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1. How does Ego Defensive Mechanism work
2. Generating imagination work for you.
3.How Poor are You.
4.Ten Tips for Making Resolutions That Last
5.Emotional Intelligence
6. Building Personality
7. Art of Preparation for Interview
8. Art of Resume Writing
9. An article on Self Confidence
10. Articles on how to be to develop your personality
11. Self Control and Development of Self control
12. Articles Methods for bringing back the memories
13. What is Anchoring and what are its utilities
14. Mind changing
15. Indian Job Portal Urls
16. Another article on Self Confidence Vs Personality Development
17. Will Power : the Power of Determination with Self Confidence
18. SELF-DISCIPLINE : Important Factor for Personality Development
19. How to develop Will to achieve Success
20. SELF-RELIANCE  in Emerson's point of View 
21. Development of Personality Cult from Intimate Relationships
22. Various Other theories on Personality
23.  Interpersonal Communication Tips
24.  Personality Development in Neovedanta Point of View
25.  Articles on Shyness and How to overcome it
26.  Free on -line class on: Resumes and Cover Letters That Work!
27.  This website deals with scientific research programs in personality psychology.
28.  A good article on Creativity.
29.  Lot of free e-books are available to download here.
30.  How to Win Friends and Influence People.
31.  Life Management with Pareto principle.
32.  Learn Stress Management techniques in this page.
33.  Learn Decision Making techniques in this page.
34.  Learn how to improve Communication Skill in this page.
35.  Reading, Learning and Studying Skills – u find in this page.
36.  Learn Memory improving techniques in this page.
37.  Learn the Problems solving Techniques in this page.
38.  Tools for Planning  & Managing  your Projects - find in this page.
39.  Learn Techniques for Creative Solutions to achieve Success in Challenges- find in this page.
40.  Utilising best of resources and time.
41.  Here you get free audio-video series on development of leadership skills.
42.  Other Useful Tools for Managing.
43.  Articles on Management by Professionals.
44.  Tests on Common-Sense.
45.  Complete Career Guidance - a counseling informative issued by govt. of Maharashtra