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DragonBall Z Info Creator: Akira
: 153
DragonBall Z 
: 291
DragonBall GT
: 64

Site Info
Name: The Hyper
Dimension OwnerThe Icon
WebmastersThe Icon &
Most hits (day): 171

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Home > Information > FAQ

Since The Hyper Dimension started I have been getting tons of e-mails with questions regarding the site. I don't mind getting them but please before you send one read the FAQ. Thank You - The Icon

Skip straight to a part of this FAQ:
Site | Basic Dragon Ball Questions | Series Questions

Site Questions

Q. Why did you change the site name?

A. I changed it because I just like the new name better than the old one and also because the old site was hacked into.

Q. Can you tell me stuff about DBZ? I don't know that much and I want to know more.

A. First just look around on the site for stuff you want to know about dbz and then if you want to know more e-mail me.

Q. Could you please view my site and add me to your Links?

A. I would love to look at your site and if add it to our links but the site has to be good and original. I would also like a link on your site in return.

Q. Can I take your pics, bios, movies etc...

A. Yes. All unoriginal stuff you will have to ask the original site for that. As for all of our original content that we made, you will have to e-mail us about that. However, feel free to use our news and writings as a guide.

Q. Can I send you dbz news?

A. Yes I can use any news about DB/Z/GT to post that you want me to.

Q. Can you help me with my site?

A. Sorry, but we can't. I'm already maintaining a site. But if you need some pointers feel free to e-mail me. And SSJ2MysticGohan is always ready to help with pointers too.

Q. Can you tell me more about the webmasters (creators and editors) of this site?

A. Here is the Hyper Dimension crew:
Site Owner and Secondary Maintainer (for now):
The Icon
Maintains: Main Page, FAQ, Message Board, Chatroom, The Birth of DBZ, Humor, and the Attack List

Primary Maintainer: SSJ2MysticGohan (name changed from KamehamehaFinalFlash)
Maintains: Main Page, FAQ, Message Board, Chatroom, Site Map, Games, and All Multimedia

Basic Dragon Ball Questions

Q. What is Dragonball?

A. A Manga and an Anime series Toriyama created in 1984. He got the ideas to make this series from a Chinese folktale called "Journey To The West". It's mostly about a group of people on Earth that do Martial-Arts and can power up what is known as "ki", or energy. It was huge in Japan and now is popular in the U.S. For more info on this go to our section The Birth of DBZ.

Q. Who created Dragon Ball?

A. Dragon Ball was created by Akira Toriyama and Bird Studios and Toei Entertainment. It was produced in Japan and is dubbed into English by FUNimation.

Q. What does the "Z" and "GT" of DragonBall Z and DragonBall GT mean?

A. There is no meaning for the "Z" in DragonBall Z. My guess is that Toriyama felt it might appeal more to fans if it had something with no meaning, or rather an unknown meaning in the title. However, the meaning of the "GT" in DragonBall GT is known. The "GT" means "Grand Tour". This fits the first half of the series; where Goku, Pan, and Trunks search across the universe as a "Grand Tour" all for the black-star Dragon Balls.

Series Questions

Q. When will they have new DBZ episodes on Cartoon Network

A. The airing date for season 5 is not known as yet. You can buy the Season 4 tapes on line and in some stores.

Q. Is it true there will be a brand new series called Dragon Ball X, DB Ultra, DB2, DB generation next etc...?

A. No despite rumors that is not true. At the time that is not even on the board.

Q. How is the version in the US different from the original?

A. The American version is censored and cut greatly. About 20% is cut from every episode from seasons one and two. Season three is not censored as much but the voices are terrible and so is the dialogue.

Q. Where can I get the DBZ Daizenshus (World Guides)?

A. I suggest or; and if you live in a large city such as New York City go to the China Town and find an anime store and the may have them.

Q.How many episodes of DB/Z/GT are there?

A. 153 of Dragonball, 291 of DragonBall Z, and 64 of DragonBall GT.

Q. Where can I buy some raw uncut, Japanese and English sub-titled episodes of DBZ and other anime?

A. I suggest you look for them on the net. If you live near Los Angeles contact me because I know some good stores where you can buy them. Or try going to a China Town if you live in a large City.

*Section Maintained by The Icon


Toonami has been reduced to two hours. Dragon Ball Z now airs twice a day until the premiere of Dragon Ball.

DVD and VHS releases will be simultaneous.

Original Dragon Ball to air on Cartoon Network beginning July 23rd at 5:30pm. However, there are some who say that it will premiere later. July 23rd has been said to be the same premiere date of the two newest Gundam series to America, "Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 5:00pm; and "8th Mobile Suit Gun-
dam", premiering at 12:00am.

Season 5 of Dragon Ball Z is currently in production. New epi-
sodes to air Sep-
tember 3rd. It is said that ALL of the remaining episodes of DBZ will be shown.

Viz to release future Dragon Ball graphic novels and re-release current no-
vels uncensored.

Movie #5 expected in October, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Release in movie theathers will most likely not happen.

Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing some upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advanced. The re-
lease date is not yet known.

Quote Of The Month
July 2001 -

My weaknesses are monitored by Big Ghetti Star's main computer, which re-
pairs and reinforces my damages. You'll be dead long before I am defeated. No matter how many times it takes. I'll keep coming back stronger than ever. Ever if you lived forever, you'll never beat me... Give it your best shot.

Metal Coola:
Movie 6: The Best of Strongest vs.

Monthly Poll