being jennifer garrett
Every day an adventure in mediocrity
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Saturday, November 15    

All in a day's work
I just got home tonight from a lovely day out. I saw Love Actually, which was so wretchedly cute I teared up a few times while I wondered where my older prime-minister boyfriend was. I giggled and sighed, just like we good girls are supposed to do; I practically pulled a '50s and said, "He's so dreamy." Hormones. Don't bother to fight them. Then I had family dinner at my mom's new place, helped her build a few things, hang a few pictures, and lightened her fridge's load considerably.

So when I arrived home, I was a bit tired, but nothing outrageous. I planned to sit down and spend some serious time with my mom's copy of Blow Fly (borrowing: so much cheaper than buying yourself). I came home to an empty house -- not totally unusual as my roommate is known to take herself and her dog to the girlfriend's place from time to time -- but it was a dark and empty house. When I attempted to flip on the hall light I discovered why. I turned the kitchen light on instead, illuminating a note from beloved roomie explaining that she was unable to successfully remove the light cover to change the bulb. "Ha-ha!" I exclaimed. Clearly she was a wuss who gave up too easily and didn't know the trick about using those weird rubbery circle-things that help you open jars. I whip out the ladder, grab said weird rubbery thing, and go to work. The damn thing was screwed on pretty tight, I assure you, but known for my stubborn nature, I persevered. Once off, however, I discovered that both light bulbs -- due to age? cheap manufacture? -- had separated themselves from their sockets. I won't repeat here what was said, but I can tell you "fuck" was involved as well as some interesting British expressions that I suppose lingered in my mind from the movie.

I attempted the "potato" trick to get the sockets out. Unfortunately, all I'd heard of this trick was that a potato was involved. And I didn't have a potato. So I borrowed my roommate's sweet potato (because, let's face it, she got me into this mess to start with), and attempted to unscrew the sockets with that. All that netted me was sweet potato bits in the eyes. I climbed down the ladder (again) and pulled out my trusty red toolbox. Electrocution be damned, I was getting those f-ing things out and having light in my hallway again.

Pliers and pointy screwdriver in hand, I climbed back up the ladder. The first socket came out with a minimum of fuss -- I dented an edge in with my pointy screwdriver and grabbed it with my pliers, and twisted that punk-ass bitch right out of there. The other socket, however, would not go quietly. I dented and twisted, twisted and dented, all while bits of burnt-out I-don't-know-what fell on my face, down my shirt, and in my hair. I contemplated crying; I considered murder; I tried the damn sweet potato again. Now bits of pulpy yam was on my face as well as tiny bits of char and glass. Finally, I just jammed the pliers in the socket itself and turned, because death no longer seemed such a bad option. And it worked.

I said, "Let there be light," and goddamn if there wasn't light.

  posted @ 10:28 PM |


It's all about self-knowledge
Today, two things became overwhelmingly apparent to me: I will do just about anything to piss someone off, and Mountain Dew brings me incomparable joy.

Which one of these things disturbs me more? You decide.

  posted @ 12:03 AM |

Friday, November 14    

Moody blues
Last night, I listened to the Moody Blues because I needed to hear Question. Why did I need to hear that song, you ask? I'll tell you. Because I needed to hear someone else say, "I'm looking for someone to change my life/I'm looking for a miracle in my life." Unfortunately, I only have the Blues on tape (tape!), so I fell asleep before I got to that song.

Someone send me the mp3 or buy me the CD, please. I need to move on in my stages of patheticism.

  posted @ 11:25 AM |

Thursday, November 13    

The song remains the same
I'm listening to the new Sarah McLachlan, and while I'm used to the concept that a lot of Sarah's stuff sounds like the rest of Sarah's stuff, I am amazed to find that when I pause the music to converse with a colleague, Adia is stuck in my head. I haven't heard that song in a long time. It's not even my favorite Sarah song. Apparently, however, it is the one imprinted on my brain. Dammit.

  posted @ 3:43 PM |


The world is a cruel, unfair place
My little sister met Nickelback. Yeah, that's right, she got to go backstage and hang with the cool kids (and snag a few autographs). Dammit, no matter how much I smoke, I will never be that cool. My big excitement this week was listening to a debate on who was a better bard, Chaucer or Shakespeare. And I liked it!

Lord, there is no cure for dorkishness this severe.

  posted @ 9:39 AM |

Wednesday, November 12    

Why I blog (a play in three parts)
This woman on the T, riding the Orange line to Forest Hills, reading The Colorist, a book I've never heard of but suddenly think I should have -- her hands are simply beautiful. A tattoo encircles her wrist, a trendy design, Celtic perhaps, but nonetheless I think of a crown of thorns, simultaneously thinking, 'But that's not right.' Her hair is curly and wild, with those two deliberate streaks of misplaced blonde on top. She reads through her black oval glasses, and her mouth is slightly open. A red scarf is wrapped tightly around her neck. A woman sits next to her who is not her companion and she, too, reads a book. Her hair is curly as well, but there is a deliberate look about her, maybe it is the small diamond stud of her nose ring, the hoop earrings, the red lipstick, the purple peasant skirt worn with hiking sneakers.

They both leave at Stony Brook, and I continue on.

  posted @ 7:17 PM |

Tuesday, November 11    

Check one item off the list, or recapturing my lost youth by inhaling
As you may have read, I have a list of things I want to do before I turn 30 (some things not suitable for the internet have been omitted). It's not so much that I'm afraid of getting old, as I am afraid of no longer being young and able to use my age as an excuse to do stupid things.

In that spirit, last night I smoked for the first time. I am so ridiculously proud of myself. I hardly even coughed! I'm not sure it's an experience I want to repeat, but it wasn't so bad. Now that I'm all tough, I need to ride a motorcycle before the smoky air of coolness dissipates.

  posted @ 8:38 AM |

Sunday, November 9    

I went to see Jen and Pam play in their final flag-football game of the season. Jen and Pam are a lot tougher than they look, and they took some serious shit from players a lot bigger than them. I was very proud. (Not, however, proud enough to put my freakishly strong self on the line next season.) The team scored a touchdown -- only the second of the season -- and there was intense jubilation. It was really great to watch people who enjoyed playing just for the sake of playing. Which is not to say that they weren't competitive women who wanted to win, but they were happy with the small moments.

Standing on the sidelines, watching the game, made me miss the good old days in college when I would cheer on my friends playing rugby. Watching football was a little strange. I kept waiting for them to get into a scrum or ruck over the ball. Alas, with flag football, there isn't any tackling even, so I was really confused.

  posted @ 5:14 PM |

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