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Code of Ethics

Protection and Education

  • Members are expected to behave in a responsible manner to protect the quality of life, health, temperament and genetic integrity of the breed, and to educate themselves and others in the means of accomplishing these goals.

Responsible Ownership

  • Owners should consider carefully, seek and accept advice before getting a kitten or cat and they should only keep as many cats as they can care for adequately.
  • Cats and kittens must be provided with warm and comfortable housing, with plenty of opportunity for exercise and play.
  • Drinking water must be available at all times and cats must be fed a quality diet, regularly and adequately.
  • Cats must be kept indoors or allowed outside only under supervision, or in an enclosed run.
  • Cats will receive grooming necessary to maintain their health and comfort.
  • Cats must be immunized as required to maintain a healthy immunity.
  • Veterinary attention must be sought whenever a cat is showing signs of illness.
  • Cats that are bought as pets, not for breeding, must be neutered or spayed by the age of one year or as specified in the Contract of Sale. Under no circumstance will a pet be allowed to breed without the consent and support of the cat's breeder.
  • Under no circumstance will an owner abandon, sell, lease or give a cat or kitten to a pet store, research laboratory, animal shelter or similar facility.

Breeding Responsibly

  • Breeders will only sell cats where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life. An offer must be made at the time of placement to help with the rehoming of the cat/kitten, if at any time, circumstances require the cat to be found a new home.
  • Breeders agree only to breed cats where there is a reasonable expectation of producing healthy kittens, with sound temperaments.
  • Breeders will do whatever is necessary to raise well socialized, healthy kittens.
  • Breeders will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise cats nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a cat/kitten.
  • Breeders agree to share and disseminate information which may aid in the protection of the NFC breed.
  • Breeders will never sell a kitten to, or through a pet store or retail outlet.
  • All cats and kittens will be kept in a clean, well ventilated environment, and each cat will be provided sufficient space for exercise and stimulation.
  • All cats will receive frequent and kind human attention.
  • No queen will be bred more then twice in one year, or bear her first litter before 12 months of age or she has had two heats.
  • Breeders must carefully screen the buyers of cats sold 'for breeding' and should offer support and mentoring to new breeders to whom they have sold a cat for breeding purposes.
  • No kitten should be permitted to go to a new home before 13 weeks of age and at least seven days after completion of a full course of vaccinations. The breeder should ensure that kittens are house-trained, inoculated and in good general health.
  • All sales agreements and health guarantees should be in writing.



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