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Usl's Taekwondo History
Rank System
Basic Principles
UL's Homepage

     The USL Taekwondo Program is currently under the instruction of Master Paul K. Monier, 5th Dan. 1st Dans Shawn Angelle, and Eric Faulk assist Master Monier. The UL Taekwondo club currently has approximately 40 members. They range in rank from Cho Dan Bo (highest rank), to white belt (lowest rank). Club members can train up to three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Students are expected to learn numerous techniques, which will allow them to build their bodies, minds, and spirits. The UL Taekwondo program is currently under the Cha Yan Roo system. Grand Master Yang K. Moon has had a big influence on the UL program. Master Moon, until recently, was the owner of the Yang Moon College of Taekwondo in New Orleans, La. Master Moon was the instructor of UL's head instructor, Master Monier.

Other people who should be credited for their support of the UL program includes:

  • Mr. Mike Smith, 4th Dan
  • Master Phillips
  • Master Davis
  • Mr. Joseph Phong, 2nd Dan

     The UL Taekwondo Program began in the early 1980's under the direction of Mr. Mike Smith. Unfortunately, Mr. Smith sustained an injury and was unable to continue as head instructor. In the coming years, the program was under the instruction of Mr. Lavierre, and then Master Paul Monier. Every semester, students train in Taekwondo. Since the program is also considered a college course, it operates on a semester basis. During the fall and spring semesters, students train using a set schedule approved by the university. However, there is also summer training, which is held at Thomas Park. Students enrolled in Taekwondo classes earn 2 hours of credit, which goes toward their degree. A semester session usually lasts an estimated 3 months, culminating in an end of the semester rank test.