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Index to Tales from the Scuttlebutt Part 3 - The Poop Deck

Welcome to a collection of Nautical tales, sea stories, sailors yarns, and cartoons looking at the interesting / unbelievably funny aspect of sea life....all by fellow seafarers of the Merchant marine / navy! Go ahead, click any of the pictures below (Remember - the latest submissions are right at the end!), and .....Bon Voyage....
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Index for tales 41~60
Comical narrative of a young R/O in Germany
41) An Officer and a Frauline
A Comical photo
42) Photo - We dont salute in the MerchAnt Navy
Funny anecdote - of a drunk chiefee
43) Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum
Who has'nt heard this one about passenger ships!
44) Grannies in action
Peeping toms and wo-man overboard
45) Peeping toms
Comic incident that occured when the Rajula went to dry dock
46) The Snake charmers
SS Rajula in a harrowing experience
47) The Madras cyclone 1966
Sea salt  Hassan reminisces about the Umbrella lady, keeping a-breast of things, and painting the radar mast
48) Umbrella lady & other stories
The mate who repeatedly had to say ... F*%# my luck!!
49) The unfortunate chief officer
 One interesting picture of Mahatma Gandhi !
50) Was Gandhiji a seaman!

51) A Master in Jail
Time for a laugh!
52) Cartoon up the mast!

53) Cartoon - Paper chart

54) Cartoon - Change of watch

55) Cartoon-Shooting star

56) Will this be your sea story?!
Cartoon of the funny names some ships can have!
Cartoon-Funny Name!
A cartoon which will be appreciated by today's watchkeeper!
58)Cartoon-cool radar
Peter Nicholson's anecdote will surely give you a feeling of deja vu!
59)False Sea Dogs

Is this gonna be your tale?

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All Sea stories have either been submitted to Sriram Rajagopal or have been reproduced with permission from the owner. Ditto for the photos. If you feel that something here is yours, Please let me know - Sriram
People and websites who have helped me with the lil' thingees on these pages