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Class Schedule and Outline

E-mail Gayle Kimball for current schedule for Energy Tools classes.
One Time Saturday Workshops. Call to register for meditating with children, energy tools for teens, achieving your goals, or enhancing your relationships. Call (530) 345-8118.

Energy Tools Six Session Outline

Week 1: Define purpose of the course; the main principle is energy follows thought--just make the decision with your intention. It's Important to be in amusement, not effort.

Energy and kinesieology experiments.
Scientific explantions.
Gold sun to collect your energy.
Grounding cord.
Homework: Ground people, projects, and vehicles; try grounding while doing something you thought you couldn't do.

Week 2: Meditation

Bring aura in around you to about 18"
Clean out like combing hair; leave gold in the wake of your energy fingers.
Run earth energy.
Homework: Notice when you're in and out of head. Eat while daydreaming about a tropical paradise, and then eat while in the center. Notice the difference.
Cosmic energy.
Energy checks. Explain unconsciousness and growth periods and how to deal with them.
Homework: Run energy every day. Handout on running energy.

Week 3: Roses as Energy Tools

Roses: for protection at the edge of the aura, vacuum cleaner to clean out stuff from your space, get answers, create the tone in a room, communicate through a rose for more clarity, rotor rooter roses for healing.
How to achieve your goals.
Homework: Clean off your havingness gauge about 10% every day.

Weeks 4 to 6: Come to class to see!

How to be Grounded

Learn how to create an anchor for your body to make you feel safe and connected to the earth

Contact: Phone- 530-345-811; Email:,