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6-22: Well, more like the 21st still. It's 12:00 A.M., and Rude has a stiff neck. However, we did finish some stuff. For starters, we have the walkthrough up (partially). Expect the rest in, say, by the end of July. We also have the items page up and a new history archive. Don't forget to vote for us on the Square Top 100, because you can't dethrone the kings.

6-21: Okay, let's get one thing strait: the Turks kick primo ass. NOBODY beats us on the Square Top 100!! This Final Fantasy Legacy is nothing, and does not deserve to sit in the throne. Cappiche? It's Final Fantasy VII coverage is only a walkthrough and gameshark codes. Is that what you want?? No problem. We'll give it to you. But go vote for us. And when you're done, VOTE AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!!! AND KEEP DOING IT!!!!!!!

6-18: Since Reno wants to know what I've been up to, I've recently finished the characters page. The later role pages will be finished about the same time Reno finishes his enemy lists. OH! New news (hah). Our history section is getting a little full, so we may be moving the later articles to a new history section. Also, we wanna get more on the "Interactive" in the Turks' hideout and add a fanfiction section. Of course, we don't have any fanfiction. We can make some, but It'd look kind of weird if your webpage included only fanfics you wrote. What we're basically saying is: we need your help. If you have anything to submit to us, please submit it, because we're getting desperate. We'll add our own fanfiction as soon as we roll in some others.

6-17: Say hello to the Materia Strategy Section! Other than that, not much to report... I (Reno) dunno what Rude's up to, but I'll be busy compiling the enemy list, so expect to see that in a day or two (with any luck).

6-14: The Chocobo Notes section is up, however, it too, is currently missing pics. But trust us, those pics are helpful, and well worth the wait. They should be up soon, so check back.
We're finally number 1!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to all for your support!!! Please feel free to vote for us some more, so we can stay on top!

6-11: The Walkthrough on Yuffie is now up. The Chocobo Breeding guide is also finished, text-wise. We have some great pics to put on there to help you out, but they won't be up for like a week. Check back later for those. Also, the navbars on all the pages have been fixed and now work correctly. Let us know if anything else is not working properly.

6-8: The first thing you may have noticed was the new guest book we have up there. Feel free to sign it. The next thing would probably be that the Red XIII webring banner is off. This is because the asshole e-mailed us saying that our site has been kicked out of the webring because of three weeks of inactivity. This does not seem possible, seeing how each of us comes here five times a day. We weren't even in the webring to begin with.

6-6: No updates, but we tried to join a few webrings. But (because the bastards managing the webrings are still sitting on their asses and not updating), we are still not part of them. We've been like this for the past month or so, and there hasn't been one site added to their webrings. Is there some sort of update your webring day or what? We want on!

5-18: Okay, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that we have completed the pages those dead links went to. The bad news is, it's a page that tells you it's still under construction. We'll have them done by some time in June, so be patient. By the way, we're in the top three on the Square top 100!! Check it out by clicking on the link. Here's a final note: this page has become the rival to Lady Kefka's Final Fantasy Tower. Please vote us for the Square top 100 so we can keep above her and her page. We also may make a poll; who's page is better? Of course, that means you'll have to go to her site (check out the links).

5-15: Majority of pages up. We've decided to sign on to some search engines now. However, be warned: there are quite a few pages that lead nowhere. The blame can be put on Reno, who keeps making links that lead to sites that don't exist and plans to make those sites late (which he still hasn't done).

4-11-99: For starters, this is the birthdate of the hideout.

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