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Las Vegas Wedding


My name is Trevor John Andrew Lane, son of Terri Lane (now Mann) and Kenny Bloomfield.  Originally born in London, but raised predominantly in Aylmer Ontario.  I have been lucky enough to have a family that have all had a hand in raising me, from parents, aunts and uncles to my Grandfather.

I have two brothers and a sister, all of whom are awesome!  Highschool was a

playground of sports and friends, never short of ideas to waste time.  Here I spent most of my time with my longest and best friends, Joe Ralf and Ryan Walker.  As I finally achieved my goal of getting into the University of Waterloo for computer science it was all sure to change.

University was hard work but turned out to be an experience that I would not trade for anything.  I came to know the two loves of my life.  As you read in the "Our Story" section, this is where I met Kelly, my future wife.  And on the other side, I was introduced to the one thing in my life I can truly say changed who I am.  The EC (Sigma Chi) fraternity was my guide to get through University and life.  There I met some of the most amazing people who showed me what it really means to live your life by ideals and to not lose sight of your aspirations.

So, now here I am, finished University and looking for a career in the video game industry.  Now a days, I spend my time doing the same as I have for as long as I can remember, playing and making games.  Well, that is not totally true, the past week I have been building this website.

And that is Trevor in a nutshell


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