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Ghost Stories Page 4

Woman's Sister's House Has Spooky Upstairs - Years ago, my sister moved in an old house in Butler County. The stairway door was locked, and we kids weren't suppose to go up there. One day, when my sister was gone, we snuck upstairs, anyway. My brother, Wally, and my cousin, James, found a closet hidden behind some cardboard. They opened the closet and found that it was full of clothes and shoes. We took some clothes out and left a pair of shoes on a table in front of the closet and some clothes under the table. Later that day, after eating dinner, we snuck back upstairs and found the shoes on the floor and the clothes on the table. None of us had moved them. While my sister lived in the house, we heard a lot of noises upstairs. We could heard people walking, doors slamming and a rocking chair rocking. My sister finally moved out of that house because of this.

Man Finds Lively Church Empty - My granny's father, when he was younger, he was riding his horse down the road in Warren County. She said he saw a church down the road, and the lights were on, and he heard people shouting and singing. He rode his horse to the church and looked in the window. But when he looked in the window, the lights were out and no one was there

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