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Limp Bizkit
City of God
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  Esta pagina e destinada a algumas das minhas preferidas atividades, (Hobbies). Entre elas estao: Skateboard, Literatura, Musica, Filmes e internet.  


  SKATEBOARD: Assim como muitos Americanos, e poucos brasileiros, eu pratico esse esporta na qual eu me identifico muito, Aqui nos EUA, eu passo a maior parte do verao, curtindo um skate legal, nao saio do skate park. Skateboard faz com q eu sinta liberdade em me mover, e mais o sentimento de desafio, quando praticando alguma manobra em especial.

  Abaixo esta um link p um site onde vc podera encontrar mais informacoes sobre a gigantesca tribo skatista, espalhada por todo o mundo.  

www.skate para .


  Um de meus Hobbies favoritos e a Leitura, e entre muitos, eu me identifico muito com os livros de PAULO COELHO. Escritor Brasileiro integrado a Academia Brasileira de Letras, e  conhecido mundialmente por seus trabalhos literarios. Visite o website de Paulo Coelho, e faca o download de muitos de seus livros, gratis.



  Eu creio particularmente que musica e o melhor meio de relaxamento que existe no mundo. Musica significa cultura, paz de espirito e personalidade. E entre muitas das minhas musicas e bandas favoritas, eu posso dizer q NIRVANA vem a ser uma banda na qual marcou minha vida em muitos pontos. E eu gostaria de introduzir algo sobre essa fabulosa banda na qual fez parte da vida de muitas pessoas em todo o mundo. Va ate esse website linked abaixo e saiba mais a respeito de NIRVANA.

www. NIRVANA .com

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Limp Bizkit, uma das bandas mais famosas dos EUA e talvez do mundo atualmente. Som massa e estimulante tbm, Va ate esta pagina construida e dedicada a uma de minhas bandas preferidas.

Saiba mais sobre LIMP BIZKIT.


  Internet pode ser considerado como "uma porta p todos os lugares," Sem limites, vc pode viajar por um mundo cheio de informacoes, e coisas divertidas p fazer. Logico q internet nao e tudo na vida, mas sim isso e uma facilidade, em termos de meio de comunicacao, e banco de dados. Entre tudo  que eu gosto de explorar na net, eu posso deizer que KAZAA.COM, vem a ser o paraiso da Musica gratis. Qualquer titulo ou qualidade de musica, arquivos, programas,videos e muito mais, estaodisponiveis gratuitamente. Entao Clique no link abaixo e descubra como e facil p vc criar a maior de todas as colecoes de musicas que pode imajinar.

www. KAZAA .com


 Cinema e uma das minhas maiores paixoes. Entre muitos filmes que eu ja vi durante toda a minha vida, estao: Um sonho de Liberdade, A outra Historia Americana, Beleza Americana, Dancando na Escuridao, Black Hawk down, Tears of the Sun, The trueman show, Blow, The Fast and the Furios.


    E o mais novo filme na qual ganhou lugar no topo da minha lista de filmes preferidos, City of God, (Cidade de Deus), Esse e um filme maravilhoso, na qual tras a realidade do Rio de Janeiro, nas Favelas, e a historia real de alguns do maiores traficantes de todos os tempos.( Ze Pequeno ) e outros mais. Abaixo esta um link na qual lhe direcionara ao website dos produtores do filme. De uma olhadinha la e saiba mais sobre uma obra de arte produzida no Brasil para todo o mundo .

www. cidade de Deus .com

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Biography :.
When you wanna make rap, and you wanna combine it with metal, you'd come up with the rap metal infused band that calls itself, LIMP BIZKIT!!! Limp bizkit is quite a successful band. In the beginning it was a rapper named FRED DURST who was growing up with his friend "DJ LETHAL". In jacksonville florida in 1994, limp bizkit was formed by fred durst, who had asked his friend SAM RIVERS who played bass to join the band. Soon, sam rivers' cousin JOHN OTTO joined the band on drums. Finally, the band searched long and hard for a guitarist and finally found the best guitarist at the time, WES BORLAND, who completed the band's original four members. A little while later, Fred's friend DJ Lethal joined the band as a DJ and you'd guess that he used a little DJ sound machine. The band thought long for a name after that, and Fred and his buddies decided on the wacky name LIMP BIZKIT!!! In 1995 Limp Bizkit did a demo tape. A bass player from the band Korn, who calls himself Fieldy, had some tatoos done on him by Fred durst. Fred started to become friends with Fiedly. When Fieldy returned to Jacksonville, Fred gave him demo of Limp Bizkit's music, Fiedly loved it and gave it straight to his producder Ross Robinson. Ross went nuts with the demo and loved it so he sent Limp Bizkit on tour with bands like House of Pain, or The Deftones. In 1997 Limp Bizkit released their first full length album on Flip/interscope records, entitled THREE DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL which made Limp Bizkit quite popular. The three singles from Three Dollar Bill Y'all got Limp Bizkit their attention. The singles were Sour, Counterfeit, and Faith. Sour did become popular, but not as much as the band had expected. Counterfeit however got Limp Bizkit to go and perform tons of concerts in the U.S. But Limp Bizkit's real attention getter single was FAITH!!! Faith is a big heavy metal song infused with catchy verses and today, Faith is still one of the top songs in the U.S. But Limp Bizkit's success didn't stop there! In 1999 Limp Bizkit released their multi-platinum album entitled SIGNIFICANT OTHER!!! Significant other sold just as many copies as Blink-182's Enema of the State album, and sold out all over the world. The four singles from the cd were amazingly popular. The song Break Stuff, was popular for its swearing, the single Nookie was popular for it's video and for it's rap, and heavy rock tune. The single RE-arranged was popular because of it's soft sound fusing with heavy instrument riffs, and the single N 2 gether Now was popular, because it was all rap and featured method man. Limp Bizkit then took their tour across the world performing concerts everywhere. When they got back, they began working on their third album THE CHOCOALTE STARFISH AND THE HOTDOG FLAVORED WATER. The album was released in October 2000, it was not a huge success, but had four singles. The singles were boiler, rollin', my generation, and my way. The reason the cd wasn't popular is because there was way too much swearing. The first song on the cd had the f word said in it 46 times, and the song after it had 39 swears in it. Limp Bizkit released a remix album in 2001 entitled "NEW OLD SONGS" new old songs was not a good cd, but was selling very fast, because people wanted to hear the remixes for Nookie and My Way. Limp bizkit took a break for a while, because they knew they had to put some work into the next album. In Septempber 2003 Limp Bizkit released their 5th album entitled RESULTS MAY VARY. Results May Vary turned out to be Limp Bizkit's second most popular cd. Results May Vary featured four singles. The singles from the cd were, eat you alive,build a bridge, red light-green light featuring snoop dog, and behind blue eyes. Behind blue eyes was a major hit single that everybody in the world was just dying to hear. It was a sad and soft song, but the vocals and the lyrics, and the tune was just amazing and got Limp Bizkit back on their feet. Limp Bizkit has been through some tough times, but they now have become extremely successful, and hopefully in the future, they will make more success.