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I   AM

In my walk along the red road of spirit
    I am Native American:

        The daughter of a chief
        The wife of a chief
        The mother of a chief.

My father wears a flaming ceremonial headdress
        in powerful shades of orange, yellow, green,
                                                    red feathers
        which signify that he is a respected man
        ordained by his tribe as their hallowed leader

He sings in a language I no longer understand
        in meaning -
        can only grasp the essence of -
        like Mother Earth - our sacred land

My son plays an Indian drum
        sometimes with his hands
        sometimes with white man sticks

Littlw chief's father is with The Great Spirit

In my walk along the brown road of earth

    I am one of the Wasichus
        being guided by Tekewah,
        an enlightened Medicine Woman

        is Max, my sister
I AM Delorosa - The Way
    Together we look forward
To discovering
    The Truth and the Life.


Old Man, Old Man, How wise you are.
The years have weathered you well.
Your face shows the lines of time and trials,
your hands the work that has been done.

In your face one can see the wisdom born there
like time tracks upon the sands.
Your eyes have seen both beauty and pain,
Across our vast, vast lands.

Though your hands are knarled by years of toil,
they still can teach the young.
Teach them to be gentle, yet firm
and achieve what must be done.

Take heart Old Man, your life has not been futile.
Each person your life has touched
will carry along a part of you
and pass it on to someone else.

They will remember your sagacity.
Your children, friends and many more, you have etched you own small part
in those tracks they should wear so well.


Reaching To Be Whole

Pale moonlight shines across
Silvery glistening dewdrops
On green blades of grass
A gentle breeze rustles
Through the tree tops
Look upon with peace
a stillness of soul
learning to be whole
I feel a chance coming
But cannot tell what of
knowing another soul is reaching
out towards mine
What is it to offer me
Guidance, counsel or pain
All are lessons to be learned
over and over again
what teachings am I preparing myself for
But be it bad or good
I'll learn and know
So change come for me
And reach for my soul
Show me all you can
I'm reaching to be whole


When someone's mind is dark and cloudy
Who's task is it to bring the light?
When someone's heart is cold and shadowed
Who's chore is it to set the fire?

When someone decides to end this existence,
Who's bane is it to close the box?

An Ancient
Wiccan Grace

"Answer us, O Ancient Horned One,
Provender and Pow'r are Thine
Hear and answer, Gracious Goddess,
Grant us laughter, wit, and wine.
Descend on us, O thou of Blessings,
Come among us, make us glad!
Since Thou art chief of our Creation,
Why, O why, should we be sad?
Beam on us, O joyous Bacchus,
Banish heavy-hearted hate,
Accept our Craft, O Greatest Mother,
Let cheerful brightness be our fate."

Venus, Virgin, Vibrant woman
Maiden, Mother, Crone
She represents the best within me
Reminding me of hearth and home.
Comely, beauteous or
Gnarled and twisted
Full of innocent laughter
And worldly knowledge
Whimsey, wisdom, wit and guile
Deepest frown and brightest smile



A light in the distance
A sound half-heard
A shadow in the moonlight
Lightening and thunder which accompany the rain
The pungent odor of the damp forest
Fronds and ferns and boughs.  Cool aurumn breeze carrying golden leaves
acorns and oak leaves
A warm fire stoked to brilliance
The Stag.  The Boar.  The Wolf.  The Bear.
The round-smooth rocks at the bottom of the river.
The magic of twilight.
The coyote, the teacher through laughter.
The trickster, who loves to tease.
Being held by strong arms
Fingers that wipe away tears and inspire courage
Silent strength, Gentle chiding
Children are drawn there because they know.
An innocent and worldliness exist together
wind in the trees, talking with the birds,
The pipes, calling the fairies to dance and play
Calling to me.


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