
Everyday Quotes / Miscellaneous Quotes
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Idea no. 8

New Quotes
(All the quotes that have been added since you were last here.)
Last updated June 28

(A ton more 'everyday' quotes have also been added, but are not featured on this page. Really. I mean it this time.)

Just as a Note: The last three quotes at the bottom were blatantly stolen from Perri's quote page. But only because she has just as good (if not better) an eye for these things as I do and I was laughing too hard as I cut and pasted to really consider that this might be considered yet another in a long line of offenses against the poor woman. I have, after all, repeatedly rec'd her fics, linked her sites, and used her name as a way to gain entry into God knows how many underground, seedy, demon haunts. (Well, maybe not so much that last one) Anyway, I figure it's only a matter of time before she comes after me with a pitchfork and a court order. So enjoy the quotes while you got 'em, folks.

"Logan, we can't loose anyone else. Jean filled most of the postions in this school, and if Scott's out of action what will we do?"
Throw a kegger?"
-Ororo and Logan, 'Untouchable' by Bry

"It didn't use to have boarded up windows and flaking paint and teenagers sleeping on the floors. Like a weird suburban version of a crack house, but without the fun that might go along with crack."
-Willow on the Summers' house in 'Deus Otiosis' by Annakovsky

"Of course, if I hear anyone headed towards the basement stairs I immediately shove the book under the covers, pull off my shirt and try to arrange the sheet over myself artistically, as if all I do all day is lounge about looking provocative. I've got a reputation to uphold, after all."
-Spike, in 'Back Before Dawn' by Annakovsky

"Sociologists are starting to refer to the "N Generation," the "Net Generation," or "Gen.Com", children who have come of age in relation to interactive technologies and digital media and who operate under the rather bold assumption that they can be active participants shaping, creating, critiquing and circulating popular culture. "Cultural convergence" describes new ways audiences are relating to media content, their increased skills at reading across different media and their desires for a more participatory and complex media culture."
-Henry Jenkins

"Sorkin waltzes out and sticks us with a Republican President. Like we don't have enough real-life problems in that department. Dude, that's just harsh."

"He passed the train station. In accordance to the third law of lost tourists-which dictates that there is always one landmark you keep coming back to, no matter how often you backtrack to make different turns-it was the fourth time he had done so. (The first two laws probably had something to do with cameras, or exchange rates.)"
-Pyro in 'Sunshadow' by Lassiter

"Kids, we just have to learn to accept this. Like one of those stories on Dateline where a family member suffers a horrible accident and becomes a burden on everybody. Sure, they pretend to be happy, but they're dead inside. They're dead. And that'll be our lives."
-Lois, 'The Family Guy'

"Boy, she's pretty pissed, huh?"
"Yeah. Who'd have thought welfare fraud would be one of her buttons?"
-Peter and Brian, 'The Family Guy'

Fred: "Gee whiz, gang, looks like the killer gutted the victim, strangled him with his own intestines, and then dumped the body in the river."
Velma: "Geez, what a mystery."
ScoobyDoo: "Awrroo."
Fred: "You're right, Scoob, we're dealing with one sick son of a bitch."
-'Scooby Doo' on 'The Family Guy'

"Ah, the breakfast thing. Yes, it wasn't about the eggs really. Frankly I like the yolks, I- I don't- I have no problem, it's... There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me and it's not so much that I want to kill her. It's just that I want her not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult. And then I think to myself, by god wouldn't it be marvellous if I turned out to be a homosexual?"
-Stewie, 'The Family Guy'

"Within minutes, both Hermione and Ron were restored to their school-robed selves, with no interference excepting one loud exclamation from Professor McGonagall, outside - 'What do you mean, they're putting clothes on?'"
-'Not as a Last Resot' by Arabella

"On the other hand, postponing that kind of editorial decision is an excellent way to justify not working on a piece at all, so I finally decided, the hell with it. Not to get all "welcome to my process, I hope you packed a lunch" about it or anything."
-Tomato Nation

"Will, who had heard a story about Josh, a bachelor party, and a pair of bright yellow waders, instinctively checked to see if Josh was holding a drink."
-'Solecism' by Ryo Sen and Margarite

"'My point,' he continued after a while, 'is that, considering the attendees to this Ball include the President, the First Lady, more than half of the top Administration officials, and a sizeable helping of literati, perhaps the disco ball was a blown call.'"
-'Solecism' by Ryo Sen and Margarite

"Okay, fine. I'll tell Hermione I love her and you can beat the Dark Lord."
-Harry "Kiss the Girl" by Fleur

"I think that might have been a run on sentence. No matter, it's probably due to an awful disease that can only be cured by reviews.
Don't you hate it when that happens?"
-"Kiss the Girl" by Fleur

"Hi," said Ron.
"Hi," replied Hermione.
Harry looked from one to the other, then coughed. "Yeah, so I think I'm sick. I'm going to go lie down. You two have fun."
-"Kiss the Girl" by Fleur

"As Hermione composedly listed the factors, Harry felt Ron stir beside him. Harry obligingly leaned back in his seat so Ron could stare at Hermione while her attention was diverted. And to think that I was worried that I'd be left out if Ron and Hermione were interested in each other."
-'Harry Potter and the Fifth Year from Hell' by Angua

"As always, I should like to remind you all that the Forbidden Forest has, in the past year, devoured eight-and-a-half of our graduating students, as well as several underclassmen, and is strictly off-limits. Hence the name Forbidden Forest. Believe me, if it were completely safe we would have long ago changed the name to the Come-And-Go-As-You-Damned-Well-Please Forest."
-Dumbledore, 'Harry Potter and the Song of Night' by QuizzicalSphinx

"George..." he started, before trailing off.
"Yes, that's my name, don't wear it out, please, or I'll have to use Fred's and it's confusing enough already."
-Ron and George (I've completely forgotten which story this and the next two quotes come from, but I swear I'll find it soon and put up a proper link. If any one out there knows, feel free to email me with it)

"Come in, please."
"Ron, but..."
"I need help!"
"Er... Ron, what exactly do you mean by 'help'?"
-Ron and Harry in a bathroom

The bathroom's door burst open immediately and in came Harry.
"Close the door," Ron whispered, waving a hand at him.
Harry stared in amazement. "Ron, Fred and George are out there, do you really want me to close the door, with both of us inside?"
-Ron and Harry still in a bathroom

Sirius- "Thrill a minute, this book, isn't it?"
Remus- "You should never judge a book by its cover."
Sirius- "You're right. The cover made it look interesting"
-God help me, I lost the title and link to this fic to. I'll be sure to put up both once I find them. The next two quotes are from the same, hilarious story in which the Marauders find a copy of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.'

Sirius- *tuts* "Kids of today..."
Remus- "We're kids of today."
Sirius- "Exactly. Just think what we're like."

"Mr Dursley couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes-"
Remus- "This coming from a Muggle."
Sirius- "This coming from a guy who's completely naked every full moon."
Peter- "This coming from a guy who's descended from Death Eaters."
Remus- "This coming from Peter..."

"After a chase through the canals of Venice, which in real life would have led to the loss of six tourist gondolas and the drowning of an accordion player, the confederates go to an extraordinary amount of trouble to meet, with the gold, in a high Alpine pass apparently undisturbed since Hannibal. I have no idea how hard it is to move $35 million in gold from Venice to the Alps with Interpol looking for you, or for that matter how hard it would be to move it back down again, but golly, it's a pretty location."
-Roger Ebert on 'The Italian Job'

"Typical Gryffindor plan: 'well, we're sure as hell not going to get killed staying back here. I know, let's get closer!'"
-Draco Malfoy in 'Harry Potter and the Siren's Song'

"President Bush will give Saddam Hussein 48 hours to leave Iraq or face military action, administration sources say. Iraqi foreign minister says Saddam won't leave; suggests Bush leave office instead."
-CNN headline bullet