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Head Start Class News

Classroom Activities

We continued our project on Airplanes this week.

*Discussion included: where we would travel if we could fly anywhere around the world, why airplanes have wheels, how do they stay in the sky, how we would feel if we were boarding an airplane, what it would feel like to be an airplane flying through clouds, why do pilots wear headphones, what kinds of food would be at an airplane café, and what kinds of things we would see from an airplane high in the sky.

** We sketched pictures of airplanes and dictated where our airplanes were flying to and who we were visiting.

** We also enjoyed painting airplanes at the paint easel.

** We practiced what it would feel like, what we would need to wear, and how we would prepare to be a pilot.

** We hope to soon visit the TriState Airport in Breckenridge.

REMINDER: Much of our learning takes place throughout the 15 centers created around the room. Each center is set up to provide Social/Emotional, Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Physical Health and Development, Approaches to Learning, Language Development, and Creative Arts skills. It may seem like your child isn’t bringing many work samples home, but remember these all will be reviewed through pictures at home visits/conferences and kept in your child’s portfolio.

*We also enjoy keeping our work displayed around the classroom to show each child how they have participated in each project.

No School

There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, October 11th due to Educational Home Visits. School will resume on Monday, October 15th. Also, NO SCHOOL on Thursday, October 18th and Thursday, October 25th.

Cold Weather

It’s that time of year again!! We will continue to go outside each day and use our playground equipment if the temperature and wind chill are above 0.

**Please send appropriate clothing with your child, so they are able to participate in our outside activities. If your child is in need of appropriate winter clothing please contact Miss Katie.

Sharing Reminder

*Please only send toys with your child on their day of sharing, as we are not allowed to bring our own toys into the classroom.

Show & Tell Days

Monday: Sinclair, Desiree, Ryan, and Alyssa

Tuesday: Jesse, Allison, Rehanna, and Sophie

Wednesday: Roy, Elly, Brianna, and Seth

Thursday: Josh, Izabel, Cielo, Keegan, and Michael

New Friend

We have a new face in our classroom, Michael Schultz, joined us for his first day on Monday. We are excited to have a new friend in the classroom and look forward to learning more about him and his family!

Have a SUPER weekend everyone and thanks for all of your help and cooperation!!!

Miss Katie

Campbell Head Start Daily Schedule

8:00-8:15 Arrival Time
8:15-8:20 Bathroom & Handwashing
8:20-8:45 Breakfast
8:45-9:00 Bathroom & Handwashing
9:00-9:15 Large Group Time
9:15-10:00 Free Choice Time & Small Group
10:00-10:40 Large Motor Skills & Outdoor
10:40 -11:00 Large Group Time
11:00-11:10 Bathroom & Handwashing
11:10-11:30 Lunch
11:30-11:45 Bathroom, Handwashing, & Toothbrushing
11:45-12:30 Rest Time
12:30-12:45 Quiet Activities Work Time
1:15-2:30 Free Choice Time, Small Group
Activities, & Snack
2:30-2:45 Large Group Time
2:45-3:00 Ready for Departure
3:00 Departure

Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Bulletin Board
Daily Schedule
Monthly Calendar
School Calendar
Community Education
Counselor Page
Graduation Requirements
Family Fun Book Bash
MPO Shuffle Winners
School Newspaper
Operation Locate
School Policies
Extra Curricular
Music Department
School Plays
Football Roster
Cross Country
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Fun Stuff
Garbage Can of Doom
Chair Tipping Society
Local Websites
Fairmount School
Breckenridge School
Hankinson School
Local Vo-Tech Center
Scholarship Link
City of Tintah
Minnesota State
High School League
North Dakota State High School League

Family Fun Book Bash
Feb. 24 Family Fun Book Bash