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CD: Meditate with Dr. Gayle Kimball

Learn a meditation, goal setting, and how to gain information from your higher self.

ISBN 0938795-95-3

Thumbnail photo of CD

Book: Essential Energy Tools: How to Develop Your Clairvoyant Skills

Gayle Kimball, Ph.D., compiled an encyclopedic book about how to develop your clairvoyant and healing abilities. Learn to use visualization, intention, touch and other simple techniques. Includes scientific explanations and case studies sharing her experiences and those of her readers and students. Includes 25 illustrations. Three videos and meditation CD are also available. 390 pages.

"The energy tools have given me the gift of a key to unlock the magical world of focus. The tools have helped me to more fully appreciate humor, that Joy is more than a dishwashing liquid!" Lavon Divine-Leal, RN.

ISBN 0938795-99-6

Thumbnail photo of Essential Energy Tools Book.


Video 1: Essential Energy Tools

Learn how to use visualization and intention to feel centered, have more energy, ground, enhance the atmosphere of your home and office, and achieve goals. Gayle Kimball, Ph.D., demonstrates the energy tools with four students, enhanced by animated color graphics. These techniques to harness the power of the mind will transform your life and increase your enjoyment.

ISBN 0038795-98-8

Thumbnail photo of Essential Energy Tools video.

Video 2: Energy Tools for Clairvoyance

This video teaches how to increase your intuitive abilities with a meditation technique and specific steps to do clairvoyant readings and clearings. Learn a simple template on which to see your insights. Includes demonstrations by Dr. Kimball and students, as well as animated graphics. Kimball has done clairvoyant readings and workshops in countries ranging from Japan to Canada and the US. 55 minutes.

ISBN 0938795-97-X

Thumbnail photo of Energy Tools Video.



Video 3: Energy Tools for Wellness and Healing

Demonstrates how to do aura reading and clearing, hands-on healing and meridian clearing. The techniques are illustrated as animated graphics. This tape builds on tapes #1 and #2. 55 minutes.

ISBN 0938795-96-1

Thumbnail photo of Energy Tools for Clairvoyance video.




Book: The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide

  • 1,500 young people report on their experiences and coping techniques.
  • Dr. Kimball adds information, new quotes from adult experts, phone help lines, organizations, Internet resources, and books.
  • Topics include peers, family, school success, work, community involvement, body, feelings, sexuality, and drugs.
  • Information specifically for boys, as well as girls.
  • A proven resource for schools, parents and teens.

Thumbnail photo of The Teen Trip book.



Coming Soon: Dr. Kimball's new CD: Mind Power and Fun Visualizations for Kids And the Inner Child in Grownups


Other Books

How to Survive Your Parent's Divorce: Kid's Advice to Kids
Everything You Need to Know to Succeed After College
50/50 Parenting
21st Century families: Family-Friendly Schools, Workplaces and Governments
How to Create Your Ideal Workplace

Contact: Phone- 530-345-8118; Email:,