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Homeschool Links

I don't have a lot of links here yet. I am still pretty new to homeschooling and I have just begun to search for helpful sites. As I visit more, I will put more links up here.

If you find that any of these links are dead, please email me and let me know. Also, if you visit a page that I have linked to, and find something objectionable on that page, please email me and tell me about it. Thanks

A Beka Online - We used this curriculum for a while when I was homeschooled. I haven't used it as a parent, so I don't have that point of view. My brothers and I liked it when we were using it.

Homeschool Central - This site has been very helpful to me. So far, it is my favorite homeschool site.

Homeschool Zone - This site is very good, too.

What should my child know? - This site has some good goals to shoot for when homeschooling.


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