Haidit (EGY) Shadow. One of the five bodies of a human being. The haidit is somewhat equivalent to the unconscious mind. Sometimes called “khaibit.”

Hallows, Halloween Another name, generally associated with Christianity, for Samhain.

Halch To bind with knots in ritual work.

Handfasting The Pagan/Wiccan equivalent of a wedding ceremony. It may become a legally recognized wedding ceremony if performed by a registered clergyman. Handfasting vows are intended to be renewed annually, thus making them are a "safer" commitment than a modern traditional marriage. During the ceremony the bride and groom are literally bound together at the wrist. They are generally given gifts that show togetherness, such as lover's knots, or Claddaugh symbols. Another custom I recently read of is to give the couple two vials of blended oils associated with togetherness and love. Each night, the two anoint one another with oil from their own vial, and after a certain number of days have passed, they pour the remainder of their oils into one vial, symbolizing their union.

Handparting Equated to a separation or divorce. Symbolizes the cutting of the bonds created by a handfasting.

Haruspicy A form of divination by use of animal entrails.

Hatha Yoga (SKT) A form of yoga concerned primarily with breathing and the discipline of the body. Ha is the action of the in breath while tha is the action of the out breath. These are also referred to as the Sun and the Moon breaths, respectively. Hatha is also used to indicate the cycle of prana and apana (two of the vital airs or vayns). Hatha Yoga is frequently thought of as a preparation for other yogas since it is necessary to still the body and emotions before one can see beyond them. Patanjali stated that the body should be brought to perfection and then forgotten. See Angas; Asana; Pranayama; Yoga.

Hayyoth (HEB) The four angelic beings in the vision of Ezekiel who carry the Throne of Glory. The hayyoth are the source of the four directions and the four elements. The hayyoth are also viewed as the four lightning flashes from the merkabah (the Throne of Glory in motion, in its aspect as chariot). See Chayot; Cherubim; Merkabah.

Heathen 1.) An individual who does not recognize the God of the Bible.
2.) A pagan.
3.) An irreligious, uncivilized person. Used in this context as a derogatory term for a pagan, notwithstanding the fact that it's an inaccurate generalization.

Hedge Wizard A rural practitioner who has little or no formal training.

Heptagram A seven-pointed star drawn with one uninterrupted line. Symbolic of the number seven, which is important to many magickal systems including the seven traditional astrological planets, the seven planes and sub planes, and the seven chakras.

Herbal Code The code devised to keep the ingredients of concoctions secret from those uninitiated in the art of magick. These generally were eccentric sounding terms; for example, an "eye" refers simply to "eyebright" or "daisy".

Hereditary Witch One who is descended from a line of witches and has been trained in the Craft from a member of this lineage.

Heresy From the Greek hairesis, meaning “choice.” A religious teaching in opposition to, or in deviation from, the established, mainline doctrine of a religion. The term heresy is most often associated with the Christian Church’s suppression of various unorthodox groups such as the Albigenses, Cathars, and assorted Gnostic sects. Heresy is anything the heads of an established religion disagree with.

Hermeticism The occult in general. Formally the magickal, astronomical, and alchemical doctrines deriving from Western )particularly Hebrew and Egyptian) sources. The term Hermeticism comes from the name Hermes Trismegistos of “Hermes Thrice Greatest,” the legendary author of various treaties and originator of the Hermetic axiom, “As above so below.” Many consider Hermes Trismegistos to be a legend of the god Thoth.

Herms These are the predecessors of the more modern maypole. Originally built to honor the festivities of Beltaine, and for fertility purposes, these are pillars of either wood or stone, bearing the likeness of a human torso on top. Many also include phallic protrusions to signify the purpose.

Hex Traditionally refers to all magick; this term was imposed during the time of the inquisition, when no magick could be considered as "good". Today, we seem to lob this term at the sole branch of honestly negative magick, from which someone comes to harm.

Hexagram 1.) A figure made up of six broken or unbroken lines representing the interplay of yin and yang, the archetypical opposites. There are 64 possible combinations of lines. The ancient Chinese used these figures in divination rituals. This technique is still very much alive all over the world. See I Ching; Trigram.

2.) A six-pointed star, usually used in Western magick to represent the seven planets (the sun being in the center of the star). The hexagram (or variations of it) is also used to symbolize the heart center (the anahata chakra).

Hierophant A priest of the mysteries who reveals his tradition’s secrets to his initiates only.

High Magick Ceremonial magick invoking the actions of deities or spirits.

High Priest The role of a male witch within a coven who has been initiated into the 3rd degree. Abbreviated in written rituals as HP.

High Priestess A female witch within a coven who has been initiated into the 3rd degree. Abbreviated as HPS in written rituals.

Higher Self A personification of the spiritual or transcendental self. Within this ideal each individual functions (to some degree or another) on four different levels.

LevelFunctionRelated Element
Higher SelfSpiritual evolution,
Talking Self
(Older Self)
Tinking about the
past and future
Younger SelfFeeling
Survival instinct
Momentary, here and
now consciousness
Deep SelfSubconscious
Suppressed memory

See Augoeides; Holy Guardian Angel.

Holed Stones Sometimes referred to as "holy stones", "holey stones" or "hag stones"; true holed stones are those which have naturally occurring holes, as they are more rare and, of course . . .natural. These are thought to be "a gift of special favor" from Diana, and thanks should be given when one happens upon a specimen in nature (from Aradia). They are stones of protection, and it is also believed that if they are held up to the left eye, fairies may be seen through the hole. These are strung on leather thongs and worn by those lucky enough to find them.

Holy Guardian Angel A being attached to or part of each person which acts as a spiritual guide or guardian. It is considered by some to be a personification of the Higher Self. See Augoeides; Higher Self; Yidam.

Holly King The ruler of the waning half of the wheel of the year, from Midsummer to Midwinter. It is rumored that he is the model for many Victorian style Santa figurines, as he is pictured wearing a wreath of holly upon his head, and leaning on a long staff of holly branch. He is defeated in ritual battle by his brother, the Oak King, each Yule

Horned God Pagan father God often mistaken for, or associated with, Satan by Christians.

Host From the Latin hostia, meaning “a sacrificial victim.” In Christianity, the host is the consecrated bread that is the “body” of Christ in the communion service. See Eucharist

Hsin (CHI) The intuition. The original mind. The pure and distilled essence of the vital force, ch’i.” See Alchemy; Ch’i; Neshamah.

Hsu (CHI) An important Taoist concept meaning “emptiness” or “nonexistence,” in the sense of stillness and receptivity.

Hsuan (CHI) Ultimate mystery. The gate of experience. That which is mysterious or supremely profound.
See Tao

Hsuan Te (CHI) Virtue through emptiness. The cultivation of one’s original nature.

Hsuan Tsung (CHI) One of the names of Taoism. Hsuan Tsung means “religion of mystery.”

Hun (CHI) The yang aspect or part of the human soul. The spirit, which ascends to Heaven. See Kuel

Hydromancy A form of divination by use of a liquid, especially water.

Hyle (GRK) An alchemical term for the “first matter” or primal substance from which the entire universe is created. Hyle is a fusion of the four elements and is considered to be synonymous with the Philosopher’s Stone. See Philosopher’s Stone; Prima Materia.