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Hello and Welcome

We are "People of the Earth"!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for wanting to learn more about us and what we do.

"People of the Earth" magazine is published in Wichita, Kansas.  We follow the paths that we believe in, and are all volunteering our time to share our knowledge and experiences with you, through our writings.  We are from a broad range of faiths, and all share different ideas about our lives, and how we interact with others.  We welcome readers of any faith or from any background, and encourage the submission of writings or poems to support the diversity of our publication.  All submissions are subject to approval by "People of the Earth", and become the property of the publication with right of publication.  Submissions may be made by e-mail ( or

People of the Earth
P.O. Box 1838
Wichita, KS  67201-1838


Advertising in People of the Earth is available on a single or contract basis.  If you would like to become an advertiser, or to have more information on our rates, please contact:

 Clinton at (316) 264-1159 or John at (316) 685-6701.

Thank you for your support.

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