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Our Photos
(Check back for updates!!)
We're no different from anyone else.
We're all beautiful in our own ways.
Those who can't see that or even believe it are just blind to begin with!

We were born Losers! Hah!  We'll show them all!
This would be Lori
aka "The She-Devil"
j/k.  Pic taken in the
winter of 2000-2001.
Approx weight = 300 lbs.
Happy-go-lucky Emmy
Taken  Spring 2000.
Approx. weight = 319 lbs.
Misc. Pics
Emily's Work Pic
Approx. weight =    lbs.
Lori & husband
Taken Aug. 2001
Approx. weight = 331 lbs.
Recent pic of Lori
Taken Jan 12, 2002
64 lbs. gone forever!
Emily, sister & brother-in-law.
Taken Aug. 2001
Approx. weight = 325 lbs.

OOps! I appear to have misplaced the picture intended to go here...Let me find it then you can see it... until then here are some pretty flowers!

(click to see)
(click to see)
Hospital & Incision Photos
(these pictures may not be suitable for some)
Aren't we quite the "light" and lively!!  
Emily -  2 days post op; Lori 1 day post - op!

Emily's incisions on the left (before bandaids came off)

Lori's incisions on the right

(click to view larger image..MUCH LARGER!HeeHee)

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