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Applying knowledge

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Applying knowledge: I can’t stress enough the application of the lessons of life (or lives). Too many times I’ve seen people (including myself) who’ve had the knowledge given to them via books or teachers and have just chosen not to apply it to their lives. For myself I had many books on eastern religion and philosophy during my teen years and did not begin to put these lessons to the test until the time when I had reached my 30’s. I’ve worked with many people who have had problems ranging from mental illnesses to alcoholism and thus attended many AA meetings. It never ceased to amaze me how many could quote from the book "Alcoholics Anonymous" but didn’t live the life they talked of when they walked out the door. The same is true of the Bible. So many hold on to the line that states "The only way to the father is through me" yet totally ignore the lessons of love and tolerance that Jesus taught. We have a wealth of knowledge available to us but it does us no good if we don’t actually put this knowledge to good use.
So the question is "How do we apply the spiritual knowledge that’s available to us"? I would say a good way to start would be to set up a daily practice, perhaps a time during the day to meditate or work on improving your skills of whatever path you have chosen. The second (and probably more difficult)method is to carry that practice into your daily life. One way of bringing your beliefs into your daily life would be awareness. Self awareness is important in regulating our reactions to people and circumstances that occur in our daily lives. One of my favorite quotes is by Timothy Leary "The universe is perfect". In looking back on my life I came to the conclusion that everything that has happened to me has led me to the place where I am now. Not all of these were good things but while reflecting back I realized that if things had been different then I probably would not be the person I am now. So when I’m out in the world and meet with adversity I try to remember that I am right where I’m supposed to be at this moment. Therefore there are times when the question becomes: Can I contribute anything positive to this situation or do I need to practice indifference? Or have the Gods placed me here to help or to learn from others' mistakes? Awareness also applies to the rest of mankind. Through many hours of meditation I have come to identify myself as "a spiritual being on the physical plane". If I’m correct in this conclusion then everyone else would also be spiritual beings (whether they realize it or not). Of course I also believe that we are in different stages of spiritual evolution. Part of my spirituality includes allowing others to learn the lessons they were sent here to learn (Tolerance). Also, looking at the rest of the world in this manner, develops the skill of objectively witnessing the nature or motives of people around you. This is a valuable skill as it directs to people that we are meant to help, learn from (teachers) or people who might cause us harm. I believe that we are what we think. If we think of ourselves as spiritual beings and maintain this awareness then we will act and react accordingly. If we think about God continually God becomes a part of us (always was). The more we think about our path the more that path becomes a part of our lives.