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  • *guestbook*
    What's on !

    2007 PROGRAMME
    22rd Jan. 2007 Quiz evening with buffet,       7.30 pm    Glebe Centre

    Tickets: £7.50 from Margaret Lockwood    (Tel. 277541)
    5th Feb. 2007 "China, Western Sichuan, hunting for flowers -
    in the steps of Ernest Wilson"

    Talk by Mr. G. Yates              8.00 pm    Glebe Centre
    5th March 2007 "Who does your garden grow?"

    Talk by Mrs. J. Harmer           8.00 pm    Glebe Centre
    31st March 2007 SPRING SHOW                    2.30 pm    Village Hall
    12th May 2007 PLANT SALE                        10.00 am    Village Hall
    14th July 2007 114th SUMMER SHOW        2.30 pm    Village Hall
    8th Sept 2007 AUTUMN SHOW                   2.30 pm    Village Hall
    22nd Oct 2007 AGM followed by "Gardening without aches and pains"

    Talk by Mr P Spriggs           8.00 pm    Glebe Centre

    Subscriptions & Membership:
    £3   (includes family membership)  payable in January and valid until
    31 December. Visitors are invited to all shows and other events. To Join the Society, please contact the Membership Secretary

    * * * * *


    Copyright © 2005-2006 EHS
    All rights reserved - design by Ch. Pratt
    Last update: 30.04.2007