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The Official Doohicky Website
This website is produced and maintained by the Galactic Doohicky Environmental Agency (GDEA), a division of the Antargrian International Council (AIC).

Doohicky Home Page Doohicky Facts and Information The History of Doohickys The Doohicky Interactive Page

Doohicky Timeline

Year Event Description
NB: All dates have been put into Earth Years for Relevance.
c.3000BCDiscovery of DrohickysThe Neptunese discover Drohickys on Drohickyina, and move some to one of their moons; Nepity.
2688BCDestruction of DrohickyinaThe Drohickys's home planet is destroyed by a rare red hole.
1594BCNepity Gains IndependenceNepity gains its independence after a long war with Neptune.
1593BCPluto FormedNepity becomes a planet after being given its own orbit. They call themselves Pluto.
1590BCDrohickys RediscoveredPlutonian scientists discover Drohickys on their planet, and start researching them.
1588-1582BCPlutonian WarA vicious war with Mars devastates Pluto.
1572BCDrohickys Become National AnimalDrohickys are made Pluto's national animal, and are renamed Doohickys.
885BCDoohickys RelocatedWith Doohicky numbers declining, many are shipped to a new planet; Kekka, which can support Doohicky life. Scientists hope the Doohickys can thrive there.
212BCDoohicky Remains DiscoveredDoohicky remains are discovered on the planet of Reshadae.
764ADGDEA FoundedWith Doohicky numbers still declining, an organisation is set up to help them.
764ADDoohicky DayThe GDEA declares November 13th, the day it was set up, Doohicky Day.
892ADDoohicky Hunting BannedAfter years of petitioning the government, the GDEA finally gets a law passed, banning the hunting of Doohickys.
1001ADDoohicky Population IncreasesFor the first time ever, the population of Doohickys increases during the year.
1444ADDoohicky's Cousins DiscoveredRemains of Doohickys are discovered on Venus. Scientists conclude they were a different breed, since they could survive without xenophybicophron.
1612ADDisaster at KekkaAll Doohicky life on Kekka is wiped out by a sudden change in atmosphere and climate. Scientists are unsure what caused the change.
1615ADKekka MysteryWithin three years of Doohicky life disappearing, all life on Kekka ceases to exist. It is declared an uninhabitable planet.
1688ADAIC Takes Over GDEAThe newly formed Antargrian International Council takes over the GDEA.
1767ADDeeluebys DiscoveredAn ancient relative of the Doohickys is discovered on the planet of Merato. They are thriving on a small island. Scientists call them Deeluebys and start researching about them.

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