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IA #9 - Revolution 9

"ForestWorld will be closed, following the collapse of StarHols last year. The company folded after its star attraction, 'Paradise', was reduced to a lump of lifeless radioactive ash on G.D. 875.87 by an attack from unidentified aliens."

Oops. Wil may have chosen the wrong world for his holiday. Still, no worries - the Doctor was due back a week before the impending apocalypse, and they could just jump into the TARDIS and be off before the mysterious aliens showed up. Or, even better, maybe the Doctor could save the whole planet when he arrived.

But the Doctor never came. And now Wil is trapped on a doomed world with only a fanatical bounty hunter for company, and finds himself caught up in the hunt for a human who knows far too much for her own good.

Add to the melting pot some rebel Rutans and a few Mysterious Robed Guys, and you have a mixture from which even the Doctor might struggle to make fruit cordial... if he should ever arrive.

Because a thousand years and half a galaxy away, the Doctor is in a mess all of his own.

This is another round-robin story featuring the 8th Doctor.

Certain characters in this story (mentioning no names) may be copyright the BBC, and/or Fox, and/or Virgin Publishing. Each chapter is © its author, as credited below.

The excellent book-cover you see above was created by the very talented Julian Friedman; the blurb was whipped up in five minutes by JJF. The moderator for this story was Rebecca Dowgiert.

If you would prefer to read this story offline, you can download a Zip archive containing all the chapters by clicking here.

This story's entry in the Internet Adventures Discontinuity Guide can be read here.

Below are the chapters; just click on the one you want to read:

(Click on a thumbnail to view the full-sized illustration)
Chapter 1
created by
Time Lady X
Chapter 3
created by
Time Lady X

The original template for this document was created by James Farmer and modified by Jon Andersen

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