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The Official Doohicky Website
This website is produced and maintained by the Galactic Doohicky Environmental Agency (GDEA), a division of the Antargrian International Council (AIC).

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Doohicky Facts and Information

Here you will find the answer to the question you've all been wondering...what are doohickys?

Doohickys are amiable creatures which live on the planet of Pluto. They have no specific animal group as scientists have been unable to classify them. They have a long, round body and a long, flat head. They have two legs on their left side at the front and one leg on their right side at the back. Other noticeable features include their furry scales, graceful, slightly transparent wings, long tail, and long tongue. They are good at flying, and can swim well. They have sharp reflexes and natural survival instincts.

Doohickys are found mainly in the country of Antargra on Pluto, where they enjoy the marshy swamps typical of that region. In honour of doohickys, Pluto has made them the national animal. There are laws passed protecting doohickys throughout the planet.

Doohickys are found only on Pluto because of the low level of oxygen and high level of xenophybicophron there. Planets such as Earth cannot hold doohickys because they have too much oxygen and absolutely no xenophybicophron. Any doohicky would instently die upon entering such an atmosphere. Other planets are known to have once held doohicky life, and scientists are currently looking for other planets on which doohickys could live.

Doohickys feed mainly on plants such as the raycle-cluster. They use their long tongue to reach inside the plant and pull out the bulb which they love. Doohickys can be tamed and are often kept as pets. They live about 450 years although can reach up to 600 years. They often cross-breed with dodo^o~kanabar~fyan^rts, which are a cross-breed in themselves. When this happens, the offspring is always a pure doohicky. Scientists cannot explain this.

Doohickys are still plentiful in the wild thanks to the Galactic Doohicky Environmental Agency (GDEA) and if you want to see them, special tours are arranged daily by the Antargrian government.

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