
Home. /About me/ Journal. Dream. Nothing. Contacts. Demonology.

Age: 19
Sex: Male

Thats all anyone really cares about on the internet,
right? Well, that and pictures....weight, height. I'm
almost completly uninspired to continue this, but I
really have nothing else to do at the moment.

Ok. I am no one. I am nothing special. I live in a
shitty little town, in a shitty state, in a decent
little house that I'll soon be leaving. I was born
with red hair, and since the age of 16, I have been
dying it black. My wardrobe of course, consists mostly
of black as well. I have blue eyes with golden rings
around the center. I am the music behind Lesbian Date
Rape, my band.

I've lived on my own since I was 17 years of age. I
was supposed to go to Goddard college, but it closed.
Since then I decided that college is too expensive for
me. I am not currently doing anything with my life,
besides recording music and spending time with my
amazingly artistic, increasingly intelligent
girlfriend Kristina.

Kristina and I have been together now for 1 year and a
month. When I'm not working or sleeping, I'm with
her. I spend all the time I can with her, and wouldn't
want it any other way.

I can't think of anything that anyone could possibly
want to know about me, so for now I will stop.
Until later...

April 9th 2002