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Doohicky Smuggling Scandal Uncovered

TOKYO, Japan (GDEAEarth/MAS)

The IPG (Inter-Planetary Guards) have arrested two people in association with doohicky smuggling on Earth. Banned by Galactic law, this illegal operation has been going on for nearly a decade. The IPG have been trying to track down and put a stop to the smuggling for over two years. They were rewarded yesterday with the capture of two of the main ring-leaders. Akeur Muglem, a professor at Traigon Wildlife Reserve, and Lesur Trene, the CEO of the independent shipping company RCS, were arrested on November 30th 2001, for illegal transportation of doohickys to Earth. They allegedly sold them to the famous hunter Mee Nee who emigrated from Pluto in 1943 and settled on Earth. Mee Nee had been working in the fashion industry ever since she came to earth. Using the furs from her hunting expeditions she has become one of the most famous fashion designers ever, but under several assumed names. Her latests designs though, have been made with doohicky fur which has a texture similar to the fur of the chinchilla. These have made great hits with people on Earth who did not realise what they were buying. The sale of such items have now been stopped. Mee Nee is currently in hiding and the IPG are still searching.

A spokesman for the IPG said, "We have only started to graze the surface of this massive operation. We estimate that over one hundred people could be involved. However, we have made the breakthrough, and it won't be long now till everyone in this organisation is brought to justice."

The IPG are confident that they have enough evidence to have the two Plutonians in jail for life. They also say that they will soon also have Mee Nee in their hands. Under the SolarLaw, authorities on Earth have the right to capture and detain Mee Nee themselves, but they must eventually hand her over to Pluto.

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