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Podcasts and Unity!
Soraya: 1969-2006
Yep, YEP!
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Thursday, 18 May 2006
Soraya, you will be missd
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Soraya: 1969-2006
I know this really doesn't have to do with comics, neither local or foreign. And I know this isn't a music forum, either. But it's just something I have to get out of my chest, something that actually halted me ever since I heard last week. The death of singer/songwriter Soraya.

I was numb. Not as much as with Eddie Guerrero's passing earlier this year because with Guerrero's case he didn't have an illness so to speak and was very sudden, but I felt a numbness nonethe less. See, not many people know, but I have a big passion for music, as much as I have for comics, and ever since the first time I heard Soraya, I was a huge fan of her music. I've drawn countless hours, listening to her music for inspiration. Sometimes inspiring me to write songs as well. You know, it's incredible the bond somebody can create with something as simple as an artistic expression.

Like this one time, the birthday of a very dear, speacial friend of mines was coming up. I had heard her comment once that she had always wanted Soraya's first album, but never got the chance to buy it. I swear, I looked around for like two weeks, almost all over the northern coast of this here island to get it, and I didn't find, until maybe three days just before her birthday. I was ecstatic about it, I even went to the local mall to get it wrapped up really nice, bow and everything. I remember, when I was about to give her the present at a church meeting we had, I actually chickened out for some reason. I dunno, I'm a dork that way sometimes. But when the meeting ended, I just thought to myself "dude, don't be such a wuss, dammit!". So, I finally just pulled her aside, and, nervous wreck and all, finally gave her the durned thing lol. I had never seen her glow as much as she did that night. She hugged me tight, and then unwrapped the gift, and hugged me again when she saw it was the Soraya cd. We talked for a little bit, and then she had to leave. During the whole week, when we spoke on the phone, all we talked about was how great Soraya is. She even surprised me the next week, recording the second album on tape for me, which prolounged our mutual love for this artist. By that time Soraya was starting her fight against the cancer.

The thing asides from her music that I'll always remember, was her strength. How even if she was terrified inside, on the outside, she'd keep doing benefits and conferences and walks for cancer and stress out the importance of early detection. Stressing out the importance of being informed. Stressing out the message of hope and love she would always give out. How she made two more albums afterwards. About lord knows how many people she was able to reach out to with her music and most importantly her actions.

I sit here, hoping that someday I'll have the strength she had, even just half, to get through this life and be able to honestly express myself. Weather it's just expressing love to my family and friends. Weather it's expressing my feelings in a comic or a song. Or to help inspire someone else, even if it's just a stranger, to dare reach out and grasp at their dreams. No matter how impossible they may seem. No matter if no one else sees that from the same perception that the person sees that dream in.

I don't see Soraya's death as a loss to cancer. I see that like she herself wrote as her final words to all those people that followed not just for her music, but for the human being that she was, it will help win a larger battle to help other women learn more about early detection. As an inspiration of someone who fought to the very end.

So, to everybody here, please, let's always remember that life is fickle and unpredictable. You never know when the next thing you do or say is the last thing you'll ever do or say. We all have to keep a balance in life and I know it's never easy, it's really not that difficult either if we just try. To the women who may read this blog, always remember to maintain yourselves informed. To the men, also stay informed, because you'll never know when a loved one might fall prey to this unforving disease.

To put an end to this thought pouring out of my heart, please, always remember, to keep your dreams alive, because without dreams, you're dead in life, and just conforming to your enviorment. Live, love, hate, run through that whole spectrum of life in it's entirety, remembering that someone will always look over you and lend you a helping hand. God bless you all, and keep dreaming

Soraya: 1969-2006; Thank you, you where an extradonary woman in an ordinary world, and you and what you symbolized will never be forgotten :)

Posted by indie/lancedangerpr at 2:10 AM EDT
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Friday, 31 March 2006
This is the F'N MHO!!!!
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Dile a Raquel- Polbo
Topic: Podcasts and Unity!
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Feelin' Dangerous!

Hello everybody, and welcome back to MHO! No, it's true, I actually updated this quite quickly compared to other times! In this editorial, let's tackle down the ever popular podcasts and the question that has baffled many creators in the local scene: can a TRUE unity be achieved?

First of all, here in PR came along the Comic Maker's blog, which includes their increasingly popular podcast. It has broken alot of ground in the local puertorican scene, and helped inspire another podcast named Paquines son Comics. This podcast makes more of an enfasis on paquines (spanish for comics) and related topics. Very cool to listen too. It adds a whole new dimension to the local scene. And it helps spark good ol' fashioned, healthy debate and exchange of ideas, as well as inspire. So, to David Arroyo and Charlie Mangual of Comic Makers, and to Fantomas and Paquinero of Paquines son Comics, a warm and danger salute to you, and keep the awesome shows coming!

They are truely breaking new grounds in many ways with this entertaing new way to talk aout comics =) And speaking of the local comics scene, lately, I was wondering about whatwas used to be a dream of many of us, as in true unity could ever exist between all the "studios" here in PR.

I read a long time ago that it was a pipedream to unite all the local creators. Others would just say "it'll happen, you'll see!". What's my view on this right now? It's a mixture of both theories.

"Unity" in it's truest sense, is impossible. Not because we're "puertoricans" like I've heard some people say. Let's just face it, even when Image started, it nearly crumbled to death itself because of egos. It happens anywhere, especially in a community where so many different people with so many different personalities will exist. There will always be the ego factor. There will always be the profesional jealousy factor. There will always be the fear factor. You name it, it'll be there. So far only two studios have been able to obtain a bit of unity, Dreamgrafixs and Trinity.

Dreamgrafixs and Trinity has been able to succesfully sustain a quite good stable of local creators working on their individual concpts and lend a helping hand to each other. And they have all reaped that benefit. Which leads me to my current train of thought.

Unity in it's truest sense could not be obtained, but, as a community, it does work. A community of studios, where they look out after each other and have their backs. Help one another. I'm not trying to sound "elitist" or anything of that sort, mind you. But, things would work much better in that sense, to just forget about "true unity", and concetrate on your own studio, and yeah, cheer on the local scene when someone obtains triumphs or what not, and feel sad with them in the bad times. But not take it in too personally. Mind your studio, and I'll mind my kind of attitude. If the opportunity comes along to work along and helpeach otherout, cool, but in the meantime, I'll look out for my thing.

Selfish? Nah, I don't think so. Besides, that helps healthy competition grow, which can only mean a constantly evolving, better material for fans. And besides, nowhere in the world there is a true unity between comics studios, so it's not all that bad.

Anyway, that'll be all for now. Join me nexttime for when I discuss God knows what lol! Anywho, take care all, and God bless =)

Posted by indie/lancedangerpr at 12:12 AM EST
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Saturday, 18 March 2006
Update time, NYUN!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Aire- Zaira Alvarez
Topic: Yep, YEP!
Welcome to another haunting edition of MHO!!!! Well, last time I said I would type up my traditional thoughts on the year that has gone and past by of the local comics scene, so let's get it going, shall we? Agreed!

So, 2005 proved to be an interesting year! From new comics such as Nahiros, to returns like Angel Fuentes' Santa Cristal, to regular mainstays from Dreamgrafixs. Each year there seems to be more and more creators coming out! Which is great, the "industry" is growing at a slow but steady pace!

I mean, in 2004, there wasn't much noise asides from the usual suspects, but 2005 was just filled with variety! There was the online return of the manga filled Cold Race and even a preview to Zahira 2! From manga we go to the more old school train of thought, like Trinity's Tiempo, Furia, Hellion, a whole slew of titles! There was also the debut of Darkgrafixs. Many of the titles where hits, others where misses, but that's the way the ball bounces sometimes! But as good as 2005 was, 2006 looks like it'll be KILLER!

Why, you ask? Well, how about I mention some of the titles lined up, hmmmm? OK! Well, there's:
1- New Wave from Kid Design Studios
2- Heroes Rebored from Writer's Block
3- A Self Portraite Comic from Social Myth/Writer's Block
4- Borrero from HJ Comics
What about the established studios, you ask? Well, there's:
1- Novusgenesis Hype Season 2 from 22 Astral Doors/Dreamgrafixs
2- Santa Cristal #3
3- Yenny from Alias, which eventually will ome out as a regular comic with stories, not just reprints of the strips
4- Darkgrafixs
5- Nahiros
And a whole SLEW of titles more! Oh, and a litte comic named "Fred Peterson, The Mighty Warlord Book One: Beginings", and a "Lance Danger: Behind the Dangerzone" one-shot.... ;P

So, it looks like inspite of all the contreversy that many people like to attach to the local scene from all the "egoes" and "in-fighting", things look like 2006 is going to be a huge year!

Not to mention the absolutely groundbreaking "Comics Makers" podcast from David Arroyo and Carlos Mangual! You can download and listen to it here!

So, looks like the local scene is going to continue making noise! So, everybody, let's keep our eyes wide open for all this evolution oflocal comics!

Anywho, that's what I have to say for now. Stay tuned for the following MHO! What'll I type about? Well, there's only one way to find out, and that's to check up on here regularly, BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHA! Take care guys, 'till next time, see's ya when I see ya's, and God bless!

Posted by indie/lancedangerpr at 1:18 AM EST
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Thursday, 29 December 2005
Welcome to the NEWWWWW "My Humble Opinion"!!!!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Stone Temple Pilots- #4
Topic: Finally!
Hello, hello, everybody!!!! I've finally gotten around to updateing my site and stuff! Hang around, pretty soon I'll be posting my thoughts on the local comics scene of 2005, and other utterly amusing stuff!!!! So, until then, stay cool and God bless! =)

Original MHO

Posted by indie/lancedangerpr at 11:12 PM EST
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