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Listen to "Dreams"

Mothers With Angels


More To Think About;

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I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner
even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn
in the 'good' living room and
worried much less about the dirt
when someone wanted to
light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen
to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows
be rolled up on a summer day
because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle
sculpted like a rose
before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn
with my children and not worried
about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less
while watching television -
and more while watching life.

I would have shared more of the responsibility
carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed
when I was sick instead of pretending
the earth would go into a holding pattern
if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything
just because it was practical,
wouldn't show soil or
was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy,
I'd have cherished every moment
and realized that the wonderment
growing inside me was the only chance
in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously,
I would never have said, "Later.
Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more
"I love you's"..
more "I'm sorrys"...
but mostly, given another shot at life,
I would seize every minute...
look at it and really see it...
live it...
and never give it back.

Be willing to give up all that you now are
to be all that you can become.
(by Erma Bombeck)
In memory of Erma Bombeck
who lost her fight with cancer.

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A Dream

A dream is a wish your heart makes,
When you are fast a sleep.
In dreams you will lose your heart aches,
Whatever you wish for, you keep!
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru!
No matter how your heart is breaking
If you keep on believing
The dreams that you wish for,
will come true!
(Walt Disney's Jimminy Cricket)

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"The stars are constantly shining,
but often we do not see them
until the dark hours."

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"A hundred years from now
it will not matter what my bank account was,
the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove..
but the world may be different because
I was important in the life of a child."
(The Idaho Youth Ranch)

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I'm finding out that I know more and more
about less and less
until I know almost everything
about nothing........

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A friend is someone
who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten the words.

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"How far you go in life depends
on you being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving and
tolerant of the weak and the strong.
Because someday in life you
will have been all of these."
(George Washington Carver)

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If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
are impossible to me!
I cannot build a mountain
or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best
a friend that's always there!

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Never look down on anybody
unless you're helping them up.
(Rev. Jesse Jackson)

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Many people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart.

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To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

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A spirit child, half-human
He is God's own next-of-kin
And he's crying for his mama
He don't like his mortal skin
He is asking all his questions
But his mama doesn't know
It's a funny kind of playground
Is there nowhere else to go?
And he knows that he can fly
Safely soar without his wings
'Cause his home is in the sky
While his mama softly sings
(Gini Schmitz)

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Snapping fibers of cocoon
Blinding brilliance of high noon
Wings unfolding, spreading, dry
Coast is clear, my darling--FLY!!
(Gini Schmitz)

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The silent stars in timeless skies
The wonderment in children's eyes,
The autumn haze, the breath of spring,
The chirping song the crickets sing,
A rosebud in a slender vase
Are all reflections of God's face.
(Helen Steiner Rice)

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Children of MaryGrove

To make them laugh,
To make them cry,
Gives me a joy
Deep down inside.

Watching what they do
And giving to them endlessly,
Makes the love adjoining
Which I know was meant to be.

All they need to know
First that someone out there
Is willing to listen and
Really does care.

No matter what race;
They all look up at me
With that same loving face.

They may learn
From what I teach,
But also I learn
From what they preach.

Not only do I know
That I have done my job,
But most importantly
I have given love.
(Lisa La Rose)

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Don't lose your head
To gain a minute
You need your head
Your brains are in it.
(Burma Shave commercial)

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As long as our brain is a mystery,
the universe, the reflection
of the structure of the brain
will also be a mystery.
(Santiago Ramon y Cajal)

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The brain is a world consisting
of a number of unexplored continents
and great stretches of unknown territory.
(Santiago Ramon y Cajal)

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Sleep affords the opportunity,
within certain limits,
for the brain to act of itself,
and dreams are the result.
(Edward Clarke)

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The Brain-is wider than the Sky-
For-put them side by side-
The one the other will contain
with ease-and You-beside.
(Emily Dickinson)

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I like nonsense;
it wakes up the brain cells.
(Dr. Seuss)

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The brain presents two seemingly
irreconcilable aspects:
It is a material body,
exhibiting all the physical properties of matter,
and it possesses a set of faculties
and attributes, collectively called mind,
that are not found in any other physical system.
(Erich Harth)

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Purple haze was in my brain,
Lately things don't seem the same,
Actin funny, but I don't know why,
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky.
(Jimi Hendrix)

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Men ought to know that from
nothing else but the brain come
laughter and
sports, and
despondency, and

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I am the inferior of any man
whose rights I trample under foot.
Men are not superior by reason
of the accidents of race or color.
They are superior who have
the best heart-the best brain.
(Robert Green Ingersoll)

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Whatever any man does
he first must do in his mind,
whose machinery is the brain.
The mind can do only what the brain
is equipped to do,
and so man must find out
what kind of brain he has
before he can understand his own behavior.
(Gay Gaer Luce and Julius Segal)

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An interest in the brain
requires no justification other than
a curiosity to know why we are here,
what we are doing here,
and where we are going.
(Paul D. MacLean)

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The highest activities of consiousness
have their origins in physical occurrences
of the brain,
just as the loveliest melodies
are not too sublime to be expressed by notes.
(W. Somerset Maugham)

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Blast medicine anyway!
We've learned to tie into every organ
in the human body but one.
The brain!
The brain is what life is all about.
(Dr. Leonard H. McCoy)

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If my heart could do my thinking,
would my brain begin to feel?
(Van Morrison)

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It may well be there is something else
going on in the brain
that we don't have an inkling of at the moment.
(Roger Penrose)

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If little else,
the brain is an educational toy.
(Tom Robbins)

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The brain is the last and
grandest biological frontier,
the most complex thing we have
yet discovered in our universe.
It contains hundreds of billions of cells
interlinked through trillions of connections.
The brain boggles the mind.
(James D. Watson)

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I not only use all the brains that I have,
but all that I can borrow.
(Woodrow Wilson)

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My girlfriend and I went on a picnic.
I don't know how she did it,
but she got poison ivy on the brain.
When it itched,
the only way she could scratch it
was to think about sandpaper.
(Steven Wright)

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The way to happiness...
Keep your heart free from hate,
Your mind free of worry,
Live simply....expect little....give much...

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We cannot change our circumstances,
but we can ask God to change
our attitude toward them.
When we cast our cares
into His sea of love,
He changes not our situation
but the way it affects us.
(by Fr. John Maronic, OMI)

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Who you are speaks so loudly
I can't hear what you're saying.
(R.W. Emerson)

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Life has taught me to think,
But thinking has not taught me to live.

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I am always with myself,
And it is I, who am my tormentor.

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Every mind has a choice
between the truth and repose.
Take which you please--
You can never have both.

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The education of the will
is the object of our existence.

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The man who is dissatisfied with himself,
What can he not do?
The mass of men lead loves of quiet desperation
and go the the grave
with the song still in them...
Things do not change, we change...
To be awake is to be alive...
I can secure one new ray of light,
can feel myself elevated,

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Many men go fishing their entire lives
Without knowing it is not fish they are after.

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Practice yourself, for Heaven's sake,
In little things;
And thence proceed to greater.
It is not WHAT happens to you,
But how you react to it that matters.

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When a man's willing and eager,
The GODS join in.

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Nothing we are afraid to live without
Can be the source of our success.

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Almost the whole world is asleep--
Everybody you know,
Everybody you see,
Everybody you talk to,
Only a few people are awake,
And they live
In a state of constant, total amazement.

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What you want, also wants you.
There are no unanswered request
In the universe.
If you do not like
What you are receiving,
You can learn
To ask for something different.
Then you will find what you wish.
To be successful,
There's nothing to do;
There's only something to see.
The way you think
Is that causes your problems..
You have to straighten out
The way you think.

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