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Information and Updates

What's ongoing with the POE web site
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July 28, 1999  -
The site got a facelift. I have been intermittently working on the update for about a month.
Thanks go out to those of you that were patient.  Sometimes our personal lives are bogged down and difficult,
and the site has to unfortunately take a back seat, when it comes to other issues that have to be dealt with.
Thank you again, to those of you that understood, after all,  I am only human.

 Q:   Why was the web site changed?

 A:   I understood that some people were having trouble viewing the site, for some reason.  I tend to enjoy decorating things, and perhaps I went overboard.
         It was toned down immensely, for those of you unable to get a quality picture.  I honestly used nothing more than basic graphics, some java, and frames.
         Not anything that you wouldn't already find on any site that you go to if you surf the web, and obviously you do, you were here. <grin>  It looked great on my
         monitor and it is used, and about 9 years old   :)  but okay, to make everybody happy, the site is less graphic.  I put out a plea, for input from someone
         as to the problems they were having, and received no response.  The only thing I ever heard was that it looked nice, but I went ahead and changed it
         anyway.  I hope everybody is okay with this.

Q:  Why should I e-mail this web site if I have a problem viewing it, or any other problem pertaining to it?

A:  I can understand that many of you are directed to this site from people affiliated with our magazine, and that is great!  If there is a problem with the site,
      I hope you will use the e-mail link here on the site to address your concerns, because it will come directly to me, the webmistress.  Since I will have to make
      the changes, it is easier if I don't have to wait for it to come through the "grapevine" before I find out about it, and I can find out if MANY people are
      experiencing the same problems that you are.  Don't be shy...please let me know!

Q:  Why have advertisements on the web site?

A:  Advertisements, WebRings and Links provide a way for others to find our site, as well as, enabling visitors to our site to find news and interesting tidbits
     that coincide with our theme and beliefs.  Some advertisements must be on the main page of the site, causing it to have a whole heck of a lot of graphics
      on it from time to time, but some of these are set up this way, the ones that are not, will be moved.  It is not only advertisements, but links to daily news
      articles, poetry, and inspirational sayings in which their link also has an advertisement on the top, and some of these items update themselves on a daily basis,
      so as to not have stagnant content. Bringing traffic to you web site is the only way to get your voice heard on the internet.  In order to not send traffic AWAY
      from our site,  most links will open in another browser window, right on top of ours, to allow you to come back and not lose our site in the process.

Please do stop in and sign our guestbook,  and at least tell us that you have been here!

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