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Tal - Simagin; XXIII U.S.S.R. Championship(s)
Leningrad, Russia; 1956. (Re-play page.)

 M. Tal - V. Simagin 
Leningrad, RUS;  10.01.1956


1.e4 c62.d4 d6; 3.Nc3 Nf64.f4 Qb65.Nf3 Bg46.Be2 Nbd77.e5 Nd58.0-0 Nxc3;  
9.bxc3 e610.Ng5 Bxe211.Qxe2 h612.Nxf7 Kxf713.f5 dxe514.fxe6+ Kxe6;  
15.Rb1 Qxb116.Qc4+ Kd617.Ba3+ Kc718.Rxb1 Bxa319.Qb3 Be720.Qxb7+ Kd6;  
21.dxe5+ Nxe522.Rd1+ Ke623.Qb3+ Kf524.Rf1+ Ke425.Re1+ Kf526.g4+ Kf6;  
27.Rf1+ Kg628.Qe6+ Kh729.Qxe5 Rhe830.Rf7 Bf831.Qf5+ Kg832.Kf2 Bc5+;  
33.Kg3 Re3+34.Kh4 Rae835.Rxg7+ Kxg736.Qxc5 R8e637.Qxa7+ Kg638.Qa8 Kf6;  
39.a4 Ke540.a5 Kd541.Qd8+ Ke442.a6 Kf343.a7 Re244.Qd3+ R6e3;  

   1 - 0   

PLEASE NOTE:  Most (electronic) databases have the WRONG score for this game! 

You can also replay this game here ... I must admit that there page works better than mine, and it has NO pop-up ads either. 

This page was last updated on 04/25/07 .


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