Unit Overview

Activity Content Focus Duration Description
Week 1 Introduction
"Magnetic Hunt"
Science 20 min. Students will hypothesize about the properties of magnetic and non-magnetic objects by going on a "magnetic hunt" - looking for items that a magnet will stick to in the classroom. Includes beginning a KWL chart on magnets.
Activity 1
"Introduction to Magnets"
Science 40 min This lesson provides an introduction to magnets and their properties. Students will learn how to locate poles on various kinds of magnets. Students will also observe how like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. In addition, students will become familiar with natural magnets and the different materials a magnet can attract.
Activity 2
"Making a Magnet"
Science 1 hr, 5 min From this lesson, the students will see that a magnetically-attracted item can be made into a magnet. Students will also see that the homemade magnet can be weakened..
Activity 3
"Making a Compass"
Science 45 min. Students will learn how compasses work by making and using their own.
"How Do We Use Magnets Everyday?"
Science 20 min. Students will solidify and demonstrate their knowledge of magnets by discussing how magnets are used in everyday life.
Week 2 Introduction
"Magic Schoolbus: Electric Storm"
Language Arts / Science 30-35 min. Students will get an introduction to the concepts involved in electricity by reading and discussing "Magic Schoolbus: Electric Storm".
Activity 1
"History of Electricity"
Language Arts / Science / Social Studies 35 min. Students will learn about the history of electricity by researching the inventors and scientists who helped discover it.
"Van de Graaf"
Science 45 min - 1 hr The teacher will use a Van de Graaf generator to demonstrate the principles of static electricity to students.
Activity 2
"Static Electricity"
Science 30 min. A learning cycle format for inquiry teaching. Journal about what students think causes a lightbulb to light up when rubbed with a plastic bag. Then several activites for students to explore how static electricity works. An opportunity to use knowledge learned and get an accurate assessment of students' understanding of static.
Activity 3
"Static vs. Current Electricity"
Science 30 min Students will brainstorm examples of electricity in their lives, and then classify them into static or current electricity through a game format.
Week 3 Demonstration
"Electricity and Tennis Balls"
Science 20 min. Students will see how a circuit works by role playing as batteries and using tennis balls as electrons.
Activity 1
"Making an Electrical Circuit"
Science 45 min Students will be provided with a battery, insulated wire, and a light bulb. They will be asked to create an electrical circuit that will light the light bulb.
Activity 2
"Series vs. Parallel"
Science 1 hr Students will investigate the difference between series and parallel circuits by diagraming and constructing examples of each.
Activity 3
"Conductors & Insulators"
Science 40 min Using a simple circuit, students will test a variety of materials to determine if they are conductors or insulators of electricity.
"Making a Flashlight"
Science / Language Arts 20-25 min. Students will demonstrate their understanding of circuits by constructing a flashlight with a variety of materials.
Week 4 Introduction
"Why Do We Need Electricity?"
Language Arts / Mathematics 20 min. Students will develop a better understanding of the importance of electricity in their everyday lives by making and analyzing graphs of how they use electricity in their lives and by reflecting on a life without electricity in their journals.
Activity 1
"Electricity Safety"
Science / Health 2 Days, 1 hr/day Students will complete a variety of activities focusing on electrical safety in the home and at school.
Activity 2
"Energy Conservation"
Health 45 min Students will investigate different ways that they can conserve energy in their homes.
"Morse Code"
Science/ Social Studies 30 min Students will explore the use of Morse Code and how its relationship to electrical circuits by building their own switch and communicating through Morse Code.

Physics Unit "Quick Jump"
Unit Main Page Unit Overview Unit Introduction Unit Conclusion
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Magnet Centers Electricity Centers
Bibliography Teacher Background Standards Vocabulary