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The Funkiest Monkey in Town

***NEW STUFF!***
Oh my God! I have actually changed some things! Ok, not much but the hero page has been updated and I intend to redo the quiz page and hopefully update the Radiohead page, make it more useful. I am back from Uni for only 4 days, so it all depends on how quick I am, anyway yes. On with the show. Please feel free to look at all the old crap that is still around....

Welcome to my humble abode. This page is under construction, I'm still learning, so please bookmark this page and come back every now and then, there will more likely than not be summat new for you to enjoy every time. Woohoo! OH! and PLEASE sign my *NEW* Dreambook, (Guestworld sucks, thanks Kamran)
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

1. Listen to Andy Williams 'Cant take my eyes off you' until you're sick. Just pretend you're in a romantic film and someone is serenading you and..ahhhhh
2. Go to University, I highly recommend it. The government pay you to get drunk, ok so they don't pay you much but hey! A pint on them is fine by me!
3. Listen to a Cd you would never normally even touch. Like Christina Aguilera. If it doesn't broaden your musical tastes it'll at least make you laugh.
4. Worship Simon le Bon manically. Ok so this may only suit the more...sophisticated pallet but DAMN IT! the man IS cool, I don't care what anyone says...
Once these tasks are completed, you, like me, will be cool.

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The Rest Of My Site

A wondrous place
Save me from my Children
Shaking their bits to the hits
Virtuality is Reality
You'd kill yourself for recognition
We could be Heroes...
Clare Pickett
***FAT KID***
A nice hairy arse
Seek out hedonistic past times
Shall we shag now???
