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Image Files


Plain text web pages would be quite boring depending upon the material you are trying to present so I will show you how to insert image files. I will also show you how to put a border around one if you wish.

Look at the HTML below:

<p align="center"><img border="0" src="bottle.gif" width="100" height="100"></p>

This is the code I used to enter an animated gif into my web page. Using the align= I can set the picture either to the left or right or in the center. Don't forget the quotation marks.

Next I can decide whether or not I would like a border around it. The higher the number the thicker the border will be.

Using scr= I can designate what image I want to use as my source. When I used Microsoft FrontPage I first imported the file into my folder list. If you are building your site on the web you will need to import it to that location.

Using width= and height= you can also decide how big you would like the image to be. Actually FrontPage will do all of this for you and you can go back and change the parameters to your liking.


Aligning text


You may not want your images to stand alone. You can manipulate the way text is displayed around your image in several ways. You can align it to the top, the middle or the bottom. Here is how to do it. Also notice that I put a border around the first image using the tag shown above.


 <image src="bottle.gif" image align"top">


<image src="bottle.gif" image align="center">


<image src="bottle.gif" image align="bottom">


The tags shown above will only work for one link of text but there is a way to get around that. This is the tag that you will use in their place. <image src="bottle.gif" align="left"> You can also use align="right" This will allow you to wrap text completely around the picture. Go ahead and give it a try. It is really quite simple and fun to see the different ways you will now be able to lay out your page.

Placing Text over your images

If you would like to actually place the text on top of your image this is the tag you will need. You are going to place the image inside a table. 

<TABLE BORDER="0" cellpadding="0" CELLSPACING="0" align="center">

<TD WIDTH="221" HEIGHT="300" BACKGROUND="hubkapp.jpg" VALIGN="bottom">

<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="white"><p align="center">Hubkapp and the wheels</FONT></TD>


Hubkapp and the wheels

You can change the position of your text with the valign and p align tags. With the valign tag you can use "top", "center", or 'bottom". With the p align tag you can use "left", "right", or "center". You can also change the position of the table. In the opening Table tag I typed align="center which placed it in the middle of the page. You can also use "left or "right". 

There are also variables that you can change to get a different look. You can change the size and color of the font and you can change the style of the font by using the <font face=" "> tag. If you do not specify a style of font the default font will be used.

Here's a tag that will make your text blink on and off if you would like. You will use the <blink>  and </blink>tags. Put it in your line like this:

<font face="Futura XBlk BT" size="4" color="#FFFFFF"><blink>Welcome to my site!</span></blink></font>

Place the tag before and after the text that you want to blink. You can see it at work on my home page.

When you came to my home page you may have noticed that it opened with an audio file. Now I will show some tags so you too can do this to your site.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at: