Title shot, I believe, at our next pay per-view event, "Collision Course".

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, Collision Course is expected to be quite the event. It's suppose to the set the standard in this industry. But, this night's not over yet J.R. We just crowned The F'N Legend Stephen Blood.. .. as our reigning "King of Xtreme". But, there's still one more match left. Our MAIN EVENT of the evening... it's placing the current XWF World Champion, Jesse Jones... against .. Chris Falkenyork, .. and "The Original". All of them have been World Champion, and this should be one for the record books. What you think J..R?

Jim Ross: Judging by what we seen tonight. You know it's going to be classic. We already saw "TV-MA" Mark Adkins go up against Carlos Shotgun. We witnessed the return of Shiru Vanchiez, Mars, .. back to the XWF squared circle. We still have our Main Event, and I'm already excited for Collision Course, and I don't even know who's going to be on the card.

Jerry Lawler: Don't forget, we will be having a Special Event, titled, "XWF Build Up." A special prelude to our next pay per-view event.. it'll help set up the matches for "Collision Course" which is set to begin promotion very soon.

Jim Ross: But, up next ... .. our XWF World Title in on the line, and who knows will walk out the victor tonight? It's been quite the journey here at "King of Xtreme thus far. But, don't go anywhere... our Triple-Threat Main Event.. is coming right up!!


XWF World Champion - "The Mad Dogg" Jesse Jones vs. Chris Falkenyork vs. "The Original" - Triple-Threat XWF World Championship MAIN EVENT --

Coming Right Up!!

King of Xtreme 2010 Main Event

King of Xtreme 2010 Main Event - Jesse Jones (c) v The Original v Chris Falkenyork

Jim Ross: Lets go back and take a look at the history between Jesse Jones, The Original, and Chris Falkenyork.

A video compliation video is shown to Rage Against the Machine's "Bulls on Parade".

As we come back, the Original is standing by backstage with Bob Levy.

Bob Levy: In just a few moments we are going to have our triple threat main event. What are your thoughts?

The Original: How are you feeling Bob?

Bob Levy: I'm fine.

The Original: That's good to hear. My thoughts? The whole world already knows that The Original is the reason why they are watching this Pay Per View tonight. I am the biggest draw in the history of this company, the man who will take the XWF to heights never seen before!! Jesse Jones is nothing more than a afterthought, Falkenyork is too busy trying to discover himself. Me? Who in their mind would bet against me daddio? You are looking at your new World Heavyweight Champion.

We cut to another shot where Chris Falkenyork is standing by with Mitch Keller.

Mitch Keller: We just heard from The Original. Chris, anything?

Chris Falkenyork: The Original thinks he has it all figured out. I guess you can say he's got it together alot more than our champion if that means anything. Mitch you know how I am, your buddy Stephen Blood knows how I am. Everybody here knows how I am. The Original, Jesse Jones, Stephen Blood, Mark Adkins, Rage, Crookz, Jonathon Hampton, Shiru, Shawn Taylor, Chesney Clausen, The Last Rebels, The Phan, Mars, 9LP, Sam Hill, whatever...Even Carlos Shotgun...Even my best friend Bob Levy. All of them know that if you doubt me, in the end it leads to one thing. Regret. Keller what do you think?

Mitch Keller: I'm just reporting Chris.

Chris Falkenyork: Right. Well be the first one to report tonight after I win the title. Thank you very much.

We are now joined by the World Champion Jesse Jones who is standing by with Count Blah.

Count Blah: Blah, blah blah blahblahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah. Blah blah blah blahblah blah blahblah?

Jones looks at Count Blah.

Jesse Jones: ...

Jones walks out of the picture.

Count Blah: Blah blah blahblah, blah blah blah!!!

We go back to the ring where Danielle Worley is standing by.

Jim Ross: The one we have all been waiting for folks.

Danielle Worley: This is our featured main event for King of Xtreme 2010!!

Chris Falkenyork makes his way out first to a 50/50 reaction from the crowd. Falkenyork slides into the ring and poses on a turnbuckle as the lights dim down. The Original makes his way out to a large ovation as he gestures towards the fans. Falkenyork looks on stretching his arms from side to side as The Original steps through the ropes. Jesse Jones makes his way out third carrying a microphone in hand.

Jim Ross: What is going on here?

Jesse Jones: I already told the two of you out here that I am not wrestling tonight. You guys can do what you want but realize that I have retired as the undefeated XWF World Heavyweight Champion!!

Jones still has the championship title around his waist but before he can turn around and walk away, Michael Lucente makes his way out. Lucente has a member of arena security with him as he instructs him to keep Jones from walking away. Jones starts to argue before Lucente runs down the eisle and enters the ring. Lucente whispers something into the ear of Danielle Worley and takes the microphone away.

Michael Lucente: Jesse Roedema, whatever your real name is. I realize that you don't have the time to come down here and be a man of your word.

Jesse Jones: I am being a man of my word, I said I was not wrestling tonight!

Michael Lucente: That's not what you told me when you decided to come back. That is not what's on your contract. I could care less what you do after tonight but if you do not come down here right now I am getting my lawyers and suing you for breach of contract!

Jim Ross: Can he do that?

Jerry Lawler: He just did!

Jones throws a fit as he wasn't even dressed to wrestle for tonight. Jones unwillingly makes his way down and enters the ring while shouting at Lucente something that we cannot repeat on the air. Lucente exits the ring.

Danielle Worley: This match will be held under elimination rules and is no disqualifications!!!

The crowd cheers on as Jones hands the belt over to the referee Jack Johnson.

Danielle Worley: To my far left, one of the challengers. From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in tonight at 226 and three quarter pounds. He is responsible for the largest rated segment in XWF history and is a former multi time champion. Known all around the world, The Orriiiiigggginalllllllll Jerichooooo!!!

The crowd cheers once again.

Danielle Worley: To the opposite end, challenger number two. He is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Weighing in tonight at 230 and one half pounds. He is undefeated at the Super Bowl of the XWF, XtremeMania. He was the longest reigning champion in XWF history. Here is Chhhhrrriiiiiiiisssssss Falllllkkkkeeeennnnyoooorrrkkk!!!

Falkenyork points over towards Original and Jones.

Danielle Worley: To my far right. From the Jersey Shore. Weighing in tonight at 221 pounds. He is an XWF Hall of Famer and the current XWF World Heavyweight Champion. He is the Madd Dogg...Jeeeeeeesssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee Joooooooonnnnnnnneeeeesssssss!!!

Jones just shakes his head as it is obvious he does not want to be wrestling tonight. Jack Johnson waves the three men to approach the middle of the ring.

Jack Johnson: Alright guys. We already gone over everything. Anything and everything goes...Except touching another man's genitals because that would just be gay. Elimination occurs over pinfall or submission. No rope breaks, a fall can occur anywhere at anytime.

Jack Johnson raises the championship title high in the air as Jones, Falkenyork, and Original take a few steps back. The referee calls for the bell as the match is underway.

Jim Ross: Here we go!

Jerry Lawler: Oh this is going to be good.

Jones taunts York and Original pointing at the two men.

Jim Ross: Jones wastes no time with the trash talk.

Jerry Lawler: He didn't think he'd have to wrestle tonight!

Jim Ross: Well that's just too bad King.

Jones lays down in the middle of the ring and waves them both on to pin him.

Jim Ross: Are you kidding me?

Jones starts to yell at York and Original. York slides out of the ring as Original walks up to Jones. The crowd starts to boo as Original gets down on his knees. Jones taunts him again and Original pins him by hooking the leg. The referee gets down to count. One.....Two.....

Jim Ross: Really?? Really??

Jerry Lawler: This is just..

Original pulls Jones up at two and starts to laugh. Jones stands back up and gets pissed off.

Jim Ross: Jones just wants out of this match in the worst way but he can't just walk out!

Jones shoves Original in the chest. Original takes offense to this and slaps Jones hard in the face. Jones stumbles backwards. Chairshot to the back of Jones's head.

Jim Ross: What the?

We see York who had snuck into the ring with a chair. Jones stumbles forward. Original hits the Codebreaker on Jones.

Jim Ross: Original with a Codebreaker!!

Jerry Lawler: Looks like Jones is going to get his wish!!

Original pins Jones and hooks the leg. One.....Two.....Three.

Jim Ross: Jones is done!!

Jones has been eliminated as Original rolls him out of the ring. York is leaning in one of the corners as Original points and laughs at Jones who is laying on the outside.

Jim Ross: Now it is down to York and Original!!

Original turns around right into a small package from York. One..Two..Original kicks out at two. Original charges and York gets a double leg takedown. Version Seven attempt countered into a small package from Original. One..Two..York kicks out at two.

Jim Ross: York and Original exchanging pinfall attempts!!

York gets a sunset flip and Original rolls back out. Original grabs the legs and goes for a Walls of Jericho. York twists the leg and spins Original flipping him onto his back. Both men back up. York goes for a clothesline and Original ducks. Original with an inside cradle. One..Two..York counters with a crossface.

Jim Ross: York gets the advantage!!

Original rolls backwards and stands back up. York still has a hold of him. Original goes for a belly to back suplex and York flips out. York grabs Original and goes for a german suplex and Original hits an elbow.

Jim Ross: Original with an elbow!!

Jerry Lawler: Who's got the advantage??

Original goes for another one and York ducks under. Original with a front facelock and York counters with a northern lights suplex. One...Two...Original kicks out. Both men back up as the crowd cheers them on.

Jim Ross: These fans appreciating the last exchange from Original and York.

Jerry Lawler: York is a well known world class technical wrestler but people seem to forget about Original when it comes to this.

Jim Ross: Original more than anybody else in XWF can go hold for hold with York. No doubt about that one.

Original charges and York goes for a drop toehold. Original counters with a jump and goes for an elbowdrop. York rolls out of the way and trips Original into a headscissors. Original counters the headscissors with a flip into a pin. One..Two..York bridges out of the pin and turns it into a backslide pin. One..Two..Original rolls backwards out of the pin and York hits him with a chop.

Jim Ross: Vintage Ric Flair!!

Jerry Lawler: Vintage? Who are you, Michael Cole?

Jim Ross: Don't get me started King.

Original clutches his fists while taking the chop and hits York with a chop of his own. Chop from York, chop from Original, chop from York, Original with a headlock. York shoves him off the ropes and hits a shoulderblock. York goes off the ropes and Original attempts an armdrag. York counters the armdrag with a knee to the midsection. Original stumbles backwards and York hits a chop. Original fires back with a chop. York hits a kick to the stomach and goes for a snap suplex. Original counters with a leg trip and goes for a Walls of Jericho.

Jim Ross: Original going for another Walls of Jericho!!

Original cannot lock it on and instead goes for a slingshot into the turnbuckle. York counters by landing feet first onto the second turnbuckle. Original charges and shoves York to the outside of the ring.

Jim Ross: My gawd York goes crashing to the outside!!

Jerry Lawler: Good lord!!

Original slides out of the ring and goes over to the announcers table.

Jim Ross: What is Original thinking up at this time?

Jerry Lawler: What do you think JR he wants to grab a chair!!

Original shoves Danielle Worley out of the way and grabs her chair. York is slowly getting back to his feet as Original charges towards him with the chair. York sidesteps the charge and tosses Original over the barricade and into the fans.

Jim Ross: York moves out of the way right at the last second!!

Jerry Lawler: Ahh!! JR you knew this one would get out of hand!!

Jim Ross: No doubt about it King.

York tries to collect himself as Original rolls around in pain on the floor. Security moves the fans out of the way as York scales the top of the barricade. Original gets to his feet as York dives. Original nails York in the midsection with a chair. York crashes down.

Jim Ross: York went for high risk and Original made him pay!!

Jerry Lawler: What was York thinking there why did he even do that?

Original makes a cover as the referee hops over the barricade. Shoulders to the floor. One.....Two.....York gets the shoulder up at two. Original with a second pin attempt hooking the leg. One...Two...York kicks out at two. Original hooks both legs. One..Two..York kicks out again at two.

Jim Ross: York is not quite finished.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah but Original is making him expend energy with those pinfall attempts. Smart thinking there.

Original picks up York and tosses him to the ringside floor before climbing over the barricade. York tries to get back up as Original shoves him back into the ring. Original slides in and goes for another pin. One...Two...York kicks out as Original grabs a side headlock.

Jim Ross: Original is keeping York on his toes with those pinfall attempts.

Jerry Lawler: Or his back even.

Jim Ross: Good one King.

Original applies more pressure to the headlock as York moves from side to side. The referee looks on as the crowd starts to clap.

Jim Ross: It appeared as if this match was going to get out of hand. Original has slowed things down here.

Jerry Lawler: This is a big chess game JR and Original is thinking about his next move.

York hooks a leg and rolls Original on his shoulders. One...Original slides back over but York pins again. One...Two...Original rolls the move back over while keeping the headlock applied.

Jim Ross: York with a couple of pinfalls but Original maintains the hold!

York rolls back up and makes a move to get to his feet. Original cannot hold him down and York hits an elbow to the midsection. York with another elbow, elbow, chop to the chest, kick to the midsection. Original fights back with a right but York returns with another chop. York hits another chop that floors Original to the canvas.

Jim Ross: Big time chop from York that knocks down Original!

Jerry Lawler: My god that one echoed through the arena!

Original gets back to his feet and York hits a punch to the face. York whips Original off the ropes, Original ducks a clothesline, York tosses him over the top, Original grabs the top rope and skins the cat back in. York gets a waist lock and hits a bridging German Suplex.

Jim Ross: York with the German!!

One.....Two.....Original kicks out at two.

Jim Ross: How close was that?

Jerry Lawler: Original cannot afford to get caught in close near falls like that. Not with these stakes, with the World Heavyweight Title up for grabs!!

York stands back up while making a "three" gesture with his fingers.

Jim Ross: York thought he had a three there but the referee said two.

Jerry Lawler: He needs to stop worrying about that and continue the offense!

York slides to the outside and starts to search for something under the ring. He finds a chair and thinks about it for a second before tossing it aside.

Jim Ross: Looked like he was going to bring a chair in but..

Jerry Lawler: Looks like York has something else on his mind!

The crowd pops as York pulls a ladder out from underneath the ring.

Jim Ross: Business is about to pick up!

York slides the ladder into the ring as Original starts to get back to his feet. Original runs over towards York who was entering the ring and hooks his leg. York tries to fight him off from the outside part of the apron but takes a dragon screw leg whip. Original locks York and brings him in with a standing vertical suplex. Original holds onto him for another second before dropping him down on the ladder.

Jim Ross: York bought the ladder in and paid the price!

Jerry Lawler: Unbelievable.

Original rolls York off the ladder and hooks the leg for a pin. One....Two....York kicks out at two. Original questions the count but the ref tells him it was a two count.

Jim Ross: Original questions the referee but York clearly got the shoulder up at two.

Jerry Lawler: I just think Original cannot figure out why on earth York would want to continue after getting suplexed into a ladder!!

Jim Ross: The price these men will pay to be World Heavyweight Champion.

Original stands back up as the crowd continues to stir. York is slowly trying to get back to his feet.

Jerry Lawler: You see this?

Jim Ross: Original is allowing York to expend more energy here.

York stands himself up and turns around. Original hooks the arm and gets a deep armdrag backfirst into the ladder.

Jim Ross: A Ricky Steamboat deep armdrag into the damn ladder!!

York cringes in pain but cannot roll off the ladder as Original positions himself. Original runs, jump, springboard off the ropes for a Lionsault. York gets the knees up. Original lands on his feet and grabs a hold of Yorks legs and yanks him off the ladder. Original goes for a Walls of Jericho as York tries to fight.

Jim Ross: York saw the Lionsault but Original was one step ahead!!

Jerry Lawler: Ahh!! This is unbelievable JR!!

York continues to fight on the canvas as Original is relentless in his submission attempt. York grabs onto the second rope and holds on as Original tries to pull him off. Original whips York into the air...Original catches him on the way down in position for a piledriver...York blocks...York picks up Original in a fireman's carry and goes for a Fade 2 Black.

Jim Ross: Original is in trouble!!

Original slips back and has York in a crucifix.

Jim Ross: Crucifix pin?

Original snaps backwards and drops York headfirst into the mat with a crucifix driver.

Jim Ross: My god!

Jerry Lawler: You ever seen anything like that?

York and Original are both out on the canvas as the referee checks on the two of them.

Jerry Lawler: If I was Original I would've attempted that move onto the ladder. Drill York's head right into it.

Jim Ross: King I think Original wants to defeat York, not kill him.

Jerry Lawler: Just an idea JR that's all!

Original stands back up and rolls out of the ring. York is still on the canvas as Original grabs a table out to a big pop from the crowd.

Jim Ross: It was only a matter of time!

Jerry Lawler: If I didn't know better I would've thought this was a TLC match!

Original sets the table up on the outside but notices York who is slowly getting back to his feet. Original slides back into the ring with a chair in hand. York ducks a chairshot attempt and hits a chop to the chest. Original's body twists backwards on impact and York goes for a dragon suplex. Original blocks the dragon suplex drops down into a roll up pin. One.....Two.....York kicks out at two.

Jim Ross: Two count only!!

Original rolls backwards back to his feet only to take another hard chop from York. York chops him again as Original is starting to bleed from the chest.

Jim Ross: My god York is just opening him up with those knife edge shots!

Original starts to get fired up and dares York to hit him again. York hits another chop as Original fires with a headbutt. York hits another chop, Original hits a headbutt. Original hits another headbutt as York falls to the canvas. York is clutching above his right eye as the camera catches that he's been busted open.

Jim Ross: Original had enough of the chops and York is down on the mat!

Jerry Lawler: This is starting to get ugly JR, but in a good way.

Original is clutching his head as he grabs a hold of York. York tries to shove Original off him but takes a kick to the head. Original picks York up and whips him chest first into the turnbuckle. Original runs off the ropes and chop blocks York's right knee.

Jim Ross: Original takes York down once again!

Original grabs a hold of York's leg and pulls him to the center of the ring. Figure four is locked on as York is yelling in pain.

Jim Ross: Figure four locked on!

Jerry Lawler: JR is this unusual or out of nowhere? Original hasn't really spent any time working on the leg through the course of this match.

Jim Ross: That doesn't matter King. Both men are trying to take each other apart piece by piece. Original hasn't worked on the leg much but he's making up for it now!

York's shoulders are on the canvas. One...Two...Right shoulder up, back down. One...Two...Left shoulder up at two. Original continues the pressure while looking towards the ropes.

Jim Ross: I think Original just realized...Even if York were to get to the ropes it wouldn't matter because this is a no DQ match.

Jerry Lawler: Not even close JR. Original just realized that he can use the ropes himself for extra leverage!

Original tries to pull himself towards the ropes but York makes sure that doesn't happen. Original breaks the hold and pulls York away from the center of the ring.

Jim Ross: That's exactly what he's doing.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah but I don't think Original realizes that York just grabbed a hold of something.

Original twists around for another figure four. As Original goes to grab the other leg, York swings a chair and hits him in the head. Original falls to the mat as both men are laying on the canvas.

Jim Ross: Big mistake!

York rolls to his stomach as blood continues to pour out of the cut over his eye. Original is still laying flat on the mat as the referee circles around checking on both men. York gets back to his feet as half his face is now covered in blood as he grabs a hold of Original.

Jim Ross: My god York is a bloody mess here.

Jerry Lawler: Original isn't that much better either his chest looks like he battled a pissed off Freddy Kreuger!

York goes for an irish whip and Original counters. Original tosses York through the ropes but York lands feet first on the opposite side on the ring apron. Original charges and takes a shoulder to the midsection. York goes for another shoulder but Original blocks with a knee lift to the head.

Jim Ross: Second time was no good!

Original sees the table that was set up earlier as he looks at York who is stunned. Original drags York a couple feet and sets him up.

Jerry Lawler: This doesn't look good JR!

Original sunset flips over to the outside and hits a Canadian Destroyer. York goes headfirst as the table shatters. The crowd goes nuts as Original rolls around on the floor before laying still flat on his back.

Jim Ross: Good god what did we just see there!!?? York just went headfirst through the damn table and we need some help out here!!

Jerry Lawler: He might be dead!!

The referee flys to the floor and checks on both men before waving a doctor down towards the ring. Bob Levy makes his way down also as York has been knocked out. Original cannot move from where he's at either.

Jerry Lawler: Original could be three seconds away from winning the World Title but...

Jim Ross: Nevermind that King forget about the World Title. Original might have a broken pelvic bone or spine and York might have a broken neck.

Bob Levy is checking on York as a couple of doctors make their way down to ringside. The referee is checking on Original while a couple of ring crew personnel clear table debris from the scene. The camera cuts to random crowd shots as fans look stunned as to what has gone down.

Jim Ross: This does not look good right now.

Jerry Lawler: Can we get a replay and see exactly how they landed?

We cut to a double feature as the table spot is being shown at this time.

Jerry Lawler: Here we go. Watch this if you can.

A better view is shown as the replay shows Original sunset flipping into a Canadian Destroyer from the ring apron through the table on the outside. Original lands hard and York's head smashes to the canvas.

Jim Ross: It appears as if they're bringing a stretcher down right now.

Michael Lucente is walking down with one of the EMTs as Original is regaining his senses. York is still on the floor as Lucente talks to the referee. Bob Levy is talking to York who appears to have his eyes open now and is talking back.

Jim Ross: Good sign folks. This is why we tell everyone not to try any of this at home.

Original gets back to his feet and sits down on the ring stairs as York looks over and notices the stretcher that has made its way down. The referee goes over to Danielle Worley as it appears that they are calling this match off.

Jim Ross: Good call. It's a shame it has to end this way but.

Jerry Lawler: No doubt JR I mean whatelse can you do right now?

The crowd starts to erupt as Bob tries to reason with York on something.

Chris Falkenyork: No!! No!! No!!

York sits back up and shoves Bob to the floor. Lucente runs over and starts shouting at York trying to reason with him.

Michael Lucente: What are you doing??

York gets back to his feet and punches Lucente in the face. York stumbles over to the stretcher and grabs a hold of it. Original is still not aware of what is going on. The referee points over towards York as Original finally notices.

Jim Ross: My god!!

York clotheslines Original off the ringsteps with the stretcher. Original crashes to the floor while clutching on his throat.

Jim Ross: My god where did York get the surge to get back up like that?

Jerry Lawler: It was like he rose from the dead and Original couldn't do anything about it!

Jim Ross: Of course not he was under the impression that this match was getting thrown out the window.

York collapses to his knees trying to regain his senses while wiping the blood from his forehead. Bob Levy and Michael Lucente are walking away from ringside while arguing with each other about something.

Jim Ross: I guess we're going to continue here. Not sure if that's a wise decision but that is what's going on right now.

York slowly walks over towards Original and tosses him back into the ring. The referee slides in as York rolls in and makes a cover. One.....Two.....Original gets the shoulder up at two.

Jim Ross: I cannot believe that Original can even breathe after taking that shot from the stretcher.

Jerry Lawler: He wants to win the title JR!

York grabs a hold of the ladder and sets it up on one of the corners of the ring. Original slowly gets to his feet only to take a right hand from York. York hits another right, and a third...Whip into the corner, reversed, Original sends York chest first into the ladder. Original gets a waist lock and hits a German Suplex. Original keeps his hands locked around the waist.

Jim Ross: This does not look good right now!

Original stands back up and hits another German Suplex...Hands are still locked.

Jim Ross: Are we going to see a third?

Jerry Lawler: York was just regaining his senses so much for that!

Original stands back up and goes for a third...York blocks and breaks the waist lock...Go behind...York gets a waist lock and hits an overhead German Suplex...Original flips and goes crashing stomach first into the ladder that was set up in the corner.

Jim Ross: Good god!! Good god!!

The crowd is standing on their feet cheering on as Original is rolling around in pain. York looks nauseated and is having trouble standing back up. The referee continues to check on both competitors.

Jim Ross: This crowd appreciating the effort both men are putting on.

Jerry Lawler: These two have been tearing each other apart here!!

York pushes the referee out of the way as he lays the ladder on the canvas. Original gets to his feet...York chops Original in the chest...Another chop drops Original back first onto the ladder.

Jerry Lawler: I'm starting to feel sorry for the ladder JR.

Jim Ross: Well in a fight between man and steel I'm pretty sure steel has the advantage.

York steps between the ropes and stands on the opposite side of the ring apron.

Jim Ross: No, don't do it Chris!

York jumps up...Springboard into a shooting star press...Original rolls out of the way, York lands on his feet...Original pops up to his feet, York staggers...Original hits a Codebreaker.

Jim Ross: Codebreaker connects!!

Jerry Lawler: All Original has to do is cover!!

Original, exhausted from expending all energy hitting the Codebreaker, cannot make a cover.

Jim Ross: Original cannot take advantage he could be three seconds away!!

Jerry Lawler: How much did it take for him to hit that Codebreaker?

Original slowly crawls over to make a cover on York. The referee is ready to count the shoulders down...Original covers, hooks the leg...One.......Two.......Th....York gets the shoulder up right before the three count. The referee stands back up and points out that it was a two count. The crowd cannot believe it.

Jerry Lawler: Was that only a two???

Jim Ross: That was a little too close to call but the referee said it was a two count!!!

Original is talking to himself, trying to figure out what he's going to do next. He looks at the referee and the ref tells him again it was only a two count. York is not moving at all at this time.

Jim Ross: What can Original do to put this match away?

Jerry Lawler: Chainsaw JR, or maybe a hand grenade.

Original looks over towards the ladder and pulls himself up using the ring ropes. The referee checks on York while Original stands the ladder up in the ring. Original pulls York to the center of the ring and walks over to the ladder once again.

Jim Ross: What is Original going to do now.

Jerry Lawler: I know what he's going to do!!

Original starts to climb the ladder...Rung, by rung, by damn rung....The crowd is standing on their feet and anticipating another big move.

Jim Ross: Original looks like he wants to hit a splash off the top of the ladder??

Original gets high and sits on the top of the ladder trying to balance himself. That moment of delay is enough for York to get back to his feet. York grabs a hold of a chair and tosses it towards Original...The chair hits Original right in the head.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god JR!!

Jim Ross: Original took too much time setting himself up!!

Original is unbalanced, nearly falling off the top. York climbs up the ladder and grabs a hold of Original's legs. Original's body falls and bends...York hooks his legs around Original's arms and locks in Version Seven on the top of the ladder.

Jim Ross: Version Seven, that modified Boston Crab is locked on Original!! We might be moments away from a submission victory!!

Jerry Lawler: Original has nowhere to go!!

Jim Ross: Can York hold on long enough? York has lost alot of blood in this match does he have the energy to keep it locked on??

The referee looks up at Original who has nowhere to go. Original is screaming in pain but is not giving up.

Jim Ross: Original says no, he still has fight left!!

Jerry Lawler: But for how long?

Original continues to hold on as York keeps the pressure locked on.

Jim Ross: How long can York hold onto the submission hold?

Jerry Lawler: As long as he has to!! He wants to break Original in half!!

Original refuses to quit as York finally releases the hold out of exhaustion. Original is still laying back first on the top of the ladder as he starts to roll backwards. York grabs hold of Original by the neck and shoulders. Original gets footing on the ladder, preventing him from falling off.

Jim Ross: York could not keep it locked on but the damage has been done.

Jerry Lawler: No doubt JR, Original is in trouble here.

York hooks Original's head and sets up for a suplex.

Jim Ross: No, no, no!!

Jerry Lawler: Superplex off the top of the ladder??

York lifts Original up and hooks him by the legs.

Jim Ross: Muscle buster??

York goes to lift as Original blocks the attempt. York punches Original in the midsection and gives it a second try...Original blocks again. Original breaks the headlock as York almost loses balance off the ladder. Original hits a headbutt, hits another headbutt. York is dizzy...Original wipes blood off his forehead and hits another headbutt. York falls backwards and gets his legs caught in the ladder.

Jim Ross: York almost falls to the canvas but gets his feet caught on the way down!

Jerry Lawler: This is the opening Original needs right now!

Original shakes the cobwebs out and looks down at York who is failing in his attempt to get his legs out. Original smiles and positions himself to step on the top of the ladder.

Jim Ross: What is Original thinking here?

Jerry Lawler: Whatever it is I think he wants to end the match with what he's about to do!

Original places his feet on the top of the ladder and makes an attempt to stand straight up. The crowd is stirring in anticipation as York is still caught. York tries a situp to release the pressure that's keeping his legs caught.

Jim Ross: York can free himself up but he better do it now!

Original looks down...York looks upwards...Original jumps off the ladder and goes for a double stomp...York grabs a hold of Original's legs on the way down...Original almost falls facefirst on the mat as York's legs come free from the ladder...York rolls backwards and lands on his feet while holding onto Original's legs...York sets him up and locks on a Version Seven.

Jim Ross: Version Seven!!! Version Seven!!!

Jerry Lawler: How in the hell did that just happen??

Jim Ross: Original has nowhere to go!!!

Original taps out as the referee calls for the bell.

Jim Ross: Original taps out!!! My god!!!

The bell rings as Danielle Worley grabs the microphone. York unlocks the submission. The referee grabs the championship title and hands it to York.

Danielle Worley: The winner of this match and NEW XWF WORLD...HEAVYWEIGHT...CHAMPION...Cchhhrrrriiiiissssss Falllkkkeeennnyyyooorrrkkk!!!

Jim Ross: Thank you all for watching this spectacular contest between Chris Falkenyork , the Original, and the former World Champion, Jesse Jones. But, .. it is Chris Falkenyork who is walking out of "King Of Xtreme" the victor. He avenges his loss at "New Beginnings" .. to The Original, and comes out here tonight forcing Original to tap .. to the Version Seven!

Jerry Lawler: And with all that was at stake. XWF had to live up to the hype. It needed some momentum going in to "Collision Course", and this is it! We have a new XWF Heavyweight World Champion, Chris Falkenyork, and we witnessed as Stephen Blood went through this tournament, simply dominating the competition, and escaping the night as the new 2010 "King Of Xtreme" ... what a night!

Jim Ross: We saw the return of Mars to the squared circle. We witness Shiru Vanchiez put on an incredible display, among other great moments... the "TV-MA" Mark Adkins, and Carlos A. Shotgun feud.. came to a head tonight! What exactly will transpire before COLLISION COURSE in November?? We have an XWF show coming up in ONE WEEK.. titled.. "XWF Build Up" .. we will be going through the motions .. and preparing to set up our next scheduled pay per-view event, "COLLISION COURSE". ..Who will be there?? What kind of controversy if any will be surrounding the World Title scene, and of course ... what will Carlos Shotgun's ONE FAVOR from Mark Adkins be??.. You will have to tune in next week to find out... "XWF Build Up" is coming, and COLLISION COURSE will be the result ... in just over a month. For now, THANKS AGAIN for tuning in to "King Of Xtreme" , .. .. good bye everybody!!


A flash back of the night is shown. All the tournament brutality. All the chaos throughout the night. The backstage scenes, the incredible spots, and the amazing conclusion.


XWF 1998-2010