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Body Mass Index Calculator


Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a relationship between your height and weight. When your BMI is computed, a value is assigned, which is a relationship or ratio comparing
  • Your Height
  • Your Weight


How the Calculator Works


Your weight is converted into kilograms and then divided by the square of your height, measured in meters.

For example, if your height is 1.80 meters and you weigh 69.5 kilograms
  • Your height (1.80 meters) is multiplied by itself, (1.80 * 1.80) = 3.24
  • Your weight (69.5 kg) is divided by the result of the above calculation, (69.5 divided by 3.24)
  • Your BMI is 21.45


What is the Significance of Your BMI?

Individuals with BMIs between 19 and 22 live longest. People with BMIs above 25 have noticeably higher death rates. A BMI over 40 is considered clinically severe obesity. Surgery should be considered for patients with a BMI over 35 when co-morbid conditions are present.

BMI Table
Index Classification
Under 16 Anorexic
Btwn 16 and 20 Thin
Btwn 21 and 25 Ideal
Btwn 26 and 30 Moderately Overweight
Btwn 31 and 35 Overweight
Btwn 36 and 39 Very Obese
Over 40 Morbidly Obese


BMI Calculator

Height: feet       inches
       Weight: lbs.

       Your BMI:

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