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Hello, my name is Alvaro Cortes Ortiz, Jr. I am an aspiring artist/writer. I was born August 10, 1979, in Brooklyn, New York. I always had an active imagination. But it wasn't until I read "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" that my imagination really flew high. But after seeing my parents go through a divorce when I was 4 years old, I knew that things never really turn out how you expect them to be, like when I turned 12 and gound out my family (my sister, my mom, and me) where moving to Puerto Rico.

We moved to Puerto Rico when I was 12, and the transition was smoother than I thought it would be. In my first year at my new school, I won various academic awards (as I did also in New York). After graduating 6th grade and moving into Junior High in a private school, I met other friends with interests in comics. Then in 1991 in seventh grade, IT came out. The Ray mini-series, written by Jack C Harris and art by Joe Quesada and Art Nichols. As the famous narnian book changed my life when I was 7, then at 13, The Ray changed my life. From that point on, I wanted to do comics, and it became my calling. I had never picked up a pencil to draw before, so it was quite challenging. I drew like a man possesed for the next few year and a half, and then I created him, in 8th grade. I created The Mighty Warlord.

From 8th/9th grade and all throughout highschoool I drew, wrote, and created my own little world with the whole cast of The Mighty Warlord with help from my best friend, Alfred Gomez. Then college came, and I had an idea: why not officially do an actual comic of The Mighty Warlord? Things got in the way and I could not do it back then. College was really a growing and learning experieance. I met a lot of heartache and joy and sadness and happiness and sorrow along the way, but thankfully it made me a stronger person. Although I didn't get to finish college, hopefully not to far into the future I will finish it.

After a mishap with my shcolarship basically ended my college career, I refocused on trying to once again do my comic. Again, I wrote and pencilled like a man possesed, devoured any and all artbooks to hone my craft. I would constantly brainstorm with Alfred storylines and plots. At the same time, I was really passionate about writing songs and poems, something I had been doing for quite a while, but even more so at that time. After some more heartbreak, I eventually almost gave up forever.

Then I met another friend, Migdalia Gonzalez Feliciano online in a chatroom. After a few conversations and becoming friends, she asked me a simple question: what kind of animal would you like to be? And my answer was a fox. As I explained to her, foxes are solitary animals, that can live close to anybody without being noticed. Foxes can adapt themselves to pretty much any enviorment or situation. They rarely ever, if ever, travel in packs with other foxes. And when a fox finds it's mate, they stay together for the rest of their lives. In a nutshell, that's me all right. Later on I found a job at a factory, and then I saw something happening. I saw that puertorican comics where coming out more and more. And that's when it all came back to me.

I started my dream project of The Mighty Warlord once again in late 2003. I would draw relentlessly, but part of me was not satisfied. I had promised myself that when I was 18, I would've been published in a comic. I was 23 and nothing had happened. Then, one night, I was checking out and saw that there was a section for writers looking for artists, so more as a joke and curiousity, I entered to look around. Then after a while, I saw an ad. It was for CF Comics, a non-profit company that made indie comics and all the money made of sold issues was donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The ad was for an artist to draw a female character. After visisting to find out exactly what CFF was, I e-mailed the editor, Tim Temmel with a link to artwork I had. He e-mailed me the next day, informed me that the female character was being pencilled by somebody else, but there was a male character that was available if I was still interested. His name was Captain Fantastic.

After accepting penciling Captain Fantastic, Tim e-mailed me the script by Jeff Stevenson. I was a nervous wreck, but inspite of that, I gutted it out to turn out the 7 page story of artworked and delivered it to Tim to St Louis. After a few months, for the first time ever, my artwork had seen print in the form of Captain Fantastic #3 (the final issue) and also in Focre Grrl #1 (also known as Force Grrl Pink)in the shape of a pin-up. Now thanks to CF Comics and the friends I've made along the way (like Jeff and Andy Cooke, and the rest of the 3 C's group), I've been published numerous times since then.

Then my first story ever published ("About a Girl" in Hero Bijou #8), my first cover ever (Imagine #9, Full Circle Comix final issue the month of October of 2004. The Mighty Warlord has become a pretty good success story, in the sense that dspite and inspite of a lot of things, it has been a quite succesful webcomic. So right now, even though I've gone through quite a few hardships, I have love, from my family, from my friends, from my peers, from God always, and maybe for the first time in a long time, if ever, I have love from myself, though it's very difficult sometimes. It's been a long, strange trip, where I have done nothing I'll ever regret, except for perhaps a broken promise. But I thank God for everthing that happened or that didn't happen, because I've grown in so many different ways and learn something new everyday. Well, in a nutshell, that's me. Hope you all enjoy my site and what it offers, and you are truely brave and admirable if you read every single friggin' word I wrote here LOL!!! I'll leave you all now to enjoy the site, 'till next time, see's ya when I see's ya, and God bless =)

Top 5 Canciones/Songs
1)Luv Lies (Aerosmith- Just Push Play)
2)Baby Come Home (American Hi-Fi- Hearts On Parade)
3)About A Girl (Nirvana- Bleach/MTV Unplugged)
4)Angel (Aerosmith- Permanent Vacation/Big Ones/A Little South Of Sanity)
5)Interstate Love Song (Stone Temple Pilots- Purple)

Top 5 Peliculas/Movies
1)Spider-Man 3!
2)Tie- The Crow/Batman Begins
4)Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
5)With Honors

Top 5 Historias/Stories
1)The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe (novel)
2)The Ray (comic book mini-series)
3)Batman: Hush (comic book)
4)Daredevil: Guardian Devil (comic book)
5)True Story, Swear to God (comic book)