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Dividing Information


 Horizontal Rule

Here is just one quick tip on dividing your web page into sections. See the line above? I did it with one small, easy tag. I used <hr>. That is all it takes to be able to break up the information on your page. Give it a try. It can help to give your page a more organized look. I used it on my daughters web page, Bethany's dolphins. You can take a look at her site here.


Do you have links on your website? If you don't want to lose your visitors you can let them visit the links without ever actually leaving your site. There is a tag that you need to add to the end of the hyperlink. The tag is target="_blank". This is what it would look like: 

 <a href="" target="_blank">Beths dolphins</a>

Click on the hyperlink  below and you can see that it opens a new window and you never  leave my site.                                     Beths Dolphins

Popup Windows

Here is a very simple code for putting a popup window on your site. With this code the visitor actually has to click on the link before the window pops up. It is another way of letting them visit a link without ever actually leaving your site. 

You can, of course, change any of the parameters as you need to. I have put an example link below to one of my daughters websites. I changed the height from 300 to 400. Click on the link to Jessica's Quakers and see how this simple code for popups works.


<a href="#" onClick="'place the url here',


resizable=yes,width=600,height=400'); return false;">PLACE_YOUR_LINKTEXT_HERE</a>

Visit Jessica's Quakers

You can also change the onClick command to OnMouseOver and all the visitor will have to do is move their mouse over the link and the popup will open. That is what I have done to the link below.

                        <a href="#" onMouseOver="'place your url here'


resizable=yes,width=600,height=400'); return false;">PLACE_YOUR_LINKTEXT_HERE

Save the Whales

If you are going to have more than one popup per page make sure that you rename every instance of MyWindow in each new popup code as I have done in the above example. Use names such as MyWindow1, MyWindow2 and so on.