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Game Walkthrough

Okay, this is the walkthrough for the whole game. If you come here and the walkthrough isn't done yet, just come back later, because I'm doing this thing in sections. Well enough blabber let's get started. First off, this walkthrough doesn't cover the game's optional quests. They have their own page. Second, this is designed to work with the enemy list, and all that Jazz. For that reason, I won't go into detail about the enemies, bosses, or sidetracks you may encounter in an area. Also, I don't go into specific detail on basic gaming strategy. Look for that to be coming in the future(like when I finish the other lists, and this walkthrough). Without further Adeu... Reno's FFVII Walkthrough:

Reactor 1
Sector 7 Slums & Subway tunnels
Sector 4 Plate & Reactor 5
Church & Sector 5 Slums
Wall Market
Sewers & Train Graveyard
Sector 6 Plate Support
Shinra Building

Search for Sephiroth
Midgar Area & Kalm(including flashback)
Chocobo Ranch and Grasslands Area


Reactor 1
This a pretty basic area so I won't take up endless space with it. First thing: go search the dead guards for some potions. Inside the first are, there is a room to your right with a Pheonix Down. The only thing to watch out for here is the "Sweeper". Save Cloud's Bolt spells for him and the boss. Oh and on your way out of the building, make sure and go save Jessie, who is stuck in the grating of a catwalk. She has to open the doors, so you best get her when you first see her.
Boss. Okay this guy's easy. Just wail on him with Lightning, regualar attacks and limit breaks until he stick up his tail. Don't hit him when his tail's up or you'll get smacked with some serious damage... So instead, take the opportunity to heal up. piece of cake, overall.

Sector 7 Slums & Subway tunnels
Okay, now I'm gonna take a minute to introduce you to love points. At some point in the game(sorry for the spoiler) you will go on a date. You can end up dating the following:

  1. Aeris(not bad, not bad....)
  2. Tifa(you're in for a good time...)
  3. Yuffie(oh boy, now I'm jealous! HA!)
  4. or...Barret(yeesh, that's a bad thought....)

Who you date depends on love points. Each battle you fight with a person in your party will rack up a love point for them. Also what you do and say will give you love points(or take them away). If you get even ONE love point with Aeris or Tifa, you date them, so don't hesitate to use Barret in battle. Just think twice about what you say to whom, and be thinking about who you wanna date.

Now you're asking "what did you tell me THAT for!?" Well, your first love point oppotunity is in the slums with Aeris. Tell her "nothing happened". Then comment on her flowers. Buy one for a buck, and badda-boom! Then when you see Tifa afterward, you can give her the flower and get a love point with her, too(ooh, you're such a rotten scoundrel)!

Okay so in the slums, head straight to the bar where everyone else goes. You can rest up and grab some cash. Then head to the beginner' the second floor of the lower-right building and grab an Enemy-All Materia. I suggest you slap that on Cloud's Lightning Materia, so you can lay some serious smack-down in the next dungeon.

Okay, on the train: something goes wrong with the ID scan and you have 15 seconds to get from one car to the next. If you take too long, you have to jump off WAAAY earlier than planned, and go for a long hike with the local wildlife. So hurry your butt up. If you have the time, however, the bum on the top screen has a Pheonix Down for ya. The guy in the front of the screen in the next car has a Hi-Potion. Just watch out for the pickpocket wandering around in car 3. If he brushes agianst you, he'll swipe 100 gil. If you talk to him repeadedly, he''ll give it back, but you'll have to hurry.

One you jump it's just a short jaunt away from the screen in the tunnel to get to the Reactor entrance. You just climb in the little ventilation shaft. If you run towards the screen, you'll eventually get to a guard station where you have to fight an endless supply of "special combatants". You get XP and grenades, but eventually you just have to leave, because they just keep coming and coming and coming and....sorry....

Sector 4 Plate & Reactor 5
Yokay, the plate is easy, and the reactor is identical except that you enter from a different route than the first one. Okay, you should know where to go to get to the place where you plant the bomb. Then go out the same way you left the first Reactor. No problem. Oh and when you finally get through that stupid syncronized button-pushing event, MAKE SURE YOU ARE HEALED UP, cause there's a boss a' comin'!!!
Boss: If you are at full health before you fight, this guy'll be easy. Just let him fill up your limit guages and then beat the tar out of him with them. Just remember to heal wounds quickly, cause he can deal lots of damage at once.

Church & Sector 5 Slums
After your fight with Air Buster, you(as Cloud) take a serious dive off the reactor down into the slums. Ouch. You wake up in a church with Aeris. Good to see a friendly face. You're about to see another friendly face. After you and Aeris blab for a minute, I'll get tired of evesdropping from outside and come in to say "hi" and "you're comng with me." NO big deal, though. You and Aeris will split out the back and me and my goons'll follow you. All you gotta do is give Aeris the Titan Bangle you just got, and some Materia, and she can take those loser troops with no trouble. But if you wanna rack up some love points here's what to do:

  1. When she yells up to you, say "Hold on a minute". Then hurry up to the top, where you'll find 4 barrels. Push the left one over and nail the guard square in the head!
  2. Repeat the process on the next guard, using the top barrel.
  3. Finally, now that you've got Curly and Larry, use the right barrel to take Moe out of the picture. At this point you can leave. Nice job!

There are two things worth doing in the slums, both in the 2nd floor of the house on the east edge of town. First, you can look at the first of six Turtle's Paradise ads. Make sure to hit all these, because when you go to Wutai and visit the Turtle's Paradise, you get a nice prize if you've read all six. Next, you can choose NOT to take the 5 bucks the kid's got saved up in his drawer. If you don't take it, you can snag a Turbo Ether next time you come through here.

Okay, at Aeris's house, first go to the garden and grab the Ether and the Cover Materia. Then stay the night at her house, and ditch her in the wee hours of the morning. To successfully do this, you must WALK NOT RUN along the edge of the stair way and avoid the creaky floor boards.

Wall Market
Welcome to the center of slums commerce. he trip can be tough, but luckily it's fairly short, and Aeris beats you to the entrance so you at least get a partner. You'll see Tifa on a cart-thingy heading into Wall Market, so you decide to follow and investigate. In the southeast of Wall Market's lower map, you'll find the entrance to the Honeybee Inn area. Yes, that is what it looks like.... Please note that in Wall Market there is a one-room building with a computer in it. If you walk up to the computer you get shot at by the gun on the ceiling. If you come back here later(much later), you can snag Tifa's best weapon.

Anyway, ask the Bouncer there, and he'll refer you to Don Corneo's mantion in the far northern part of Wall Market. Go to talk to the Don's bouncer, and you'll find out that Cloud gets to dress up like a GIRL in order to get in. Well, don't worry, because I'm gonna make you the best Cross-Dresser in the world!!

  1. Dress-Okay, head to the dress shop(duh). Ask the clerk and he'll make you go to the bar and chat with the dress-maker. For the best dress, tel him you want a dress that is "soft" and "shimmers". Now go back to the dress shop.
  2. Wig-The dress shop people will tell you to go to the Health Club, where you must compete in squats to win. Follow the ingame instructions and go slow and steady. The penalty for messing up is BAD. Don't worry, though, it's pretty easy to win and get the good wig. Now you've got al the stuff you need, but darn it, if you're gonna do somethin, you best do it right! So stay tuned and let's get some more stuff to "Accessorize".
  3. Underwear- Talk to the guy outside the honeybee Inn area to get a membership card. Then go inside the Honeybee Inn and.....yick..... You can watch two of the rooms going, and participate in ONE of the other two. The top room gets the best item, but the bottom room's more....interesting.... Take your pick, it doesn't make much difference.
  4. Cologne- head to the resteraunt and order whatever. Tell hiim it was okay and you get a Pharmacy coupon. Head to the Pharmacay and exchange it for the digestive. Give the digestive to the poor fella having trouble in the bathroom at the bar, and he'll give you some cologne.
  5. Tiara- Talk to the guy in the northernmost store of the bottom map. He'll ask you to stay at the Inn and buy him something from the vending machine. The more expensive the item you pick, the better Tiara you get.
  6. Alright now head to the dress shop and become a woman!!!
Okay, now you head to the mantion. When you get in find the basement, where Tifa is at. After you three talk, you'll go see the Don, and he will pick one of you, to be his "escort". If you got all the items, it'l be you, and you get to toy with him for a minute and then Tifa and Aeris rush in to save you. If you don''t get picked, you have to take care of the guards(one of them has a Pheonix Down in his room) and then come in to save the one who did get picked. There's also a hyper behind the Don's bed. Voila, you're done with the Wall Market!

Sewers & Train Graveyard
First thing's first, a Boss...
Boss: Pretty easy here, just pund him with Fire and limit breaks. The only thing to watch out for is when he casts several tidal waves at once, so keep your HP high.
Now, back to business: the sewers are short and easy, ut don't miss the Steal Materia. This stuff is great!! And you get a chance to experiecne it's greatness in the train graveyard. Every area has one or two enemies in it that are carrying some valuable stuff, and the train graveyard is no exception. Find an "Eligor" enemy and you can steal Aeris a Striking Staff, which you can't buy for quite awhile!! While you're in the graveyard, be sure to check the trash cans for some items. Okay, the only trick to the train Graveyard is this: on the right side of the second part of the graveayrd, there are two open trains that you have to get into and move in order to create a bridge to the next area. Not too tough really.

Sector 6 Plate Support
This area's pretty easy. Just make sure and use a tent and save at the little save spot before you start going up. Just defeat the lamo enemies, and then fight me up top:
Boss: Well, the only thing to watch out for is when I nail you with those pyramids(gotta hand it to Hojo with those, they're pretty nice). When one of those pops up, be sure and get rid of it(just target the pyramid with a regular attack) fast. Cause if I get one on all your party members, it's all over.
Afterwards, head back to Aeris' house(don't forget to stop by and grab your Turbo Ether from that little kid in the far east house on the second floor). Also, don't miss the sense Materia on the way to Wall Market.

Shinra Building
First off, you must get TO the Shinra building, and that can be done in Wall Market. Go talk to the kook on the left side of the weapon shop. He'll sell you three batteries for 300 Gil(unfortunately you have to get them). Then go find the area in the norhteast corner of the Market, where you can scale the mass of debris from the plate-collapse and get to the top, where Shinra awaits. Just find the big outlets to plug in the batteries. No problem. One of the outlets isn't necessary(you just get an ether), so if you are pressed for time, or want to get this area over with, just skip it(I think it's the second outlet). This area does require some timing skill, but it's pretty self-explanatory, so I'll be moving on...

Now you find yourself at the foot of the massive Shinra Building. You are faced with a choice: Barge through the middle(creating a lot of rucus and getting in many fights), or take the stairwell up the side, avoiding any attention. The first option is much more fun, but if you want a decent weapon for Red XIII(much later in the game), you must do both. Go first to the side entrance, and climb the stairwell until you find a shiny elixir. Take it(of course), and then run ALL THE WAY BACK DOWN(don't go through the door at the top), and barge in the front. Whether you want Red's Weapon or not, in the end you should always go through the front, because you get more from it.

Check the bulletin board(back of main lobby) for Turtle's Paradise Ad #2! Then go up the first flight of stairs(it doesn't matter if it's left or right). On this next floor, go to the back right again and youll find a shop. They sell your average item shop crud, but go check out the monitor that the people are watching and you get a sweet FMV for Shinra automobiles. Now go hop in the elevator. You'll make four or five random stops(with a fight at each one) and maybe run into some Shinra employees(you'll scare the crud out of 'em). The ride stops at floor 59.
Floor 59: This is where you pop out if you took the stairs(if you did take the stairs, you suck, by the way... j/k). Go kill the "Mighty Grunts" guarding the door and you'll get your first keycard. Each card has a number on it. This number indicates the highest floor that card can access. So basically, you have to keep finding keys to work your way up.
Floor 60: Here what you haver to do is use the statues to sneak past the guards. When the move, you move. Just make sure you stop behind a statue when they turn and don't move until they start going again. When you screw up, you get to fight the guards and start again. When you make it, you have to signal Barret and Tifa to move using O. But if they are seen, you are stuck in a fight with the guards and then have to start over. If you screw up four times, you'll have killed all the guards and you can just go.
Floor 61: From now until Floor 65, you will not have to fight anybody, so enjoy! To proceed from here, just find the power walker wearing grey(usually in the lower right of the room). Don't ask him about Aeris, just act like your part of a maintanence crew.
Floor 62: Ok, talk to the mayor(I think he's the mayor, I can't remember) in the office and he'll give you a key, assuming you can guess the password. Now, evntually, you'll run out of choices and guess right. But the sooner you get it, the better your prize. If you snatch it on your first try, you get: Elemental Materia! Don't read on if you don't want the answer spoiled:

The puzzle is random, but the method for figuring out the answer is always the same: Go into each of the four rooms. There is a panel next to each door that tells you what part of Shinra this room is about. Now go into the room and find a book that doesn't go with the theme(like a space program book in the Weapons Development section). The book will have a number and a title. If the book were to be: "12 FFVII Walkthrough", you would find the twelfth character in the book name(not including spaces). So the letter you want would be: r. Get it?? So just find the 4 letters you need and go talk to the gy. He gives you a list of choices, one of which will contain only the four letters you got. Select that one(duh).

Floor 63: This floor is a bonus. You can only open 3 doors to get to 3 prizes. It seems impossible, but no! Honestly, no self respecting FF player would think that it can't be done. The answer is to use the duct system. Head up to the top right of the room and open the door there. Make sure it's the TOP DOOR, the one that is sideways on the screen!! If you mess up, you get nothing. After the TOP door, go to the left, past one door under you, then take the next door under you. From here yuo can enter the small room on the far left of the floor. Grab the grab the coupon thingy and head into the duct system. Crawl over and then up to the next room. Grab the crud there, and then go out into the main area. Head left to the door, open it, and now you have access to the middle room. Grab the coupon there, and then head back into the vent system. From the vent systam, you can get to the room where you exchange you coupons for prizes(namely a Star Pendant, "Four Slots", and an Enemy-All Materia). Then you can leave the floor and continue in your journey.
Floor 64: Make sure to rest up and save, and enjoy making Cloud suffer on the treadmill! If you try the vending machine, it won't work. But when you come back a LONG time from now, you can grab something nice from it... Also, in the locker room, there's some crud, and then there's also Cait Sith's best weapon. You can get that when you come back, as well.
B>Floor 65: This is a pretty simple puzzle. You just go form room to room and try each chest until you find the one that's unlocked. Take the Midgar Piece from it, and go stick the piece in the Midgar model. Then repeat until finished. The only problem is this: ENEMIES!!!!!! Yup, they're back. The designers decided now would be a fine and dandy time to quit being nice to you. However, one enemy, the Moth Slasher, has some nifty Carbon Bangle Armor just screaming "Steal Me! Steal Me!" At any rate, the last chest of them all contains the next keycard.
Floor 66: Not much of interest happening on this floor. THat is, of course, unless you need to use the restroom... In one of the stalls, you can climb up into the vent system, and go listen in on the Shinra executive meeting. After it's done. Head back out the way you came, and follow Hojo from the meeting room door to the next floor, where he'll kindly leave the door unlocked for you. Floor 67: From this floor on, keep an eye out for "Soldier 3rd Class" goons, and when you find one, be sure to steal a Hard Edge for Cloud! Anyway: Follow Hojo through the unlocked door, and grab some Poison Materia(finally something useful!!). You can get to the next floor via a service elevator(make sure to heal up for the first of FIVE, count 'em, FIVE Shinra bosses) in the top left of the floor. When you get up top, you get to fight HO512, and his assortment of never ending friends!
Boss: Okay, here's the GOlden rule of FF combat: Do unto others what they DON'T do to you. In other words, this is NOT a good time to try out your new Poison Materia, cappiche? Instead, just hit him with your other spells(Limits, too, of course). And ignore his stupid friends. Like I said before, they regenerate. Don't miss the E.Skill Materia HO512 leaves in the cell when he dies. It'l come in handy! Go find the guy hangin out just below(on the screen) the big control booth thingy in the room where you fought HO512, to grab keycard 68. Then head to the main elevators(not the service elevators) on either floor 68 or 66, and hop in. Mission accomplished! Not! Gotta love the Turks! heh heh heh.
Prison Event: Just play around in the Prison cells until the game finally progresses. When you discover something fishy's goin on, just follow the long trail of blood. On Floor 69(no more keys to deal with, by the way), hit the save point. Heal up, save(duh), and arrange your materia: Cloud gets to fight a boss(not too tough) by himself; Aeris, Barret, and Red XIII will fight a boss; and Tifa will sit on her lazy behind and "wait for Cloud". What a loser. Just be sure to either get her materia back to her after this or take her out of your party, because after the 3 boss fights that are coming, you'll do the Motorcycle chase game, and fiht another boss. You don't want a Materia-less Tifa in your party for that. OKay, so off we go!
Boss! Rufus is a push over, but his stupid dog will shield him. So TRY and nail the dog with over 140 HP of damage right away, and you'll have an easier fight. Not much to this one. Daddy's Boy is quite the loser.

Shut up, you little punk! Don't make me have you arrested!

Arrested by who, you moron! Shinra doesn't exist! Rude and I run the show now, remember?

Man! This sucks.....

ANYWAY.....ON to the next boss.
Boss!! Barret is the only on that can hit the Hundred gunner, cause he's on a different elevator. Red's Limit break will hit him, though, so feel free to use that. Otherwise, stick to Lightning and other spells and limits. Pretty standard. You might try using some Hypers to accelerate your limit guages, since only Barret can use normal attacks.
Boss!!! The Heligunner will drop in immediately after Hundred gunner. Us ethe same basic principles for him as with Hundred Gunner. No problemo!
[cue the bike chase sequence(with sweet FMV)]
[End nifty bike chase sequence]
BOSS!!!!!!!! Had enough yet?? One more to go. Unfotrunately, Motor is actually a hard boss. In fact, he'll kick your butt pretty har dif you're not careful. This guy can slap all 3 party members with 2-300HP at once! This would be a FINE time to use an enemy-all with your Restore Materis(if you hadn't figured that out). Don't worry, though. This guy, like most offspring of the Shinra Weapons Development Program, has a soft spot: Lightning. So electrocute the sorry mother----- and be on your way.

The Search for Sephiroth

Midgar are and Kalm(inlcuding Flashback)
Not much of interest in Midgar area other than the "Custom Sweepers". They have Atomic Scissors that you can steal for Barret to use, as well as your first Enemy Skill! Matra Magic is a handy attack spell at this point in the game, so pick it up!

Kalm: Well, when you get to Kalm, you get head straight to none other than the Inn, where you'll begin the flashback sequence:
The flashback's pretty easy to figure out, but when you get to Nibleheim, make sure and visit all the houses before the Inn(I m especially reffering to Tifa's). Go to her room and play the piano(when Tifa asks if you did, say "Just a little". You can say other things, but only if you say "Just a little" will Cloud give you the tune). If you play that tune when you come back Nibleheim, you can get some useless crud, and eventually Tifa s level 4 Limit Break. Don't worry, I'll print the tune in the guide here and later on. And just for fun, search her dresser too. Now THAT's comedy!
OKay, the tune:
Do Re Mi Ti La Do Re Mi So Fa Do Re Mi, which is:
X, Square, Triangle, R1+Triangle, R1+Square, X, Square, Triangle, R1+X, O, X, Square, Triangle.

Not much else to do in Kalm. There're several items to grab. The best one is a Megalixir in the dresser in the inn. You'll, open the door and see it, but not be able to reach. Open the door 4 more times, and Cloud'll get mad and kick the dresser, so that the Megalixir falls out. You can also grab a weapon for Vincent, who you can't even get yet.

Chocobo Ranch and Grasslands Area
Your next goal is the Mithril Mine. But the Mine is guarded by a swamp. And in that swamp lives Midgar Zolom. And he's mean. Even if you can work him over to the point where you rid him of his 4000 HP, he'll take you down with him, thanks to Beta. Later, when you get stronger, you can come back and learn Beta from him. But for now you're screwed if he catches you. So the only option you have is to get a chocobo and zip across the swamp on him.
To do that, you have to go to the nearby Ranch. Buy a Chocobo Lure materia, equip it, then go run around on the chocobo tracks. Randomly, a chocobo will appear with some enemies in a fight. Just take out the enemies without hitting the chocobo(otherwise you get pecked by him, and he runs away), and he's yours! Sometimes he'll run away for no particular reason right when the fight starts. To prevent this, buy some greens at the Ranch and feed the chocobo during the fight. This way, he's busy eating and he won't run away. The more expensive the green, the longer it takes to eat. Once he's done eating, he'll run. Don't worry though. One green should give you plenty of time to take out the other morons. At any rate, once you have your chocobo, you can get to the Mine.

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