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I had almost forgotten about this picture. This is a pic of me and Simon when I was an extra in his upcoming film, GOING GREEK, a couple months ago. I was very lucky because they chose to film parts of the movie at my university. Anyway that was a very cool day for me, and I hope they didn't cut me out of the scenes.

I'm SOOOO F*CKIN' PISSED OFF!!!! You may be wondering why a whole crap load of pictures aren't working..well that's because SOME A**HOLE went into my system and DELETED ALL MY FILES THAT WERE HELD IN ONE OF MY STORAGE SPACES!!! anyway, I don't know if i'll ever be able to replace them because I no longer have the pictures with i'm very sorry. And i'll see what I can do to get some of them back. As for the news...Simon will be making a movie with his girlfriend Jaime Pressley so watch out for that! Ta-ta! ~Kat

Hello everyone. I know I haven't updated in a long time and the truth is, I don't have the time, effort or the motivation anymore to keep this site running. It was fun while it lasted. I might come in from time to time adding some major news, but for now, Heaven in his eyes is on hiatus.

Make sure you look out for Simon's new movie called "GOING GREEK".

Jack & Jill is canceled and will not come back for a 3rd season. Apparently the ratings were too low. This is very unfortunate and if you would like to protest to the WB please write to:

The WB
3701 Oak Street
Burbank, CA 91522

Man I've been really laggin on this site huh. I'm really sorry for not updating more often.

Simon's new movie "THE FORSAKEN" will be coming out in theaters on April 27th. He will be playing the character "Pen".

Yes it is true. Simon and Jaime Pressley (audrey from Jack & Jill) are officially a couple and have been dating for a few months now.

Simon is featured in 3 magazines! The February issue of SEVENTEEN, the Special issue of US MAGAZINE "celebrity of the year", and TEENMOVIELINE (winter issue)..check them out!

I met Simon Rex on Sunday 11/6 and I was also chosen to be an extra. It was really cool! I will add a more detailed encounter this weekend! Check back soon!

Simon Rex will be filming a new movie called "GOING GREEK"! and I could actually be an extra on it!!! How cool is that?!?!?! AHH! It's a movie about fraternaties and sororities. Wish me luck! They better pick me!!!

Simon tries out the new sony Playstation 2 and gives his thoughts on it. Check out his commentary in the articles section! courtesy of

Make sure you guys tune in tommorrow, Oct. 17 and Oct. 22 at 9pm. Simon's movie, "I Know what you screamed last summer" has been renamed "Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th" and will be making it's Television premier on USA.

4 new pics were added to the COLLECTED section. Check them out.

Simon's Movie, "I know what you screamed last summer" will have it's television premier of Tuesday, October 17th at 9pm on USA Network. -IMDB BOARD
Thanks Charlie

Hey guys, it's Kat. I just wanted to let everyone know, now that I'm in college, I won't have that much time to update this site as often. I will try to get in and update as much as I can, but now that summer is over, I won't have as much time. I'm absolutely loving college right now, and I'm as busy as a bee! Take care everyone.

Simon is featured on page 509 of BAZAAR magazine (sept 2000). It is a picture of him singing with model, Gisele dancing by his side. I will get that scanned and up as soon as possible!
Thanks Huy!

Happy Labor Day! MORE PICS!! I've updated the SCANS section with 1 picture, and CHARLIE's COLLECTION with 9 more pictures! (Thanks Charlie!)

I found this info on Simon's new movie, THE FORSAKEN.

A modern story of vampires and vampire hunters. Sean is driving across the country in a beautiful Mercedes. Along the way he picks up a hitchhiker named Nick. Nick seems to be a nice enough guy and Sean doesn't mind having the company. Then they find a young girl who appears to be a very sick. Nick says he knows how to help her so the guys take her to a motel. While they're there the girl bites Sean and he gets sick. That's when Nick tells Sean that there are vampires roaming across the Southwest and he has just been bitten by one. He gives some drugs to Sean and the girl and lets them know that they won't turn info full vampires for a while with the help of the drugs. Nick tells Sean that the only way he can be cured is to kill the original vampire on Hallowed ground. So off they go, trying to lead the vampires into a trap. A deadly game of cat and mouse with a thrilling conclusion.

No...I have not forgotten about this site. I'm actually on vacation in LA as I type this.

SIMON NEWS: Bad news...Simon's movie, "I KNOW WHAT YOU SCREAMED LAST SUMMER" will not air in theaters. Turns out that the storyline was too similar to the ever popular summer movie, "SCARY MOVIE", so it will not be released. There is a discussion on whether the movie will be released directly to video, but it's still undecided.

On a lighter note, Simon finished filming his new movie "THE FORSAKEN" a horror/thriller movie about vampires. Simon will play a friend of a vampire..sort of a "bad guy". Look for the movie in theaters in the year 2001, hopefully around spring time.

2 new pics were added to the COLLECTED PICS section. Check them out! full credit goes to ONLINE USA and

Welp, Simon's birthday is over and so is the bday layout...Back to normal again. I also changed the song, you must have REAL PLAYER to listen to it.

New picture gallery added. 7 pictures of Simon as "Tiger French" when he was on the WB tv series, "Katie Joplin".

Also FREE buddy icons for you to download and use on AOL INSTANT MESSANGER. Made by Kat. Check them out in the PICTURES section!

Vote for SIMON! is having a poll on who should be nominated for best supporting actor. Go HERE to nominate SIMON, right now he's in last place and he needs your vote!!

New pics! 3 pics of Simon when he was at an independent film festival were added to the Scans section. And 2 pics were added to Charlie's Collection.

Happy Birthday Simon!
Lil tid bit: Carson Daly (MTV VJ) mentioned on TRL today that it was Simon Rex's birthday. Cool huh? OK that is all.

WHEW!!! After much time and effort...Simon's Online Birthday card is finally finished! Thanks to all you that took the time to sign it! I think Simon will love it! You can view the card here: Simon's Birthday Card

I made this temporary Birthday layout in honor of Simon's 26th Birthday. ~Kat
More pics are coming soon..I just need to get off my lazy butt and scan them. :D

Hi everyone! MTV is having a new tv special called "MTV F*UP", and they will be showing many of their mtv bloopers, including some of Simon's bloopers and clips from when he was a VJ. Make sure you tune in this Saturday, July 8th at 1pm ET and 8pm ET.

Added 3 more pics to the SCANS section. thanks Christina for sending them to us! More pics to come in Charlie's Gallery as well!

Hey guys, Simon's birthday is coming up..and we need as many fans as possible to sign his online birthday card so he can see how much he is loved! please take a few minutes to wish Simon a Happy Birthday.

Sign Simon Rex*s Birthday Card here!!

Hey guys! Simon is featured as one of the 40 gorgeous men in the special LOVE issue of SEVENTEEN magazine! Go to the SCANS section and check out the picture.

A whole new picture gallery was added! It consists a total of 20 pictures of Simon during his modeling days. Thanks a lot to CHARLIE BAKER who donated all the pics to this site.

We also updated the WEBMISTRESS section with updated info and also our cute baby pics and prom pics.

Simon is currently in Yuma Arizona for the next few weeks filming his new movie, "THE FORSAKEN".
Thanks Moxie!

The FAN ART section was updated with a FANTASTIC pencil drawing of Simon, submitted by Meghan. When I received it my mouth dropped! That's how good the drawing is!!! Check it out under the FAN CENTER!
Thanks Meghan!

New encounters added to the Fan Center! Check them out!

Hey guys, I added a bunch of pics to the scan section. I would like to thank Teresa for cutting up her old magazines and giving me her simon pics! You're the best girl! :) Hope you guys enjoy!

Also a little clipping was given to me from a very old magazine..i don't know which one..but this is what it says:

"Last year, I had a blast working for MTV's Spring Break in Panama City Fl. I didn't go to college, so I never had a spring break, but it was just as I'd imagined-crazy! I love partying, though I"m not into the whole go-and-get-wasted thing."

Simon Rex will be shooting a new movie! The film is called "THE FORSAKEN" and it is a vampire horror movie. He will play the part of the vampires' friend. It is set to be released in 2001.

New Episodes of Jack & Jill will begin Midseason in January. Felicity will kick off the season with 11 episodes and Jack & Jill will follow with 13 episodes.

YOU GUYS!!! ALSO PLEASE PLEASE POST A MESSAGE IN THE MESSAGE BOARD! it's sooo dead in there! let's get some interesting discussions started OK!?

WE DID IT!!! I just received the final word today, that Jack & Jill will be back next season!! I'm sooooo happy right now!! my source is VERY reliable so don't worry this is not a rumor. I just wanted to thank all the fans that have worked so hard to support Jack & Jill and bring it back! You guys are the best! and CONGRATULATIONS!

Jack & Jill re-runs will begin on Sunday, May 28th at 8:00 pm ET. The following episodes will be aired:
Episode 1.01 - Pilot: "These Are The Days"
Episode 1.02 - "The Awful Truth"
Episode 1.03 - "Moving On"
Episode 1.09 - "Pseudos, Sex and Sidebars"
hopefully the WB will pick up Jack & Jill so we can have even more episodes!

Simon Rex's new horror spoof movie, "I know what you screamed last summer" (not to be confused with "Scary Movie" *that's another film) is set to be released in the Summer 2000. Simon plays "the jock" character. This movie is rated R, so for all you kiddies out there who can't see it, I'll give you guys the review! :)

Hey everyone, it's Kat and I just woke up from a long long night of prom. It was a lot of fun! And I have some GREAT news for all of you! Jack & Jill will be reruning starting May 28! So far I heard that 4 episodes will be aired! But this is a good sign that Jack & Jill will be here to stay! And it's all because of you guys and your great work to keep Jack & Jill alive!

GUESS WHAT GUYS!! Simon Rex is featured in the US WEEKLY MAGAZINE (May 1st issue). There is a full page picture of him on page 54. It's of him playing basketball on the courts in Ocean View Park in Santa Monica.
Thanks Niki!

Click to see full size This is what it says: "SIMON REX blames his limited basketball career on his height (he's six-foot-one). "I played small forward on my high school basketball team," he says. "My claim to fame is that I scored on [Phoenix Suns guard] Jason Kidd when we played in high school." The 25-year-old star of the WB's Jack & Jill now shoots hoops at the Hollywood YMCA or at the public courts in Beechwood Canyon in the Hollywood foothills. "Basketball keeps me in shape," he says, "and playing with the guys keeps my head straight." And, or course, sometimes his ball-handling skills are useful on the show as well: His TV character, Mikey Russo, plays basketball on Jack & Jill.

I finally got around to adding some new pictures! Go check them out, the SCANS and COLLECTED sections are updated! ENJOY! :)

Added a new song dedication thing to the EXTRA section.

A new fan encounter was added to the FAN CENTER!
thanks Courtney!

Also today is the day to send out all your letters, keys, and emails to the WB!!! So hurry up and run to your mailbox and send them out! Go HERE for further details and instructions.

I added a fun little magic trick that Simon performs in the EXTRA section. haha can you tell I was bored?

A new messageboard has been added. The old one was kind of junky. I love this new one though it looks very organized and it also has some neat options that users can do! Hopefully we can get some interesting discussions started!

The final decision on whether or not to keep Jack & Jill will be made on May 16. We need EVERYONE's help if we want to save the show! Click here to find out how!

Also we are looking for outrageous ideas to help get the media and news attention about this issue. Kat and few great people from the Jack & Jill fan community have taken charge and are trying to find sponsors and important people to support our fight to save Jack & Jill! If anyone knows any information or any important people to help please contact us immediately! We need to work together!

Hey everyone! I added a new section to the pics section. Huy was so nice to send over the pics that she took when she met Simon at the Jack & Jill viewing party. Check them out in the PICTURES section!
Thanks so much Huy!

We added a poll to the Extra section.

Apparently had a misprint and Simon will not be on MTV on Thursday March 30. We are very sorry for the confusion. We will let you know if they will be re-airing it on another date as soon as possible.

A very lucky girl, Huy, met Simon at the Jack & Jill Viewers finale party! Read all about her amazing encounter in the FAN CENTER!
thanks Huy!

Hey guys! I have some EXCITING news for you all! You are gonna get a chance to see Simon on MTV during his VJ dayz in 1997! Make sure you tune in to MTV at 7:00pm ET on Thursday, MARCH 30th! The show is called "Spring Break '97 Glam-O-Rama Finals"
Watch Simon co-host the show and introduce all the ladies in their swimwear!

hey guys! well u know how we made that SAVE Jack & Jill graphic a week or so ago? well that graphic inspired us to make a SAVE JACK & JILL CAMPAIGN! go here to pick up the graphic for your own site and to find out what you can do to help save Jack & Jill!

Warner Bros. Television and The WB Network are hosting a "Jack & Jill" season finale viewing party. Please join Ivan Sergei, Simon Rex and Justin Kirk at Q's Sports Bar, where the first 50 people will get free drinks and appetizers. "Jack & Jill" memorabilia will be given away. Here are all of the details:

DATE: Sunday, March 19th
TIME: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
11853 Wilshire Blvd. L.A. 90025
~(quoted from

Jessica had the chance to hang out with Simon at the Jack & Jill wrap up party. Read her encounter in the FAN CENTER. Thanks Jessica for sending that in!

Also there is a small pic of Simon along with a quote in the April 2000 issue of Teen magazine. I will have that posted up on Monday.

Expect Simon's face to show up on the BIG SCREEN more often! Simon has a stack of scripts piled up on his desk and is currently auditioning for many films. Also make sure you are sending in those letters to the WB! We want Jack & Jill to stay on!

3 new pics were added! one in the collected section and 2 in the scans section. The 2 scans were from the april 2000 issue of Teen People and the other one was from this old Seventeen magazine (Jan 1998).

I just found out that Simon has been nominated for Hottie of the Week at z100 (the radio station). Support Simon by sending in your votes for him! Send your submission to and please include, the name of the hottie you are voting for (which would be Simon Rex), your name and your age.
thanks Kendra!

Happy Friday everyone! The news on Jack & Jill is this: They just had their cast wrap up party today and they will have to wait 3 months before they find out if the show will be picked up for another season. If so, they will start filming again in August so keep your fingers crossed! You the fans can help in a BIG way, by writing letters (yes, REAL letters not emails) to the WB and tell them how much you like the show. Snail-mail letters have the biggest impact, so if you LOVE Jack & Jill and do not want to see it go START WRITING!
write to:

Mr. Jamie Kellner, CEO
Ms. Susanne Daniels, President of Entertainment
Mr. Ordan Levin, Executive VP of Programming
The WB
3701 Oak Street
Burbank, CA 91522
(send seperate letters to each person)

Hey guys! I finally got my pics back from the day I met Simon at the NBA ALL STAR Jam Session. Unfortunately most of them came out really blurry and dim, especially the ones that I took when he was playing basketball on the court, but I have posted the good ones for you guys to see! check them out in the PICTURES section!

I also added 2 new wallpapers! You can download them in the PICTURES section.


Jack & Jill's last taping will be on March 19th, and the possibility of the show coming back for another season is VERY SHAKY! UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Please if you love the show or you just want to see Simon's lovely face every week, get as many people to write/email the WB and tell them NOT to cancel it. Apparently it has not gotten very high ratings and they are considering replacing it with a new show. And don't look for anymore reruns either because there won't be!

Hey everyone! We reached the 10,000 point! that means more than 10,000 people have visited this site! kool huh?! Anyways I should be posting up my pics that I took from the NBA all star jam session by this weekend, so make sure you check back for them. I took about 30-40 pics so I hope they turn out good!

It has been rumored that Jack & Jill will be officially over in 3 weeks! I'm not sure if this is true, but i will definetly try to find out.

In the meantime this is what you can do to help:
1.) Email the WB and tell them how much you love the show and that you don't want them to cancel it! If they do that means NO MORE SEEING SIMON EVERY WEEK!!! OH NO! Send your emails to

2.) Send them a letter (snail-mail style) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
This has the MOST IMPACT! write to:

Mr. Jamie Kellner, CEO
Ms. Susanne Daniels, President of Entertainment
Mr. Ordan Levin, Executive VP of Programming
The WB
3701 Oak Street
Burbank, CA 91522
(send seperate letters to each person)

3.) Post messages in the WB message board. The Jack & Jill section has VERY few messages in there, and that in turn makes it look like the viewers are not interested. So make sure you stop by and post positive messages in the Main board as well as the Jack & Jill board! THE WB MESSAGE BOARD

Hey guys, we are working on a spankin new layout for this site. It should be up in about a week. Do you like this current layout? or do you think we should change it? please email us, we would love to hear your imput.

OMG guys! You are not going to believe what happened to me! But I met Simon Rex on Saturday! I'm still in shock, I've wanted to meet him for so long and finally it happened! I wrote a detailed encounter and it is posted in the fan center. I also took a bunch of pics and I will let you guys know when those will be up!

I was just informed that Simon Rex was on the Martin Short Show on January 27. I'm sorry I didn't find out earlier so that you guys would have had the chance to see it. If anyone saw the show please email us, we would love to know the details of what happened. We will keep you posted if it ever re-runs.

New Upcoming Artist, Deborah Poppink!
Deborah Poppink is a Los Angeles based singer-songwriter who has just released her new single "The Wheel". Her song will be featured in this upcoming new episode of "Jack and Jill" during the bar scene! Make sure you guys listen for it! You can find out more about Deborah at

A Double Dose of Simon!
This sunday, Jack and Jill will be 2 whole hours! They will be reruns though, but who cares, who can complain about a double dose of SIMON REX! Show airs Jan 30, at 8pm-10pm ET

Check out the EXTRA section to make your own personalized story with Simon Rex! The stories will change every few weeks so make sure you check back to find out what will happen next with you and Simon!

Also the Simon Wallpapers have been moved to the PICTURES section.

The next new Jack & Jill episode will air on February 6. If you want to know what is going to happen with "Mikey" and get the spoiler for the next episode. Highlight the following words under this:

Mikey tries to prove to Barto that he can handle commitment but fails to makes his point when he falls for his date's roommate.

A new Simon encounter was submitted by Marlise! She is so lucky! She got to meet him more than once! AHH!
Thanks Marlise! (you lucky girl!)

2 GREAT new pics were added. Check them out in the SCANS section! The first one shows off Simon's amazingly elaborate tatoo! And the second one was sent in by Pierre and it is Simon in a suit and it's absolutely gorgeous.
Thanks so much Pierre!


Jan's turning the big ONE-EIGHT! She's finally an adult! See Jan I told you I baked you a cake! LOL!

Thanks Kat! I really love it! I'm keeping Simon and eating my cake too! Thanks for getting him for my b-day... I'm not giving him back! LOL.

Another lucky person sent in an encounter! Read all about this person's experience with Simon Rex in the FAN CENTER!
(note: this person has chosen to remain anonymous)

ok this doesn't have to do with Simon directly, but if you are a fan of the show "Felicity" then you might be interested.

MTV's hit show FANatic WANTS YOU! Right now, we are searching for The Cast Of Felicity's #1devoted fan to meet and interview them on our show! (unfortunately this does not include Simon..aww!) If you consider yourself The Cast Of Felicity's #1 fan,or know someone who is, please call DINA@ (212) 654-6044. You can call collect!
Please make sure to include: Name, Age, Telephone Number with your three digit area code and the celebrity's name. Thanks and we hope to hear from you as soon as possible!!!
-Also, you can catch us on the web on MTV Online or just go directly to

Simon's Biography has been added too, because the former version was kind of incomplete.

The pics are now organized into specific catagories.

Jan has also added many new still shots of Simon on JACK & JILL! Check them out in the "snaps" page of the PICTURES section.

Felicity still shots have also been added as well as a few more Simon pics in the "collected" section.

TV Guide chats with Simon Rex! Check out the Chat transcript in the ARTICLES section.

A new picture was added today courtesy of Jack and Jill Online
Thanks Bethany!

Also Maria sent us a Great Simon Collage/Wallpaper. Check it out in the EXTRA section! You can download more collages of various stars at Maria's Collage Page

We thought of a fun way of seeing how many Simon fans are really out there! Check out "Simon's Garden" in the EXTRA section.

Also you can now join our mailing list and get the latest info and updates on Simon Rex and our site!

I made a cool new wallpaper for you guys, notice how I changed his blue shirt to red...ahhh...pretty kool huh! hehe j/p! :) ~kat

Fan Art was added to the FAN CENTER.

Oh my god guys! you would not believe what I just got in the mail today!! An autograph picture of SIMON REX! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so happy and I'd thought I'd share my joy with you! I scanned the pic so you guys can see!!! WOOHOO!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH SIMON...where ever you are!

Click to see full size

A new picture was added from Teen Celebrity (january issue). It's SUPER CUTE!!!

I've made some awesome new wallpapers for your desktop! Check them out in the EXTRA section!

Here is Simon sporting his AIDS bracelet, Click to see full size I found a small picture of Simon in the February Issue of YM magazine. You probably will see this in other magazines too. He is one of the many stars featured in the AIDS bracelet ad made by the "UNTIL THERE'S A CURE" foundation. Buy this bracelet and all proceeds will be donated to help fund education programs, care services, and AIDS vaccine development. To find out where you can purchase the bracelet call 1-800-88-UNTIL.

Moxie Girl (MXG) catalog (the most recent issue of 1999)
Sassy Magazine (April 1996)
If ANYONE has these magazines or know of any other magazines that Simon is featured in PLEASE PLEASE contact us!!

On page 78 of GLAMOUR magazine (jan 2000) contains a teeny tiny pic of Simon along with a quote. The article is entitled: "How did she fake you out on the first few dates"?

Click to see full size
And Simon says, "A girl who likes me will totally ignore me. One girl just told me she had a crush on me. But by the way she had been acting, I never would have known it."

Want to know what magazines Simon is featured in? Then visit our newly added section, PRESS RELEASES above.

hey everyone! just want to let you know that Simon will be featured in a dream sequence on FELICITY this week! Make sure you tune in! (it is a new episode!) Show airs Sunday, Dec. 19 on the WB at 8:00pm. Also an all new episode of Jack & Jill will be airing the same night at 9:00.

One very lucky girl, Joelle, talks about how she met Simon Rex. Check out the FAN CENTER for the newly added Fan Encounter.
thanks Joelle!

Hey everyone this it Kat! And I have added 3 GREAT new pictures. My friends were fishing through old magazines and they found 3 pics from back in the day when Simon was still a Veejay. 2 pics are from YM and the black and white one is from SEVENTEEN. And I have also added the article from YM.
thanks Catrina and Christina for the pics!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This is Jan and I have a very brief piece of news. Jack and Jill got picked up for next year! Yaay!

I had this magazine on my desk and there was an ad on the back and I didn't think much of it...until i realized it was a LOREAL ad with Simon on it! I was like oh my God! How could I have missed this? haha! Anyways I scanned it for all of you guys to see.

Click to see full size

New article added from Seventeen Magazine. "backstage with Simon".

Hey everyone! We have NEW EXCLUSIVE never seen before pics of SIMON REX! they are in the pictures section! Take a look!

Click to see full size

Also Simon talks about his most embarrasing moment in the december issue of TEEN PEOPLE magazine.
He says, "When I worked at MTV, I was playing in a Rock N' Jock basketball game in Orange County [Calif.], in front of a stadium of people. Peter King, one of the VJs, pantsed me in front of everybody. I was wearing boxers, but my butt showed. Having five thousand people laughing at you at once was a bit harsh."

The pictures from the december issue of US magazine are up! check them out in the articles section! More EXCLUSIVE pics are on the way!

The article from the december issue of US magazine is finally up! Check it out in the articles section. It took me forever to type it so you better be thanking me! hehe just kidding! :) The pics from the article will be posted by tommorrow.

Missed the one of the episodes of "Jack & Jill"? Well here is a place where you can get a summary of each episode.
Jack & Jill Summaries at WBZL

Simon Rex is featured in the december issue of US magazine. The article starts on page 78. we will have the article and the pics posted as soon as possible.