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     About the Ewhurst Horticultural Society.

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    The Society,
                              was founded in 1881 by the Rector of Ewhurst and Walther Webb, a local solicitor. Its aims were largely philanthropic with the objective of encouraging villagers to improve their diet by growing good vegetables. The Head Gardeners of the big houses in the locality set an example by exhibiting at the show. Originally there was only one annual show held in August, which swiftly became an important social event in what was then a small agricultural village. The show included other amusements and races for both children and adults. In its early days the Annual Show was attended by the gentry including the local MP. At the present time 3 shows are held each year, although the ancillary activities mentioned above no longer feature in the programme.

    In addition to the shows there are 3 talks each year, which aim to be both entertaining and instructive, a Plant Sale in May, and a Quiz Evening in January. In recent years there has been annual coach trip. Past trips have included, Geoff Hamilton's garden at Barnsdale, Monet's Garden, Water Gardens in Belgium, Floriade in Holland and Floralies in Belgium. The 2004 trip was to Northern Spain.

    The Society welcomes new members and visitors to all the Society's events

    Please let us know if there is a new class that you would like to see in next year's schedule (Suggestions, click here (not in use yet))

    Miles Thompson

    p.s. please read rules and hints before entering!!!

    If you are not already a member of Ewhurst Horticultural Society, why not join us?
    Membership, only £3 a year, covers entry to shows, meetings throughout the winter months and the opportunity to join us on various trips & outings Contact:- Mrs. Hilary Pannell (Membership Secretary), 10 Newbridge Cottages, Elmbridge Rd, Cranleigh. GU6 8LX

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    contact webmaster :  ehs–info@gmx.net

    Copyright © 2005-2006 EHS
    All rights reserved - design by Ch. Pratt
    Last update: 19.01.2006