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Materia Strategy

During my years of service in the Turks, I have gained an extensive knowledge of Materia, so I volunteered to do this section of the site.

Okay here's the lowdown on Materia:

Okay, here are a few tips for good materia combos:

  1. Just put it this way: you can have multiple support materia working for any one magic materia. The potential here is incredible... There is just one condition: you must have lots of the same Materia and all of them at the third level(this way you can cast lightning 3). Okay check this out: You take some magic spell(Lightning is the best, see the table below), and you stick lots of it in your slots.If you have a full set of linked slots in both your weapon and armor, here's what you can do:

    (a pair of "|" represents each linked pair of slots)
    |QuadraMagic+Lightning| |Added-Cut+Lightning|
    |MPTurbo+Lightning| |AddedSteal+Lightning|
    |MPAbsorb+Lightning| |MagicCounter+Lightning|
    |HPAbsorb+Lightning| |WMagic and MagicPlus|

  2. Now, not all of these materia are necessary, like the added steal, and MP Turbo, but in the end here is the result: When an enemy attacks your character, he gets himself stuck with four(thanks to quadra magic at level 2) lightning 3's, four steal attempts, one regular hit(I dunno why it's just one), and your character gains HP and MP at the same time. THEN, thanks to the W-Magic, it happens AGAIN!!!!! and if you are feeling really dirty, replace one of those materia with a MASTER-level cover. This way, your chosen one is garunteed to take every enemy attack, so he will always unleash the combo.

  3. Now, let's talk Final Attack. Despite the name, you've gotta be pretty DENSE tp use it with an attack spell. Instead, why don't you equip it to life, or Pheonix which is even better. Then when you die, you are instantly reincarnated. and Pheonix brings back your whole party with full HP and a lotta hard feelings, as well as hurting your opponent a little.

  4. Next comes Quadra Magic. A good use for this is with Contain. You get four spells, four times. And you can repeat this once for each level of your Quadra Magic. Throw in W-Magic and you are doing OCTUPLE damage!!!!!! If that's even a word...

  5. Ok, now for Deathblow. This a pretty fun materia. You can pair this with support materia for some pretty fun combos. Like |D.Blow+AddedCut|. You now deathblow AND attack each turn, so even if you miss the Deathblow, you still hit for normal! You can also use AddedSteal, HP Absorb, MP Absorb. All you need is 40,000 bucks, and you can buy enough Deathbblows to do this every turn: attack twice, steal, and gain HP and MP from the obscene damage that Deathblow does! They sky's the limit here.

  6. Now let's play dirty: Just grab your strongest character, and load him down with:
    • All the Counter-Attack's you have!
    • Cover(Master Level if possible)
    • Cmd. Counter+Deathblow
    • Magic Counter+Comet(capable of casting Comet 2)
    • All the HP Plusses you have room for afterwards!!!)
    The end result is this: An enemy attacks, and opens a can of whoop-ass on himself! Your chosen character takes the blow, and responds with: a regular attackXy(y=the number of counter attack materia you have equipped), a deathblow, and a comet 2! You can kill enemies without even having your turn! You might want to get an extra copy of Comet and pair it with an MP absorb so you never run out. But basically you can send you party into a boss fight and leave, and when you come back, the boss'll be dead!!!!!

  7. Ok, one more for ya. Slap an Added Effect with a Hades materia(or choco/mog if you don t have Hades yet). Put it in your weapon and you can attack with ALL of Hades' conditions, or choco/mog's stop condition anytime!

  8. Last one: Alexander+ MP Absorb. When you first get Alexander, in the Ice Gate Glacier, you can run through the whole thing using alexander every turn! He does obscene damage, so you gain obscene MP, more than it took to cast him!

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Magic Information
Name of Magic type % of Enemies Weak % of Enemies Protected
Lightning 20.2% 6.0%
Fire 12.8% 11.7%
Ice 8.5% 8.7%
Earth 3.2% 24.0%
Water 2.1% 11.3%
Gravity 8.5% 33.3%
Poison 2.1% 8.7%
Wind 26.6% 0%
Holy 8.5% 0.04%
Percentages taken from the total number of enemies with a weakness or protection. Gravity got such a high Protectin number because bosses and big enemies tend to be immune. Earth scored so bad because all flying enemies are immune. Wind works the best, but since there are so few sources of it, I recommend Lightning.