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"Bulldog Saves the Day"
by Pat Cook

Saturday, May 2 2009

The Cast

Lullaby F. Broadway -- Stacie Keller*

Hero -- Dillion Berend

Cara Mel Turtle -- Marian Sprung*

Bulldog Bishop -- Mike Kvidt*

Ma Bishop -- Kierra Nelson

DeLong Goodnight -- Tim Ammons*

Gus -- Jacob Hunstable

Betty Dont -- Leah Hensch

Mayor Dont -- Brady Keller

Minnie Wards -- Mackenzie Kutzer

Mrs. Badroad -- Erika Keller

Mother Broadway -- Dana Herrmann


Juan Ferderode -- Zach Guzik

Onna Break -- Ruth Sprung

Anita Break -- Rebekah Sprung

Mary Knotyoo -- Alison Guzik

Hugo Yurway -- Nick Qualley

Billy Wyzatt -- Jacob Ross

Lida Bonfire -- Nicole Berend

Anita Knapp -- Skylar Wehri

Shirley Hugest -- Tresa Deal

Play (Trials and Errors)

"Trials and Errors"
by David Meyer

Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007

Adults: $4.00 Grades 7-12: $2.00
Elementary & younger: $1.00

In a small hick town the courts only open up once a month and this month a Lady, Mrs. Daffy Dill, is awaiting a murder trial. Mrs. Daffy was accussed of killing her husband Phill with an elephant gun. Now, her lawyer, B.V. Debriefs is trying to save her from going to jail for a very Looooooonnnnggggg time. But at the end they find the REAL Deadly Killer, "The Tooth Pick."

The Cast

Judge Andy Jory -- Frankie Barth*

B.V. DeBriefs -- Cassandra Ahrens*

Shamus Barrister -- Brian Lankow*

Balilff Judd Klinker -- Michael Kvidt

Stenographer Harriet Hamm -- Stacie Keller

Sheriff Gunther T. Remington

Dafney Dill -- Marian Sprung

Sister Bertrill -- Erika Keller


Alice Fredo -- Rebekah Sprung

Marlene Fisher -- Ruth Sprung

Fred Acchini -- Zach Guzik

Widow Black -- Alison Guzik

Matt Benlock -- Nick Qualley

Carol Bell -- Emily Guzik*

Jack Hammer -- Jon Ross*

Dr. Denton Fenders -- Brady Keller

Jacques E. Schwartz -- Tim Ammons


Myrtle Twinebinder -- Samantha Redzanic*

Olga Zdymwitz -- K.C.Church

Granny Overhill (The most important role) -- Played by the




*Leah Hensch*

Dusty Roadrut -- Keith Willis

Beulah Milnorsen -- Kayla Glasby

Mabel Serrup -- Mackenzie Kutzer

Zeke Scooterman -- Steven Nysveen

* Seniors

Play directed by Bruce Fingerson


Saturday, Nov. 18,2006 at 7:30 p.m.

“It’s Bigfoot”
by Tim Kelly

Bigfoot has come out of the wilderness and is causing quite a stir at the “Big Moose Lodge and Canoe Rental”. The owner ”Big Moose” Wise and his daughter Penny are soon to lose the lodge if business doesn’t pick up. Penny and her friends have contacted a TV crew to help investigate the Bigfoot sightings. The local sheriff gets involved, along with a trapper and his Indian guide. Members of the “Save Bigfoot Foundation” arrive and so does an advertising agent who is looking to exploit Bigfoot’s natural talents. Will Bigfoot be safe from his pursuers? Are the pursuers safe from Bigfoot? And why is Bigfoot hanging around the lodge anyway?


Moose - Jacob Guzik*

Mrs. Og - Samantha Redzanic

Penny Wise (Moose’s daughter) - Stacie Keller

Rose - Mackenzie Kutzer

Marie - Leah Hensch

Director - Micala Hunstable*

Crewperson - Ryan Loken

Renfew - Frankie Barth

Alice - K. C. Church

Miss Ruby - Emily Guzik

Pearl - Alison Guzik

Hard-Boiled Irving - Brady Keller

Lone Eagle - Zach Blanchard

J.J. Krass - Nick Qualley

Jimmie - Michael Kvidt

Lady (in love) - Kayla Glasby

* Seniors


“That Was No Lady, That Was A Private Eye”
by Dennis Snee

Phyllis Harlowe is her name, and private investigation is her game. (Her lip-gloss is bulletproof.) She has a landlord who wants the rent, an assistant who’s deeply into the soaps, and a frightened male client who needs protection from his nasty ex-girlfriend. She also has a lounge-singer boyfriend who wants her to quit “this crummy racket” and marry him. The local police are not happy with Phyl’s involvement in a previous shoot-out and things could get messy again. Who are those thugs that keep showing up in Phyl’s office? Why is there an alligator? Someone will not survive. Who will see their untimely demise? Is it the client? The nosy hairdresser? The police captain? Not Phyl, we hope.

Phyllis Harlowe - Randa Keller*

Millie Barling - Kristina Loken*

Alexander Stevens - Nick Barth*

Johnny LaLounge - Brian Lankow

Ruth Romanowski - Marian Sprung

Captain Callahan - Josiah Loeks*

Victoria Carbonari - Rebekah Sprung

Miss Krum - Ruth Sprung

Man - Jared Hensch*

Darlene Bourgeious - Cassandra Ahrens

* Seniors
