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Dreams of 2000-2001
Dreams of 2002
1/2002 2/2002 3/2002 4/2002 5/2002 6/2002 7/2002 8/2002 9/2002 10/2002 11/2002 12/2002

All up to date now. Enjoy.


we were shopping for cars. kept going into peoples yards. one had 3 dogs, 2 evil ones and a dalmation. we went into the house. i did somthing, when i looked back this guy was beating my dad in the head with a metal bowl. i jumped on him and attacked him from behind. i hit him in the face alot with the bowl. we searched the house. a girl showed my dad around. i found the sons room. there was some guitar stuff, and an awsome pedal that could play nin songs. i came back out, the rest of the family was home. dad knew one guy cause of ed. they got reaquanted, and the guy we beat up was their uncle, he was nice now. we get home and cassy left somewhere. james gives me a note from her parents telling her to not be so superficial. then there was more. didnt get into it. gram was in the bathroom and called me in. she had my walet. jimmy was going through it and getting everything wet.
i was ina pit at some punk show kicking ass
me and eric working on making a song with fruity loops. mine sounded like shit after i tryed somthing
me and my partner are walking around the city. we have guns. im new to the job. were talking and looking around, then got attacked. we end up killing our attackers. i take one of their guns cause mines out of ammo. i own a van, it can hold 8 people.
making a song, has same beat as some commercial
spider like super hero. i crawled through a vent inside to get to the outside. we were testing to see if an appartment we wanted to buy was safe.
me some kid and a midget are in a band. some guy asks us to be man-a-kins to make alot of money. we say sure. we get on display and he sprays the tall guy with a white foam. then lights him on fire. we put him out, then guy gives me two synthesisers and the midget a fender bass. i want it.
watching movies with the crew at some store. cause trouble. i climb things. we leave, im in the front. left people behind, turns into father. i bitch cause he just wants to go, not wait for people.
some guy owed me money. i wanted him to give it to me under water. some gurl, same thing only with sex instead of money.

walking in amesbury. i pass some guys that insult my hair. i talk back, the guy across the street is a cop. i walk on, and see bennett and sam. talk to bennett. in a corridor some guy threw my brother and his g/f into a cold ally. they couldnt get back in. i talking him into letting them back in. some band was playing. another tiger snake. the band talks about how its for sale. someone gets an exact copy of my snake amd lets it loose. they 'train' it to stay where they put it. tryed to scare me.
me and some kid, guinard(?) got to his house. we start to climb some huge tree. then go to his house. we saw his sister. she was leaving to break into a church. i went along. i found somthing that made me a vampire.
riding around with tom eric and and someone. we stop at some bar and i freak out at some lady. [i kill her?] and two huge guys come after me. i run away and go up some side street. then jump a fence and go around them back to the bar.
i did somthing bad. the police and my family were looking for me. i was hiding out in a shack in the woods behind my house. everytime i left i went by the police station. noone noticed me. one time i returned and someone had been in my shack. some little kid found me and i had to run away. i stole a car and drove off.

me cass and joey went into a supermarket. pissed off everyone we saw. then some kids with moltlov cocktails chased us away. we ran to a tour bus.
we broke into some ladies house. i did it again alone. i got caught, but the lady thought i was there to take care of somthing. [i lied] we did it again, all of us. i got away as they got caught. some guy and lady were looking out for me and had a van that i escaped into.


me and cass lived on our own. my car wasnt working. i wanted to go and do somthing mean to SUSAN. our apartment was dirty. broken down, old. i wanted two birds.
me and the crew out in a clearing. its all marsh. chris finds a snake. then he rides a baby elephant. he gets off and tries to tip it like a cow. it almost drowns
some kind of rehearsal at a church. out instructor guy takes us on a field trip through an underground passage to the first church ever built. [it was reconditioned into a mansion, and some old guy lived in it] this was all at night. were sneaking through the tunnels underground into his house. we get to the top of some stairs and i see into the guys room and see him sitting up in bed, looking at us. i freak out and start to run down the stairs. the instructor yells at me to be quiet and wait for everyone. we all make way back to our church. some people are missing so i go back to look for them. i get back to the stair case and see some monster woman. [for some reason i think of her as a mummy, but she isnt wrapped up or anything] she is standing at the top of the stair case. i break off the railing and attack her with it. the instructor comes just as another monster comes out and holds it down. the [mummy] breaks the railing too and throws it at me like spears. they hit me, but icover my head and im ok. i get in closer and swing at her, i hit her a few times. then i stab her in the back. shes on the ground and i have to stab her in the heart to kill her. i cant find it. i stab her twice, and shes now begging me to kill her. shes crying. i keep stabbing her, until i can see her heart beating through her chest. i kill her. then i kill the one thats held down.
two black dogs fucking big black dogs. me 2 guys and a girl are wrestling. i break on guys arms. he quits. then the other gets his ass kicked by the chick. ive seen her before. i like her.

Any input? Just let me know, anything at all...

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