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   The Lane
Mission Statement
Restoration Plans
Fund Raising
Adopt a Seat
Upcoming Events

 Links of Interest
Roadside Theater
Leeds Center
Bijou Theater
BadEye and Wanda
Stage One Theater
Paramount Arts Center
Kentucky Arts Council

Calendar of Events


January 8, 2004:  Action Team Meeting, 7:00p.m., at the Lane Theater

April 4, 2004:  Conference on Cultural and Historic Tourism, 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m, at the Williamsburg Tourism Center.  Call 549-1151 for info.

May 29, 2004:  Williamsburg Roots Festival, in front of the Lane

Fall, 2004:  (date to be determined) Opening Night. 




email the action team

© 2003 Williamsburg Action Team-- design by Teri Browning
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