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The Birth Of DBZ

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Quick Info
DragonBall Z Info Creator: Akira
: 153
DragonBall Z 
: 291
DragonBall GT
: 64

Site Info
Name: The Hyper
Dimension OwnerThe Icon
WebmastersThe Icon &
Most hits (day): 171

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Listed on Anime

Are you new to Dragonball or this site? Would you like to know what each section on this site is for? Want to know more? Well this section is the place. In this section you will see every section, a link to that section, and a description.


Games - Want to know all the DragonBall games that came out in Japan, the system, and the game type? Go to this section.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Here you will find the usual questions asked of DragonBall, questions about this site and use of its content; and questions about this site's webmasters.

Attack List - Here you can find the various of attacks of different characters in the series (This section is not 100% complete as of now.)

The Birth of DragonBall - Many of you fans are wondering, how exactly did DragonBall start? Well of course, the creator, Akira Toriyama started it; but here you can learn even more. The different series and the background story is all here.


Pictures - These pictures are from the series and the movies of DB/Z/GT. They are all scans and were not made by me. I do not have the addresses of the sites anymore where I got these pictures from (I had them for 2 or 3 years). Use of these pictures for personal and website use is described in this section on the very top.

Screenshots - These are screenshots from the actual footage of the series and movies. These screenshots are made by myself and are not to be used on your own website without giving this site credit and/or a link to my site. The same rules for the pictures section applies to this section as well, no linking directly to the pictures (Put them onto your own server), and give this site credit!

Animated GIFs - Animated GIFs. What are they? I'll tell you. They are little files that come in .gif format (The same as some regular pictures), that are animated. Most of these Animated GIFs were not made by me (same situation as the Pics), but some are. They are a few seconds of actual motions of footage from the series, movies, and video games! Once again, same rules apply to this section as the ones in the pictures section. No linking directly to the pictures (Put them onto your own server), and give this site credit!

Movies - This is section where you can download series and movie clips of DragonBall Z in the original Japanese version in MPEG and Quicktime Format. There are no clips from the American version here.


Humor - You fans, you crazy fans. Although most e-mails are constructive, you guys sometimes send us is so weird or just plain stupid e-mail, that we found it humorous. So that's what this section is. All the weird e-mail we've gotten we put them in this section.

Message Board & Chatroom - You guys should know what a message board is. But if you don't, this is where you can post actual messages on DragonBall and have people reply to you! Plus, this message board has chat capabilities in it as well. Sign up is required, and you must follow these rules:

1. Please refrain from using excessive foul language on the message board. Remember that DragonBall fans are of all ages.

2. No racial slurs or excessive insults of anyone.

3. No spamming the URL of your site, or any message you want to post for that matter.

4. We are trying to get new and more people to talk on the message board, so no bothering people if they are "newbies".

Not following any of the following rules will result in a 1 month ban and the message will be deleted. If one does not learn from their mistakes, it will be a 2 month ban, and then a permanent ban.

"Pros" over Chatroom: Messages are kept on one page until the moderator (That's me) erases them. So if you have a question, you have a better chance of getting it answered.

"Cons" of Message Board: If there are a lot of people posting on the message board, loading time can increase greatly.

"Pros" over Message Board: Discussions are held in real time, and there is istant messaging!
Once in the chatroom, there is no possibility of a long loading time in between messages.

"Cons" Of Chatroom: It is possible to get confused with other's messages due to use of same fonts, colors etc.
If there are a lot of people in the chatroom, it can be difficult for you to get a question answered.

Links - In this section, there are direct links to DragonBall sites, Anime sites, and other sites. If you have a Dragon Ball site, and you would like us to link to it, then your site must follow these guidlines:

1. No linking to files of my site or any other site.
2. Must consist of some type of original content.
3. I must have a link in return.
4. No linking to ANY pornography and/or illegal sites/content.
You may ask to be linked to at any time.

*Section Maintained by SSJ2MysticGohan


Toonami has been reduced to two hours. Dragon Ball Z now airs twice a day until the premiere of Dragon Ball.

DVD and VHS releases will be simultaneous.

Original Dragon Ball to air on Cartoon Network beginning July 23rd at 5:30pm. However, there are some who say that it will premiere later. July 23rd has been said to be the same premiere date of the two newest Gundam series to America, "Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 5:00pm; and "8th Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 12:00am.

Season 5 of Dragon Ball Z is currently in production. New epi-
sodes to air Sep-
tember 3rd. It is said that ALL of the remaining episodes of DBZ will be shown.

Viz to release future Dragon Ball graphic novels and re-release current no-
vels uncensored.

Movie #5 expected in October, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Release in movie theathers will most likely not happen.

Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing some upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advanced. The re-
lease date is not yet known.

Quote Of The Month
July 2001 -

My weaknesses are monitored by Big Ghetti Star's main computer, which re-
pairs and reinforces my damages. You'll be dead long before I am defeated. No matter how many times it takes. I'll keep coming back stronger than ever. Ever if you lived forever, you'll never beat me... Give it your best shot.

Metal Coola:
Movie 6: The Best of Strongest vs.

Monthly Poll