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Thursday, 29 May 2008
Be Part of Kimball's Next Book on Global Youth Viewpoints

What Young People Think: Questions and Answers from Around the World


Greetings from California. I’m writing a book about global youth viewpoints and would like to include you. I’m collecting responses from young people around the world age 19 and under. I'll compare by age, gender, and location. See for the questions and photos of schools and students I’ve visited on three continents. If you would like to be part of the book, please email me for the 10 interesting questions—including translations into different languages. (I’ve written other peer-based books for youth, including The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide and How to Survive Your Parents’ Divorce: Kids’ Advice to Kids.) Thanks, Gayle Kimball, Ph.D.


1. If you could ask a question of the wisest person in the world,

 what would you ask her or him about something you would like to

 know about life?

2. What bugs you or bothers you in your daily life?

3. If there was one thing you could change about adults, what

     would it be?

4. If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what

      would it be?

5. What do you like to do for fun?

6. When have you felt most loved by someone else?

7. Why do you think you’re living on earth; what’s your purpose?

8. On a scale of 1 to 100, how highly would you grade your

 school? Why?

   9. What work would you like to do when you're an adult?

   10. If you were the president of your country, what changes would you make?

Anything else you'd like to add? Your email. . . . . . .

What first name would you like used in the book to quote you?

How old are you?

Girl or boy?

What city and country do you live in?

Gracious! Merci! Danke! Arrigato! Chi chi!


> > > > >Previous Books:

> > > > > Essential Energy Tools book and 3 videos.

> > > > > 21st Century Families: Blueprints for Family-Friendly Workplaces,

Schools and Governments. (Equality Press)

> > > > > How to Create Your Ideal Workplace (Equality Press)

> > > > > The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide (Equality Press)

> > > > > 50/50 Parenting (Lexington Books)

> > > > > 50/50 Marriage (Beacon Press)

> > > > > ed. Everything You Need to Know to Succeed After College (Equality


> > > > > How to Survive Your Parents' Divorce (Equality Press)

> > > > > ed. Women's Culture (Scarecrow Press)

> > > > Ed. Women's Culture Revisited. (Scarecrow Press, 2005)



What Young People Think: Questions and Answers from Around the World


Table of Contents

 What’s on Kids’ Minds Around the World: Questions and Answers


Chapter 1 Bar graph of responses, total,  and by gender, by age, by location. Background and individual students from China, Tanzania, and Brazil.


Chapter 3 Answers to questions about Relationships


Chapter 2 Answers to questions about Spirituality


Chapter 3 Answers to questions about Mental Health


Chapter 4 Answers to questions about Physical Health


Chapter 5 Answers to questions about Social Studies


Chapter 6 Answers to questions about School


Chapter 7 Answers to questions about Science


      Kids’ Comments


All across the planet a new generation is waking up. We are the middle children of history, coming of age at the crossroads of civilization, a generation rising between an Old World dying and a New world being born. We are the “make-it or break-it” generation, the “all-or-nothing” generation, the crucible through which civilization must pass or crash.


Making a book about kids is awesome so now everybody can see our points of view!!! Kelli, 12, f, New Mexico


It\'s truly wonderful to be able to get my point of view out in the open to someone that actually cares. Verena, 14, f, Calfornia



I'd like to read the viewpoints from children around the world. I'd like to thank you for making this book, and connnecting children from all over the world in a small, but beautiful way. Katie, 15, f, Pennslyvania


Questions about the wise person included how she or he got so wise, what she liked to do, and various questions such as “What type of women do you like?” Fugipy, 10, m, Japan or “Who is the person you respect or admire?” ?, 12, f, Japan




             What surprised me was the similarity of the youth. Regional differences did appear, such as concern about pollution in eastern Europe, violence in US schools, and anxiety about exams—especially the college entrance exam—in Asia.

Change About Adults

What change about adults: they don’t listen, don’t understand that being a teenager is different than when they were young, controlling, aren’t any fun, too busy.


Change about Self

What change about yourself: Some comments were about changing appearance—guys becoming taller and bigger, young women being thinner, acne. Other comments were about being more patient, less lazy, more confidan


Kimball Bio

Taught junior and senior high school, and university women’s studies.

Ph.D. from UCSB. Mom. Author of 12 books and numerous videotapes.


Books and CD for Young People, also articles on “How to Get Good Grades” and “What Boys are Thinking” for teen magazines:


CD. Mind Power Tools for Kids. Also for the inner child in adults. Fun sound effects. 35 minutes, tracts. $11.

The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide

Gayle Kimball, Ph.D. 523 pages. 1,500 young people report on their teen experiences and copying techniques. Dr. Kimball adds information, quotes from adult experts, phone helplines, organizations, Internet resources, and books. Information specifically for boys, as well as girls.

Chapters on your body, feelings, sexuality, drugs, family, peers, school, good grades, college, work and money, and community.

Comments: “It’s a fun, interesting book that is guaranteed to make growing up easier. The book combines the wisdom of young people with Dr. Kimball’s research for a useful and important resource. The book will be read, reread, underlined, marked, and loved by every young person who reads it.” Teen Voices magazine editor Alison Amoroso.

It’s time someone wrote a book that teens can actually use and get help from.” Ashley, 16

Readers will find out that it includes a lot of things that teenagers want to know about, like colleges or getting a job.” Tyler, 16

I’d read this time any time I had trouble with my feelings.” John, 15

How to Survive Your Parents' Divorce
. Written by Gayle Kimball, Ph.D., author of 12 books. 149 pages, illustrations by teenagers.

A one-of-a-kind guide for both kids and their parents as the reshape their lives after divorce. Over 250 young people (ages 9 to 24) share how they cope with their parents’ divorce. 20 counselors add their insights. Includes a chapter for parents summarizing the research on the effect of divorce on kids.

Comments from readers: “Full of great advice for kids, and parents too. In many ways it’s a peer support group in print.” Elizabeth McGonagle, school social worker, founder of Banana Splits.

Good hints about keeping equal love from your parents.” David, 18


Posted by hi5/ at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 May 2008 7:41 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Health. Beauty. Bliss. Workshop

Learn New Insights with Three Experts




*Learn current health and beauty information

*Relaxation practices

*Learn to give your family a massage (for babies too)

*Practice yoga and other exercises you can do at home

*Learn to use the power of thought

*Experience meditation and visualizations

*Learn how to achieve a healthy weight and other goals with Emotional Freedom Technique (uses acupressure tapping and words)

*Reiki 1 healing attunement

Receive individual sessions with the three teachers, available for reasonable fees in the evenings and weekends.

See under “Current Events” for teacher biographies,


Workshop Schedule

Questions and comments with the three teachers 4:50 to 5:00 each day. 


9-10:20. Eartha Shanti (ES): Yin Yoga: This will be the same practice everyday, which will consist of relaxations, breathing exercises, and yoga asanas. Please no food or

drink an hour before class, wear layered comfortable clothes (to account

for temperature). Bring a thick blanket or yoga mat.

10:30-12:30. Gayle Kimball (GK): Kinesiology to balance the body, experience subtle energy and quantum physics, and visualizations to ground, center, energize and protect

1:30-2:30. ES: Overview Law of Attraction and Sevenfold Peace

2:30-4:50. Donna Dove (DD) Massage benefits,  choose a partner for the week, massage feet to knees


9-10:10:20. ES: Yin Yoga

10:30-12:30. GK:  Brain gym to balance. Running energy meditation. Visualizations to get answers and information. How to access your intuition and the akaschic records

1:30-2:30. ES: Applying Law of Attraction: Peace with the Mind,
Peace with the Body

2:30:4:50. DD: Massage hand to shoulder and back


9-10:20. ES: Yin Yoga

10:30-12:30. GK:  Emotional Freedom Technique to remove blocks to your goals. Run energy meditation.

1:30-2:30 ES: Applying Law of Attraction:  Peace with the Family,
Peace with Community

2:30:4:50. DD: Massage head, neck and face...


9-10:20. ES: Yin Yoga

10:30-12:30. GK: Do clairvoyant readings 

1:30-2:30. ES:  Applying Law of Attraction:  Peace with Culture,
Peace with Mother Earth

 2:30-4:40. DD: Infant Massage


9-10:20. ES: Yin Yoga

10:30-12:30. GK:  Healing techniques. Reiki 1 initiation.

1:30-2:30. ES: Applying Law of Attraction:  Peace with Divine;
Final Meditation and Goal-setting

2:30-4:50 DD: Practice massage time, Mini Facials...Bliss......


Teacher Biographies


Donna Dove, CMT : Certified in Hawaii and Texas, massage therapist for 15 years. Trained in Swedish, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Release, Sports, Reiki, pre- and post-natal, and energy tools. She teaches massage basics, including various Swedish-style strokes and how to make the mind-body-spirit connection.

Benefits of massage for well-being

How to prepare for massage including identifying counter-indications

Learn Swedish strokes

            In an individual session, you’ll receive a blissful massage.

Suggested reading: 

The Massage Book by George Dowing
The Book of Massage by Lucinda Lidell
The Essential Tantra: A Modern Guide to Sacred Sexuality  by Kenneth Ray Stubbs and Kyle Spencer


Gayle Kimball, Ph.D., author of Essential Energy Tools package (550 page book, DVDS, and CDs) and 10 other books. Professsor Emerita from California State University, she is director of Earth Haven: Center for Spiritual Enrichment and a personal coach. Dr. Kimball has taught the energy tools workshop in Japan, Canada, the US, and Tanzania, to adults and youth.  (includes vita)

Life/Personal Goals Coach: Athletes and entertainers use coaches to enhance their performance. Students use tutors to improve their grades. We can all benefit from a personal coach. A life coach assists you to achieve your goals, perhaps to enjoy life more, balance work and family, be more fit, end addictive behaviors, improve your relationships, or to like yourself more.
         In individual sessions, you’ll experience a clairvoyant/psychic reading to see what blocks your goals, then engage in various techniques to clear them, including energy work, Emotional Freedom Technique, energy balances, Reiki healing, etc.

Recommended Reading

Gayle Kimball. Essential Energy Tools.

Barbara Brennan. Hands of Light.

Lynn  McTaggart. The Field and The Intention Experiment.

Diane Stein. Essential Reiki. for Emotional Freedom Technique. 


Eartha Shanti has been practicing a yogic lifestyle for fifteen years.

Her practice flows into every area of her life, including mothering two

now teen-aged children, running a home and family business, and being

active in her community of Chico, California. Eartha's spiritual

practice draws from current teachings, such as Quantum Physics and Law

of Attraction, as well as from many traditions, especially Bhakti Yoga

and the Seven Fold Peace, from the Essenes. She is currently teaching

Hatha yoga, Law of Attraction, and the Sevenfold Peace; she is also

working on several books.

            Eartha has a mission to share what she knows, which is about conscious

creation on every level. Life has been her school, with the Abraham-Hicks

teachings fitting it all together. She is famous for salads, mothering,

children, natural, organic vegan food, potlucks, spirituality, and her

beautiful home. She has studied and practices: yoga, herbology, natural

health, organic gardening and permaculture, midwifery, and natural building.

She runs family business with her two teens, 16 and 18. She is active in

her community teaching, dancing, and counseling.


Reccommended Studies

The Teachings of Abraham-Hicks

Deepak Chopra, all books

Thich Nhat Hahn  Peace is Every Step

Masaru Emoto  The Hidden Messages in Water

The Essene Gospel of Peace

Fit for Life  Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

Greens for Life  Victoria Boutenko

Diet for the 21st Century   John Robbins

 Yin Yoga

I call my yoga Yin, because it is soft and relaxing.  My style is gentle

stretching and strengthening, presence in the body, focus on the breath.

In 1993, I had the good fortune of living with a yogini and we did the

same practice at 5:00 am everyday for three months. This practice was

built around the Hatha Yoga Swami Satchidananda brought to the US, which

is still tought today at Yogaville in Virginia, US.  This got the practice

in my body, and I continued to practice on my own for many years of

mothering, reading books or occasionally ordering a tape.  In 2000, we

re-located to Chico, CA, where I had resources for and access to yoga

classes and teacher training.  I did the teacher training at Ananda

Village in Rancho Cordova, whose yoga, like mine,  is soft and nurturing.

I have been teaching for a little over two years in Chico and at the

National Rainbow Gathering.


My goal in leading a yoga practice is to get students practicing at home

and with family and friends.  I lead the same poses or asanas everyday,

because it helps students to really learn the sequences.


We will begin each day with this Yin Yoga.  Please wear comfortable, warm

(layered) clothing.  Bring a mat or thick blanket to practice on.  For one

hour prior to our practice, no food or drink is best.


Law of Attraction and the Sevenfold Peace

I love the title of our workshop.  Health.  Beauty.  Bliss.  As we

practice and develop words and concepts to create health, beauty, and

bliss, we create a new mind that has access to a whole new realm of

experience.  It turns out that this trio are actually one: a healthy

person is beautiful and blissfull, one who creates bliss is healthy and

beautiful, and true beauty resides in those who cultivate health and bliss

on the inside.


We live in an energetic world based on attraction.  Science calls it

quantum physics, mystics call it metaphysics.  It's the same observation

from two directions. The substance of what we call "reality" is energy,

likened to light and electricity.  This energy is pure potential and it is

based on attraction.  You know this energy as prana in Sanskrit, it is the

substance of all things and events.  And it is activated by attention.

What we put our attention on is energized, it becomes more,  and attracts

more of like energy.  We create with our thoughts, with our vibration, our

intentions, what we remember, what we look for, what we hear and read.

Once we understand this, and begin to notice where we put our attention,

and where others put their attention, it is easy to see how we create our

lives, both things wanted and unwanted.  We call this Law of Attraction.


The Sevenfold Peace is an ancient spiritual practice to develop peace in

all areas of our lives.  It works great with an understanding of Law of

Attraction, because now we're able to see that what I give my attention

to, whether it's wanted or unwanted, grows.  The Sevenfold Peace gives us

a framework for creating a healthy, beautiful, blissfull life:  peace with

the body, peace with the mind, peace with family, peace with community,

peace with culture, peace with Mother Earth, peace with Divine.   We grow

each of these areas in our lives by growing our conversation about what we

want, by silent contemplation, by opening to new ways of seeing things.


We will introduce Law of Attraction and the Sevenfold Peace, and answer

general questions.  We will explore each aspect of the Sevenfold Peace as

a group and individually,  Eartha will share some of her experience with

that aspect.  My classes are fun and engaging.  My role is really to

remind you of what you already know, to help you get focused on what you

want to create, share energetic tools to help you get there, assist with

new language and ways of seeing people and situations to get new outcomes.


During our five days together, we will further explore the concepts of the

Law of Attraction and the Sevenfold Peace.  Each woman will have the

opportunity to grow her peace and her health, beauty, and bliss.


I bring a unique perspective to the conversation.  I have been a life-long

student of health, somehow knowing that my body knows best and that I am a

natural being who thrives on a natural lifestyle, including:  natural

food, outdoor living, gardening, homeschool, sprouts, natural building,

community-building, movement, creative expression, independent thinker,

self-educated, simple living and high thinking.  I have practiced the

Sevenfold Peace for 16 years, Law of Attraction for seven years, so I have

a lot of wisdom and insight to help people re-frame their inner dialogue

to get different results.

            My counseling in Chico consists of hands on healing, and intuitive

counseling to create the wanted outcome. It is best if people come with a

question about the way things work, or about what they want to create in

their lives.




    Getting to Know You Registration Form

Note: Classes will start on time. Please be prompt as we have much ground to cover. Dress in casual comfortable clothes for yoga and massage.  Please bring a blanket or yoga mat for massage.

Thank you for taking the time to help us get to know about your background and your goals for the  course. This information will be shared only by the teachers to get acquainted with participants

 Your name 




Your birth date, month/date/year

Number of children

Employment status 

One word to describe you as a personality

What do you like to do for fun?

How often do you exercise and in what form?

Your goals for the workshops, that is what are you most interested in learning?

Have you practiced yoga before?  If yes, please write about your


What is your activity level?  What do you do for exercise?  Include

housework and walking.

Have you practiced meditation?  If yes, please write about your experience

and current practice, if any.


Evaluation of Workshops  Rank 1 to 10 with 10 the best and explain with comments

The physical environment

Content of workshops




Teaching clarity





Individual sessions


Suggestions for improving the workshops


Thank you! 





Posted by hi5/ at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 May 2008 7:40 PM PDT
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