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Home > Fans > Humor

This Humor section consist of all the weird e-mails that were sent to me by some of you crazy fans. Because they were so *cough*cough*stupid*cough*cough*, I put them here. Enjoy!

Ok this guy needs to get a girl friend.....
Hey I've seen a nude picture of Bulma and I don't remember where I saw it but it was REALLY nice do you know where it is?

thanks i guess.....
I like your page and Icon and Kamehameha are my heroes of love!!!!!!

Some people have no brain
Could I copy your name?

my powers?
I know this kid and he sayd he knows you Icon and that he is gonna steal your powers and zap the net and dbz it!!!HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA i am a super saiyan so watch out bucko!!!!!!

This guy need anger management
My name is f***ing GX99 f**ker and F**k dbz and you Icon and your page is really f***ing gay you f***er and I will just keep sending you f***ing emails until you f***ing stop being a gay f*g you b***h so send me some cool goku pics now!!!!!

ok this guy scares me
Where'd did you get all those dbz games from!!! I can't find them any where not even in China Town so email me back. PS- You know this to

this e-mail gives me nightmares o_0
Do you like Pokemom cause I love it and I love meowth the most hes so slick

sorry i live in california
hey If you live near North Dakota you are invited to my DBZ birthday party i will be 17 so come and get a beer and party!!!!!

settle down i want the new episodes to air to
WHEN WILL DBZ SEASON 4 BE ON!!!!! email me back and tell me or else!!!!

this guy just doesn't quit o_0
this is f***ing GX99 again you f***er you think it's f***ing funny to p**s me off!!! Well f***er I'm gonna kick your b**ch a*s you f****er!!!!! I will get my f***ing friends and will get you and f***ing f**k you up b**ch and if you f***ing post this in the f***ing humor I will f***ing hurt you f**er

More to come when more weirdos email me!!!!

*Section Maintained by The Icon


Toonami has been reduced to two hours. Dragon Ball Z now airs twice a day until the premiere of Dragon Ball.

DVD and VHS releases will be simultaneous.

Original Dragon Ball to air on Cartoon Network beginning July 23rd at 5:30pm. However, there are some who say that it will premiere later. July 23rd has been said to be the same premiere date of the two newest Gundam series to America, "Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 5:00pm; and "8th Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 12:00am.

Season 5 of Dragon Ball Z is currently in production. New epi-
sodes to air Sep-
tember 3rd. It is said that ALL of the remaining episodes of DBZ will be shown.

Viz to release future Dragon Ball graphic novels and re-release current no-
vels uncensored.

Movie #5 expected in October, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Release in movie theathers will most likely not happen.

Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing some upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advanced. The re-
lease date is not yet known.

Quote Of The Month
July 2001 -

My weaknesses are monitored by Big Ghetti Star's main computer, which re-
pairs and reinforces my damages. You'll be dead long before I am defeated. No matter how many times it takes. I'll keep coming back stronger than ever. Ever if you lived forever, you'll never beat me... Give it your best shot.

Metal Coola:
Movie 6: The Best of Strongest vs.

Monthly Poll